Apocalypse in the Homeland: The Adventures of John Harris (3 page)

BOOK: Apocalypse in the Homeland: The Adventures of John Harris
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Just as John was getting in position to cut the man’s throat, three men walked up and two of them grabbed the big man and threw him to the ground.

“Zeke, you've been warned about beating your wife and spent a week in the cooler. This is against our laws and beliefs; you are going to jail until we have a trial. I can tell you now that you will be run out of town and if you come back, you will be shot on sight. Boys, take him to the jail.”

“But Joel, I just drank a bit too much. I promise that I'll stop and be good.”

“Too late! You're lucky we don’t take you out in the mountains and shoot you.”


John and Imelda found Joe back at the hanger and immediately began comparing notes.

“I heard the family discussing they had to escape to avoid their daughter being treated like the other women. I assumed the girl was to be a sex slave for the bad guys.”

“We saw a guy beat his wife and three men arrested him and put him in jail. The leader told him that he was lucky to be alive. We need to listen more before we start shooting.”

They watched the entire next day and noticed that the town was orderly and many of the town folk waved and smiled at the guards. There was no evidence of any abuse or gang activity. They went back to the hanger after dark and regrouped.

“Joe, I want you to make contact with the father of that girl and find out what they are afraid of. I am going to try to find someone to question and see what is going on here. Imelda, be ready to come out shooting if one of us gets in trouble.”


Joe went back to the house he'd had under surveillance and waited for the father to come outside. He caught the man from behind and dragged him behind the garage with a gun to his head.

He asked the guy, “Why are you afraid of the guards and why are you hiding your daughter? Tell me now and I’ll let you go.”

The man was scared to death, but responded, “They want to make her take a job. We’ve been on disability and welfare all of our lives and there is no need to start working now. They have plenty of food in those distribution centers and they just need to give us our fair share. She takes care of us and does all of the chores around the house. She belongs to me and my wife, not them.”

Joe replied, “You are a worthless piece of shit,” and hit him in the stomach then dropped him to the ground and then melted into the night.


John patiently waited on the leader and several of his men to get distracted enough so he could sneak into the building and get into the room next to his office.

“Joel, we have plenty of food, water and coal to last for several years. What is our next step? Those gangs are getting closer to us every week. When the weather breaks, they’ll be right on our doorstep.”

“Carl, that is why I have the veterans training all of our people how to fight. We need a small army to protect what we have and I’m convinced that we need to start wiping out these gangs before they kill us and take the food and women.”

“I don’t like looking for trouble.”

All of the others in the room were on Joel’s side and they shifted to the regular business of running the town. John slowly edged his way out of the building and headed back to the hanger.


Again, they compared notes and ended their confusion concerning this town.

“Guys, I think we need to meet with these people and join forces. Hell, they may even have a shortwave radio. We might be back in Mobile in a week. Let’s sleep on this tonight and form a plan in the morning."












Chapter 3

What Would John Do?
Mobile, Alabama



The smell of bacon frying was an aphrodisiac. He slipped up behind Joan and put his arms around her. She grabbed his left wrist, turned around and lightly elbowed him in the stomach.

“Down boy. Didn’t you get enough romance last night?”

“Darling, I just want to hug you and let you know how much I love you. I knew that training women to fight would backfire on us.”

“Keep making comments like that and you will have to romance yourself buddy.”

She gave him a kiss and went back to cooking.

Scott went back to reading the Mobile newspaper while Joan prepared breakfast. The newspaper was the only one for the region around Mobile and it was a combination of local gossip and hard news reporting. One article caught Scott’s eye. The headline made him choke for a minute. It read, “John Harris is Alive!” The story went on to give the author’s opinion based on the evidence reported by the military. It indicated that John was building another country in the area around Colorado and that the EMP blasts had destroyed all of the radios so John could not call for help.

“I think this author is closer to the truth than anyone could possibly believe. Dad took control of that plane and landed it somewhere in the northcentral US and is out of radio contact. He is building an army and we will hear about him killing all of the bad guys in that area.”

“I hope you are right. John, Beth and the others are the best the ISA has and if anyone could survive, it’s them. Have you found out any more intel on the Chosen People? We must take them out for trying to kidnap John and causing his disappearance.”

“We are surveilling numerous locations across the ISA and USA. We have found 23 locations and estimate they have over a hundred thousand followers. This will not be an easy take down.”

“What would John do? I’ll bet he would bomb the bastards.”

