Attainment (The Temptation Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Attainment (The Temptation Series)
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Alexis had decided this was the perfect pay back for Tash’s
antics a few weeks back when she had deliberately staged a fake security alert
while Alexis took Brayden out shopping. Apparently Tash thought it would be
hilarious to pretend Alexis was European Royalty, following her around the
shopping precinct like a highly trained bodyguard, except she kept speaking a
language that did not exist. Needless to say, Alexis ended up cutting her
shopping trip short and has been patiently awaiting her moment of retribution.

“Overkill? Taaaash,” Alexis drawls. “Surely these few
balloons are not going to hurt you,” she adds while picking one up.

“Alexis, whatever you are contemplating, don’t!” Tash warns,
pointing her finger with a resolute stab. “I mean it, Missy, you come any
closer with that balloon and I will lose my shit and haunt you in the

Alexis smiles a devilishly sweet retort and gestures toward
the lounge area. “I don’t know what you are talking about. Please, come in and
enjoy your afternoon,” she says as she gently serves the balloon in the air and
whacks it with her hand—tennis style.

Tash flinches, glares at her, and hesitantly walks past, now
in search of Brayden who is playing with his cousin Alexander on the rug.

I wrap my arm around Alexis’ shoulder. “You enjoyed that,
didn’t you?”

She tries to restrain her laugh. “You have no idea. And
there’s plenty more where that came from.”

“Remind me never to cross you.”

“Don’t cross me. Or you’ll end up in the throes of passion
with Krusty the Clown.”

“You’re evil at times, you know that?”

“Sucks to be you and have a phobia.”

“Well, everyone is scared of something, even you.”

Alexis bites the inside of her cheek only momentarily then
lets go and answers flippantly. “Nope, not me.”

Leaning in, I whisper into her ear, “I don’t believe you, my
love. So guess who is about to dust off his creepy research skills.”

She turns to face me and brushes her lips with mine. “Dust
away, Mr. Clark. I know one thing for sure don’t scare me.”


Before I met Alexis, I was never one to have many gatherings
in my home. Sure, I’d invite the boys over for dinner and jam sessions. And Lucy
and Nic were always welcome, no matter what day or time. But that was about it,
my home was my private space, my sanctuary; kept out of the public eye.

Standing here today, beer in hand, and watching our friends
and family enjoy each other’s company, I couldn’t be more comfortably happy.
The seclusion I’d once given myself was now gone, never to return. I’d finally
found my purpose in life...
purpose, not a charitable cause, or
a brotherly responsibility. My purpose was Alexis and the family we have
created; they were now my reason for existence.


“Bryce,” Nate’s voice sounds from beside me. “Mum said it’s
time for a speech and to cut the cake.”

“Not a problem, buddy. Where’s your sister?”

“Playing Twister. Ha...that rhymes! My sister is playing

I can’t help but to laugh at his wit, for a nine year old,
the kid is quick.
Shit! Did I just rhyme, too?

“Can you go tell Charli it’s time for cake? I just need to
have a quick word with your Uncle Jake.”

Before I even have a second to process what I just said,
Nate bursts into laughter. “Cake and Jake,” he cackles uncontrollably. “Good
Ah bloody hell!

I playfully turn him around and lightly shove him in the
direction of Charlotte. “Go, you crazy kid!”

Shaking my newfound Dr Seuss skills out of my head, I find
Jake by the pool with Graeme. “Got a minute?” I ask him. “Actually, you both
could probably help me.”

“I don’t want her back,” Graeme announces. “She’s yours, you
wanted her. You can’t give her back.”

“You’re a funny man, Graeme. But I wouldn’t give Alexis back
for the world,” I honestly say.

“Good. As much as I love her, I’m too old for her drama-filled

I give him a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. “Rest
assured, I’m keeping her.”

“I always thought you were a crazy fucker,” Jake pipes in as
he takes a swig of his beer. “From that very moment Lex and Jen told me you
were flying around the farm in your helicopter, I thought you were cracked.”

I laugh at Jake’s stab and give him a
firm manly slap on the back, causing him to choke on some of his beer. “Thanks,
Mate. So, I need to know what Alexis is afraid of. She tells me nothing, but
that’s just bullshit.”

