Aroused (Taming Himself Book 1) (7 page)

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Authors: Kia Carrington-Russell

BOOK: Aroused (Taming Himself Book 1)
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Chapter Eleven



tapped the corner of my laptop, idly looking over the half written email in front of me. Sarah was right, she was on my mind. All the subtle hints of a good night had my balls going blue just at the thought. Her smile had my groin throbbing for her all night. And her knowing smile was killing me… It irritated me, yet I wanted it so bad.

              Unable to focus on my email, I scrunched up a piece of my notepad paper and aimed for the bin on the other side of my office. Score. At least I was triumphant at something, I thought idly. I brooded for a little longer and thought of how I could show Sarah I wanted her bad enough that she would give in. I was so used to women being at my mercy and wanting me, not the other way around, it was rather frustrating. I felt sexually deprived. Not something I thought I would ever be saying.

              “Hayden,” Amber’s stern tone cut through my thoughts. “You have a visitor. Make it quick; you have a conference call in twenty minutes,” she reminded me. Amy slipped in front of Amber and looked over her judgingly. Amber straightened her spine and I was very worried she was going to kick Amy’s ass.

              “You can leave now, Amber,” Amy cooed. “Twenty minutes is more than enough time for a friendly visit.” Amber looked Amy up and down, inspecting her short silk pants that didn’t leave much to the imagination and her white fur jacket. I never understood that about women: if it was cold weather, why not just wear long pants and a jacket? Amber gave me a death stare before she closed the door behind Amy.

              “What brings you here today, Amy?” I asked, a little surprised to see her. She walked around my desk and sat in front of me, leaning against the desk.

              “Well you see, it’s a little embarrassing. I just didn’t like seeing you with that woman last night,” she said innocently as she tucked her hair behind her ears. “I know we aren’t exclusive or anything, but I still wouldn’t mind spending some more time with you.” She recrossed her legs. My eyes couldn’t help but watch the movement.

              “You know, I’ve missed other things as well,” she said, dropping to her knees. Her big blue eyes looked up at me with a very sensual grin. She placed her hand on my zipper.

              I stopped her hand. “I can’t… not right now,” I said, trying to supress my boner. Amy licked her lips and crept towards my face. Her breath smelt of bubblegum as she teased her lips over mine.

              “Hayden, I just want to make sure you don’t forget me.” Her lips brushed over mine. Her other hand that rested on my knee now crept over my inner thigh. “I can make you cum like no one else. I just want five minutes with you, it turns me on and makes me hot for you,” she licked over my lips. My cock was hard as she pressed a kiss to my Adam’s apple. Her hand began to stroke my cock.

              “We shouldn’t,” I said, trying to push her away. But my cock had a mind of its own. Slowly, and with a smile, she unzipped my pants and dropped to her knees.

              Her wet lips suctioned over my cock, forcing me to arc back and into her. I wanted to go deeper into her throat. At the movement she went deeper, the inside of her mouth closing so hard around me that my dick throbbed at the slow teasing suction of her lips.

              I grabbed a handful of her hair, pushing her down further, but she didn’t need to be led. Amy didn’t have the nickname Head-job-Amy for no reason. She came up and swirled her tongue around my knob.

              “You know in two days, it’s my birthday,” she said before pressing her lips back over my cock and pushed down harder. My cock straightened at her suction, and I didn’t think at the mercy of her lips I could last long. I fisted her hair even harder. I wanted her to go down deeper and harder. Her tongue applied so much pressure that I felt pre-cum form in her mouth. She sucked away before talking a few sentences, “Take me out for dinner somewhere. I want your cock to fill not only my mouth but me as well.”

Please stop talking. “Dinner?” I could hardly make the word audible as I didn’t want to have a conversation right now. I just wanted to enjoy this.

              “Mmmhmmm,” she hummed, the vibration rumbling down my shaft. Dear god, that feels good.

