Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 (49 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 Online

Authors: Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Around the World in 80 Men

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35
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Yer coffee is ready!” Finlay yelled toward the stairs and shook
his head when Morgan began to descend. His robe looked almost like a
blanket around her small frame. “Not sure it fits ye.” He
laughed and grabbed her by the waist when she was two steps away from
reaching him.

fits perfectly, thank you.” She grabbed around his neck and he
carried her in front of him all the way to the kitchen. He noticed
that she felt much smaller in his arms than before, but he pushed it
from his mind with a thought to feed her well that week.

smells so good!” Morgan reached for her cup just as Finlay
placed her in a chair. “Seriously, for a guy that doesn't drink
much coffee,” she took a quick sip, “you make the best...
ever.” It was true, and she told him that she had to know which
brand he uses.

just keep that a secret, Love. I 'ave to keep ye coming back for
more.” Morgan smiled as she took another sip, and nodded

that isn't all I'll come back for.” She looked up at Finlay who
remained by her chair, and he smiled down at her with a devious
twinkle in his eye.
“What is it ye'll come back for then?”
He took a step closer, and Morgan inhaled deeply, taking in his
familiar scent. Something so simple as his soap and cologne made her
heart race, but the knowing and deep tone of his question made her
heart skip a beat and her cheeks flush with heat.
smile.” Morgan took a sip of her coffee, smiling around the
brim of the mug. “Your laugh.” She looked up at him
again, “those eyes. Your touch.” She put two fingers in
the band of his pajama pants and pulled them down, just enough for
his cock to be exposed. “This,” she whispered as she took
his member in her hands.
Finlay shook his head, and let out a
guttural laugh. Burke was no less than twenty feet away, and Finlay
was standing in his kitchen with his penis in Morgan's hand.
“Fook...” He was actually planning on waiting for Morgan
to enjoy a full breakfast before devouring her, but that would have
to wait. Finlay pulled his pants back over his growing body part, and
grabbed Morgan's hand to pull her to her feet. As he began to walk
back toward the staircase though, Morgan pulled him back toward the
“We've never played in your laundry room...”
Morgan smiled, this time pulling Finlay behind her and toward their
new destination.
“Morgan...” Finlay was all for
trying new things, but the thought of Burke hearing them was a
bit...fook it. They went into the large laundry room, just off of the
kitchen, and Morgan shut the door behind them. As she turned around,
she was easily lifted to the top of the washing machine.
untied the belt around her waist that held Finlay's robe together,
and slowly pulled apart the fabric on each side, revealing her near
naked body. Only her bright orange panties remained, and Finlay
easily removed those and tossed them to the floor beside him.

so sexy.” Morgan's hands slid under his shirt and moved up the
soft warm skin to his chest.
“I'm nothing compared to yer
beauty, Love.” Finlay's hands moved up her thighs as he leaned
forward to kiss her full lips. Their tongues danced with one another,
and hands greedily searched their lover's bodies.

pulled her body to the edge of the machine, and Morgan, once again,
freed his cock. This time, it was fully erect and hit her stomach as
it fell from the cotton restraint of his pants.
God.” Morgan licked her lips as Finlay took a step back, and
positioned himself in front of her wet center. “It's a good
thing you're so tall.” She smiled as her legs wrapped around
his hips and she pulled him toward her body, until the head of his
cock teased her opening.
“Aye...” Finlay agreed with
Morgan's statement, then moaned in pleasure as he discovered Morgan's
level of arousal. “Yer so fookin' wet.” Finlay's hands
melted around Morgan's ass, and he slowly pushed inside of her.
Morgan put her hands behind her to support her body and pushed her
hips forward as Finlay entered her a second time.

shared moan of pleasure filled the room, as he plunged again with his
full length. Morgan's head fell back as they found the pace of one
another, and with each thrust, her breath expelled in a quiet moan
that fueled Finlay's desire. Her heels dug into his hard ass, pulling
him as deep as she could go.
Morgan sat up and wrapped her arms
around his neck, and moved her lips to his ear. “Now you come
for me.”
Her words sent a hot current of passion through
his body. In seconds he was gasping for air as he did what was
requested, and Morgan clung to his body tightly as he rode the wave
of pleasure.
Just as he finished, so did the washer, and a loud
buzz rang out from under Morgan. “We better get out of here
before Burke checks the clothes, huh?” Morgan giggled quietly,
and Finlay helped her to her feet.
“Aye, lass.”
“You said aye.” It never got old, and Morgan's
smiled never faded, even as she put her panties back on and covered
her body with Finlay's robe once more. “I'm going to hop in the
shower, and I expect there to be breakfast when I get back
“Aye!” Finlay shouted behind her,
as she tiptoed across Burke's clean floor, toward the
“You said aye again.”

took her time in the shower, letting the hot scented lather fill her
senses as the stress from the week left her body. It was good to be
back in Scotland, and spending time with Finlay was perfect. “Life
is good.” Finlay stood outside of the bathroom door, listening
to Morgan talk to herself and smiled when he heard her begin to sing.
Her voice wasn't terrible, but just bad enough to make it that much
more adorable in his opinion. He was about to join her when he heard
his phone vibrating against the dresser.

took three long strides to check it, and immediately shut his eyes at
the sight of the name that appeared. “Not now. Fook.. not now.”
The call ended, but a text came through right after. He refused to
look. “Nothin' will interrupt the rest of the week.” He
grabbed his phone and tossed it on the bed, and that's where it
remained until he was dressed and ready to take on the day.

mornin'.” Burke greeted him by the back door where he was
letting the dogs out again.