“Spiders,” they both say simultaneously.

Jake then chuckles. “Big, fat, furry, spiders...Huntsmen and
Wolf Spiders to be exact.”

“You’d think she would be used to them after growing up on a
farm,” Graeme adds while shaking his head in mild disappointment. “But I
guarantee, if one just happened to be in her close proximity now, she’d scream
the place down.”

“Spiders...really?” I ponder. “I thought she just didn’t
like them.”

Jake slaps my back in return and steps away. “She doesn’t,
she bloody

I smile to myself and tip my beer to my lips, while
eye-fucking Alexis with a scheming smirk.

“Whatever it is you are planning on doing, Bryce. Don’t!”
Graeme warns, interrupting my train of thought. “I’m serious, I don’t want her
back. And that look you have on your face, tells me that could quite possibly
be an option.”


Gently tapping a spoon on the side of my glass, I indicate
to the room that we want quiet and to make an announcement.

“Star!” Brayden squeals and claps himself while pointing to
his big, yellow, smiley-faced, star birthday cake. He leans forward in order to
grab it.

“No, not yet, Sweetheart. In a minute,” Alexis reassures him
while securing him tightly to her hip.

“Just quickly, before Brayden loses patience and attempts to
plough head first into his cake, we just want to say thanks for coming and
celebrating this little man’s first birthday with us...” I am about to continue
when I hear Charli behind me, making a racket. Turning around, I spot her
dragging her Karaoke machine into position.

“Charlotte, what are you doing?” Alexis whispers.

“I want to sing Brayden a song.”

I subdue a smile with pursed lips and make eye contact with
Alexis. She too hides her grin. “Oh...okay.” She turns back around and
addresses the room. “Um...apparently Charli has a little something she wants to

“I want to sing happy birthday to Brayden,” Charli announces
just a bit too loudly into the microphone, sending a high pitched tone
throughout the room. “He is the best brother, ever!” she continues while squinting
her eyes and poking her tongue out at Nate.

Alexis slaps her hand to her forehead.

Brayden lunges for the cake again.

Nate smacks a balloon into Charlotte’s head.

Tash screeches and dodges its rebound.

Charlotte growls.

And...I just laugh.



After Charli performs her entertaining version of Happy
Birthday, Alexis and I decide to inform every one of our decision to get
married in six months.

“Oh, and one last
detail,” I express playfully,
receiving an elbow to the ribs from Alexis. “We have finally set a date for the
wedding! Mark out February fourth on your calendars.”

“About time!” Tash calls out from her position at the
bi-fold doors, the furthest spot from the balloons.

“There’s still time to change your mind, Bryce,” Jake calls
out, Johanna snorting in response.

Rick and Claire step up to us, Claire smiling meekly while
Rick embraces Alexis. Months ago, I would have wanted to punch the fucker for
being this close to her.

“Congratulations! Sorry, but we really need to head off. RJ
has his soccer semi-final later today,” Rick explains before they make an early

Approximately one month ago, Rick informed Alexis that he
and Claire were expecting a child. Alexis—not surprisingly—took the news really
well, being genuinely happy for the two of them. Charlotte had refused—and
still does to this day—to accept that her next sibling was going to be anything
other than a girl. And Nate just carried on as if an extra baby in his life was
nothing new. Seeing all three of them react with pleasant attitudes, I decided
there and then to let go of my grudge and anger toward Rick. If Alexis was
happy, then so was I.

Re-entering the lounge area after seeing Claire and Rick
out, we are both smothered by Maryann with congratulatory hugs. “Wonderful. I
can’t wait. We need to sit down and start planning—“

“Mum, back off. You know what happened last time you
interfered with wedding plans,” Jen cautions.

“Yeah, well...your sister isn’t as nasty as you. She
wouldn’t make me wear a stupid t-shirt to her hen’s night, would you, Alexis
Darling?” Maryann says with gag-worthy sweetness.

Alexis rolls her eyes at her mother’s attempt at buttering
her up. “Actually, I’m not having a hen’s night.”

“Like fun you aren’t,” Carly interjects. “Trust me, you are
having one whether you are in attendance or not.”

