Assured (Soul Serenade #2) (12 page)

BOOK: Assured (Soul Serenade #2)
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“Yes, I just brought the basics,” she tells her best friend as she moves toward me.

As soon as she sits, I shift a little closer. I don’t think she notices. This girl—what is it about her that I can’t let go? It has to be the chase. The fact that she doesn’t fall at my feet like all the others. I didn’t realize how fun it could be to pursue someone.

Stacy settles back against the couch, and I lift my arm and lay it across the back. I’m not touching her, but it’s a more intimate position for sure. Logan gives us a bright smile, while Kacen looks worried. Gavin and Tristan are oblivious, lost in whatever it is on their phones that’s captured their attention.

“What are we watching?” Stacy asks.

I chuckle and hand her the remote. “They have no idea.” I roll my eyes.

“You pick.” She passes it back to me.

“I’m good with anything.” I gently touch her arm and push. It’s not lost on me that I really want to be pulling her into my lap and crushing her lips with mine. Patience is not something I’ve had to practice, since our careers make it possible to have what we want at our fingertips. Until now, that is.

She scrolls through the channels, not finding anything.

“Wait, go back,” Logan says. I didn’t even realize she was paying attention.

Stacy backs through the channels. “There.” Logan grins.
Pretty Woman
is playing. “I love this movie.”

Satisfied, Stacy sets the remote on the table in front of us. I kick off my shoes and prop my feet up.

I couldn’t care less what movie the girls want to watch, since I doubt I’ll be able to pay much attention anyway. Instead, I’ll be sitting here, breathing in her sweet scent. Mentally arguing with my cock that it’s not time to come out and play. I want it just as bad as he does, maybe more, but I need to spend some time getting to know her better. Figure out a way to convince her that a night together would not be a mistake.

As the sun sets, the house grows dark, with only the TV for light. Gavin has fallen asleep. Tristan goes back and forth from the movie to his phone. Kacen only has eyes for his wife, and her eyes are glued to the screen. Stacy is just as engrossed. She wiggles in her seat, and I let instinct take over. My arm, which has been stretched out on the back of the love seat, drops to her shoulders and I pull her against me. She doesn’t resist like I assumed she would; instead, she looks up from under her lashes, those big green eyes questioning me.

“Relax,” I whisper. She continues to watch me, searching for an ulterior motive. She must find what she’s looking for. Her eyes leave mine and focus back on the movie as she settles against me.

That’s when it hits me—I’ve never done this. I’m twenty-five years old and I’ve never just hung out with a girl. Never just held anyone in my arms for the sake of watching a movie. Well, no one but Mia. I admit that it’s . . . relaxing. No pressure, no pretense—just chilling on the couch, beautiful girl in my arms.






I’m too tired to argue with him. That look, it was like he was trying to tell me not to overthink this. I’m not going to. Instead, I will my body to relax against his. He’s hard, defined, yet soft. The minute his strong arms wrap around me, I sigh. This is a side of Cole I’ve never seen. I know he’s been with women since I’ve known him, but I’ve never once seen him show this type of . . . affection. I guess that’s not a part of the deal—you don’t have to cuddle to get off.

I chance a look around the room and no one is paying us a bit of attention, which has me relaxing further into his embrace. I miss this part of being in a relationship.

I clear my mind of the sexy beast who has his arms around me and focus on the movie. I don’t know how much time goes by before Cole shifts his weight, turning his body toward mine. His strong arms pull me closer, my head now resting against his chest. His heart is beating a steady rhythm, his hand is trailing gently up and down my back, and I find it hard to keep my eyes open.

“Stop,” I hear Cole say in a low but firm voice.

“Cole,” Kacen warns.

“Let her be,” Cole replies.

“Are you sure?” Logan asks.

“I got her. You all go on to bed.”

I know they’re talking about me. I also know I should wake up and put an end to the disagreement, but I just can’t. My body is warm and relaxed, so instead, I nuzzle closer to him before sleep claims me once again.

When I wake again, the house is dark and quiet. I open my eyes and let them adjust to the darkness. I’m lying on top of Cole, his arms clamped tight around me as he sleeps what I assume is peacefully, based on the gentle rise and fall of his chest. I wish I could see him, that I could commit this moment with him and what he looks like to memory. Damn the darkness.

I lie as still as I can, just soaking up his warmth. Pretending this is any other man. Pretending he’s not a famous musician and that we could be on our way to something real. I know it’s dangerous to even contemplate it for a second, but Cole is one of those magnetic personalities. He’s crude one minute and apparently cuddly the next. He’s a lethal combination that I cannot let myself long for. I want it all, and he wants one night.

