At Any Cost (21 page)

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Authors: Allie K. Adams

BOOK: At Any Cost
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"I'll keep my eyes open. You look tired. Now that you've finished your drink..." He grabbed the glass from Dan and dumped it on the floor. "You should go to your room. Maybe your girlfriend will be there. You should
to her."

Dan didn't want to go up to his room. He had things to do tonight. If he went up to the room, JT would be in the adjoining room. He would have to explain why he sent her to the hotel without him. He'd have to make something up about why he was leaving the hotel without her again.

"Get up," Snyder said in a low voice. "They're coming over here and I want you gone. Stagger as you walk back out the door you came in."

Dan pushed the stool away and swayed as he stood. He grabbed his duffel and staggered toward the door. A hand on his shoulder stopped him.

¿Adónde van, mi amigo?

Dan turned and looked at the man. He was greasy. Greasy hair, greasy skin. Greasy eyes. The other two with him didn't look any better. Dan couldn't allow JT to get near these men, let alone allow her to leave with them.

He wasn't about to tell him where he was going. And he was no friend.
I'm off to kill your boss, asshole
. "Mmmr-cloba-rmarm-st?" Dan slurred and managed to spit a little on the last part of his wordless phrase.

The man wiped the saliva off his face and looked ready to rip Dan's head off because of it.
Bring it on, amigo.

Snyder jumped between them. He calmed Mercado's men down by offering them a round of drinks on the house if they let the drunk man go. He didn't want any trouble at the bar, he told them in Spanish. He might lose his job.

The thought of them losing their connection to the city must have stopped them. The greaseball removed his hand from Dan's shoulder and nodded at him. Dan knew what that meant.

They'd see each other again. And that was exactly what Dan was counting on.

Chapter 12

JT paced the room, cursing Dan and worrying about him at the same time. Why did he leave her like that? Shoo her away like some inconvenience? Was he going after Mercado without her? Was this some poor attempt at chivalry?

She'd gone over every scenario she could, no matter how ridiculous it sounded. The one she kept coming back to, the one that made the most sense, didn't please her at all. He was at the Mercado compound, in the attempt to get the jump on him. Dan doesn't see that guard behind him. The guard shoots, and Dan goes down. The next time JT sees Dan, she's crying over his lifeless body.

Her imagination really did get the best of her at times. At least she prayed that was all the story could be. Her imagination. But Dan had been gone for hours. Where the hell could he be?

JT refused to wait another minute. "Okay, Weber. You've had your fun. If you aren't in my room in five minutes and tell me what the hell is going on, I'm heading down to the bar and finding Mercado's men on my own." She paused. As an afterthought, added, "and if you went after Mercado yourself, I'll hunt you down."

"And do what?"

She choked on her last words and spun around. Dan stood in the doorway adjoining the two rooms, taking up most of the frame with his own. Since when did a black shirt, equally black pants, and an arrogant smile ever look so good? Those damned incredibly blue eyes danced as he gave her a slow, lazy and admiring look. His strong jaw tensed and relaxed as he breathed in and out. The moment seemed to last for ever, and stole her breath in the process. He'd never looked more like an agent than at that moment.

And, God as her witness, she'd never wanted another man more than she wanted Dan Weber. Right here. Right now. Her desire pooled between her legs, settling into her core.

The corner of his mouth turned up into a grin as he looked at her.

"Dan," she whimpered, desperate for his touch.

He must have read her mind and took the few steps needed to close the gap between them. He pulled her into his arms and crushed his lips down on hers. As he held her closer and intensified his kiss, his tongue parted her lips, and she opened her mouth to welcome him home.

Holy cow did this man know how to kiss. She could taste alcohol on his tongue, which she didn't appreciate. How dare he go and have a drink when she was stuck up in the room wondering and waiting. But she could also taste
, his very essence. And dear God he tasted like... Like... a promise. She couldn't explain it, only that she knew this kiss was only the beginning to what he planned to offer her.

He conveyed such an unbridled hunger it almost frightened her. Almost. The warmth from the passion in their kiss spread through her body. She returned his kiss with equal passion, surpassing hunger. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she let out a slight moan.