“Carly, we’ve decided to just have a get together here...” I
add, taking Brayden from Alexis. “...set up the band...that sort of thing—“

“Not gonna happen, Mate,” Derek implies as he raises his
beer. “Consider yourself havin’ a Buck’s night.”

Alexis turns to face me, drops her head on her my shoulder,
and closes her eyes.

“Ake up, Mum,” Brayden shouts—Wiggles style.

Alexis grumbles with a laugh. “Mummy isn’t sleeping like

“Ake up, Mum,” he hollers, again.

I can’t help but laugh.




Five months down the track, and it is decided that yes, we
are having a Hen’s night and Buck’s party. It is also decided—not by us, mind
you—that Carly and Derek are in charge of the entire event.

The plans are to start off together at Opals as one big
group, where Live Trepidation will dedicate their entire set to Alexis and play
all of her favourite songs. Then, we are to head off our separate ways, and
what’s to follow unknown to the both of us. That minor detail I did not like; I
didn’t like it at all.


“I can’t believe we agreed to this,” Alexis mumbles from our
walk-in wardrobe.

I’m standing in the ensuite, latching the buckle on my denim
jeans and fastening the last button on my short sleeved, light grey, shirt. “We
didn’t really have a choice, Hunny. Did you want to argue with Carly

“No,” she groans. “Hey! Maybe we could just stay at Opals
together? Refuse to leave?” she suggests, a spark of renewed hope sounding in
her voice.

“Yeah, don’t think that is gonna work.”

I finish off with a little gel in my hair and step out into
our bedroom to put on my shoes. Sitting on the edge of the bed and bending
over, I slide my foot into the black loafer. Before I can reach for the other
shoe, I notice two black high-heels only centimetres from my feet.

“Can you zip me up, please?” Alexis asks.

I travel the length of her legs until I’m looking up at her
with my mouth and eyes wide open. She is wearing an extremely short black, lace
dress, which reveals quite a lot of her silky smooth skin, more skin than I’m
willing to share the sight of with any other man. And even though she looks
sexy as hell, I’ll be damned if she is going to look that good so that some loser
can discreetly blow a load in his pants.

“What is that?” I ask on a choke.

“What’s what?” she asks, quickly glancing toward the roof
where she thinks I am looking, her expression indicating she expects to see
some type of critter.

“What you’re wearing.”

Alexis looks back down and smooths out her dress. “Um... I
think it’s Dolce and Gabbana. I can check if you wan—”

“I don’t fucking care who designed it.”

Her face contorts. “You don’t like it?”

Placing my hands on her legs, I pull her toward me. “Hunny,
you look sensational, too fucking sensational. It’s just...” I lean back on the
bed and run my hand through my hair.
Fuck, she looks irresistible.
“...I’m not going to be with you all night. You can’t wear that without me.”

Climbing over my lap and straddling me on the bed, a sly
grin creeps across her face. “Are you telling me what I can and can’t wear?”

“Yes, you seriously can’t wear that. Remember that time you
called me Jackie Chan?”

She screws up her face then smiles. “Yeah.”

“Well, I’ll be performing Jackie-Chan’s all night if you
wear that.”

Alexis laughs and leans forward, her golden blonde locks
cascading around her face as she looks down at me. Even her lips are turning me
on—red as a friggin’ fire truck.

“Bryce, I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself. And
anyhow, we have the apartment to ourselves tonight. Don’t you want to wait till
we get home so that you can take this dress off and see just exactly what I’m
wearing underneath?”

I glance down at her breasts, spying the tiniest hint of red
lace covering her chest.
Bloody Hell!

“Fuck the night out. Let’s stay here and you can show me

I reach for her tits, but she jumps off and puts her hand
up. “No. We are going. Now, can you please zip me up?”

Alexis turns around, baring her back to me and giving me
another sneak peek of her lingerie. The sight of her red corset prompts my dick
to stand at attention, poised and motionless, saluting her—military style.
Having no choice but to close my eyes in order to try and gather my not so turned-on
composure, I lower my eyelids and click my neck from side to side.

After a second of thinking about Dame Edna Everage—because
let’s face it, she looks like a clown—I reopen them to find Alexis still
standing in front of me, her head now turned back in my direction and smiling
from ear to fucking ear.