“There are several governors pushing back on whole scale bombing because they say many innocent people will be killed. While they have a hundred thousand supporters, they also have the same number of local people working in their factories and farms. We actually buy a significant amount of our food from them. They have the only large distribution supply chain in the country. They supply most of the food for the USA. We are working on a plan to take out their command and take control, then take out their entire leadership. All are top secret operations and are being conducted at all of their locations and their home base. I think Dad would approve of our plans.”

“I know that Gus and the Admiral will do the right thing, but the citizens are demanding action and they don’t know any of this. Hell, they don’t even know that CP is not just a company, but rather a fanatical racist group bent on world domination. Thanks for keeping me informed. I will not break your trust.”


Major Scott Harris reported into the command center at 8:00 a.m. sharp on Monday morning. His recent promotion placed him in charge of the ISA Special Forces and placed him on the Secretary of Defense’s staff. Gus McCoy was his Dad’s best friend and Scott had known him for most of his life. His XO, Captain Roger Teller, a 14-year Navy Seal veteran, was his right arm and commanded the most important missions.

Roger handed a folder to Scott and said, “This is the analysis of our surveillance on the CP installations. The last page contains my staff’s recommendation on neutralizing the CP command and control. No changes from my verbal briefing last Thursday. Good luck with the senior staff.”


Scott walked into the war room and took his assigned seat while the others at the table continued their heated debate. Gus had not joined the meeting.

“Scott, I’m trying to convince these yahoos that a surgical strike from the air is the only solution to the CP issue. What do you think? More importantly, what would your father think?”

Scott started to reply when Gus entered the room limping. Several, including Scott, started snickering and laughing under their breath about Gus’ limp. He had recently married the Vice President’s daughter, a woman half his age and they had made fun of her being the death of him.

“Now gentlemen, show some respect for the position if nothing else. Besides I tripped on one of the kids toys this morning and you can get your minds back on the matter at hand.”

As Gus finished, the door opened and the Sargent at Arms introduced Vice President George Washington. George was Gus’ father-in-law and biggest tormentor about him being too old for his daughter.

“Thanks for inviting me to attend your meeting on the CP issue,” George said as he looked over at Gus and then added, “That limp is getting worse. Do you need something for your arthritis? Old people need all kinds of medication.”

“Mr. Acting President, I would respond in kind, but I just told my men to show some respect. Thank you for taking time to join us as we decide on a proper response for the CP attack on our country.”

The professionalism took the wind out of George’s sails so he sat down so the meeting could begin.

Gus spoke up, “My team has several proposals which range from only an air campaign to the Seals attacking every site simultaneously. Commander Jones has reviewed them all and developed an overall strategy that will give us our revenge and neutralize the CP in the ISA.”

Commander Bob Jones was the son of Admiral Hiram Jones who commands the entire ISA Navy. The Admiral watched his son speak and was very proud of him and his success as a Navy officer. Both had defected from the USA bringing over 90 percent of the surviving fleet with them after the US President led a coalition of Iranian and drug cartel forces to attack his own country and the western powers. They used EMP blasts and nuclear bombs on many of the US and European cities. The Navy was the major factor in the ISA’s success and ongoing survival.

“Gentlemen, the plan includes the best parts of all three proposals. We have two separate plans for attack. One plan is for the sites in the USA and one for the others in our country and the unclaimed territories. For the ones in the ISA, we will begin the attack with surgical airstrikes on their defenses followed up by Seals and Special Forces capturing the facilities with the least damage as possible. We aim to take them over and keep them in operation. Of course, we will stop the trade with the USA and use the facilities to supply only the ISA and Pacific States of America."

"The plan for the operation in the USA is much more limited. We will send drones and Black Ops men to kill all of the leaders of the Chosen People’s facilities and the leaders at their home base in Georgia. We want revenge on the CP, not another war with the USA because we shut off their food supply.”

There was a low rumble around the room as it sank in that they would not wipe out or capture the facilities in the USA.

“Gentlemen, let me continue. You might like what you hear. The Chosen People are very good at growing food, manufacturing goods, warehousing and logistics to move the product to market. They have sophisticated computer programs that control all of this. We have a virus ready that will wipe out their systems. The USA will still get food, but it will take five times the manpower since none of their automated processes will continue to function. The USA will be pissed, but we don’t think they will go to war over this reduced measure. If they do, we will be ready to slap them down again.”

Scott spoke up first, “Thanks; that made me feel much better about the limited response in the North. My team is ready to support the operation. I will add that I think many of you wonder what John Harris would do. My Dad would want to nuke all the bastards, but after ranting and raving for an hour or two, Gus and George would calm him down and he would help make these plans the best possible. He knows that discretion has to win out over brute force once in a while.”

