Arizona Cowboy (4 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Collins Johnson

BOOK: Arizona Cowboy
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Chapter 5

olden buckled the thin brown belt, then lifted his shoulders to survey himself in the mirror. He’d pressed his navy blue and white striped polo shirt and khaki pants. Rarely wore the dress clothes. Didn’t even wear them to church, but he figured he’d cleaned up pretty well for his date with Ava. She liked to doll up, and she’d appreciate if he took a little extra time on himself.

After slipping on his loafers, he walked into the kitchen to grab his keys off the rack. Dad whistled, and Holden’s cheeks warmed, knowing an interrogation would ensue.

“Don’t you look all spiffy,” his father commented.

Holden nodded as he shoved his wallet into his back pocket.

“Got a hot date or something? Can’t remember the last time I saw you so dressed up.”


“Who’s the lucky girl? You must like this one.” His dad clicked his tongue and furrowed his eyebrows.

The his phone rang, and Holden exhaled a sigh of relief that he didn’t have to answer. He waved and mouthed a goodbye, but his dad lifted a finger for him to wait. “Two of ’em? Is the fence down somewhere?”

Holden’s stomach tightened.

“The gate was open!” Dad scratched his jaw, then raked his fingers through his graying hair. “Coulda sworn I locked it.”

Holden walked back to his bedroom and changed into his jeans and an older work shirt. He texted Ava to let her know he wouldn’t be able to make it for their date, and that he’d call her later.
I finally get her to agree to go out, and I’m the one who has to cancel.

His dad said goodbye, then hollered down the hall. “Two of the cows got out. They’re in the road, not wanting to budge.”

“What I figured from hearing your side of the conversation.” Holden clamped his lips together, willing himself not to fuss at him for leaving the gate unlocked. Again.

“Daryl’s trying to keep ’em from getting hit, but we’ve gotta help corral them back behind the fence.”

“I know, Dad.” Holden’s tone was sharp, and he chewed the inside of his cheek to keep from saying anything more.

“I’m sorry, son. You’ll need to get hold of your girl.”

“I texted her.”

“I’ll get the truck. You get some corn feed and the Wiffle bat. Might get a Hot-Shot, too, just in case. Daryl said it’s Betty and her calf. You know she’s gonna be difficult.”

Holden didn’t respond as he started toward the barn to get the electric cattle prod. With each step, his frustration mounted, until he finally grabbed the prod and closed his eyes for a quick prayer.
God, I know Dad didn’t mean to ruin my date. If she agreed to go once, she’ll agree again. Temper my frustration.

He exhaled a long breath before walking to the truck. The past year had been physically hard on his dad. Lately, he’d been forgetting or halfway doing things. The behaviors were in complete contrast to the man who’d raised Holden. His dad needed to slow down. His body couldn’t do the work he’d done forty years ago. But how could Holden tell him the time had come to give up some of the work? He loved the ranch, loved to work hard. He’d spent his life raising cattle.

Within moments they reached the gate on the west side of the ranch. His brother-in-law Daryl had been right. It was Betty, and she was none too happy to move from her spot in the road.

“Let’s try to get her calf first,” said Dad. “Maybe if the baby moves Betty will follow.”

Daryl nodded. “I’ll watch for traffic.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Holden held out a palmful of corn feed in front of Betty’s calf. “Come on, girl. Let’s get out of the road.”

“Come on now, girl.” Dad touched the calf’s leg to prod her to move. Betty mooed, and Dad shifted away from the fifteen-hundred-pound animal.

The calf took a few steps toward Holden, stretching out her neck to sample the feed. He allowed her a few nibbles, then walked farther back off the road. “Good job, girl. Keep on coming.”

The calf continued to move, but Betty mooed again and blew out a huff. Stubborn old girl was mad at Dad. The calf continued to walk toward Holden as he gave her bites of feed. “Dad, you and Daryl switch spots. Betty’s mad at you.”

Dad bristled. “She’s always mad at me. Cantankerous old woman.”

Daryl piped up. “I think Holden’s right. Hand me the Wiffle bat.”

With a grunt, Dad switched spots, and Holden again realized how his father needed a break from the pressures on the ranch. Holden guided the calf back through the gate, and with a few prods of the bat and encouraging words, they were able to get Betty safely back inside the fence. He checked, then pulled on the gate to be sure it locked.

Dad shook hands with Daryl. “Thanks for letting me know, son.”

