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Authors: Sydney Holmes

Awakening (30 page)

BOOK: Awakening
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The head guy taps the man between her legs and he gets up, allowing a completely different man to take his place. It is only then that I notice a line of men waiting patiently, some with their hands down their pants.

My brain scatters, thoughts become spread out. This is everything I was taught to hate. One woman in the middle of all these men. Men waiting to have their turn with her while she lies on the bed. Only this woman seems to be a willing participant!

She slips the man out of her mouth and sends him away while the other man settles in between her legs. Her eyes flash open and her breathing starts to quicken. Whatever he is doing, she seems to like. I watch as her eyes roll back into her head and she starts moaning. For a while it’s like that; she pants and moans and rolls her eyes, the men at her sides continue to stroke themselves and her, adding to her pleasure.

Soon, it’s clear she about to have an orgasm. She starts to cry out, “No, no, no. I’m going to go. No—” The man between her legs is relentless and holds her thighs harder as she starts to thrash. At last she hits the guy in charge and cries out again.

The head guy wakes up and pushes the guy about to make her come away from her. At first he looks angry and confused, but they have a silent exchange and he nods and gets up and walks away. She goes back to moaning quietly and breathing more steadily.

“It must be a rule,” Ryan whispers in my ear. “A rule that he will share her, but no coming.”

Oh! Okay. I nod in the affirmative, only because I don’t want to get into a discussion in here. Ryan puts his hand on my breast and I realize that my nipples are hard. I reach down and, sure enough, Ryan is hard, too.

I can’t explain why this is turning me on. It makes no sense to me. This should not be turning me on, this should be my worst nightmare, but it’s not. I can’t even form thoughts. I try, but it’s as if I’m on overload. All I know is that I am watching an amazing live sex scene, and my body is responding to it.

“I want you so bad,” Ryan says to me.

His words make my head spin and my knees weak. I’m about to suggest we leave when another man steps up. This time he drops his pants, holds up a condom, and waits for the nod. The head guy holds up a finger and whispers something in her ear. She whispers back, and he gives the other man the nod. The man immediately slips a condom over his cock and steps up to her.

The bed seems to be at the perfect height. He barely has to bend his knees to reach her. I have to say, there is something to be said for watching a man get ready to fuck someone. I’ve never seen this before from this vantage point. Again, I’m speechless and stunned at what I’m seeing, and not fully aware of what I’m feeling.

He steps closer and grabs her hips, her breath quickening slightly. He lowers himself and thrusts his hips as he enters her. The entire room electrifies, I can feel it in my hair. The head guy stands up and offers his spot to the gentleman behind him who is more than willing to take it. He immediately starts kissing her breasts and sucking her nipple.

That seems to inspire the man on her other side, as he does the same. The head guy walks to her head and drops his pants, allowing his cock to spring free. He takes it and drops it into her mouth.

Two more men approach the bed and start kissing her sides and stomach. She is moaning now, eyes closed, sucking her partner, all while getting fucked by a total stranger.

The entire scene is mind blowing. Again, I’m turned on, shocked, and in awe. My emotions are turning so quickly I can barely breathe. Ryan holds me to him, pressing me against his own cock, slipping his hand under my skirt.

I watch as her partner starts to thrust his hips faster and faster into her mouth, matching the man at her opposite end. Together, they move as one. There are so many hands on her body that I’ve lost count. Ryan’s probing hand distracts my brain, yet again.

His fingers move the infuriating lace aside this time and start to circle my clit. Skin to skin contact instantly awakens every nerve in my body. The erotic scene before me fades into the background as Ryan’s fingers take center stage.

“Don’t come,” he whispers.

I push his hand away. “Then stay out,” I whisper back.

My attention turns back to the bed. There is now a new man stepping up to her spread legs, and her partner is still getting sucked off.

“This could go on forever,” Ryan says. “Let’s keep going.”

