Attainment (The Temptation Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Attainment (The Temptation Series)
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“Sssssss, snake,” Brayden hisses.

I laugh. “Yes, snakes go hiss.”

He screws his face up all serious like. “Woof, woof. Grrrr.”

“Are you a cat?” I enquire.

Brayden bursts into laughter and playfully slaps me on the
forehead. “Sill-ee Dadda. Bayden a dog.”

“Ohh...of course you are,” I fake my stupidity as I kiss him
on the cheek.

Lifting my head to look above everyone else’s, I spot Alexis
and Jen performing simultaneous dance moves as Jake dances his way around the
inside of the circle. I have to admit, he isn’t bad, sliding when the lyrics
suggest, then moving quite raw when the lyrics suggest that.

Johanna—Jake’s girlfriend of two years—snorts and giggles as
he drags her out into the centre of the circle. Then, lifting his eyebrow up at
me in a watch-this-you-motherfucker kind of way, he swings Johanna’s arms
around his neck and starts dirty dancing with her—Patrick Swayze style. I shake
my head then salute him.
Cocky prick!


After the speeches are said, the bouquet tossed and caught
by Carly, and Alexis’ electric blue garter is removed by my teeth, I can quite
happily admit that I’ve had enough. I now want nothing more than to have Alexis
all to myself. I want to spend the next 18 hours—that it approximately takes to
fly to Paris—buried deep inside her, underneath her, on top of her, and wrapped
around her.

I can’t wait. She is going to flip when she finds out where
we are going, but as per usual, she will not find out until we are there. Part
of the fun is going to be teasing and taunting her, and if I’m lucky she will
put up a fight. A fight I look forward to winning.

Now eagerly wanting to wrap up our celebrations and jet off
to France, I search the room for my bride, finding her sitting with her
girlfriends. I head in her direction.

Tash and Jade’s expressions as I approach the table have me
a little confused, Tash with a shit-eating grin, and Jade, appearing to
contemplate whether or not to jump off a cliff. But it’s Carly’s expression of
not so subtly indicating Alexis cease her words by performing a
slash-of-the-throat gesture that has me concerned the most.

“I hope he doesn’t want to divorce me when—” Alexis says,
stopping mid-sentence as I come to a halt right behind her. “Shit! He’s right
behind me, isn’t he?” she stutters.

“Why would I divorce you?” I whisper into her ear as I wrap
my arms around her? “I’ve only just married you.”

She stiffens in my arms, making my unease heighten.

“I...I...I did something yesterday, and I’m not sure if
you’ll like it or not. You may file for divorce.”



“What did you do?” I ask, not really caring what she did.
There’s no way in hell I’d want a divorce. I’ve waited three years to make her
my wife.

“I can’t tell you, it will have to wait until later.”

I spin her around to face me. “I will never divorce you,
Mrs. Clark, so give me your worst.”

“It’s really not that bad. Well, I don’t think it is. You
might, though. And if you do...well—” she starts to stutter nervously again, so
I lean in and kiss her, cutting off her babbling words.

“Shhh,” I whisper against her lips as I break our kiss. “We
can talk about it later, but for now I want to take my wife on a plane and have
her scream her husband’s name over and over.”

“Mmmm, anything you say you incredibly sexy husband.”

Opening her eyes as if she has just awoken from a trance,
she pulls away from me, her mouth wide, her expression embarrassed. I can’t
help but chuckle.

“Shit! I just said that out loud, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did,” I explain. “Come on. Let’s say our

Pulling her to my side where she fits perfectly snug under
my arm, she rests her head against my shoulder as we walk.

“I’m going to miss the kids. I hope Brayden will be okay
staying with Mum and Dad.”

“He’ll be fine,” I reassure her, squeezing a little tighter,
when truth be told, I have the same uncertainties.

We both take a seat at our table, and Alexis puts her arms
out for Brayden who is sitting on Graeme’s lap. “Give Mummy a big cuddle, BB,”
she mumbles into his neck as they bear-hug each other.

I automatically clench both my fists together, that being a
natural reaction to the annoying nickname. But unfortunately, due to
underestimating her ability to pull one over on me—and as it stands at this
point in time—that bloody nickname is not going anywhere.

“You be a good boy for Nanny and Poppa, and Mummy and Daddy
will see you in a couple of weeks, okay?”

“He’ll be fine, Darling. Poppa has some ‘farmy stuff’ we can
do to keep us busy, don’t we, Bray?” Graeme explains, using his code for farm

“I am not cleaning out the chicken coop again. That was
disgusting!” Charli complains.

“I’ll mow the lawns,” Nate pipes in, knowing that particular
job comes with driving the ride-on mower.

Graeme laughs. “See, they’ll be fine. Go and enjoy

We hug all three kids and say goodbye before walking through
a guard of honour.


“Are you gonna tell me where are we going yet?” Alexis asks
as she unlatches her seat belt when Paul—the captain of the plane—informs us we
can do so.

Following suit, I remove my belt and stand up. “No. You’ll
find out when we get there.”

