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Authors: Sydney Holmes

Awakening (19 page)

BOOK: Awakening
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Opening my eyes, our surroundings come into focus. As he sits up I slide off and roll over. The bed lifts as Ryan gets up and I hear him flush the condom, but I’m asleep before he makes it back to bed.




It’s Saturday morning; I’m standing in my kitchen drinking coffee, although I don’t think I need it. I’m so excited I can barely breathe, which I know is childish and stupid, but I can’t help it. I haven’t seen Ryan since Thursday morning. He didn’t say much when we woke up, we were both rushed because we had slept late, so there wasn’t a lot of time for conversation. He didn’t seem upset though; he seemed pleased.

Still, he called that afternoon to tell me that he was slammed at work and wouldn’t be able to see me until the weekend. It was only Thursday and I didn’t want to sound pouty, but it did make the rest of the week drag on.

Work was awful. I’d gotten used to the tempo of the event and used to seeing Ryan at work, so the last two days were long, slow, and boring. I now have several small projects I’m working on for other people, nothing too overwhelming, nothing too exciting. I’m having a hard time engaging.

Julie and Sophia think I’m just having event-ending blues, which they say is common in the business. I say I’m having hate-my-job blues, but I didn’t share that with either of them.

I check my phone again, still on, still charged, still no call from Ryan. The last time we talked, he said he had a surprise for me. I can’t wait to see what it is. It’s 7:15 and I’ve been up for about half an hour with a one track mind: where is Ryan? When is Ryan going to call? What is Ryan’s surprise?

Yep, it’s annoying the crap out of me.

Taking a deep breath, I sip my coffee. I should shower and get ready, so he won’t have to wait for me when he calls. Yes, that’s a good idea, do something! As I walk down the hall toward the bathroom, I hear a knock on my front door.

Oh no, this better not be Darren. I don’t want to see him ever again.

I slink over to the door and peek through the hole. My heart leaps into my mouth; it’s Ryan!

“Hi,” I stammer. What, now I’m tongue-tied?

He looks delicious. He’s wearing jeans that fit him perfectly, snug in all the right places, yet still hanging off his hips, accentuating his healthy physique, a faded green long sleeve T-shirt, and what are those, hiking boots? Interesting. An entirely different Ryan than I’ve seen around the office. His hair is slightly disheveled, giving him a relaxed, almost boyish look. His eyes are flashing copper.

“Hey, Sunshine! You look like you could use some nourishment.” He holds up an Einstein bagel bag and two cups of coffee.

He bought me coffee and breakfast? That was the surprise? I let him in.

“Hey yourself. You really are a morning person, aren’t you?” I say, following him to the kitchen.

“Yes, unless some vixen unexpectedly wakes me up in the middle of the night with her own agenda.” His grin is all the reassurance I need to not be hugely embarrassed by that comment. I still squirm a little.

“Does that happen often?” I ask, coyly.

“Only once!” He stares straight at me, dead serious.

Oh! My mouth drops open. I am a freak.

He walks toward me and nuzzles my neck. “And I hope it happens again and again and again. Best night ever.” He kisses my ear.

My insides tighten and coil, how does he do that to me so fast? Here I am in my PJs, in need of a shower, and yet I feel sexier than ever.

“Yeah, I kinda liked it myself,” I say, while kissing his neck and running my hands through his already messy hair. “You smell so good. You showered this morning. I didn’t. I was about to when you knocked. Sorry.”

Pulling away from him, I reach for my coffee.

“Sorry,” he says, “Sometimes it’s hard to control myself around you.”

I smile in spite of myself. “Back atcha!” I say. “So, I’m going to go shower, then we can hit the day.”

I start down the hall; he follows me and stops me just outside the bathroom door.

“I have a better idea. Let me join you in the shower.” His hand is on my waist, his thumb caressing my hipbone back and forth, back and forth, it’s distracting.

“Okay. If you think you want another shower.” I know somewhere deep in my subconscious that’s a lame thing to say, but the pressure of his hand and thumb are shutting down my speech capacity.