He takes my hand and we slip out of the room. My knees are shaky; I’m not sure how much longer I can do this.

“Okay. Wow. That was, I don’t even know what that was.” He shakes his head as if clearing it. “There are only two rooms left. They’re closed-door options, so if they’re closed, we can’t go in. If they’re open, we can go in and join, or we can just take the room.”

“Ryan, don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t know how much more I can take of all this,” I say, trying to not sound whiny.

“I know. Me too. Let’s go see if we can find a room. Otherwise, we can go back to the dark room and use one of those beds. I need to fuck you before we leave,” he says this with a scorching look in his eyes. Damn, he’s hot.

“Yeah. Let’s do it,” I say, breathless.

We walk down the hall; I hear the music from the dance floor seeping through the walls. There are two brown doors, both closed. He looks at me and shrugs.

“Couch room or dark room?”

“Dark room,” I say, sort of wishing the closed doors would open. Neither does. We head back toward the dark room.

The crowd by the windows is even bigger now and we can barely squeeze by. This time when we enter the dark room, there are only a few people here. The one bed off in the corner is empty, and Ryan heads in that direction.

Before we get there, I pull him into the wall. I like this making out against the wall thing. I know we’ve done this before, but now that I know we came in here to have sex, I tense up again.

Ryan watches me for a beat and then kisses me hard on the mouth. His intensity opens up my insides and fresh heat spills out, spreading across my body.

“You’re nervous, huh?” he asks in my ear.

“Yeah, a little,” I admit.

“Okay.” He drops to his knees while pushing up my skirt at the same time.

This time, he pulls my panties down so they are just above my knees. The sensation is thrilling; feeling them tight across my lower thighs reminds me just how outside the box this really is. I’m about to say something when he pushes me against the wall, bracing my waist with his arm while diving into me with his mouth and tongue.

The heat of his mouth uncoils my need and it explodes across my body. That is now my most pressing thought, my most pressing need—my desire for Ryan. My need to come on his mouth.

He takes his other hand and pushes my legs apart. How he can both probe and suck at the same time, I’ll never know, but the combination of sensations sends me crashing over the edge must faster than I expected.

My eyes fly open as the orgasm rips through me and a man across the room catches my eye. His partner is kneeling before him, just as Ryan is kneeling before me. My deja vu flashes before me. I’ve dreamt this before! The dream I had comes flooding back to me.

Ryan’s mouth pulls hard one more time and disrupts my thoughts, shattering everything before this moment. The man across the room smiles at me. I close my eyes and let the orgasm run its course.

Ryan stands up immediately and leads me away from the wall, pushing us onto the bed the minute we get close enough. He rips my panties off completely and drops his pants. He doesn’t wait, doesn’t ask, doesn’t stop. With quick precision he slides on a condom and lowers himself on top of me, thrusting inside of me almost all in one movement.

A moan escapes from my throat. I feel Ryan’s jeans rubbing against my legs, my skirt bunching at the waist. I feel him filling me up, taking me. With an almost frantic pace, Ryan slides in and out of me, pushing my legs farther and farther apart. He leans up on his hands and looks down, surveying the scene below him.

I reach up and free my breasts from my shirt. Ryan moans and drops his head. Somehow he manages to suck my nipples, caress my breasts, and continue to thrust into me, over and over again.

The pleasure is overwhelming. As if all evening I was building for this release, reaching this satisfaction, I feel it building. The hot honey is filling me up, scorching my insides with each thrust. Each time his belt scrapes against my thigh, each time his shirt brushes against my stomach, each time his long hard cock hits the back of my vagina, I want to scream, it feels so good.

Sweat forms on his forehead, our bodies are slick where we are rubbing each other, a sheen of perspiration radiates off my skin. I feel the bed shift as another couple joins us, distracting me.

Ryan’s voice brings me back to him, “Young,” he says, ragged and hoarse.