              “Sure,” I said. My hand firmed on my chair as I was almost ready to cum. Her lips pulled over my dick and she licked my shaft. The wetness of her mouth left my hard cock. I opened my eyes and looked down at her as she licked her fingers with a smile.

              “I will see you in two days then,” she said as she stood.

              “You have got to be fucking with me?” I said, annoyed. She couldn’t possibly leave me in this state. I was already so close to cuming; there was no coming back from this hard on. If I couldn’t blow now, my blue balls would be excruciating.

              “I will have you in every way then, Hayden. That’s just a little taste so you don’t forget me,” she smiled as she began to walk for the door.

Unable to move from my position, I growled at her, “Amy this isn’t funny.”

              “Oh baby, we are just getting started. Take me out for dinner and I will remind you of why you and I have known each other for such a long time.” With a smile and appreciative glance at my cock, she opened the door and walked out.

              I looked down at my hard cock regretfully. I couldn’t possibly leave it like this. I grabbed it and began to tug myself. It wasn’t as good, but I had to blow a load or I would be in pain for days. Fucking Amy playing her games, I thought, pissed.

Damn, what was happening lately? Why was Sarah and Amy playing me like this? I erased my thoughts, not wanting to be turned off. So instead I thought of that fine ass of Sarah’s and that busty chest of hers that she kept leaning over the table. I hadn’t yet seen that immaculate chest and had only the satisfaction of pinching them from behind. Oh yea, I wanted to know what they looked like and tasted like in my mouth. With my mind glorifying in the thoughts I scurried in my pocket for a packet of tissues.





Shortly after cleaning myself up and raging at the idea that I had to tug myself off at work — what was I, a teenager again? — I fixed up my tie and walked out of my office.

              Collecting Gregory for our conference call, Amber called out from her office besides his and grabbed my attention. “Enjoy yourself?” Amber said, still concentrating as she typed on her computer. “You know this is a business, right? Your list idea is bullshit. And if girls like ‘Big Bird Amy’ are on that list than you don’t even know what the word quality is. As far as I’m concerned, you are probably better off fucking anything else because you are more than likely going to catch something off that thing.”

I couldn’t help but notice the reoccurring nickname for Amy. A lot of women didn’t like Amy, in fact, at times, she even annoyed me, but I knew there had to be a sweeter side to her, a side to her that was soon to be discovered.

“Jealous, are we, Amber? Because if you would like to nominate yourself, I can most certainly make the arrangements to make you the first candidate on my list.”

              She leant over her desk and looked at me. “I would so much rather stick this pencil in both of my eyes before I have to look at your penis once again in my life.”

              “Ouch,” I said, looking wounded. “Some women are blinded by its glory. It’s alright, you’ll get used to the size.” I winked and walked away before she could continue the argument. Behind me I heard her fuming. She threw her pencil out the door towards where I stood.

              “You really like to stir her, don’t you?” Gregory said, looked behind at where the pencil landed. I smiled. He was right; I really did take enjoyment from stirring Amber.

Chapter Twelve



pulled back the sleeve of my jacket so I could look at my watch. Amy was twenty minutes late. Again I had to tell the waiter that I was waiting. We were at some fancy French restaurant that Amy made it very clear she wanted to go to. Amy was still young, twenty-two, and was focused on her modelling career. I could admire her for her determination, although it didn’t excuse the fact that she could be a bit of a ditz and was still very immature. I didn’t
like Amy though; if I didn’t like her I wouldn’t have had her on my list. It wasn’t just because she was a model or gave good head. There was something unique about Amy: her determination and ambition. She was somewhat known and wouldn’t be the worst to take as a girlfriend for my own reputation.

              “I’m sorry I’m late.” Amy strutted in with a smile as an apology for her lateness. Her short white dress blended nicely with her beige jacket.

              “Happy birthday, baby girl,” I said. I stood up and gave her a hug. She kissed me on the lips with a devilish smile.

