Anything but Love (22 page)

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Authors: Celya Bowers

BOOK: Anything but Love
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Kendall stared across the table at her lunch companion. She supposed James thought he was being romantic, pretending to care about anything important to her. Lunching at Simply Good would have been a grand idea when they were married. But now it wasn’t so appealing.

Simply Good, known for its vegetarian cuisine, had been around Arlington for about twenty years. Kendall had frequented the establishment at least twice a week. That was before Cole entered her life and reintroduced her to meat.

Instead of her normal lunch of soup, salad, and mineral water, she wanted a cheeseburger.

“Baby, what are you having?” James asked, looking at the menu. “I think I’m going to try the spinach salad.” He gazed at her. “Are you having your usual?”

“No. I’m not really that hungry,” she lied. “I guess I’ll have the house salad.” She was starving and wanted some beef really badly.

The waitress appeared and he gave their orders. Then his eyes totally focused on her. “What is Jami doing at your house?”

“What are you talking about?”

“When I called a few days ago, she answered your phone. I know how anal you are about strangers in your home. You would never allow me to have any of my friends over.”

Kendall smiled and placed her menu on the table. “That little insecurity was due to you, Mr. Matthews. Remember me coming home early from a conference and finding you in my bed with that nurse?”

James actually looked a little embarrassed. “Yeah. That was a bit of bad luck. I didn’t mean for you to catch us in bed.”

“Obviously.” Kendall was so ready for this lunch to be over. “Look, James, let’s not relive that day. It’s over and done with. I caught you in bed, we divorced, end of story.”

“It doesn’t have to be.”


“It doesn’t have to be the end.”

“James, what on earth are you talking about?” She held up her hand. “And don’t spin me a tale.”

“Same ole Kendall. Straight to the point. What I’m talking about is us. It’s not too late for us to pick up the pieces. Before you start with your rejection, hear me out, baby.”

He continued, not giving her a chance to answer. “Kendall, the reason I was sleeping with so many women was because I wanted your attention.”

Kendall gasped. “What?”

“You weren’t paying any attention to me, so I had to do something.”

She took a deep breath, determined not to lose her temper. It was a hard fight, but she won. “So instead of talking to me, you chose to sleep with every nurse in a twenty-mile radius. You told me I was too stiff in bed.”

“A real woman would have wanted to please her man,” James said. “I wanted you to be more adventurous.”

Kendall instantly thought of Cole and the things they had been doing in and out of bed. She’d become more spontaneous with Cole encouraging her. She had never been the problem. Now that she’d taken the blinders off, she saw the real James. The problems in their marriage had had little to do with her and everything to do with James.

“So what do you say, Kendall? Want to give that writer the boot?”

“Give me one good reason why I should?” She knew he couldn’t. “Honestly, why would you want to get back with me?”

“You know we’re good together. The doctor and the pharmacy sales rep. We belong together.”

“Do you love me?”

“Of course I do.”

“Oh, that’s why you left me hurt that night on the skater’s path.”

“No, I saw that guy coming toward us and I wasn’t sure who he was or if he had a weapon. I knew he wouldn’t hurt you, so I left.”

It was a typical answer and one she’d heard a million times before. Each time she’d confronted him about his sleeping around, he’d always turn it around in his favor. He was an excellent salesman. He could make anything sound like a good idea.

“Kendall, you know what you mean to me.”

She knew exactly what she meant to him. With both Briarwood and InfaCare in his territory he could be top salesman with little effort on his part. “How’s your mother?”

“Mom? She’s fine.”

“How’s her breast cancer?”

James had the good sense not to lie this time. “She doesn’t have it.”

“Really,” Kendall said, waiting for him to embellish his earlier lie.

“Yes, it was a mistake on the tests.” He glanced around the room.

The waitress appeared with their orders. After making sure everything was fine, she disappeared.

James stared at his salad. “Wow, there’s a lot of stuff in this thing. What’s in it?”

Kendall didn’t have to look at his plate; she knew exactly what was on it, since it was one of her favorite meals. “Spinach, red peppers, green peppers, green onions, mushrooms, and boiled eggs in an Italian vinaigrette.”

“I thought you didn’t eat eggs,” James said, carefully inspecting his food.

“I’m a vegetarian. Actually, the politically correct term is lacto-ovo-vegetarian. Traditionally, I can eat the milk and eggs of animals. I can also eat anything I damn well please, for that matter.”

His eyes popped up at her tone. “Well, good for you. How’s your salad?”

“Fine.” She picked at her house salad, wishing it was a cheeseburger.

“Now, getting back to us. What do you think?”

“I think it’s a horrible idea. James, we were married for eight miserable years.”

