Asquith (98 page)

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Authors: Roy Jenkins

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Asquith

BOOK: Asquith
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City of London School, 16-17, 20 Clarke, Sir Edward G., 91 Clarke, Sir Stanley de A. C., 180 Clarke, Tom, 444

Clemenceau, Georges, 419, 462/1, 477 Clifford, Dr. John, 191 Cluer, A. R., 24 Clynes, J. R., 497 Cobden, Richard, 137, 13
Cockbum, Sir Alexander, 18 Collings, Jesse, 39, 58, 59 Collins, Sir Godfrey, 515, 516 Collins, John Churton, 24 Committee of Imperial Defence, 134, 240-1, 245, 344-5 Connolly, James, 102, 395, 397 Conscription, 370-3, 374, 377-8, 386, 387-91,
, 416 Cook, E. T., 118 Cordite supply vote, 86-7, 93//

Corrupt practices act, 37 Cotton, Pauline, 329//

Cowdray, 1st Viscount (W. D. Pearson), 516

Craig, Sir James, 1st Viscount Craigavon, 320-1

Crewe, Marq. of (R. O. A. Crewe-Milnes), 158, 159, 182, 190-2, 224//, 241, 245, 357, 402; Asquith’s friendship with, 266, 268, 270-2, 332, 336, 338, 340, 341, 343/1, 462; and the constitutional crisis, 195, 198, 200, 206, 214, 216, 217, 229-30; his illness, 229, 242//; and Ireland, 277, 286, 304, 306, 318, 320, 397; and the war, 328, 330, 345, 350, 362,
, 417; and fall of Asquith’s government, 434, 442,
, 456, 458; advises Asquith against taking Lord Chancellorship, 467; consulted in 1921, 491-2

Crewe, March, of, 270, 271, 462 Cripps, C. A., 1st Lord Parmoor, 91 Croft, Sir H. Page, Lord Croft, 471 Cromer, 1st Earl of, (Evelyn Baring),

Crooks, Will, 227/1 Crosland, T. W. H., 379 Cunliffe, Walter, Lord Cunliffe, 431 Curragh mutiny, 307-15 Curzon of Kedleston, Marq. (G. N. Curzon), 31, 57«, 203, 488, 495, 501; and Margot, 53, 76/1, 493/1; and constitutional crisis, 229, 230; and Ireland, 400; and the war, 368,
, 384-5,
, 416, 417; and fall of Asquith, 421, 422//, 426, 427, 4?^
, 458; in War Cabinet, 459; death of, 509-10

Curzon, Mary (Lady Howe), 268 Cust, Henry J. C., 76/1 Cyprus, offered to Greece, 376//

D’Abemon, Viscount (Sir Edgar Vincent), 141

Daily Chronicle
, 118, 182, 298, 356, 426
Daily Express,
Daily Mail
, 415, 427

Daily News,
106/1, 118, 303-5, 356
Daily Worker,

Dalziel of Kirkcaldy, Lord (Sir Henry Dalziel), 205, 235/1 Davey, Sir Horace, Lord Davey, 38 Davidson of Lambeth, Lord,

Davies, Sir John T., 473-4 Davison, Miss Wilding, 247 Dawson, Geoffrey (Geoffrey Robinson), 310//, 444-5 Deakin, Alfred, 168 De la Mare, Walter, 267 De La Warr, Earl (G. G. R. Sackville), 263

Derby, 16th Earl of (E. G. V. Stanley): his recruiting scheme, 377, 386, 387; at the War Office, 406, 409-10; and fall of Asquith, 447//, 448, 456; and Hogg,

De Robeck, Sir John M., 354, 385 Desborough, Lady (Mrs. W. H. Grenfell), 54, 55, 57, 66, 79
Devlin, Joseph, 209, 280, 291, 306, 402,


Devonport, Viscount (H. E. Kearley),

Devonshire, 8th Duke of (S. C. Cavendish, Marq. of Harrington), 39, 40, 42, hi, 134-5, 138, 141 Devonshire, 9th Duke of (V. C. W.

Cavendish), 231, 495 D’Haussonville, Count, 266 Dilke, Sir Charles, 36/1, 46, 59, 90, 165, 180/j, 205

Dillon, John, 209, 319, 320-1, 398, 402, 403

Donald, Sir Robert, 426 Douglas, Lord Alfred, 379-80 Dudley, Georgina, Countess of, 101 Duke, H. E., Lord Merrivale, 402 Duplin, Lady, 508

Durham, 3rd Earl, 127

East Fife, 26, 40-1, 57, 89, 120, 161, 164, 263, 465,
, 33

Education Bills: 1896,101; 1902,133,
34-6, 137, 139/1; 1906, 169, 171, i7
; 1908, 188

Edward VII, King of England, 60/1, 77, 148, 307; meets Campbell-Bannerman at Marienbad, 144-7; Campbell-Bannerman becomes premier,
53-4» 158-9; and constitutional crisis, 170, 199-204, 207, 209-11; appoints Asquith Prime Minister at Biarritz, 178-80; and his Cabinet appointments, 181/1, 182-3, 184; his relations with Asquith, 185-7, 203-4; Cabinet letters to, quoted, 196, 197, 200-1, 209; and Honours, 186; and Eucharistic Congress, 189-92; death of, 212-13 Edward, Prince of Wales (King Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor), 483-4 Eighty Club, 34, 36, 71 Elcho, Lady (Mary, Countess of Wemyss),

