At Any Cost (20 page)

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Authors: Allie K. Adams

BOOK: At Any Cost
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Donovan groaned. "It's a long story. When you get back I'll buy you a beer."

"Deal. I'll check in tomorrow."
After I kill Mercado and call you from the plane.
He dropped the receiver back into the holder, stood and stretched. It was going to be a long night.

He grabbed some of Pedro's better inventions and stuffed them into his duffel, including the
spray, and headed back up the stairs. Pedro sat behind the counter reading a paper and brought his head up as Dan opened the door.

He smiled, and his gold tooth shined. "Is everything ready?"

"As it needs to be," Dan replied, not willing to offer Pedro any more.

"Very good,
. I hope you helped yourself."

Dan held up the overstuffed duffel. "Thanks."

"You come back in a few days. I will have more for you."

Dan nodded and left. No need upsetting the man by telling him he'd never return. Dan and JT would be back on their own turf in a few days.

He folded back into the small car and headed toward the hotel. Time to meet up with Snyder. Hopefully he’d agree with Dan on how ridiculous the original plan was, and offer his backup when Dan revealed the contingency.

He found the hotel and pulled the car up against the curb. With any luck, it would be towed and he wouldn’t have to dispose of it. He grabbed the duffel and entered the hotel through the back entrance into the bar.

He spotted Snyder behind the bar. He'd filled out a little since Dan had last seen him, but still appeared in good shape. He kept his hair buzzed like Dan. Dressed in an airy cotton shirt and beach-bum shorts, he definitely didn't fit the part of an undercover agent.

Looking at his own attire—black t-shirt, equally black BDU pants and NASSD issued boots, Dan fit the part. He cursed that he didn't have enough forethought to change into something less obvious.

He approached the bar and sat down on the stool closest to the back entrance. Snyder walked up to him, studied him without any recognition in his eyes. "Help you?"

Dan furrowed his brow. That was where the satcom link cut out. He was supposed to order a certain drink as a signal to Snyder. Shit. "I'd like a

Snyder spiked his brow and almost cut a smile. "Excuse me?"

Come on, Snyder. Pull your head out of your ass and pick up on the word.
Dan leaned closer. "Do I need to spell it out for you? N-A-S-S-D.

Snyder nodded once. "You never did like following orders. Did you, Weber? One triple scotch coming up."

Dan smiled, feeling better and better about the mission. He still didn't like it, but knowing Snyder, he'd agree with Dan. Having JT enter the compound was suicide. Snyder and Dan would take Mercado out tonight.

"Is that what I was supposed to order? Donovan knows I don't like scotch. Talk about a nasty drink."

Snyder laughed and offered his hand. "Good to see you again, man. It's been awhile."

"Too long."

"Let me get that drink you ordered," Snyder said, louder than he needed to. Dan casually glanced around, turning and leaning back on the bar counter. That’s when he spotted them.

There were three men sitting in the corner, eyeing Dan. He eyed them back until all three looked away. He studied them long enough to remember each of their faces, should he need to kick their asses later.

"Don't stir things up," Snyder said behind him, low enough for Dan's ears only. "Turn back around and pretend you never saw them." He cleared his throat and shouted, "Here's that scotch."

Dan spun back on the bar stool, not liking the fact his back was now to those men. But he could read on Snyder's face they were still there, watching Dan.

"Did you get my little care package?"

Dan nodded and motioned toward the duffel on the floor at his feet. "Thanks."

"I have to admit, it surprised the hell out of me when you called. I didn't even know you were back."

"It's a recent development. I won't bore you with the details."

"I appreciate that," Snyder mocked with a grin. "Did you hear the latest?"

That got his attention. "No. What?"

"Mercado is a very paranoid man."

"Tell me something I don't know."

Snyder looked at him. "He knows you're here. I'm guessing he also knows why. I heard his men talking about an
American Pig
showing up in the airport today. Dressed in all black." Snyder eyed Dan.

Shit. So much for sneaking in undetected. That only secured Dan's want to take out Mercado tonight and not have JT go under. Chances are, if Mercado knows about Dan, he knows about JT, too. "We move in after dark. Tonight."

"I'm listening." Snyder leaned in.

"I'm taking him out after everyone has gone to bed." He motioned to the men behind him.

"Are you, now?"

"That's right. You interested in tagging along?"

"I get off at two."


Snyder pretended to laugh. "I hear you. There isn't much to do here after dark." He lowered his voice. "It's about damn time HQ came up with a better plan. I've been rotting down here for six months."

Dan gave him a once over. His skinned glowed with a tan six months in the making. He appeared well rested and didn't hesitate to flash his smile. "Must be Hell."

"It's sunny all the time. Perfect temperature. Gorgeous beach bunnies. It's torture." He grinned. "But I do miss
. I tell you, we take the rain for granted back home. You don't realize how much until you are stuck in a place where it never rains at all."

Enough small talk. "Talk to me about Mercado."

"He's come in here a few times. I tell you, nothing tests a man's resistance like seeing the enemy within range and not able to do a thing about it. I'm glad HQ finally moved on this. It's a good plan, taking him out as soon as you get here. He won't have time to react to the news about a strange man dressed in all black rolling into town. When did it change?"

"HQ didn't change the plan. I did."

Snyder picked up a glass and started to wipe it down, that shit-eating grin widening across his face. His dark eyes danced. "Even better."

Dan grinned and sipped at the sour tasting liquid in his glass. "Jesus," he rasped. "This stuff is terrible. Okay, let's talk shop. Who are my buddies back in the corner?"