“Fine, I won’t tell you my surprise then,” she pouts with a

I offer her my hand and pull her up, flush with my chest.

“Thank you,” she says like a stubborn child and then turns
her back to me. I follow closely behind as she walks toward the bedroom, and even
though she is clearly shitty due to my refusal to disclose our location, her
leading me to our bed is evidence she still wants to make love. I smirk at her
cuteness and then place my hand at the top of her arse, firmly guiding her.

She instantly pulls away and winces, side stepping from me
and displaying an expression of discomfort.

“What’s wrong, Hunny?” I ask while reaching for her hand.

“Nothing,” she responds with a fake smile, now stepping
backward toward the room.

“Alexis, why did you just flinch when I touched you?”

“Bryce, where are we going?” she answers my question with a
question, frustration in her tone.

Her defiance sparks a surging level of adrenaline to course
through my body and, together with my increasing need to make love as husband
and wife, has me stalking her predatorily while displaying a hungry expression.

Noticing my lascivious prowl, she backs herself into the
room, inevitably jailing herself.  “Bryce...” she says with less conviction. 
“...tell me where we are going.”

I shake my head from side to side, slam the bedroom door
behind me then remove the space between us.

Now holding her body against the wall with my own, I pose my
question again, deliberately breaking it down for her. “Why,” I whisper into
her ear. “Did,” I say, breathing into her neck “You,” I growl, as I lick the
tops of her cleavage. “Flinch?” I ask as I spin her around and splay her hands
against the wall.

Her fingers claw into the panels as I press my erection
against her arse. “Where are we going?” she probes again, still persistently
holding her own.

Her fight has me hard as a fucking rock. “Fine, have it your
way,” I advise, as I slowly unzip the back of her dress.

Alexis changed out of her wedding gown right before we left
for the airport, her attire now a red mid-length strapless number.

I finish undoing the zipper and begin to peel the dress from
her body when she stops me. “Bryce, wait!” Sucking in a breath, she turns her
head to the side and closes her eyes as she exhales. “I love you.”

By this point, I have a pretty good idea of what she has
done, and to tell you the truth, I’m fucking excited to see exactly what she
chose. “Hunny,” I say as I remove her dress completely, letting it fall to the
ground, “I love you, too.”

Taking a step backward, I spot the freshly inked area at the
base of her back. It looks a little raw. Dropping to my knees, and now
face-level with her tattoo, I take in the scripted name and picture.

“Brylexis,” I read aloud, as I trace the letters without
touching the mark.

Under our name is a picture of a star.

“Do you like it?” she asks, clearly hesitant.

“Yes,” I hiss.
Do I fucking like it? I more than fucking
like it. It’s one of the sexiest things she has ever worn.

She breathes out as her body relaxes. “Oh thank God!”

Gripping her arse cheeks with both my hands, I lean forward
and trail my tongue around the area, prompting her to tense up again and suck
in another breath.

“I love it,” I growl.

Alexis widens her stance just a little, and that slight
opening of her legs—an invitation to deepen my exploration—sets a fire within
me. I can’t help myself and grip her G-string, tearing it apart before nipping
and biting at her soft rear.

“Oh, God, Bryce,” she moans.

“Turn around,” I demand, my tone not one to be argued with.

Slowly, she does as she told, and even though I love her
tenacity at times, her submission is also just as pleasing.

Now staring at her naked flesh before me, I wet my lips in
preparation for her taste, fervently anticipating our union.

“Foot,” I request, keeping my eyes on her moist pussy.

She obliges and lifts her heeled foot, placing it on my
knee. While I remove her shoe, I trail my tongue up and down her leg,
tantalising every nerve ending I possibly can.

“Other one,” I demand, repeating the same action.

With her shoes discarded, I lean forward and lash her clit
with my tongue then trail it up her abdomen, in between her breasts until I’m
at her mouth. I bend down, slide my arm behind her thighs, and lift her into my

“Where are we going, Mr. Clark?”

“To the bed, Mrs. Clark.”

Almost instantly, I feel my bottom lip between her teeth as
she holds onto it, stretching it slightly and taking it with her while pulling
away from my face. Her eyes display a mischievous retribution as she lets go,
the feeling both mildly uncomfortable, yet erotic.

“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” she says with a slightly
annoyed tone.

“I know nothing of which you speak.”

“I hate you.”

“You love me.”

“No, I don’t. Not right now.”

Laying her down on the bed, I climb over the top of her and
look deep into crystal clear blue eyes that reveal her inner most feelings—when
I pay attention to them, they never lie.

“Not right now?” I question, leaning forward to tenderly
kiss her lips.

Pulling away from her perfectly, fucking, kissable lips, I wait
for her answer.

“No,” she answers, her response obviously artificial.

I swipe her peaked nipple with my tongue before sucking on
it, deliciously. “How about now?” I prompt.

 “Uh ah,” she answers on an intake of air.

“Hmmm. No?” I mumble as I switch breasts only to tweak with
my fingertips the wet hard nipple I just abandoned.

Trailing my tongue further down her stomach, I dip it into
her bellybutton as I pass, then comfortably position myself between her legs. I
smile victoriously as I take in the sight before me, seeing just how turned-on
she is—the proof is in the pussy.