The sound sent him into a newfound urgency. He deepened their kiss, tracing the inside of her mouth with his tongue. JT followed his lead and did the same. When he finally pulled back, she whimpered again. The throbbing between her legs increased ten-fold. She felt her juices start to flow, lubricating her entry she so desperately wanted him to penetrate.

"What are you doing to me, Jessica?"

? The harsh reality of what they were doing slapped her across the face. This was all part of their cover. Dan Weber hadn't kissed JT Turner. He'd kissed Jessica, the timid American who'd run away to
to escape her boyfriend.

For the millionth time in a week, her heart sank to the pit of her stomach. Her libido dove for cover. She hated this. Why should she care about Dan? He'd done nothing to show he felt anything for her, aside from the occasional knee-weakening, panty-soaking kiss.

"I can almost hear those wheels turning in your head," Dan stated. "I know what you're thinking."

"I doubt it." She pushed him away and turned to go into the bathroom, just in case her emotions got the better of her. She wanted to be as far away from Dan Weber as possible.

"You think the only reason I kissed you was for the mission. And you would be wrong. Again."

She looked back over her shoulder, but still kept a safe distance from him. "Why did you kiss me, then?"

"Maybe I kissed you because I wanted to."

"And maybe Mercado will surrender," she retorted acidly. "Come on, Dan. I'm not stupid. I know why you kissed me."

"That's your problem," he bit out. "You always jump to the wrong conclusion. For once, stop thinking. I wanted to. Plain and simple."

"Right. You know, there are only so many times I'm going to buy that 'I want you' story. You tried it back in my apartment, right before you pulled the rug out from under me. And now you're trying it again. Do you like doing this to me?"

"I'm simply stating a fact. If you think I'm trying to pull something, that's your problem."

"It is, isn't it?" She turned and started toward the bathroom. Man, this guy knew how to push her buttons. Her body ached with the want for him to take her right there and then. The way her clit ached to be touched had her clenching her knees together to fight off the want to part them for him. Sure, she wanted see if the remarkable Dan Weber was as good a lover as he was a fighter, but damn if she'd let him take over her entire world. All for a good roll in the sack.

As much as she wanted it, she'd die of starvation before she offered anything up to him. No doubt he'd wait until they were in the heat of the moment, then say something to rip out her heart, just because he could. How could she have been so gullible as to believe he thought of her as anything other than part of their cover? Her heart seized, and she knew it wouldn't be long before those tears of humiliation would surface. She could already feel them growing in intensity.

She slowed as she entered the bathroom. Glancing back over her shoulder, noting that Dan still stood in the same spot, she met his eyes as she slammed the door. Ass. Big, arrogant ass. As a final you're-not-getting-any-of-this gesture, she locked the door.

She felt the swells of tears, but swallowed and drew deep breaths until they fell back down behind the tightness in her chest. She caught her reflection in the mirror. Although no tears fell, her eyes were red-rimmed. Great. Time for another shower.

Stripping down and starting the shower all in the same motion, JT stepped in and allowed the water to beat against her backside, loosening her muscles and calming her nerves. The water caressed her the way she wanted Dan to caress her. Damn him for what he did to her. The bastard. She felt like putting her fist through the ceramic tile. Even worse, she felt like crying over the man.

She'd allowed herself to cry over two men in her life. Her father when he died, and Uncle Charlie after he'd lost touch with reality and started calling her by her mother's name.

Dan Weber didn't deserve her tears. He was mean to her. He was in the running for asshole of the year. He was...

Standing right outside the shower curtain.

JT let out a yelp of surprise as he threw the curtain back. She didn't even bother to cover herself up, instead placing her fists on her hips. Despite the warmth of the water, her nipples puckered. "Weber? Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Shut up and let me get this out."

JT wanted to tell him where he could go, but there was something in the tone of his voice that made her take notice. He almost sounded, dare she say, sincere.

"There is something between us. You feel it. I feel it. No matter how much we deny it, it's there."

"So you want me. Get over it."

"No!" He roared and slammed his fist against the wall. JT jumped. She found his power frightening and exhilarating all at once. He raised his arm and leaned against the edge of the shower stall. "We
want it. Why deny it?"

"For about a billion reasons." She took a breath to list them all, and drew a blank. "I mean—of course there's—it's just—"

"Do you want me?" His eyes traveled the length of her frame, smiling as he paused at her breasts.

"I want
of you."