“No problem. I’m just glad no one hit them.”

“Me, too.” Holden shuddered at the thought of someone getting killed hitting one of their cows. Betty was worth a good chunk of money, but the thought of someone losing his or her life was much worse.

He needed to talk with Dad. Holden and Daryl could take over the ranch. Dad could still do some of the work, just not so much. Noting the aggravation etched on his brow, however, Holden knew today wouldn’t be a good time for that talk.

Once back at the house, he washed up, then tried to call Ava. Just as he feared, her phone went straight to voice mail. Part of him wanted to hop in the truck and head over to Irene’s house. See if Ava would at least go with him for a cup of coffee. But he decided against it. He didn’t want their first date to be half done. He wanted to be able to treat her like a queen, show her just how much he’d missed her. So he’d wait. Maybe she’d call him tomorrow.

* * *

Ava pulled the chart out of the tray and looked at the name: Clyde Watkins. It was her first day completely solo and her last patient before lunch.
I hope he likes me as much this week as he did last week.

Plastering a smile on her lips, she opened the door to the private room and spotted a grimacing old man. She placed the chart on the small counter. “How are we doing today, Clyde?”

“Clyde, huh?” he grumbled. “All you young folks today. No show of respect.”

She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I’m fine with addressing you as Mr. Watkins. Last week you told me to call you Clyde.”

“Humph.” He pursed his lips, then pressed his fists against his hips. “Arthritis is killing me today. Might want to get Mary in here.”

“She is with another patient. Have you taken your prescribed medicine today?”

“Of course,” he snapped. “You think I won’t take medicine to make me feel better?”

Ava flipped a page on his chart. “Well, Mary noted that you’re not fond of how the medicine makes you tired, and that sometimes you try to skip it.”

Clyde narrowed his eyes. “She wrote that, huh?”

Ava nodded and kept her gaze locked with his.

He smacked his hands together. “Okay. Fine. I haven’t taken the medicine yet. Let’s just do the exercises, so I can go home, take the pill, then get a nap.”

Ava chewed her lip to keep from grinning. “Sounds like a plan to me. Let’s start with the seated hip march. You ready? Sit up straight.”

“I know how to sit.” Clyde sat up and kicked back his left foot, keeping his toes on the floor.

“Great. Now lift your right foot. Two. Three. Four. Five. Lower your foot. Now, lift again.”

Clyde continued to complain throughout the session, but Ava stayed firm, focused and kind. Once finished, on impulse she offered him a quick hug. “You did a great job. Now go home and rest.”

Clyde’s lip curved up slightly on the left. “I suppose you did all right, as well. I’ll see you next week.”

Ava recorded the visit in the computer, then looked up when Katie stopped beside her. She grinned at the perplexed expression on the college girl’s face then shrugged. “What?”

“Clyde Watkins scheduled his next appointment with you.”

Ava chuckled. “I know. Crazy, huh?”

“Crazier than you know.” Katie shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Are you free for lunch?”

“Sure. I was going to pick up some fast food.”

“There’s a sub place down the block. We could walk.”

Ava grabbed her purse and followed her young friend. Katie was quiet as they walked. Her shoulders slumped and her chin dipped, and Ava knew she wanted advice. Ava lifted a quick prayer to God. She hadn’t made the best choices at Katie’s age, and she wasn’t sure what the girl was about to divulge.

After ordering their lunches, they slipped into a booth. Katie reached for her sandwich, and Ava said, “Let’s say a quick prayer first.”

Katie nodded and put down the food. They bowed their heads as Ava led them in prayer. Inwardly, she asked the Holy Spirit to guide their lunch and anything she said to Katie.

Katie took a bite of her sandwich, then swallowed a gulp of her soft drink. She wiped her mouth, then looked at Ava. “I’m in love with a guy.”

Ava chewed her food. She hadn’t been in Surprise long, though she’d had a few interviews with the Millers before accepting the position. She hadn’t heard of Katie having a boyfriend, and neither Mary nor Rick had mentioned it. She patted her mouth. “How long have you been dating?”

“Three months.”

Ava coughed. She jerked up her napkin and covered her mouth, then took a sip of her drink. The same amount of time she’d dated Holden.

“You okay?”

Ava nodded as she wiped the corners of her eyes. “Just went down the wrong way.”

Katie twirled her own napkin. “He loves me, too.” Her cheeks bloomed pink and she ducked her head. “Said he wants to marry me.”