Completely depleted of all will power and restraint, I grab
a hold of her and drag her to the bed, pinning her down underneath me. “Hunny,
if you are going to wear that then first, I need to fuck you. I need you
wearing me along with it.”


Alexis and I walk into Opals nearly three quarters of an
hour late, spotting our friends and family scattered around the dance floor.
Will, Matt, Derek and Luce are up on stage, preparing for our gig.

“Sorry we are late,” Alexis apologises, blushing profusely.

Carly’s eyes widen as they journey up and down Alexis’ body.
“No need to explain why. That...” she points to her outfit, “...speaks for

“What? There’s nothing wrong with my dress,” Alexis whines
while Tash hands her a drink and a condom decorated veil. “Oh for the love of
God...I am not wearing that! I’m not in my twenties and getting married for the
first time.FOR.GET.IT.”

“Told you she wouldn’t wear it,” Tash says to Carly, handing
her the veil.

“She’ll wear it...give it time...and alcohol.”

I shake my head, kiss Alexis’, and hoist myself up on the

“Nice of you to show, Arsehole,” Derek throws my way as I
pick up my guitar and begin to tune it.

“I was busy,” I answer, pulling a pick out of my jean

“Hmmm, yeah...I can see why,” Matt murmurs, glancing toward

“Shut up, Dick. I already have to worry about every other
sleaze in this joint eye-fucking my fiancé, I don’t want to have to worry about
you, too.”

“She looks hot!” Lucy says with her back to me.

I turn to my sister. “Not you, too,” I grimace.

“No. I didn’t mean it like that...although, she does look

Will laughs as he taps out a light beat.

“Let’s just get started, yeah?” I grumble as I glance toward
Alexis, taking in the smouldering beauty that she is. I can’t say that I really
blame them all for fucking around with me, she does look exceptionally
incredible tonight. And as I watch her greet her family and friends, it
painfully dawns on me that my night is not going to be as laid back as hers.
Not in the bloody slightest!



We open the show with “Birth” by 30STM, just like we had at
our previous gig. The song is a crowd winner and, quite frankly, a great intro to
get everyone—including us— primed for the rest of our gig.

Three songs into our set, and we decide to play one of our
own—“Chaos”. This particular song seems to sum up my current situation, being
that during the second bridge I have no choice but to bear witness to a group
of guys eyeing Alexis, Carly, and Jen.

Highly fucking irritated, I watch as the group of douche
bags spend a minute planning their approach, the shady thoughts in their minds
quite obviously radiating from their overzealous faces.

Cringing like fuck when they slowly make their way toward the
girls, I notice Tash and Steve intercept the group’s attempted pick-up, Steve
spinning Jen into a dance and Tash wrapping herself around Alexis in a bear
hug, pretending to give her a friendly cuddle. I inwardly sigh with relief at
the fact I no longer have to jump off the stage and threaten to jam my guitar
down any of the guy’s throats. Being that Opals is my nightclub, I really don’t
want to cause a scene.

Tash gives the four guys a vicious snarl then looks toward
me and winks, and I can’t help but smirk with the knowledge of our agreement
for her to be Alexis’ bodyguard. Now, it’s not as if I formulated this
understanding behind Alexis’ back. In fact— if I remember rightly—Tash and I
discussed our intentions directly in front of her years back when we watched
the kids swim at school. So technically, it is not my, nor Tash’s fault that
she did not take us seriously.

After finishing the song and realising I’m going to need
more protective enforcements, I give Dale—my head of security—a quick call.

“Everything alright, Mate?” he answers.

“Yeah. Listen, Dale, before you finish and make your way
down here, can you send Joey. I need him on Alexis-duty tonight.”

I imagine Dale running his hands over his face in
frustration at my request.

“She’s not gonna be happy when she catches on, Bryce, and
you know she will.”

“Do me a favour. Turn on Opal’s lower dance floor camera,
you can’t miss her. Then tell me I’m going overboard.”

I wait for him to do what I’ve just directed him to do,
anticipating that he is now on my wavelength.

“Right! Yep, I get ya. Joey will be there as soon as

“Good. Now turn the camera off, you dirty perve.”

He laughs. “It’s off. I know better than to mess with you.”

“So you should. I’ll see you shortly.”

“No worries.”