              “I’m so happy I could share this night with you,” she squealed. “And I really do love this restaurant.” She looked around excitedly. I pulled out her seat and pushed her back in. She lingered her hand over mine, still looking around. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”

              “Not at all,” I lied with a charming smile. “This is for you,” I said, pulling out a jewelry box from my inner pocket. I slid it over the table. She looked between the box and me with bright blue eyes and a wide smile.

              “You shouldn’t have,” she said as she grabbed the boxed item. She pulled away the red ribbon from the black box. She gasped in shock at the white pearl necklace. “Oh baby, you know I love pearls.” I smiled in response, proud of myself for picking out the present personally. Amy was easy to shop for because she always made it known what she did and didn’t like. It made it easier for me. So many women in the past would say, ‘I don’t want anything’ or ‘You will know what to get.’ And when I arrived with a present they made my life hell for the rest of the day.

              “Spin around,” I said. She did, taking off the blue necklace she had on. I replaced it with the pearls and trailed my fingers down her white cocktail dress. She looked over her shoulder with a devilish smile and then took her seat.

              “I love it so much,” she streaked red across her cheeks. Grabbing my hand, she stroked over my thumb and nibbled on the bottom of her lip. “I’m sorry about the other day. I might have been a little too cruel.”

              “A little?” I said, raising an eyebrow. I let the bitterness of having to finish myself off slide. “Don’t worry about it, today’s your day.”

              “You treat me so well,” she gasped excitedly. I called over the waitress who had a wine menu.

              “You can grab whatever you like,” I said to Amy. She beamed again and looked over the menu. Of course her taste… was expensive.

              “How is work?” I asked, touching on even ground to create light conversation. She rolled her eyes in response and grunted.

              “Argh, frustrating,” she said. “So that new model, Susan, I told you about has been nothing but a pain. Can you believe she actually got that cover shot over me?”

I gave in. Amy was too easy to read, which made it rather easy, I had to admit. She wanted a compliment. “I can’t believe that either, you know you are far more gorgeous then her.” Right on queue she smiled and blushed.

She threw a daggered stare at the waitress who interrupted and began pouring us both a glass.

              “Yea I know, and I was close too. It’s probably because she is sleeping with her manager or something. Like it is utterly ridiculous, and I know I could have done so much better. She looks like a goat…” Her words became a blur of chat I didn’t overly like. But I continued to smile and nod at the correct moments. Usually when she raised her eyebrows slightly, I just said, ‘I completely agree.’

              “Hey baby girl,” I interrupted. “Since it’s your birthday, I would like to do something special for you and while we are at it, why don’t we order dinner?”

              “Yea, of course.” She quickly looked at the menu, as always going straight to the salad menu. I personally thought it wouldn’t hurt her to eat a few sundaes and pieces of steak, but she was always strict on the food she ate.

              “May I please order four shots of tequila?” I asked the waitress. I needed to be that little more drunk if I had to continue listening to the politics of models. I had to give the woman credit, she knew how to talk. And talk and talk and talk.

              “Oh, tequila,” she rattled. “I’ll just have the garden salad, thank you.”

              “You know, we came all this way to a French restaurant. Why don’t you try something new for your birthday?” I encouraged, pointing to the menu. If a glare had contained daggers I’d be dead.

              “Just because it’s my birthday it doesn’t mean I can be lenient and besides,” her smile spread across her face. “I have you for a treat, but I’m keeping that for later.”

              I sat back in my chair, returning the smile. Amy was simple, but it was what I liked the most about her. She was also direct, which I could appreciate. And so I waited for the end of the night. We actually had a really good time and after a few more wines and tequilas we were in the back seat of a cab on our way to Amy’s apartment. I had to push away her roaming hands as she sucked on my neck and bit the bottom of my lip in the back of the cab. I wanted to pin her against the back seat and explore her with my hands, like she did me, but I had to wait.

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