Coming to my senses, I slowly start to pull away, but his arms tighten.

“I got you,” his deep, raspy, sleep-laced voice cuts into the night.

“We need to go to bed.”

“I’m good here.” He still has his arms gripped like a vice around me.

“Cole, come on,” I plead with him. I would love nothing more than to settle against his chest and fall back to my fantasy of him, or better yet take him up to the guest room and have him crawl in bed behind me. All fantasies that I can’t allow myself to indulge in.

“Cole, let me up.”

“Fine,” he grumbles, but releases me.

I crawl off him and stand beside the love seat. Cole follows suit, his hands resting on my hips. “I’ll guide you,” he says softly.

I nod, even though he can’t see me. Stepping in front of me, he laces his fingers through mine and we begin to slowly move toward the stairs. He knows his way around in the darkness. I could insist that we turn on a light, or hell, even use the light on my cell phone, but instead, I continue pretending that I need him just to feel his hand in mine. Pathetic, I know, but I’m just not ready to let go of the fantasy.

He slowly climbs the stairs, keeping a firm grip on my hand. We reach the top and he leads me down the hall. We finally stop in front of what I assume is my room.

“You want me to come with you?” he asks, his voice husky.

“No, get some rest. Sorry about tonight.”

His hands find my cheeks in the dark. “Don’t apologize, sweets. I enjoyed every minute of it.” I know he’s close, but due to the dark of night, I have no warning that his lips are headed for mine until I feel them, firm yet soft. My brain is still caught up in the fantasy that I created when I woke up, foggy from wanting him. My hands find his long hair and my fingers bury deep, pulling him closer. He doesn’t disappoint as he deepens the kiss.

When he steps in to me, I back up and my back hits the door. Cole’s lips never leave mine. Slowly, softly, he devours me, if that’s even possible. He gently traces my lips with his tongue, and I don’t hesitate to open for him. He groans as his hands tilt my head just where he needs it. And we kiss, for I don’t know how long. He doesn’t take it further, and neither do I; instead, I enjoy the weight of his body pressed against mine, the feel and the taste of his lips. This is my one moment of weakness before the three-month adventure ahead of us. In the back of my mind, I know it’s a bad idea, but I can’t find the will to care at the moment.

Finally, he slows the kiss and rests his head on my shoulder. “Good night, sweet Stacy.” His voice is gruff and low. Reaching behind me, he grabs the handle and pushes open the door.

I turn on shaking legs and dip under his arm. “Night, Cole,” I say softly into the darkness. He doesn’t reply as he shuts the door.

Just like that, the fantasy is over.

Blindly, I find my way to the bed. Climbing in, I burrow under the covers and will sleep to claim me. I lie there in the darkness for what feels like hours before exhaustion finally takes over. However, sleep doesn’t stop the memories of his lips, his body pressed to mine, from appearing in my thoughts.

What was I thinking?






No fucking way I can sleep after that. After cuddling with her, holding her while she slept, kissing her. She affects me like no one before her. I don’t quite know what it means or how to handle it. The entire night is like a movie reel behind my eyes, playing on repeat, and I lie awake, remembering every second over and over again. The sun begins to rise and I feel a ping of excitement that I’ll be seeing her in just a couple of hours. The bus rolls out early, so the quiet house is soon to be bustling with the six of us preparing to leave. Just the thought motivates me to shower and change.

I hesitate in the hall by her door, but make myself keep walking. I find Logan in the kitchen, sitting on the counter while drinking orange juice.

“Morning,” I say, making my way toward the coffeemaker. I need caffeine after my sleepless night.

“Morning. You look tired.”

Logan misses nothing when it comes to us. “Yeah, didn’t sleep the best.”

“That love seat is too small for you,” she scolds me.

“It is,” I agree. “But she was sleeping too peacefully to wake her up.”

She raises her eyebrows, silently questioning me.

“We woke up at some point in the middle of the night. I made sure she got to her room safely and then went to mine.”
After I kissed the fuck out of her.

“I see.” She smirks.

I ignore her and continue making coffee. She’s dying to ask me, and I’m actually surprised that she’s being so reserved—everyone knows I’m an open book.

Logan sits on the counter and quietly drinks her juice, which gets to me more than the questioning. “Say it,” I finally spit out, no longer able to handle the silence.

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