Arena Shifters (A Paranormal Romance Novel) (2 page)

BOOK: Arena Shifters (A Paranormal Romance Novel)
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As his arms slackened the Gladiatrix
spun out of them, dancing back away from him; his own dagger once again buried
in his flesh. He looked down at the hilt vibrating with each beat of his heart;
what a perfect hit. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about his reputation any

From far far away the sound
of his rushing blood pushed away thoughts of glory, honor, and a long life in
the arena. His vision narrowed till all he could see was the woman child
standing in front of him, covered in his own blood. Then the rush of blood
faded and the roar of the audience was silenced. He felt the floor of the arena
rushing up to meet him and his vision faded to black as the sandy floor met his

The Lanista Gaius Tiberius
was not happy as he made his way down from the Pulvinar, scarcely listening to
the hearty congratulations from his Praetor. Could the man not see that he’d
lost one of his prime gladiators, and to a child? It takes years of training in
his Ludis to reach the level of skill that that gladiator had, and now all that
time and money had gone to waste. As he made his way out of the coliseum he
swore the girl was going to pay, and he would start tonight by robbing her of her




* * * * *



The Punishment and the Forbidden Pleasures


* * * * *


The first indication that
Petronia was in trouble was when two slaves from Dominus’ personal guard came
out into the arena and put her in shackles and leg irons making walking on her
own two feet nearly impossible. She was frog marched out of the arena and into
the dungeon beneath the coliseum where gladiators awaited their turn for
battle. Her friend Albinia was the only one in that particular cell when they
gave her a shove before locking the door behind her.

She struggled to her feet.
“What have I done Albinia, what have I done?”

“Other than kill one of the
Dominus’ favored gladiators? Nothing.”

“But…but that’s what I was
supposed to do, to avenge my father’s death.”

Albinia crossed the dirt floor
of the cell and held her arms open for her young friend. “Come Petronia, rest
your troubled head on my shoulders.”

She walked into the arms of
her friend and suffered herself to be consoled. No one else could have taken
these liberties with her and not felt the bite of her blade, but she trusted
Albinia with her life.

“What crime am I guilty of
now?” She continued, clearly confused.

“Living, I am afraid. You
were supposed to put up good fight right up until your death. That’s what you
were supposed to do my child.”

“So what’s to become of me

“Honestly? I’m afraid I don’t
know. Perhaps your status as a virgin will keep you alive; but after you’ve
lost that, I could count your days on one hand.”

Petronia started to protest
further, then just broke down and let the tears flow. This was one of the few
times she permitted herself the weakness of tears. All other times she was the
unapproachable gladiatrix.

Albinia allowed her to cry
into her shoulder as long as she thought safe, then: “Child, the soldiers are

Instantly tears of self- pity
were forgotten and she staggered away from her friend, making her way to the
other side of the cell; and just in time too. Two muscled House guards threw a
black hood over her head, just like the kind you might put on a prisoner being
marched to her execution. The gesture was not lost on Petronia who had no
assurances that she wasn’t being marched back out into the arena to be
executed. However that was not to be the case and soon she found herself in her
cell back in the Ludis of her master, wondering what fate now beheld her.

It was just getting dark when
the Doctore approached her cell, keys in hand. He was flanked by two of the
Dominus’ personal guards.

Petronia rushed to the cell
door, “Doctore, what is to become of me this night?”

“Hush child, I cannot say.”

Doctore opened up her cell
and the two guards took her by the arms and pulled her along between them. They
were headed up to the second floor of the villa. When they finally arrived at
their destination they removed her hood as well as her leg shackles. Her arms
they rebound them so that they were behind her waist. The moment the hood came
off she found herself in a stable of some sort, the floor littered with hay. It
took a moment for her to see the stallion standing in the shadows. In fact she
smelled him before her hood had been removed. The horse was huge, some twenty
hands or more at the shoulder. His body rippled with muscles as he cantered out
of the shadows and came to stand before her. What, she wondered was she doing
in a stable with a black stallion?


