Assured (Soul Serenade #2) (14 page)

BOOK: Assured (Soul Serenade #2)
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I give myself a mental fist bump—I kept my cock in line and didn’t make a pass at her all afternoon. Well, there was a minute when I was showing her the bunks that I had to touch her. I couldn’t have controlled it even if I tried.

We arrived in Atlanta a few hours ago. We were all starving, so we made that our first order of business. Now, it’s time to decide what we’re doing for the night. The boys and I usually go out, but I can tell Kacen won’t be.

“So, what’s the plan?” he asks.

I look around at my brothers and no one jumps at throwing out suggestions. “I think I’m just going to chill here,” Tristan says, looking at his phone. Something is going on with him. I wonder if he’s met someone. He’s been glued to that phone the past few months.

“I’m not really feeling it either,” Gavin chimes in.

I stare at both of them, trying to figure out what I’m missing. Something’s up.

Although, once my eyes land on Stacy, I can’t seem to find the desire to go out either.

“Cole,” Kacen says.

“I’m good,” I reply.
I would rather stay in and talk to your wife’s best friend than get my dick wet with a random.


What is she doing to me? This is a first. It goes unsaid, but I know they’re all thinking it. Never have all three of us passed up a night out, especially at the beginning of a tour when we’re fresh. A night here or there, sure, but never all three of us.

“Ladies?” Kacen asks.

“I’m exhausted,” Logan tells him.

“I’m good with staying in as well. What’s in store for tomorrow?” Stacy asks.

“Interviews with the local radio station in the morning, sound check in the afternoon and then the show starts at eight,” Logan rattles off our schedule.

“Sounds like you all have an early morning anyway,” Stacy says.

“Right, well, we’ll see you in the morning.” Kacen, who is standing behind Logan, places his hands on her hips and guides her toward the bedroom.

“I’m going to watch a movie.” Gavin retreats to his bunk.

“Sleep,” Tristan mumbles, following along behind them.

Once again, it’s just the two of us. “What about you, sweets?”

Stacy sits on the couch. “I’m not tired yet. I think I’ll just read for a little while.”

I watch as she reaches into her bag and pulls out her Kindle. “Do you care if I watch TV? Will it bother you? I’m not ready for the bunk just yet.” It’s not a complete stretch of the truth. I’m not ready to leave her, and that’s something that is alarming, but not enough that I ignore the desire to spend more time with her. I like getting to know her, which is a new concept for me.

“Nope. When I’m reading, I can block everything else out.” She settles into the corner of the couch. I reach into the storage cabinet above her and pull out a throw blanket, unfold it, and drape it over her. The smile she gives me makes my heart race. She’s fucking beautiful.

“Thank you, Cole.” Her voice is soft.

I can’t speak, not without begging her to let me inside, so instead, I nod and sit beside her.

I scroll through the channels until I finally settle on the movie
It’s older, but it’s a good one. And it stars Sandra Bullock which is a bonus.

I glue my eyes to the TV—at least, I try. I steal glances at Stacy and she’s oblivious, so engrossed in whatever it is she’s reading. I watch as she bites her lip and, a few pages later, a small smile graces her lip. She’s fully captivated by the world that author has created.

I try to focus on the movie, and it works for about twenty minutes or so, until I hear sniffles. Whipping my head around to look at her, I see tears flowing down her cheeks. Without thinking, I reach out and link my fingers through hers. This gets her attention.

A watery smile greets me as she chuckles through her tears. “Not a word, Hampton,” she warns me.

Refusing to let go of her hand, I turn to face her. My other hand cups her cheek and I wipe away her tears with my thumb. It’s fucking irrational as hell, but I hate seeing her cry. It’s the story, I get it, but that doesn’t mean I like it.

“I don’t like seeing you cry,” I admit.

She chuckles again as more tears fall from her eyes. “I can’t seem to help it. Some of these books, just . . . gut me. I love it, though.”

The tears cause her green eyes to sparkle. “You’re beautiful.” She blushes. This girl . . . she’s not like anyone I’ve ever met.

“How’s your movie?” She pulls her hand from mine and wipes at her cheeks.

I leave my hand where it falls, on her thigh. “I’ve seen it before,” I tell her.

She glances up at the TV. “Yeah, this is an oldie but goodie.”

That smile.

“Are you finished with your book?”

She nods. “Yeah, another happily ever after.”

“With tears?”

“With tears,” she agrees. “It’s the way he loves her.” She blushes at her admission.

“Feel like watching the rest of this with me?” I try to keep from sounding too hopeful. She could sit there and read all damn night for all I care. I just want her to be next to me.

I’m freaked the fuck out, because that is not something I have ever thought about anyone. I don’t like chics to just hang around, and I certainly don’t long to just be in their presence.

These next three months are going to be interesting if this is how it’s going to go.

“I don’t want to cramp your style,” she teases.