Ryan smiles that wicked smile of his, his eyes burning into mine as his hand squeezes my hip a little more, and my knees go weak. He whips he shirt over his head, leaving me breathless at the sight of his naked torso in those jeans.

“Damn. You look really good like that,” I say, sort of shocked I said it out loud.

“Back atcha, Young. Let’s see if we can match, though.” He reaches up and starts to unbutton my pajama top. Two buttons in, I pull it over my head.

“Much better,” he says.

I start the water while he takes off his pants and boots. When it’s nice and warm I step in, letting the water rinse off my body. I really did want to take a shower, I feel like I need a good soaping off before he gets too close. As I reach for the soap, he steps in and takes it from me.

He stands there, gloriously naked. I forgot just how magnificent his naked body is; it takes my breath away. Our bodies fit perfectly together. I nuzzle into his chest as he rubs soap on my back and my shoulders. The water is warm and his touch feels heavenly. He takes the showerhead off the wall and moves it across my body. Taking advantage of his hands being busy, I take the soap back, quickly scrubbing the rest of me while he plays with the showerhead, spraying water on himself and me in intermittent bursts.

“Okay, I need to rinse,” I say, now extremely soapy everywhere. His eyes flash with a salacious thought. Uh oh!

“Turn around,” he commands. I turn my back to him and feel the water start at my shoulders and move down my back and my legs. Nice.

“Okay, turn around again,” he says, this time more of a growl than a command. As I turn, he sprays the wall behind me. When I face him, he gently pushes me to the wall; it’s warm now, so I lean back into it.

Ryan sprays my shoulders and neck, careful not to spray my face. Slowly, the water moves down my arms and across my breasts. I close my eyes and relax my head against the wall.

“You are so beautiful.” Ryan’s voice is full of awe. Not wanting to ruin the moment, I stop myself from rolling my eyes and arguing. I feel his hands on my breast, his thumb moving back and forth across my nipple.

The water travels down my body, making its own waterways. Caressing my stomach and my hips, his hand follows the warm stream of water. I feel the warmth slip down my legs, leaving my top half almost cold.

Suddenly, the water is focused between my legs. Whoa. My eyes spring open. Ryan is kneeling down, staring at the apex between my thighs while his hand slowly strokes my stomach. Then his hand quickly moves toward my sex. He doesn’t notice that I have opened my eyes and am watching him.

“Oh God, Nora. You are amazing,” he says, as his fingertips run through my pubic hair. The water stream is now focused and intense. His fingers spread my lips apart so the water hits my clit directly.

“Ahhhh,” I cry out unexpectedly.

He looks up at me now. His eyes are hooded and dark. “Please, Nora. Please, let me do this.” The pleading in his voice is obvious, no holding back on his part.

I can’t speak; I just lean my head back against the wall and slowly open my legs, giving him and the showerhead better access.

I hear him groan below me. Ryan’s hands are everywhere at once. Or maybe that’s his mouth. I don’t know and I don’t I care. The water is beating a relentless, warm, constant pressure on my clit while his fingers are circling and probing.

Slowly, he slips one finger inside me.

“Ahhhhh” My cry comes out again as my legs spread further apart.

His finger moves in and out of me, the stream constant; the two together are pulling me apart. I feel myself quickening, which is the only warning I get. My insides explode with pleasure, my orgasm ripping through me. I cry out, but don’t connect the noise to myself.

“Jesus, you are so fucking hot, Nora,” Ryan says, with a huge smile.

I laugh at him as I’m curled up on the floor in the shower trying to catch my breath. Hot, huh? He joins me on the floor, still holding the showerhead in his hand. His cock is huge, and the sight of it makes my insides jump.

“Come on. Let me help you.” He stands and holds out his hand for me.

“Oh, so now you’re the perfect gentleman?” I tease as I stand with him.

“I’d never put a claim to that,” he says, while turning me back to face the wall. I hear the condom wrapper open and, like Pavlov’s dog, my body quivers with anticipation of what will come next.

He bends me over and lets the warm water run over my backside and legs while he holds my hips with his free hand. At first guiding me away from him, he then pulls me back, entering me.

