Awaiting Fate (29 page)

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Authors: J. L. Sheppard

Tags: #paranormal, #Demons-Gargoyles

BOOK: Awaiting Fate
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Then his fangs bit into her neck, and the pleasure intensified, overwhelming her. She screamed and moaned, the sound coming from deep inside her.

Growling, he drew away from her neck.

She clutched the back of his neck and dragged his head toward her again, whispering, “Drink…Don’t stop…Feels too…good.”

He sank his fangs into her again sending more flashes of pleasure through her. She couldn’t help it then. Nails clutching him, her canines lengthened, she sank them into him. His tangy sweet blood hit her tongue. The pungent taste sent her reeling, trembling uncontrollably, her undoing.

His body tensed above hers before he groaned, his chest vibrating from the strength of it, then he collapsed on top of her. His demon leaving him a moment later.

The only sound left was their ragged breaths. Neither spoke. Only Cain moved, running his hand through her hair softly.

“Darling?” he asked, lifting his head. “Did I hurt―”

Smiling contentedly, she whispered, “No.”

“Let me see…” He turned her head to look at his mark on her. “Holy shit!” he yelled then launched himself from the bed. “Damn it! I…”

She sat up in bed, her hand gazing over his mark on her neck. The skin was soft and smooth, having already healed. “Cain?”

He stopped his pacing and stared at her wide-eyed.

“Nothing is wrong. I’m fine,” she assured.

“Fine, huh?” He closed the distance, lifted her off the bed and carried her into the bathroom then plopped her on her feet, facing the vanity.

She gazed at his mark in mirror. It was large, one of the largest she’d ever seen, with four puncture wounds instead of two. He’d bitten her twice in a matter of moments, claiming her. Those four wounds, visible only to the immortal eye, would remain on her neck, branding her as his forever.

She smiled.

“What? Why are you smiling?”

It’s perfect
, she thought, and he heard.

“Perfect? You can tell how out of my mind I was!” he said, sounding every bit as exasperated as he looked.

I know
, she thought, enjoying every second of their silent conversation.

She tilted her head to spare a glance at the mark she’d made on him. It, too, was rather large, considering it was made by her.

“You think that’s a good thing? Your…”

His words trailed off, but she knew what he meant to say, that her brother would be furious.

“Some females I know would kill for a mark like mine. It shows how much you desire me.”

His expression softened, the tension in his shoulders dissolving. For the first time, he turned to look at himself in the mirror. His eyes examining her brand on him, he ran his fingers over it then he snaked his arm around her waist, pulled her toward him until her front pressed against his and thought:
Every immortal male would kill for a mark like mine

She heard.

They had accepted their fates and entwined their destinies forever when they claimed each other by marking and drinking each other’s blood.

Their mating was complete.

Chapter 29

Enough was enough.

And Cain had had enough.

Never had he allowed himself to imagine a better life outside of his duty to his king, to his kind. Never had he allowed himself to hope. Never had he thought an orphan like himself would be rewarded with a fated as precious as his Olivia.

And yet, he had.

Still, in the pit of his stomach, he felt he didn’t deserve her. That meant he’d do whatever he could to make himself a better man for
. It meant he’d go to the deepest bowels of hell just to make her happy.

Since he claimed her, he’d done everything in his power to ensure her happiness. He pampered her, making her breakfast in bed, ran her baths every night, and took her shopping. He spent every spare minute telling her how much he loved her, holding her, simply loving her. Though he hated the thought of her anywhere near the brewing war, he even let her hunt with the Guardians, with him. It went against every protective instinct, but he did it to make her happy.

And she was. He sensed it. God only knew why he made her happy. Sometimes, though, that happiness was shadowed with a deep sadness. He knew why. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. He’d done nothing but wait because he knew Landon well enough to know no one would change the alpha’s stubborn mind. He waited days. Now, he was done waiting. He had to do something even though it was a long shot.

Taking a deep breath, he materialized outside the alpha’s office door at the estate, and knocked. Silence, then he heard a thud and a series of quick steps drawing closer to the door. The door parted, and Landon came to view, eyes wide, surprised to see him.