Eldridge, W. H., 64-5 Elections, General: 1885, 37, 39; 1886, 40-1; 1892, 56-8; 1895, 88-9, 96; 1901, 120-1; 1906, 134, 161-4;

1910, 203-4, 218, 222; 1918, 475-9, 484; I
; 1923, 498-500; 1924, 503-4, 512

Electoral reform, 18, 56, 424, 467; Plural Voting Bill, 170-1; Speaker’s conference on; 411;
see also

women’s suffrage

Elgin, Earl of(V. A. Bruce), 149,159,182 Elibank, Master of,
Murray Elliot, Maxine, 264

Ellis, T. E., 45, 46, 60, 86, 98, 105, 106, 107, 108, no

Emmott, Alfred, Lord Emmott, 341,

Employers Liability Bill, 68 Esher, 1st Viscount (R. B. Brett), 301, 382, 384/1

Eucharistic Congress, 189-93 Ewart, Sir J. Spencer, 307, 309, 31m
Eye- Witness, The
, 252

Faber, Col. Walter, 494 Factory legislation, 1895, 85 Ferguson, Ronald C. Munro (Viscount Novar), 106n, 130

Fergusson, Maj. Gen. Sir Charles, 308-9,

Fisher of Kilverstone, Lord (Adm. Sir John Fisher), 183, 349, 350-2, 354,
, 359-60, 365 Fisher, H. A. L., 265 Fisher, W. Hayes, Lord Downham, 224

FitzGibbon, James, 274/1 Flower, Peter, 79, 504;
and see
Lord Battersea

Flower, Walter N., 494 Foch, Marshal, 425/1, 481 Food: control, 424; prices, 435; shipping, 417; taxes,
Tariff reform Ford, Mrs., 268

Fowler, Henry H., Viscount Wolverhampton, 61, 86, 97, 99, 121; and Campbell-Bannerman’s leadership, 107/1, 108, 109, 115, 116, 123, 124, 125, 128/1; and Liberal League, 132,

France: Anglo-French Entente, 134,

144, 242-5

French, Sir John, 1st Earl of Ypres, and Curragh, 307, 309, 312, 313-H;

Ills disputes with Kitchener, 342-3,
, 350,
, 356,
, 462; recall of, 375, 382-3; begs Asquith to take War Office, 409; and Haig, 425

Galheni, Gen., J. S., 389 Gambetta, L. M., 18011 Garibaldi, G., 18 Garvin, J. L., 119, 379 George V, King of England, 262, 263, 272, 341, 347, 359, 360, 380; Cabinet letters to, quoted or mentioned, 229-30, 234, 237-8, 23811, 244, 248, 249, 253-4, 256, 292-3, 294, 324,
, 400-4, 407, 416; his accession and the constitutional crisis, 212-15, 218-21, 226-31; and the Irish question, 278, 280, 282-7, 292-3, 294, 296, 300-3, 305, 310, 311, 314, 315-17, 318-21, 343; Asquith’s memorandum on position of, 541-7; his attitude to labour and social questions, 234-6, 34411; and honours, 186, 22411; and the war, 327, 328; conscription, 371, 392-4; the general, 342-3, 382, 406, 409; the King’s pledge 36211; Asquith’s audience with, December 1916, 448-9, 450, 453; and Asquith’s resignation, 454-5, 456-7, 459, 462; his later friendship to Asquith, 476, 481, 483,
, 508 George VI, King of England, 497 Gladstone, Herbert J., 1st Viscount Gladstone: as Chief Whip, no, 11411, 136, 142, 144, 150, 151, 155; as Home Secretary, 158, 190-3, 246; becomes Governor-General of South Africa, 192 Gladstone, William Ewart: Prime Minister, 20, 32, 34, 36, 9011, non, 116; his third administration, 39, 40, 41; opposition leader, 4211; his fourth administration, 51, 56, 57~6o; his resignation, 68, 70-1, 84, 104; his Irish policy, 44, 45, 58, 59, 64, 97; and the Armenian massacres, 98; Asquith’s tribute to, 44-5; his opinion of Asquith, 36, 89; his relationships with Margot, 74, 77, 78-9; Morley, 45-6; Queen Victoria, 66-7; the Gladstonian tradition, 117, 158, 182, 185, 206, 23811, 368, 480, 48311, 489, 506; on Ireland, 130, 132, 274; on finance, 160, 165, 166, 167, 168, 389 Gore, Charles, Bishop of Birmingham, 24, 25, 379

Goschen, G. J., 1st Viscount Goschen,

Gosse, Sir Edmund, 265, 29411, 305 Gough, Sir Hubert, 308, 309, 311, 312,

Graham, R. B. Cunninghame-, 47, 64 Graham-Smith, Mrs. (Lucy Tennant),
, 259 Greece, 37611 Green, T. H., 22-3