I settle back against the couch and raise my arm, inviting her to lie against my chest. It’s only been a couple of times that I’ve done this, all with her, and I crave it.

She places her Kindle back in her bag on the floor and settles against me. I reach down and pull the blanket up over her. Once she’s comfortable, I flick off the lights. We’re now cast in just the glow from the television screen.

Her breathing eventually evens out; peering down, I see that she’s asleep. I hold her a little tighter and close my eyes. My last thought is that a man could get used to this.






“Shh!” I hear Logan hiss.

I slowly open my eyes and blink away the sleep.
Shit! We fell asleep last night.
I squeeze my eyes closed, wishing Logan and whoever it is she’s hissing at would be quiet so I would have slept a little longer. To make matters worse, Cole is starting to wake up, and he’s drawing circles on my lower back. I want to yell at them to go back to bed so I can enjoy this rare moment of sweet Cole. Instead, I try to move his hand, but he’s not having it.

“Stop, baby,” he mumbles.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

“Baby?” Kacen says, loud enough that we’re both opening our eyes.

I quickly sit up, as does Cole. He blinks a few times and roughly runs his hands over his face.

“What the hell is going on here?” Kacen demands.

“Babe, calm down,” Logan tries to soothe him.

“Fucking hell, Kace. We fell asleep watching a movie,” Cole bites back.

“You called her ‘baby,’” he retorts.

Cole shrugs. “And your point is? I was fucking comfortable.”

“I fucking told you, Cole.”

“Chill the fuck out, man. I know I heard you the tenth fucking time you lectured me. We fell asleep, end of story.” Cole stands and makes his way to the bathroom.

“Kacen.” My voice is low. “He’s telling you the truth. I read for a little while and then we watched the rest of
We fell asleep.” I hate that he’s so angry about this. I’m beginning to wonder if I made the wrong decision.

“You all ‘just fell asleep’ at the house too,” he says, with less anger in his voice.

“Kacen Michael, you need to stay out of it. Who cares if they fell asleep? Who cares if they slept together? They are both adults and can make their own decisions. Who are you to tell them what they can and cannot do?” Logan lays into him.

“She’s your best friend.”

“And he’s yours. They are also two consenting adults who do not want or need your permission to do whatever the hell it is they want to do.”

“I don’t want it to cause problems.” His voice is softer now that he’s talking to his wife.

going to, acting the way you are. Stay out of it.”

Cole comes back into the room and sits on the couch beside me. “It’s not a secret that I want her. Nothing you say can keep that from happening.”


“She’s not a groupie,” Kacen says through his teeth.

“You think I don’t know that?”

“Stop! Nothing happened. We fell asleep. Kacen, I appreciate your concern, but regardless of what, if anything, happens between Cole and me, or hell, me and Gavin or Tristan . . .” I pause when Cole growls beside me. “It will not be any of your concern. I promise you that it will not change my relationship with Logan, and it would take more than a one-night stand to keep me from this amazing opportunity you’ve given me.”

Tristan and Gavin must have heard the commotion as they are now both awake and sitting at the table. Of course, they arrived just in time to hear my little tirade.

“Stacy, you tell me when and where.” Tristan winks at me.

“Ditto.” Gavin grins cheekily.

“Fuck you both,” Cole seethes. “Hands off.”

“I’m flattered,” I tell them. “But it’s not happening. With any of you.” I make a point to look at all three of them. Gavin and Tristan are wearing matching sleepy grins. Cole looks . . . sad, with a mix of anger evident. I don’t even take the time to figure out what that means.

“Right, you all have to be at the radio station in an hour. It’s a fifteen- minute commute, so get moving. Breakfast casserole is on the stove,” Logan says.

And just like that, the discussion is over. The four of them grumble their thanks and love of Logan’s cooking while filling their plates. She takes a seat next to me on the couch and pats my leg.

“Sorry about all of that,” she whispers.

I shake my head, letting her know she doesn’t need to apologize.

“So, did you finish that book?” she asks.

“Yes, it was so good.”

“Did you cry?”

“Like a baby.” I grin. I love that we have the same taste in books.

“I was worried at first,” Cole says between bites from his seat at the table.

From the look on her face, Logan is thrilled that Cole seemed to care.

“What is it you call it, babe? ‘Ugly girl cry’?” Kacen winks at her.

“Yes, and I’m not ashamed,” Logan says, head held high.

“Most of the time, they break you, but put you back together again,” I tell him.

“I don’t like to see my wife cry,” Kacen grumbles.

I chance a look at Cole to find him already looking at me. Something passes between us, Kacen’s words almost exactly what he said to me last night. This unspoken connection confuses me. It’s nothing I would have expected from Cole.

Logan clears her throat, pulling my attention away from Cole.


She winks at me. Logan doesn’t miss a thing.

“Later,” I mouth to her. I know my best friend, and she’s going to want details.

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