She jumped in spite of
herself at being addressed behind her. She had not even heard Domina coming up
behind her.

Petronia turned around and
bowed her head looking down at the hay strewn floor respectfully. “Yes Domina.”

“My stallion is in need of

“Y-you w-want me to b-brush
him down, Domina?” She looked around for a proper brush but there was none.

“He’s in need of another kind
of attention slave.” Domina motioned to one of her guards. “Prepare the slave.”

The guard walked up to the
Petronia, grabbed her subligaculum and in one sweeping motion ripped it from
her body and stepped back. Domina walked over to where she stood, naked and
quaking. Domina unclasped of her own gown at the shoulder and let it fall to
her feet. She was wearing nothing underneath. She pressed her body up against
her slave, luxuriating in the feel of her breasts against the others back, her
sex rubbing up against the young girl’s buttocks. With her right hand she
reached around the young girl’s waist lingering on her flat belly before
sliding down to the wisps of black between the girls legs. She cupped the
girl’s sex with her hand before her fingers pushed their way between the slaves
moist lips, then moved up to her clit. The instant she touched the girl’s
little nob it was electric. Her whole body jumped and sizzled with an energetic

“Domina…” the girl breathed
as a ragged breath escaped her.

Domina’s lips press against
the others slender neck, her tongue flicking out between her lips, tasting the
others salty skin. She breathed a sigh of pleasure as her hand began to work
the girl’s sex, her fingers flitting in circles around the slaves sensitive
clitoris; touched for the first time. She could tell by the way the girl’s body
reacted that she was in the throes of pleasure.

A loud snort and a burst of
hot air reminded the Domina that she was not alone. The stallion stood there
expectantly, his body quivering in anticipation. The huge beast of a horse
pawed the straw hewn floor with a huge hoof, and takes a step forward.

Domina looked up at the
stallion. “It’s time, my love.”

The beast’s ears twitched,
orienting towards Domina’s voice.

“She is ready.” Domita continued.

The stallion took a couple
steps towards the women, snorting and tossing his head side to side in

Petronia looked up at the
approaching beast, her pleasure at the hands of her Domina forgotten. She had
heard of women servicing beasts, but had never really believed the stories.

Domina continued caress the
young slave, her excitement growing.

The huge animal edged closer
to the two women until he was arm’s length from the slave girl. Petronia
reached out with one hand and touched the creature’s leg. She could feel its
muscles rippling beneath her hand. It was one strong animal! As Domina stroked
and caressed her she began to lose all sense of what was normal and was only
aware of what would satisfy her cravings for release. She was aware of Domina’s
hand moving rhythmically between her legs and marveled at the feelings,
wondering why she hadn’t discovered it before. She knew she shouldn’t touch the
creature. She knew she shouldn’t be looking at its cock, but she couldn’t help
it. She wanted it. She didn’t want it. She had to have it.

Petronia reached out with her
left hand tentatively and touched the black shaft of the stallion with her
fingertips. The beasts cock jumped in response to her touch, slapping up
against its belly. Petronia let out a yelp. It was warm. No, not warm, but hot.
The stallion’s huge member was on fire.

The beast snorted again and
pawed its front hoofs impatiently. Clearly this had happened before and he knew
exactly what he wanted.

This time Petronia reached
out and took his cock in one hand in a firm grasp. His member jumped again at
her touch but she was ready this time and maintained her grip.

Now what am I supposed to
She thought to herself.

Clearly it would take both
her hands to get a firm grip. Her fingers were just not long enough for one
hand to completely encompass the animal’s enormous girth. Not knowing what else
to do, she began massaging the beast, but it didn’t seem to like it. Clearly
she was doing something wrong. The beast snorted again, stomping a hoof
angrily. She was about to try again when it lowered its great head and swatted
her aside with its head and neck. She sprawled into the hay terrified it was
going to step on her with its back hooves.

“What have you done?”
Screeched the Domina as she landed alongside her slave.