“Come in. Have a seat,” Landon said, motioning toward the seat in front of his desk.

“She doesn’t know I’m here,” he said in way of greeting, then he walked past him, and sat.

Landon returned to his desk, and took a seat. He opened his mouth to speak, but Cain beat him to the punch.

“I’ve come to beg you,” he said stoically.

Landon’s eyes widened.

Cain felt every ounce of shock streaming him, and he knew why.

He was a warrior, with a warrior’s pride, and yet he willingly sacrificed his pride for Olivia.

It infuriated him, though, because Landon shouldn’t be so shocked. Having a fated, Landon should know pride meant nothing compared to one’s mate.

Clenching his jaw to hide the anger, he said, “You can’t imagine her suffering. I can’t stand to see her hurt.”

It was his turn to be surprised, then, at what he felt streaming from the stubborn alpha—guilt, loads of it, rushing from him. Still, he went on.

“She hasn’t said it, but she doesn’t need to. I know. She thinks she’s weak and that’s why you sheltered her so much because she wasn’t strong enough,” he said in a clipped tone.

Finally, the alpha spoke, “What?”

“She wants to be strong, but I know she’s hurting. I’ve caught a couple of stray thoughts here and there.” Although they could now communicate telepathically as mates, there were still ways to keep certain thoughts to themselves. Olivia had tried her hardest to and often succeeded, but sometimes when he’d caught her by surprise he heard several thoughts. As an empath, he knew exactly how she felt. “You raised her yourself. How can you…” His eyes briefly sparked crimson, and he sighed in frustration, saying finally what he came to say. “I want you to accept me, so you can be a part of her life. I’ll do whatever you want.
stay away from her or do anything that would hurt her in any way.”

Landon closed his eyes briefly, and shook his head, a look of defeat washing over him. Releasing a breath, Landon admitted, “I didn’t want her to be fated to a demon.”

At his words, Cain’s eyes flashed, seeing red. Rage gushing out of every pore in his body, his demon battled him for release.

“Because,” Landon added, “I was afraid you’d take her to your plane, and I’d never hear from her, or see her again.” He paused. “It has nothing to do with you, Cain. Despite my poor way of showing it, I think you are a good man, and a great warrior.”

Fucking ridiculous assumption,
he thought. He believed him though because he heard the sincerity in his tone, and read it in his emotions.

The anger coiled inside him dissipated, tension dissolving. “You don’t know me well enough then. I would never keep her away from her only living relative.”

“I’ve sheltered her because…” Landon ran his hands through his hair. “She may be my sister, but I’ve felt more like her father. We lost both our parents. Olivia and I are the last of our line…” Landon’s eyes fell away from his then after a moment’s pause met his again. “If anything ever happened to her, I don’t know how I would cope…It’s never had anything to do with her not being strong enough.”

. So much love…It wasn’t just what the alpha said, the love spilling from him told the tale. Landon was impossible: stubborn, domineering and worse had hurt
Olivia, but Cain realized he couldn’t hate him, not even a little because he could never hate anyone who loved Olivia as much as Landon did.

Only then did Cain allow himself to relax, releasing a deep breath.

“You’ve seen her fight. She’s skilled and fierce,” Landon continued. “I had plans to go see her, but I’ve been working on something, and I wanted it to be ready before.”

He arched his eyebrows. “I don’t think she—”

“Come,” Landon said, taking a stand. “It’s for you, too.”

Hesitantly, he stood and followed Landon out. As he did, he muttered, “You realize it won’t matter what you’ve got up your sleeve. She’d forgive you without an apology.”


It was late, past one, and Olivia was exhausted. She and Cain had spent the last five hours hunting Malums, along with Ashley and Clyde. Since the Guardians had upped their numbers, the shifts of hunting for Malums had been divided in two. She and Cain had taken the first shift tonight.

It wasn’t the first time Cain had taken her along. She’d been out with him three times so far. He’d been nerved-wracked the first night, and she hated to admit so had she, but with her keen nose, she’d been able to lead them to Malums easily, finding two hiding out that night. Cain had been proud of her and spent the next day bragging about how his mate was a natural.