“Have your parents met him?”

She shook her head. “No. But they’d love him. He’s a Christian. Majoring in law enforcement. He’s a really great guy.”

Ava shifted in her seat. She took a bite of a baked chip, then another swallow of her drink. “Okay. So, let them meet him.”

“It’s not that simple.” Katie propped both elbows on the table. “I didn’t do well on my anatomy test. Got a D. That means the best I can do in the class is a C, and that’s only if I get an A on the final.”

Ava furrowed her brows. “I’m not sure what this has to do with your boyfriend.”

“Well, he graduates in May, and he’s trying to get a job in Phoenix. He wants to get married and move there.” Katie stared down at her sandwich. “And maybe I’m not cut out for college.” She dropped her hands on the table. “I mean, I hate it.”

Ava racked her mind for the right words to say. She wanted to tell her not to drop out of school, to wait to get married. And yet part of her wished she had married Holden and waited for college. The world would recommend school, then marriage, for stability, but was that always God’s will for everyone?
God, show me what to say.

She looked across the table. Katie was staring at her, her expression pleading for understanding and wisdom.
She’s reaching out for help, God, and she’s asking probably the worst person in the world for advice.

Ava’s mind cleared, and relief washed over her as she knew exactly what to say to the young woman. She reached across the table and placed her hand on Katie’s. “I can’t tell you whether you should get married, stay in school, both or neither. I can tell you not to run. Don’t run from your parents, from your boyfriend or from your school. Introduce him to Rick and Mary. Sit down together. Have an honest, open conversation, and ask God to guide you all.”

Katie blew out a breath, then took another sip of her drink. “I think you’re right.” She dropped her shoulders. “In fact, I feel better already.”

As Katie chattered about her boyfriend and her hopes for the future, Ava nibbled her lunch and listened. At the same time, her mind churned over the advice she’d given. She couldn’t run anymore, either. She needed to tell Holden everything. The sooner the better, or she might lose courage again.

Chapter 6

olden picked up a stick of deodorant and a bottle of shampoo, then got in line with his dad at the pharmacy. The doctor hadn’t been pleased with Dad’s blood pressure, the problem Holden had insisted he seek medical help for to begin with. The doc had upped Dad’s dose again, and said if he didn’t start eating better, he’d wind up having a stroke.

“I knew you weren’t telling me the full truth about your blood pressure,” Holden whispered.

“What’s there to tell? Nothing I can do about it.”

Holden gripped the shampoo so tight he worried the lid might pop and liquid would spew everywhere. Sometimes he just wanted to wring the stubborn man’s neck. “We can start eating better. Healthier.”

Dad swatted the air. “We eat fine now.”

“Obviously, we don’t. Your blood pressure was sky-high, and we’re in line to have your medication upped. Again.”

“What’s that you say?”

The Whitaker men turned. Holden spied Irene and Phoebe standing behind them in line. His dad glared at him before he smiled at the women. “Wasn’t saying much of anything. How are you ladies doing? Irene, haven’t seen you in quite a while.”

“Not since you decided to switch to the early service. Course, I know that’s probably better for the ranching.”

Holden glanced from his dad to Ava’s aunt. Both of them shifted their weight and averted their gazes from each other. If he didn’t know better, he’d think they were two teenagers talking to each other for the first time.

Irene continued, “But what was that I heard about blood pressure?”

Dad grimaced. “Ah, it’s nothing.”

“Jerry Whitaker, don’t you lie to me.”

Holden blinked and cocked his head. Now, he was positively sure the two were flirting.

Dad lifted his hand and pinched his finger and thumb together. “Just a little high.”

“You don’t want to mess with that, Jerry,” added Phoebe. “My dad didn’t pay the doctor any attention. Ended up having a stroke and dying.” She snapped her fingers. “Just like that.”

Holden looped his fingers around his belt. Well, that sure made him feel better.

“Why don’t the two of you come over to my house? I’ve got some terrific low sodium recipes I can share with you,” said Irene.

“Nah, we wouldn’t want to impose,” said Dad.

Holden furrowed his brows. What kind of response was that? Dad had practically asked Irene to insist.

“No. I insist.”

Just as Holden figured.

“I’ll cut up some fruit. Brew some tea.” She rubbed her hands together. “And I’ve been practicing my song. You could be my first audience.”

Dad’s face lit up like a sunrise on a hot July day. “Well, if you don’t mind...”