Here,” he handed his phone to the old man, “take care of
any calls for the day. I'm going to take Morgan oot and I doona wish
to be bothered.” Burke nodded quickly and took the phone from
Finlay's hand.

Where are we going?” Morgan sat down and grabbed a piece of
toast from a small plate on the table. She was keeping an eye on the
bacon that Burke was moving from a pan to a plate. “Look, a
naked woman is in the yard!” Both men looked toward the back
window and Morgan grabbed two pieces of hot bacon from the plate. “So
easy.” She giggled as she chewed, taking deep breaths between
her teeth to cool the meat. Finlay laughed as he sat next to her. He
was happy for her to
all the food she wanted, and
enjoyed watching her think that she got away with something. Burke
felt Finlay's phone vibrate, and went to the living room to handle
the call. Finlay was still laughing when he answered Morgan.

going for a wee drive.” Morgan wiped her mouth with the back of
her hand and smiled. A wee drive in Finlay terms meant that they
would be gone most of the day.

let me get ready.” She started to get up but Finlay stopped

stay right there and eat. No more rushing, Love.” He leaned
forward and kissed her forehead before taking her lips with his own.
“And those won't be rushed either.” He kissed her again
until his body forced him to make a decision between carrying her to
his room, or allowing them to eat their food. “Eat.” He
kissed the tip of her nose and Morgan's eyes closed as his love
warmed her very soul.

of them heard Burke leave the house during their kiss. The old man
slipped out the front door and left the two of them on their own.


and Finlay enjoyed a long breakfast. They had talked about Morgan's
house, Finlay's work, Sean, Julianne, and even the weather. They had
reached the point of stuffing themselves completely with Burke's
cooking, not just because it was delicious, but they allowed
themselves to indulge more than usual so that the conversation would
continue. Both of them, after nearly an hour of talking and eating,
leaned back in their chairs to take a breath.

my gosh.... I haven't eaten that much in.. wow.. I don't even
remember.” That was quite a statement for Morgan, and they both
had to laugh. “I'm serious! I mean, I like food... but I
haven't..,” Finlay cut off her by putting his hand in the air,
he wouldn't let her tell lies at his table. Morgan laughed before
pretending to pout, but in the end, she gave up and agreed that she'd
probably eaten at least that much in Morocco. “But I can
honestly say that I haven't had that much bacon in forever!”
Finlay finally nodded and told her that she should eat the very last
piece on the plate that had been piled high with the meat.

know you left me some food, a bitch ain't trying to starve to death!”

Morgan sat up, and looked around Finlay's shoulder.

know it's my ass... stop playing. Give me that.” Angel walked
into the kitchen and grabbed the last piece. “I've been calling
your ass for hours. And that one,” he pointed to Finlay,
“wouldn't answer his mothafuckin' phone either. I don't know
how you two ever know what the hell is going on in the world if you


do you keep saying my name? You invited me here... so I'm here. Scoot
over.” Angel pulled the chair out that was next to Morgan and
forced her to give him a little more room. “I'm not going to
survive on a skinny piece of bacon. Burkey, what's a bitch got to do
to get fed around here?”

I'm never going to be
Doona call
me that.” The way he said it made Morgan laugh, even though she
was still beyond confused. Yes, she had offered the invite, but it
was mostly to be polite. She never would have assumed that he'd
actually get the time off work.

your old ass tried to kill me, I can call you any mothafuckin' thing
I want. Burkey.” Finlay looked at Angel, then Burke, then
Morgan. He too was confused, and was starting to get angry. Angel
wasn't supposed to be there, and his butler should have warned him
that he was picking him up.

did no such thing. You were screamin' like a wee bairn and I couldna
concentrate.” Burke dropped Angel's bag in the kitchen and
called the dogs in from the yard. Morgan watched the two of them and
started to smile. It was a soft smile, then a giggle, that grew into
a chuckle, and finally she fell into a snorting fit of full blown
laughter. She didn't care how Angel got there.... all she cared about
was that her dearest friend was sitting right next to her.

here!” She was still laughing when her arms grabbed him around
his neck, and Angel managed let go of his temper long enough to laugh
with her. When they finally let go of one another, Angel adjusted his
black tee.

waited for two hours at the airport, then the crypt keeper finally
took my call and picked me up. He's an angry shit, isn't he?”
Angel sipped Morgan's cold coffee, then got up to help himself to a
cup of his own. Morgan shook her head, and tried to slow him down.

he's not angry. At least, not by nature. I just don't think he's used
to someone quite so energetic. And bossy.” Angel scoffed and
took a drink. “Anyway, be nice. He's a wonderful man. And why
are you here?” She held her cup up and he filled it, draining
the last out of the hot pot.

some fashion show in Paris, it lasts like two weeks. That hood rat
who's banging GiGi demanded to go. I guess she's from England and
goes to Paris every year. Anyway, my fine ass had a day to spend
anywhere I wanted so I chose to spend it with you.” He blew her
a kiss and stood to look through the refrigerator. “G spot
thinks I'm in London, ironing his unmentionables.” Morgan
laughed and watched him remove the eggs from the shelf.

not dirty my kitchen.” Angel turned around to see Burke
standing with his arms across his chest in the doorway. Angel
continued to take the eggs to the stove in absolute defiance.

can slap my ass and call me Ginger if this kitchen is clean.”
Angel ran his finger over the back of the stove top and held up the
proof of which he spoke of. “Don't worry, I'll clean it...
properly... when I'm done.” Angel pulled a pan off a hook above
the island and placed it on the stove. Morgan stood up and placed her
hand over Angel's.

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