I look up at him; his eyes are hooded as he watches me with his sexy, dark, spinning eyes. I can tell he’s on the edge. He’s holding himself up with his hands, cocooning me while slamming into me harder and harder.

My hand reaches out and touches his shoulders, feeling his muscles contract and flex beneath his skin. His breathing is controlled and steady, and I know if I can get him to lose control again, it will push me over the edge one more sweet, glorious time.

A quick glance around the room tells me that some couples are watching us and others are just listening. Feeling bold, I sit up slightly and take off my shirt. I’m now naked from the waist up.

“Oh, God,” Ryan yelps and collapses on top of me.

Ryan continues to worship me with his hands and mouth, all while never stopping his forceful thrusts deep inside of me. “Nora. I’m coming,” Ryan whispers in my ear.

With that I let go. I close my eyes and let the overwhelming sensations take over. No longer am I in a room with other people. No longer does it matter if people are watching me or not. There is no thought, only sensation. Momentarily, my mind goes beyond all thought, beyond all my earlier concerns. I feel Ryan freeze and then thrust deep inside of me, slamming his release into me, expanding the condom, the pleasure so intense I burst into a million pieces. Soon, there is nothing left but our breathing.

After what feels like forever, I hear Ryan.

“Nora,” he whispers into my ear.

“Ryan,” I whisper back.

“We have to get up now. We can’t stay here.”

“Really? How do we do that gracefully?” I ask him, completely serious, as my surroundings have come back to me.

“I think we just do it and hope that everyone is watching someone else,” he says, almost giggling.

Oh, great! Ryan pulls out of me and sits up, struggling with his pants and the condom. I find my shirt, put it on and sit up, straightening my skirt as I go. I don’t look around the room while I adjust my mask; I just don’t want to know.

“There,” Ryan says quietly to me, pointing to another couple on the bed.

Two completely naked people are in the throes of lovemaking, most eyes drawn to them. Thank God! I grab his hand and we walk out of the room.

We stumble into the dance floor and bar area, looking like we’ve been doing exactly what we’ve been doing. The bartender gives a nod and a smile. I cringe a little.

“Ryan, can we go?” I ask over the music.

“Yeah. Let’s go.”

We move past the thinning crowds toward the door. Glancing at the clock above the door when we get there, I see that it’s almost three in the morning. Holy shit! How did it get so late?

Ryan seems pensive as we drive back to the hotel. My mind is blown. I’m exhausted, but still, that was exhilarating. I cannot believe we just did that. Hell, I didn’t even know places like that existed.

“Hey. You okay?” Ryan asks as he parks the bike.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Tired, blown away, but good. You?”

“Yeah,” he says, but is still extremely quiet.

We carefully make our way through the lobby and open the door quickly, so as not to disturb the other guests. Once inside, Ryan turns to me and wraps me in his arms.

“Damn, woman. You are one wild chick,” he says, kissing my shoulder.

“Yeah, well, don’t even think about it. I want to get into bed and sleep till tomorrow night,” I say, pulling away from him.

After undressing, I collapse into bed to find Ryan’s body already warming the covers.

“But seriously, Young. I’ve never had as much fun as I did with you tonight. You were amazing. And bold. And sexy.”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t embarrass me,” I say as I snuggle up to his chest. “I did have fun, though!”

He kisses the top of my head and I close my eyes.

“Okay, Young, but really. You blew me away tonight. I’ve never seen such an amazing, brave, sexy woman as you.” He squeezes me tightly.

His tone of voice almost frightens me. He sounds so serious and raw. I’m about to say something, but can’t think what. Exhaustion takes over and I fall asleep held tightly in Ryan’s arms.




Monday morning is brutal most weeks, however this one has got to be one of the worst. Walking into work after my amazing weekend with Ryan, the third in a row, I felt invincible. I walked in thinking that if life was so good outside the office, nothing inside the office could ruin my mood. Boy, was I wrong.

BOOK: Awakening
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