Cain, she missed him even now and she knew he was in the same building just fetching them some food. It had been a week since she’d told her brother Cain was her male, one of the best weeks of her life. He filled her with such happiness, but she had lost her brother in the process.

She sighed sadly, as tears threatened to spill, then blinked rapidly hoping the urge would ebb before Cain returned. He sensed her sadness, she knew, and it hurt him, so she hid it as best as she could. Her brother’s disapproval wasn’t Cain’s fault, despite the fact Cain blamed himself. She loved him too much to allow him to think it, or allow him to suffer, with her.

The elevator’s doors opened, and she quickly managed to wipe away a maverick tear, then stood.

“What did you bring us…” Her voice died when she realized it wasn’t her male who’d come through the elevators but her brother.

Shocked, she froze, studying his gloomy expression, not believing her eyes.

“Hi, Liv,” Landon said.

“H-Hi,” she stuttered, taking a step away.

“May I come in?” he asked.

Folding her hands into each her, she hesitated. “I…Cain’s coming back soon…I—”

The next instant, he closed the distance between them and embraced her. Reluctantly, she wrapped her arms around him. The woodsy scent, that had comforted her whole life, engulfed her.

“I’m sorry, Liv,” he muttered. He pulled away from her slightly, meeting her gaze. “I’m a jerk, and I’m sorry. I want you to come home.”

Home? She couldn’t. Home was with her male. She shook her head. “I…I can’t—”

“Listen, I raised you myself, and I was afraid of losing you. I overreacted, and I’m sorry. I know Cain is a good man and he’ll take care of you. I’m sorry for…everything…”

His words trailed off, but she still reeled from his admission. Her brother feared losing her? She couldn’t believe he was there, and apologizing? She’d been sure he’d never forgive her and positive she’d never see him again.

“I didn’t shelter you because you weren’t strong. You
strong, Liv. I sheltered you because I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you like I lost Dad and Mom and our aunts and uncles…I didn’t want you to be with a demon because I thought you’d leave this plane, and I’d never see you again.”

She felt tears well and drop silently.

His expression softened, looking sad then he said, “Liv, please…don’t cry.” He pulled his shirt up to her face and wiped the tears away.

Impulsively, she wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed.

Landon chuckled. “I’ve missed you, too. So I’m guessing you’ve forgiven me?”

Pulling away, she looked into his eyes, the same color as hers. “Maybe,” she said with a smile.

“Maybe?” his brows drew together.

“You have to promise to walk me down the aisle.”

He hugged her again then whispered in her ear, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Chapter 30

Olivia awoke to the smell of strawberry pancakes, her favorite. Reaching across the bed instinctively, she searched for her male. As her fingers felt the cool empty bed, her eyes snapped open. She sat up just as Cain entered with breakfast.

Smiling wide, he said, “Morning, darling.”

“Morning,” she said.

“Breakfast is ready. We have to eat quickly, got somewhere to be.” He cuddled next to her in bed, and placed the tray in front of them, then dug in immediately.


“My lips are sealed,” he said with a mouth full of pancakes.

“Another surprise, Mr. Thaler?”

“I can’t say a word.”

She couldn’t take her gaze off him. He was so strikingly handsome, even as he shoved too much food in his mouth.


“You have awful table manners,” she teased.

He chuckled. “What do you expect? I’m starved for food and…” His eyes trailed down her body.

Still unused to his compliments, she blushed. When she did, his eyes softened. He did that more and more often now, especially when they made love. Because she wanted him to look at her that way longer, she ran her fingers down his chest then pressed her lips against the crook of his neck.

He hissed. “No, don’t. We’ll be late,” he said with little force.

She knew she’d get her way. He wouldn’t deny her, and she did.


After close to two hours in bed, not sleeping or eating, Cain and Olivia quickly dressed. Wondering what surprise he had in store for her, she wrapped her arms around him, and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she realized she was at the estate. Her attention shifted to Cain, who smiled from ear to ear.


He kissed her. “Shh…I can’t say,” he said mischievously, that glimmer in his eyes twinkling.

Together, they walked toward the front doors. Before they reached them, Jocelyn parted the massive French doors. A big smile plastered on her face.

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