“Thanks for the insight. Major, your team’s plan is exactly what we need for the ISA and PSA. Please add the PSA sites to your operational plans. My XO will give you the intel on the sites on the West Coast.”

“Captain Goad, your plans are perfect, just change the USA portion to be solely drone attacks on their leadership.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Colonel Moreland, your 82
battalion will provide support and mop up any hotspots in the ISA and PSA operation. The Seals and Special Forces should be able to handle any known forces, but we want to be prepared for surprises.”

“Sir, we are ready!”

“Okay, men we will have detailed briefings and chalkboard simulations starting in the morning at 0800. Update your officers and NCOs this afternoon and be ready for tomorrow.”

The team started to leave the room when George asked Gus, Bob and Scott to stay behind for a meeting.

George looked at Scott and said, “Scott, we want you to stay at headquarters and direct your men from the bunker.”

“Sir, with all due respect, I need to lead my men into battle as I always have. They expect it and it is the right thing to do.”

“Son, we have lost your Dad to those bastards and we can’t lose you. It would kill morale and devastate our people. Besides you are now being made a permanent member of the Secretary’s staff and can’t be out breaking down doors and fighting hand to hand.”

“Sir, I will do what I am ordered to do, but I don’t like it.”

Gus replied, “You are your father’s son. You hard headed son of a bitch.”

“But you still love me, don’t you Gus?”

“Yes, and get your ass moving on these plans.”

Scott saluted and replied as he walked out of the room, “Yes Sir!”

George looked at Gus and Bob and said, “That boy will be President of the ISA one day and we’d better get him ready without getting him killed.”

Bob added, “And also not pissing him off too much.”

They all laughed and pulled out a bottle of Kentucky bourbon and drank a toast to President Scott Harris.




The Command Center was busy as usual when Scott went back to his office, still pissed about not leading his troops into battle. Hell, he knew that Teller could lead his men as well as or even better than he could. Scott suddenly got a big smile on his face, called Joan’s CO and asked if he could send her to lunch early. He had just hatched a devious plan that his Dad and Gus would be proud of.


“Joan, I’m so glad that Jerry could let you join me for lunch. I want to bounce something off you before I approach Gus. I want to lead a search party into the Wyoming and Colorado area to look for Dad and to establish several outposts. We would take ground transportation and several helicopters for protection and air surveillance. I would be gone for up to three months. Darling, I have to find Dad.”

“I’m in. When do we leave?”

“Now Joan, I want you to stay back here. I don’t want to expose you to the unknown dangers.”

“I am a Ranger; you are my husband not my protector. I have an M4, 9 mm and a Kbar for protection. Like I said, when do we go and no more of that nonsense? Remember if Mama ain’t happy, your ass won’t be happy. Any questions before we pack up to go?”

“No ma'am, I just have to convince Gus.”

“Hey, who do we want from our old team? I’m asking Maria and Sam.”

“Great idea; I hadn’t gotten that far, but I suppose I’ll get Jim, Tony Jackson and Sonny.




“But damn it Gus, you know Teller can lead the troops as well or better than I can.”

“Son, I didn’t say no. Hell, I want to go myself. I already planned exactly the same operation. I think I’m just jealous that you get to find your Dad instead of me.”

Scott jumped out of his chair as he replied, “Does that mean yes?”

“Only if we modify your plan by adding another 50 of the 82
Airborne and about five more Humvees with twin 50s. The twin SAWs are great, but you might have to knock down some doors. Look son, I don’t want to have two Harris boys lost in the big woods.”

“I’ll get with Colonel Mills and add the men.”

“Call him General. He gets promoted tomorrow.”

“Great!  He is a great leader and even better man.”

“Scott, I’ll have a staff meeting to establish your goals and to ask for military and civilian volunteers that might want to settle down up there so we can have some permanent posts. That will make it easier to spread the word to the current survivors and to have a strong permanent presence.”

“I agree; I’ll make plans to leave in a week. Hopefully the snow will be gone by then.”

“Don’t count on it. This winter was the worst on record.”




Gus called Admiral Jones and said, “I’m sending a team up into the Colorado area to search for John. I know that it’s a long shot, but I can’t give up on him. We will kill a bunch of bad guys along the way and get the area ready to annex it into the ISA.”

“I agree with the search for John, but don’t make any plans to deploy an army to protect the area. We just don’t have the manpower. Train the locals to protect themselves and move on.”

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