Greenwood, Sir Hamar, Viscount Greenwood, 496

Grey, 2nd Earl (Charles Grey, Viscount Howick), 229

Grey, Albert, 4th Earl, 34, 40311 Grey of Fallodon, Viscount (Sir Edward Grey), 45, 47, 60, 92, 104, 135, 257; and Rosebery, the Boer war and the Liberal League, 99, 115-17, 121-4, 126-8, 131, 133; takes part in Relugas compact, 143-6, 149-51; becomes Foreign Secretary, 151-9, 18011; his conduct of foreign affairs before the war, 240, 242-5, 324-30;

the King’s opinion of, 296; his views on coal strike, 237-8; conscription, 373, 388, 392; constitutional crisis, 205-6, 208, 216, 217, 227«; Ireland, 294, 304, 323, 400, 403, 491; naval estimates, 195, 198, 298; war pensions, 345; women’s suffrage, 57/1, 245, 248, 250; as Foreign Secretary in war: Cyprus, 376 and
Dardanelles, 350, 352, 417; Italy, 359/1; Churchill’s “plot” to remove him, 339, 356; and peace moves, 416, 418-19, 475; and League of Nations, 478; his position, on formation of first coalition, 361-2, 368; on fall of Asquith, 434, 437, 446, 447, 449, 458; in 1921, 490-2; in 1926, 514, 516-17; Asquith’s relationship with, 245, 270-1, 332, 336-7, 339-41, 402-3, 408; death of his wife, 174, 268; refuses peerage, 242/1; accepts, 403/1, 409-10; a Trustee of the British Museum, 238/1; Chancellor of Oxford University, 512 Griffith, Arthur, 280 Grillion’s Club, 265, 305 Guest, F. E., 358-9, 496 Gulland, J., 371 Gwynne, H. A., 425

Haig, Sir Douglas, 1st Earl Haig, 382-3, 387, 412 and /1, 413, 414, 419, 425, 467, 468, 482

Haldane, R. B., Viscount Haldane of Cloan: his family background, 33; early career, 34; his friendship with Asquith, 34-5, 175, 181, 257, 270-2, 332, 336, 341, 480, 486, 501; and Helen Asquith, 30; and Margot,
, 93enters Parliament, 39-40,

41/1; his early political life, 43, 45-6, 61; at the Bar, 90/1, 91, 92; takes silk, 50; enters society, 54; on Featherstone Commission, 69; and Rosebery, 99, 104-7; supports Campbell-Bannerman, 115; Campbell-Bannerman on, 122, 140/1; takes part in Relugas compact, 144-9, 151-3; his following in the party, 117; his position, on Boer war, 121, 123, 124, 131; on education, 135; on tariff reform, 143; on women’s suffrage, 57«, 248; becomes Secretary of State for War, 156-9, 167, 198, 238, 239, 240, 241-4; and constitutional crisis, 205, 216; accepts peerage and becomes Lord Chancellor, 242/1, 3°4, 313; on outbreak of war, 325, 327, 345; proscribed by Conservatives, 360-2, 365, 369, 370 and
388, 447; his memorandum on right of dissolution, 455 Halsbury, 1st Earl of (Sir Hardinge Giffard), 38, 229, 230 Hamilton, Sir Edward W., 160 Hamilton, Lord George F., 134, 138 Hamilton, Sir Ian S. M., 353, 354, 372 Hankey, Sir Maurice, 1st Lord Hankey: mentioned as Secretary to C.I.D. and Cabinet, 345, 370, 385, 406, 411, 417; with Asquith at Rome conference 390, 391, 393; and in France, 412-13, 419-20, 421; letter from, in 1918, 480; his memoirs discussed, 394, 395, 428, 433, 44i,

Harcourt, Lewis, 1st Viscount Harcourt, 70, 105/1, 108, 263, 267, 303, 341, 345, 409; his position, on budget 205 and
1; on conscription, 371; on constitutional crisis, 213; on iia\al estimates, 194, 198; on war, 325, 328; 0:1 women’s suffrage, 247, 248; supports Asquith, 446, 449, 458

Harcourt, Sir William, 38, 42/;, 59; critical of Asquith, 44, 45; Asquith’s attitude to, 56, 57, 64, 92; his eulogy of Gladstone, 70, 71; Margot and, 93
Queen Victoria and, 6
and parliament, 67/1,
and women’s suffrage, 57/1; as Chancellor of Exchequer, 6o«, 61, 160, 167, 168; 1894 budget, 82-4; a possible leader of liberals, 72-3; his breach with Rosebery, 86, 87, 88-9, 96-8, 100-1, 104-6, 108-10; and the Boer war, 103, 104, 116, 118, 121-3, 125 Hardie, Keir, 470//

Hardinge of Penshurst, Charles, 1st Lord, 343«

Harley, J. R. H., 508 Harrisson, Mrs. Hilda, 257, 461, 485, 498, 508/7, 514, 517, 518 Hastings, Sir Patrick, 502 Health Insurance Bill, 236 Helmsley, Viscount (C. W. R. Duncombe), 208

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