Her entrance glistens with aroused moisture, the view
parching my mouth. I swallow heavily and drag my finger along her clit, circulating
my motion. “How ‘bout now?”

Her back bows, affording me a stunning view of her chest,
but she still refuses to give in.

Having had enough of this game, I go in for the kill, hungrily
devouring between her legs. I lash at her clit with my tongue while sliding two
fingers into pussy, moving them in a ‘come hither’ motion.

“Oh Bryce,” she moans, her sultry sound eliciting a
reverberating groan from within me.

“Do you love me now?” I growl, still pressing my lips to her
wet clit.

“Yes...yes I always love you, every second of the day,” she
admits, her voice rising along with her pending climax.

Satisfied pleasure rushes through me when hearing her say
those words. They never get old; I never tire of hearing her say them. Now
feeling overly fucking thrilled with her with surrender, I suck her clit into
my mouth, knowing this will tip her over the edge, and then wait for her body
to relax as she comes back down to earth.

I sit up on my knees, my cock heavy with desire, desire I
want nothing more than to release into my wife. “Come here,” I say, taking her
hand and lifting her to her knees.

She looks down at my erection, and a pleased appreciation
washes over her face. It’s the best fucking expression imaginable. Nothing tops
the look she gives me when she admires my cock.

Scooting forward on her knees, she takes me in her hand,
squeezing my base and dragging her hand to the tip. Her milking action is
rewarded when a bead forms on my crown. “Taste it,” I suggest, knowing that she
wants to.

She smiles and sticks out her tongue then leans forward and
slides it along my sensitive head. I jerk with pleasure. She pumps once more in
the hope for another bead and is rewarded when yet again one appears.

“Fuck, Hunny. Come here.” I pull her close and lift her up,
impaling her on my shaft, both of us moaning in succession. I seize her arse
with my hands and lift her up and down, thrusting with passionate dedication
over and over.

She cries out with exertion as she reaches another climax,
the sheer carnality of her scream a fucking pleasure to watch. The way her head
falls back under the weight of physical pleasure and mental emotion, rewards me
for my efforts. I release one hand from her hip and clasp the back of her head,
bringing it back to mine. Then, delving my tongue deep into her mouth, I expel
my own orgasm.


We both collapse on the bed, thoroughly sated and fucked,
and that wonderful feeling of attainment gratifyingly washes through me. After seconds
of catching our breath, I tug her to my side, and she comfortably rests her
head on my chest.

Gently, I kiss her on the head. “So, how does it feel to be
Mrs. Clark?”

“Perfect,” she replies then hugs me tight.


Hours later, we are departing the plane and stepping onto
the tarmac at Charles de Gaulle Airport. It’s fucking freezing, the icy chill
in the air piercing my skin like a thousand tiny needles.

“Paris?” she asks, spinning to face me and seemingly not
fazed by the near zero degree temperature.

The look of sheer excitement that is radiating from her
pores fills me with so much joy. “The one and only,” I reply intertwining my
fingers with hers, wanting to keep us both warm.

“Oh my God! Can we go see the Eiffel Tower, now?”

Personally, I want nothing more than to cuddle up to her
naked body, the flames of an open fire dancing before our eyes. Except, seeing
her exhilaration—one that resembles a kid at Disneyland—I’m now more inclined
to freeze my arse off just to continue witnessing her expression.

“If you want, but it’s bloody cold,” I shiver, cursing
myself for not having our coats accessible.

“Screw the cold. Paris blanketed in snow is so romantic. It
is the only place in the world I would be happy to freeze to death.”

Shaking my head, I lead her toward the waiting Limousine,
hell bent on not allowing any freezing of her body to occur. “We can go, see,
and do whatever you want. Our honeymoon is your oyster.”

She stops once again and I all but refrain from rolling my
eyes, changing my mind when I see her smile widen beyond normal proportions.


“Yes, Hunny, anywhere but here. Come on, let’s go see the La
Tour Eiffel,” I entice, my French rolling from my tongue.

“Oui s’il vous plaît, Monsieur Clark,” she responds, her
French spoken just as perfectly.

I groan at the sound of her words which are like verbal sex
to my ears. “Limousine. Now!”


Reaching Champ de Mars without burying myself inside Alexis
was an impossibility. Her French spoken words as I bucked my hips while she
rode me were fucking sensational. ‘Oh Dieu, oh Dieu,’ she’d chanted at my
request. Followed by ‘Oui, oui’, and finishing off with ‘Baiser’. Needless to
say, it was the best 45 minute drive I have ever experienced.


Standing at the base of the monumental structure that is the
Eiffel Tower, I watch with joy as Alexis arches her head back to get maximum
perspective. Her obvious excitement feels me delight, and I can’t help but take
a moment to absorb what my life now encompasses. The exquisite creature before
me; my wife, is the woman who breathed life back in to me, giving me purpose
for wanting to not only exist but to enjoy the life I have. She tempts me,
satisfies me, fulfills me in every possible way. She is my greatest

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