"They're Mercado's men."

"Aren't they early?"

"Word is already out about Turner's arrival. She made a grand entrance when she got here. Aside from tripping as she entered the hotel and falling flat on her beak, that is."

Dan had to chuckle. She couldn't tie her shoes without hurting herself. "How'd they hear?"

"Are you kidding? You can't take a shit in this town without Mercado knowing what color it is." He set the glass down and grabbed another, polished it. "They were here within the hour hoping to catch a glimpse of the newest attraction. At least that's what they told me."

Dan's insides clenched. "You don't believe them?"

"I think they're here to see you. Of course, I bet you don't look nearly as good in a bikini as Turner."

How in the hell did word get out? "Now they've seen me. So why are they hanging around?"

Snyder shrugged easily. "I could be wrong."

Dan cursed inwardly. Snyder wasn't wrong. Mercado knew. That good feeling growing inside him slowly faded. "What are you going to tell them? They see you here talking to me."

"I'm keeping with the cover. Unless you have a better plan."

Dan did. "Don't tell them anything."

"Weber, I have to say something."

He looked at Snyder. "No, you don't." It wasn't a request, and Snyder picked up on it.

"Listen, my alliance is with NASSD. Always will be. I'm willing to go along with your plan, but if they ask me and I tell them I don't know, they aren't going to be happy. They've already asked about Turner once. Nothing about you, yet."

Dan knew he was right. No use raising unnecessary suspicion. "Fine. Tell them she has a sick uncle and is down here to get medicine. If she doesn't get the medicine back to him within the next forty-eight hours, he'll die. I came down to bring her home with the medicine."

Snyder gave him a look. "You just make that up?"

"They won't take her back to the compound if they know she's expected back."

"Yes, they will. A dying uncle won't stop them. If they want Turner, they'll take her. Not all of the women Mercado take go willingly." Snyder looked ready to spit. "I want to see this bastard go down. I hear Turner is an incredible shot. She'll be in and out."

"That would be true if we had weapons."

Snyder stopped shining the glass in his hands, set it down. "They sent you in unarmed? That's fucking suicide."

"On the nose."

Throwing his rag on the floor, Snyder bent down to retrieve it. Dan leaned forward, knowing he did that to hide from the three in the back. "Come back down at two. Mercado's men will be gone, and I'll make sure you have what you need. Until then, reach down here."

Dan did, and pulled Snyder's rag back up. Inside the rag Dan could feel the weight and shape of a good-sized pistol. He stole glances around him as he unwrapped his present and stuffed it into the front of his pants.

Snyder stood and took his rag. He gave Dan a curt nod and went over to help a young couple just sitting down at the bar. He spent a few minutes talking with them, laughing and nodding as they spoke with him.

Dan took another sip and cringed. Why did he keep drinking it? He set it down and waited for Snyder to return. When he did and picked up another glass to polish, Dan asked, "What do you know about Mercado?"

"I know he's the spawn of Satan. Mercado is trying to do for this country what the Civil War did for the
United States
. Brother against brother. Tear the nation apart. The kids around here beg for money just to eat. There are drugs all over the streets. Santos Mercado is poison. He's going to ruin mankind if he gets his way."

Dan stiffened. "How so?"

"His men keep referring to some deal to make
pay for what they've done. They're boasting about a weapon, but I haven't picked up any detail. Yet."

"Jesus Christ." Dan picked up the scotch again. It burned his throat, but he kept a straight face. Snyder's story convinced Dan that Mercado not only knew about
, but also had something to do with its disappearance. Thank God Donovan called him when he did. Because God only knew where
would be by now if Dan hadn't gotten involved.

At least
was safe back in the United States. As soon as Donovan told him Charlie Cole was an invalid, Dan

Good old Papabear. He knew all along. Dan never fathomed the little idea Charlie Cole had would ever materialize.

It was the day of Gessler's funeral. Papabear had pulled Dan aside during the wake. "I'm going under," he'd told him. "If
is in danger, you'll know what to do."

Dan wrote his comments off as grief. They were all grieving. Dan. Charlie. All of them. Their friend and comrade in arms. Dead. Killed by one of their own.

And now it seemed Papabear's predictions were coming true. Dan cursed and took another drink.

"Is Turner ready for this?"

Dan looked at Snyder. "Compared to what?"

"Dude, the shit is about to hit. Turner better be as good as NASSD thinks she is. If we don't get Mercado tonight, then she's going in. If Mercado even suspects her, she's toast. And she's no good to us dead."

"We'll get him."

Snyder laughed, wiped down the bar. "You got balls, my friend. I'm in. But you should at least tell Turner. She won't wait around to find out."

Dan knew Snyder was right. He nodded. "What else have you been able to find out from Larry, Curly, and Moe?"

Snyder glanced back toward the three men in the corner. "I tell them the goings on from what I pick up here in the bar. In turn they come in here every week and tell me what goes on outside the bar. You should hear the shit they tell me. Most of it is exactly that. But the occasional slip up after I get them severely
Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition
makes it all worthwhile."

? Nice."

He glanced behind Dan. "Uh, no," he shouted again, for everyone to hear. "I don't know where your girlfriend is. What does she look like again?"

Now back to the ridiculous jealous boyfriend/hiding girlfriend plan. Dan knew he needed to play along to keep his cover. He raised his voice. "Dark brown hair. Green eyes." Sweet ass. Sweet lips. Very kissable.

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