I hang up the phone and turn back to face the crowd, even
more pissed off to see the numbers practically doubling. What shits me further
is that the male to female ratio is not in my favour. I don’t fucking need any
more dick-heavy men in Alexis’ proximity.

“Bryce, you ready now?” Derek asks, looking annoyed.

I hold up my finger. “Just give me a minute.”

Before we begin our next song, I quickly call Lisa who is on
door-entry this evening.

“Opals Nightclub, Lisa speaking.”

“Lisa, it’s Mr. Clark.”

“Oh, yes, Sir. How can I help you?”

“Tell whoever is manning the door that the ratio is off. Limit
the men for the next hour then get them to do another summary.”

“Sorry, Sir. I will tell Tony now.”

“Good. Thank you, Lisa.”

I hang up the phone once again and find Alexis watching me,
concern on her face. Wanting to ease her mind, I make my way to the edge of the
stage and squat down.

“What’s wrong, Hunny?”

“You look agitated. Is everything alright?”

“Yes, everything is fine. I just had to arrange a few

“Okay, but this is your Buck’s night, too. I want you to
enjoy yourself.”

“I will,” I reassure her, lightly tapping her nose with my
finger. “But first I want to watch your reaction to the next song.”

She smiles that earth-shattering smile I love so much. “Ooo,
what is it?”

Waggling my eyebrows at her, I stand back up. She runs her
tongue along the top row of her teeth while her eyes travel the length of my
jeans. It has me wanting to abandon the night and take her back to our

“Alexis,” I growl in warning, her look indicating her inner
salacious thoughts.

“What? I’m waiting,” she shouts in response, now smiling

I’ll give her waiting.

Before nodding toward Lucy to begin the song, I notice Joey
enter the room. I acknowledge him with a swift lift of my chin as he proceeds
to stand not too far from Alexis’ position. Just having him here now puts my
mind at ease a little.

Taking another step back, I wink at Luce, and just like the
time we played in Shepparton, she and Derek are the only ones illuminated by
light as she begins to play the piano in “November Rain” by Guns N’ Roses.

Alexis—standing at the very front of the stage—blows a kiss
in my direction, cementing the fact that I was right when choosing to re-enact this
performance for her—I knew she’d love it.

Just like the time before, when I performed this song to
Alexis with the sole message that I would wait as long as it took for her to
realise that we were perfect for each other, I once again serenade her during
the guitar solos, even showing off and kissing her passionately while still
playing like the freak that I am.

I’m normally not one to show-off or flaunt my talents and
wealth like an unappreciative flog. But playing the guitar is something I’m
good at,
good at. It’s also something my father was
extremely proud of and told me to always go hard at. And it was because of Dad
that I had learned to play in the first place. He had given me lessons from the
ripe age of four, he too being a brilliant musician. Music ran in our family,
my Grandmother had been a violinist, and apparently her aunty had been an opera

When I was ten years old and Lucy six, we used to sit around
the lounge room and play our instruments. Mum loved the piano and could voice a
fairly good tune, in fact, we all had a natural love for music; a passion for producing
a melodic sound. It was those particular memories that stood out to me the
most, being some of the happiest times in my life.

I, too, want those times for my family, to sit around and
teach Brayden, Nate, and Charli—if they want—to play an instrument. I’d love
nothing more than to sit back and listen to them harmonise with each other
while Alexis sings. It’s one of my family traditions I hope to uphold.


Finishing off the song, and standing on top of the piano as
a tribute to Slash, I wink at my woman. The twinkle in her eyes is all that is
needed to know that the complete over the top act I have just displayed was
worth it—my sole reason for now playing the guitar on stage, purely for her.
Alexis’ reaction is all that matters to me.

“Okay, ladies and gents. We have one final song to play for
this evening then we are off to celebrate our leading guitarist’s final night
out as a bachelor. Yes ladies, I’m sorry to inform you, but my man, Bryce, in
just a few short weeks, will be marrying this beautiful lady in front of him,”
Derek says boldly, gesturing toward Alexis.

She raises her hands and I nearly have a fit. The dress she
is wearing is strapless and should not be worn by someone who raises their
hands, especially Alexis. Not knowing what else to do, I jump down off the
stage and wrap my arms around her, covering her nearly exposed chest.

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