"Is that all?" He rested his gaze on her face. "Or are you looking for more?"

"What, like emotions?" She laughed and tried to make it sound playful, but it came out sounding forced. "Like love?"

His expression softened as he nodded. "I can't." He swallowed. "I'm not offering anything more than right now, JT."

"Good. Because I don't want anything more than that."

"Nothing more? No emotional ties?" His eyes searched hers, and she hoped the emotions swirling inside weren't showing in her eyes. She wanted him so much she could barely breathe, but she also wanted more than the here and now. One out of two wasn't bad odds, considering they'd only known each other for thirty hours. Of course, they'd shared being shot at, almost run over, and taking a swim in the frigid waters of the
Puget Sound

She threw a glance at the bandage covering the wound on her shoulder. If whatever they were about to do ripped it back open, would he be willing to stitch her up? Or would he bolt for the door like every other man she'd ever had the pleasure of his company?

It didn't matter. Even if he did turn into Boltboy, she'd take care of herself. She always did. She just needed his hands on her. Now. "We don't need to cloud this by getting emotions involved. What I want is purely physical."

"Me, too," Dan agreed.

They stood there, looking at each other, stunned. JT made the first move and pulled him into the shower, clothing and all. Their lips found purchase. Her back hit the cool ceramic tile as he pushed against her. The uninhibited passion and heat from his kiss damn near brought her to her knees. His force drove her into a quiver that made her nipples perk in response.

The raw hunger in his kiss made JT's body hum. His tongue sent shivers of ecstasy racing through her veins as it traced the recesses of her mouth.

She pulled and tugged at his tight cotton shirt. The water made it fit like a second skin. He only broke their amazing contact to pull the shirt over his head. Once his shirt was off, his lips found hers again. His tongue darted in and out, in and out. JT couldn't stop herself from panting.

He somehow got his pants off, though JT didn't know how. His hand found her breast, and he raked his thumb over her aching nipple, rolling the pebble with the pad. It felt so good it hurt and she cried out.

The sound increased the passion in Dan's kiss. Once he seemed to have his fill of her mouth, he found a tender spot on her neck, consuming her flesh with a need that equaled hers.


"Stop talking, Turner. For once, just allow yourself to give in. No thinking. No reasoning," he murmured against her ear, licking her lobe and tracing the inner lining. Oh dear God what she wouldn't do to have him take that same path with her clit.

He ran his tongue down her neck and across her collarbone, leaving a searing heat that would have burned her had she not already been on fire. Lowering his mouth, he scraped his teeth across a swollen nipple and drew out another cry from her. Sucking, teasing by scraping his tongue over the very tip of her hardened nubbin, she threw her head back and moaned into the shower spray.

"Do you like that?"

"Oh God, yes!"

"Would you like more?"

"Now it's you who's talking to much, Weber. Take the other. Please!"

He took the same path with the other, driving JT near the brink of insanity. With one of his hands, he traced down her belly, down the outside of her thigh, and up the middle. She shuddered from the pleasure.

When his finger tangled with her curls, she shuddered again. Opening her thighs to him, he took the invitation and brought his finger gently into her. Caressing her inner folds, he teased her, barely brushing over her aching clit before diving his finger deep inside her.

Oh dear Jesus. She could feel her own juices mixing with the shower spray. He thrust his finger in deeper and she ground her hips to rub up against his hand. With his thumb he started to stroke her waiting, throbbing clit in tiny circles. As if she wasn't close enough, he pulled his finger out of her, only to replace it with two. With the way he kept the constant pressure against her clit, and the driving of his fingers in and out, in and out, she knew she couldn't hold back any longer.

A wave of pleasure crashed into her soul as she climaxed, her wetness splashing down, covering his hand. Just like that. She cried out and held onto his enormous shoulders as her knees gave out. He ate her cries with his mouth, kissing her, sucking out every last drip of her sanity while laughing deep in the back of his throat.

The waves finally ebbed, and JT's soul found her body once more. Dan continued to kiss her, to lick her, to devour her. When he lifted her up and held her against the wall, she wrapped her legs around his waist. Her walls quivered at her orgasm, and at the anticipation of finally having his hard cock inside her.

Even though she wanted it and had been ready, when he entered her, the wave she'd thought had ebbed returned, and she bit her lip.

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