She gave the girl a vicious kick
in the side with her boot. Petronia cried out in pain and surprise, curling up
instinctively to protect her side. Suddenly she heard the crack of a whip, and
felt the searing pain of the lash across her unprotected buttocks and lower
back. A second one across her upper back and shoulders. The pain was blinding,
and for a moment she has forgot where she was, in the stable of an ungodly huge
stallion. Rough hands jerked her to her knees, dragging her across the floor to
where the animal was standing, snorting impatiently. Petronia looked at the
black beast for a moment, then back to her Domina, not daring to meet the
woman’s eyes.

“What am I to do Domita?” She
cries through her tears, and gasps of pain.

A guard’s rough hands grabbed
her by the hair twisted her around to a position where she is looking once more
at the stallion. She felt a pair of knees at her back, and the hands gripping
her head are forcing her to look up and stare at the beast’s member. The stallion
snorted and stomped his hooves anxiously.

“Well?” Domina hisses

The spell was broken, and the
girl found she had no desire to be that close to the creature. Sensing the
slave girl’s reluctance, Domina directed the guard to help the girl get back in
the mood. He brandished his whip menacingly in front of the girl and the guard
who was holding her by the hair gave her several sharp jerks, so violently that
she saw stars as white hot pain travelled along the length of her neck, shooting
up into the base of her skull. Through the pain and tears, Petronia reached out
with both hands and took the beasts cock in a firm grip. Her stomach did flip
flops and she could feel the stallion’s rigid member throbbing and twitching in
her hands. She swallowed back a mouthful of bile and began to slide her hands
up and down his cock. To her amazement the beast’s member begins to grow, not
only thicker but longer. Taking it as a good sign she starts moving her hands
more vigorously and soon a white, musky smelling liquid was coating her hands.
The great animal began shuffling around his hooves and snorting in pleasure.

Suddenly Petronia felt a hand
at her waist, sliding around to her belly button where it lingers a moment
before sliding down her flat tummy to her sex. She sighed as she felt a finger
slip between her silky wet lips, and a gasp escaped her when those same fingers
found her clit again and began to caress it.

It was a weird feeling,
revulsion mixed with desire. She moans and pushed up against the hand between
her legs, longing for more contact, but it drew back.

Petronia groans in

“You desire more?” Domina

“Yes Domina.”

The first thing she noticed
before tasting the salty liquid was the smell. It was a powerful, musky animal
smell, and combined with the perfume of her Domita and her own sweat; well, it
was a heady, intoxicating mixture.

“You must do a thing slave.”

“What must I do Domina?”

“My stallion wishes to be

Without hesitation Petronia
reaches out and takes the stallions cock between her hands expecting to bring
him to climax manually but Domina had other ideas. She grabbed the girl’s hair
and jerked her head back towards her own. She hissed in the girl’s ear. “Not
with your hands you simpleton!” Then she bit down on her slave’s earlobe hard
enough to draw blood and make her cry out. “Pretend you enjoy it or I will
command him to split you in two.”

As if sensing what was about
to take place the stallion began to paw at the dirt floor, snorting, and
braying softly. His cock was bouncing up and down, slapping against his stomach,
cum dripping from its giant head. Petronia took hold of his giant member to
steady it, then leaned in, parted her lips, and placed a chaste kiss on the
glazed head of the beast’s cock. She was just about to withdraw in disgust when
her Domina picked that moment to slip a hand between her legs. Petronia paused,
lips coated in the stallions fluid, then Domina’s fingers found her throbbing
clit, sending jolts of extreme pleasure screaming through her body, and when it
blasted her brain in the beginning throws of ecstasy, Petronia abandoned any
thoughts of human decency. The notion of girls don’t do this with animals, fled
her mind when the first orgasm rocked her soul. She leaned in, running her
tongue the length of the beast throbbing cock, lapping up rivers of pre cum as
she made her way to a huge ghastly head. Amazingly the animals two foot long
member was extending with every lick, kiss, suck and swallow from the delirious
slave girl.

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