Phoebe rested her palm against her stomach. “I think I’ll have you drop me off at my house before you go home, if that’s all right.”

Irene patted her friend’s arm. “Of course.” She leaned toward Dad. “She’s getting medicine for her bowels. Been having a lot of trouble lately.”

Holden rolled his eyes. He had to get out of this place. Between the flirting and the bodily function honesty, he felt as though he might be getting sick.

He glanced at his phone to check the time. Too early for Ava to get off work. He inwardly growled, knowing he had plenty of work to do at the ranch. He looked at his dad and Irene making goo-goo eyes at each other. But when had this happened?

Jake and Megan. Now Dad and Irene. Everyone seemed to be falling for someone, but Holden couldn’t seem to work things out with the woman he wanted.

Once at Irene’s house, he settled into a red leather recliner and looked through the pile of cookbooks she insisted they take home. He tried not to listen to his dad’s and Irene’s occasional giggles and muffled conversation as they cut up fruit and made tea in the kitchen.

They were close enough in age. Probably even went to school together, since they both grew up in Surprise. And he couldn’t deny his dad might enjoy some company as he got older. Soon Holden’s sisters would be having grandbabies, and if he had his way, he’d settle down, as well. Plus, Irene was one of the best women he knew. Still, the thought of his dad and a woman, in love... Holden shivered. It just seemed...well, gross.

“Here ya go, Holden.” Irene handed him a bowl of mixed fruit and a glass of iced tea.


She pointed to the cookbooks. “Did you see any good recipes in there?”

“Well, I...”

She clapped, then turned toward Dad, who’d taken a seat across from Holden and had just shoveled a bit of fruit into his mouth. “I’ve got an idea.”

“What’s that?” asked Dad.

“I want the two of you to come over for dinner tomorrow night. I’ll make grilled salmon and...” She pressed her finger against her lips. “The rest will be a surprise. What do you say?”

She glanced from Dad to Holden and then back again. By his expression, Holden knew his father would agree to the invitation. And Holden would enjoy eating food that wasn’t cooked by him or his dad. But Ava. She might not be as pleased to have the company.

He shook the thought away. She’d agreed to have dinner with him two nights ago. He was the one who’d canceled. Sure, she didn’t answer his text, nor did she phone him back when he’d tried to call later, but maybe she’d just been busy. She did have a brand-new job. Plenty of adjustments to make.

“We’d love to come,” said Dad. “What would you like us to bring? Holden makes a mean brownie.”

Irene placed her hands on her hips. “I thought we were looking into getting your blood pressure lowered.”

His dad frowned. “Brownies will raise my blood pressure?”

“Okay. You can have just a little.” She giggled, and Holden had to bite back the urge to gag.

He swallowed a gulp of tea. Irene made the best tea in the Southwest. He placed the glass on a coaster on the table. “I thought you were going to sing for us.”

Irene nodded. “I sure said I would. Be right back.”

Dad watched her scurry into the next room, his face glowing like a boy with a new bike. Holden took another swig of the tea. Next time he’d let Irene take his father to the doctor. Holden had a feeling Dad would do whatever she said.

* * *

Ava took a small bite of brown rice as she watched her aunt’s guests. She’d been surprised when Aunt Irene announced Jerry and Holden were coming over for dinner. Glancing down at her lavender sundress, Ava felt her cheeks warm. She’d chosen the dress because Holden told her years ago that she looked pretty in purple.

“I’m not a huge salmon fan usually,” Jerry said in a booming voice. He shoveled a scoop of fish and zucchini into his mouth, then swallowed. “But this is delicious. And you say it’s good for my blood pressure?”

Aunt Irene’s chest puffed out at the praise. “Salmon is good for you anyway, Jerry. Filled with protein, omega 3 fatty acids, and vitamin D. What do you think about the zucchini?”

Jerry wrinkled his nose. “Never been a big fan of vegetables.” He stabbed a piece of zucchini with his fork and popped it in his mouth. “But I gotta admit this is good. Plenty of flavor.”

“That’s the teriyaki.” Aunt Irene dabbed the corner of her mouth with her napkin. “Low sodium, of course. You just need to learn to add flavor with spices instead of salt.”