“Ohhhhh,” I say. He waits while my body adjusts to his width and length and the water runs across my back and legs. The two sensations are breathtaking.

Slowly, he starts moving in and out, and I feel my insides opening up, allowing him access. “Oh yeah, Young. You’re so tight. That feels so good,” he almost moans.

He is so hard and the water is so soft that the two together are difficult for my brain to register. My body is taking over again. With each thrust, I brace myself with my arms against the shower wall, allowing him to slam into me harder.

“Ryan. I’m going to come.” Any minute now I’m going to completely lose it. Somehow Ryan moves the showerhead to my front, and now the stream is hitting my clit again. Oh my God, this is not going to take long at all. Just when it’s about to hit, the water goes ice cold. “Whoa.” At first the shock cuts through my orgasm, but then the ice-cold water hits just right and my mind snaps.

Ryan squeezes my hips and grinds into me while the water’s relentless pressure spurs me over the edge. Everything goes black while I dissolve into a puddle of absolute pleasure. Just when the cold water is almost irritating, it goes warm again, and Ryan’s thrusts start in earnest.

I am nothing. I am completely spent. Holding on to the wall, I hear our bodies slap together over and over and over again.

Ryan’s body jerks rapidly, “Oh, God. Oh yes.” Ryan’s voice is strained and high. I feel the condom expand inside of me.

The water stops and the only sound is our breathing, ragged and heavy, our chests heaving. Finally, I push myself off the wall. He slides out and steps back, giving me more room.

Picking up the showerhead, I put it back in its proper place and reach for the shampoo. He steps out and flushes the condom.

“Damn, girl. Where have you been all my life?” he says, watching me while I rinse the soap out of my hair.

Now that the moment is over, I’m slightly embarrassed. Turning away from him, I finish cleaning myself up and reach for a towel after shutting off the water. The bathroom is steamy and all the walls are wet. Ryan is still standing in the middle of the tiny room, no towel, not moving, just watching.

I’m not sure what to say, so I hand him a towel. He takes it and starts to dry off. I dry off too, but remain in the shower stall. He is so relaxed and comfortable naked. He doesn’t seem self conscious at all.

Slipping out of the shower, he gently lays a hand on my arm.

“You okay?” He looks at me, serious now.

“Yeah. I’m fine. I was going to go get dressed.”

“Was that okay? Not too much?” He looks a little nervous now, what a sudden change.

I smile at him. A naked, slightly insecure Ryan? This is new. “Yeah. That was more than okay. And no, I don’t think it was too much. But I’ll let you know in a couple of hours if I can’t sit down.”

I’m about to duck behind him when he reaches out and puts his hands on either side of my face, holding me there.

“You are an amazing woman, Nora. A fucking incredible woman,” he says, his mouth hovering just over mine. After a breath, his lips meet my own, soft at first and then hard, kissing me deeply, urgently.

He pulls me into him, his need demanding to be met by mine. I kiss him back, our towels dropping on the floor, our naked bodies rubbing against each other.

Slowly, he pulls back from my mouth and wraps his arms around me. Not sure what to expect next, I just wait, accepting his embrace.

“Dress rugged,” he whispers into my ear.

What? I pull back and look at him. “What did you say?”

“You heard me. Dress rugged. And pack a change of clothes, a rugged change of clothes. Your surprise is waiting for you.” His eyes are twinkling now, and he’s all smiles.

“Ohhhkay,” I say, picking up my towel and heading to the bedroom. I hear him getting redressed in the hall. Rugged, huh? I pull out some jeans, an old T-shirt, and my old running shoes. I don’t own any hiking boots, so these will have to do.

“I’ll heat up your coffee,” Ryan calls from the hallway.

“Sounds good,” I call back as I wander back into the bathroom to brush my hair and finish getting ready. Pulling my hair into a ponytail, I get out some makeup, wondering if this counts as rugged? Do I need to bring some? Looking into the mirror, I decide no and use some SPF lotion instead.

BOOK: Awakening
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