Ava sneaked a glance at Holden. He looked handsome, so cleaned up, in a red polo and pressed khaki pants. Not that he wasn’t already over-the-top attractive in his usual attire of button-down shirt, blue jeans, cowboy boots and hat. But tonight she couldn’t stop herself from drinking in thick dark eyebrows over deep blue eyes. She wanted to run her fingertips across the strong line of his jaw, feel the prickles of his five o’clock shadow. Looking down at her plate, she willed herself to focus on the meal as she cut a piece of salmon with the side of her fork.

“Ava?” said Aunt Irene.

Glancing back up, she realized three pairs of eyes all stared at her. She frowned. “I’m sorry, did you say something?”

Her aunt pointed toward Jerry. “He asked how your new job is going.”

Ava smiled, trying to slow the butterflies fluttering in her stomach at Holden’s intent gaze. “I love it.”

Aunt Irene reached across the table and placed her hand on Jerry’s. “Just this week Ava said she believes God brought her back to Surprise for a reason.”

Holden’s eyebrows rose and a smiled curved his mouth.

“My job,” Ava said, clearing her throat. “I feel as though God handpicked it for me.”

She focused on finishing her dinner while Jerry and Aunt Irene continued to talk. Many times she felt Holden’s gaze on her. Tonight would be a perfect time to confess the whole truth to him, and she prayed God would give her strength.

“I’d love to play a few tunes.” Her aunt’s voice interrupted Ava’s thoughts. “But you have to promise to sing with me.”

Jerry guffawed. “Irene, I haven’t sung in years.”

She waggled her finger. “You can’t fool me, Jerry Whitaker. I know you sing. We were in the choir together in high school.”

Jerry laughed. “That was years ago.”

Ava grinned at the older couple’s interaction, and had to bite back a chuckle at the confused and possibly disgusted expression on Holden’s face. Her aunt and his dad had more history than either of them knew about.

Aunt Irene stood and motioned for Jerry to join her. “Come on. I’ll play piano, but you gotta sing, too.”

Jerry grumbled, but he stood and followed her into the other room. He glanced back at Ava with a quick wink, and she shook her head at his silliness.

“Guess we do dishes.”

Her heart flipped at Holden’s deep voice, and she stood and stacked the plates onto hers. “I guess so.”

Holden gathered several dishes and followed her into the kitchen. He scraped off food and rinsed while she put the leftovers into Tupperware containers. The tune of “Hit the Road, Jack” boomed from the living room. After a few chords Aunt Irene’s and Jerry’s voices joined the piano.

“I didn’t know my dad was in chorus. I’ve heard him sing on the ranch, but that was usually when he didn’t know I was nearby.”

“He sounds great.” Ava placed the leftovers in the refrigerator. “Maybe you can sing, too, and you just don’t know it.”

Holden lifted his hands. “No. I’m pretty sure I know I can’t sing.”

Ava chuckled as she loaded the dishwasher. “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” sounded from the other room. The two sang their parts in perfect time, but the lyrics scratched at the old, unhealed wound in her heart, and she felt Holden’s gaze on her again. “You wanna go sit in the backyard?”


As he followed her out the door, she prayed for strength and the right words.
Please God, make him forgive me.

Though surrounded by houses, she sat in a chair and sucked in the beauty of the purple sky that blended into pink around the bright yellow setting sun.
Just do it. Speak the words. Get it out.
“Holden, I’m sorry I ran.”

“No. I’m sorry, Ava. I should have been stronger. I never meant to hurt you.”

She peeked at him, noting the regret that etched his face. She wanted to reach out, to take his hand in hers, but if she touched him she’d lose heart. Part of her still loved him. Curling her fingers around the arm of the chair, she shook her head. “It’s not only your fault. I lost myself in emotions, as well. We were wrong, and God wanted us to wait until marriage, but I shouldn’t have just run away. But we got so serious so fast, and I wasn’t ready.”

“I wanted to marry you.”

“I know.” Ava’s heart beat faster “And I really wasn’t ready for that. I’d only graduated high school a few months before.”

Holden pursed his lips. “If I could do it over, I’d have—”

“We can’t change what happened, but I should have talked to you. I should have told you about—”

The back door opened and Aunt Irene poked out her head. “You two get in here. I’ve almost got Jerry talked into doing Senior Idol with me.”

Holden’s jaw dropped and he stood. “You’re kidding. This I gotta hear.” He extended his palm to Ava. “You and I are going to have lunch after church tomorrow. Okay?”

Ava battled relief and disappointment that they weren’t finishing their conversation. She accepted his hand and cringed at the tingles she still felt at his touch. “Okay.”

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