“It wasn’t all bad,” he said.

“It certainly wasn’t good.” Kendall sipped her water, hoping James would take the hint and stop talking about the past. She hated opening up old wounds. Dredging up the past would do nothing but rekindle the hate she’d felt all those years ago.

“I know I wasn’t the best husband, Kendall. All I’m asking for is a chance.”

She didn’t have to think about it for one second. James was all about James. Their marriage had ended because he was selfish.

* * *

Charlie sat in his corner office, not knowing exactly what his next move was. He’d just received a courtesy phone call from Gabriella Hunt’s attorney. She wanted her son back and was prepared to sue for custody.

He knew Gabriella was probably just blowing smoke, hoping that the threat of a very public custody hearing would have Cole ready to sign on the dotted line. But there was a hiccup in her little plan: Taylor. Since he was sixteen and had come to Texas of his own free will, Gabriella couldn’t really cry kidnapping.

Charlie was concerned about both Cole and Kendall. Charlie hoped his sister was strong enough to deal with two very conniving women. If not, he’d be there to prevent her from getting hurt again. As much as he valued his friendship with Cole, as well as his business relationship, he’d chuck it all to protect his baby sister.

He picked up the phone and dialed Cole’s home number. He knew Taylor wasn’t there, which was good since Charlie needed to discuss the teenager. Charlie listened as the phone rang and rang.

And rang.

Finally Cole picked up. “What?”

“Bad morning?” Charlie asked, wondering if Gabriella’s attorney had already contacted him.

Cole sighed. “The worst. Holly just kicked me in the gut, and I’m still reeling from it.”

“She’s not supposed to come anywhere near you. Is she still there?” Charlie slipped from concerned friend to attorney in a matter of seconds. “Does she think she’s above the law because she works at CNT?”

“Charlie, please. One lunatic at a time. To answer your questions, no, she’s not here. She did her punching by phone.”

Charlie knew what Holly was capable of. He’d seen the destruction she’d caused in Cole’s life first-hand. “I’m almost afraid to ask. What did she say?”

“She informed me that she’d had an abortion while we were dating. She didn’t want the baby because a maternity leave would have jeopardized her career.”

Charlie was speechless. He knew while Cole said he didn’t want any more children, he would have welcomed a baby simply because it was his. “Cole, I’m sorry, man. She’s been bad news from the day you met her.”

“You don’t have to tell me. I don’t need this drama right now. I came home to lead a quiet life, and lately it’s been anything but.”

“I hope none of that had anything to do with my sister,” Charlie said in his big-brother role. “Kendall has had her share of the blues and doesn’t need any more.”

“No, Charlie, none of it has to do with Kendall. At least not directly. I’m sure you know she has Jami and her son Dylan staying with her for awhile.”

“Yeah, Mom mentioned it. Something about the husband taking drugs and threatening the kid. I think it’s great Kendall is reaching out to the people on her staff. She’s asked me to represent Max in his divorce proceedings as well as Jami. Kendall had been so focused on her work, I’d begun to wonder if that’s all she thought about.”

“Me, too. I’m glad we were both wrong,” Cole said. “Charlie, what’s up? You don’t normally call early in the morning.”

“I hate to add to your drama pile, but Gabriella’s attorney called me this morning.”

“Now what?”

“Cole, Gabriella wants to sue you for coercing Taylor to come to Texas,” Charlie said.

When Cole didn’t let out a string of expletives, Charlie became concerned. “Cole, did you hear me?”

“I heard you. It’s going to be one of those days, isn’t it? Next, Kendall is going to call me and tell me she’s taking James back.”

Charlie didn’t believe that for one second. “What would make you believe that? She’s so over that loser.”

“So why is she having lunch with him at that upscale vegetarian restaurant? Max called earlier and told me about it.”

Charlie was puzzled. If that was his woman having lunch with her ex, he would have been at the place before they could place an order. “So what are you doing at home?”

“You’re kidding me, right? Charlie, you know Kendall better than anyone. She’d have my nuts in a food processor if she thought I didn’t trust her enough to have lunch with James.”

Charlie laughed. That was his baby sister. She took no mess from anyone, especially men. “Right. That’s Kendall. We don’t call her the ball buster for nothing.”

“Amen,” Cole said.

“Spoken like a man in love,” Charlie joked. “Now what do you want me to do about Gabriella?”

He took a deep breath, thinking about his problem. “Nothing.”

“Nothing?” Charlie asked, wondering what his friend was thinking. “Not even a countersuit?”

“Charlie, if Taylor decides he wants to go back to New York, then it’s his choice. I don’t want to subject him to a nasty court hearing and publicity. He’s been through enough, and I will not cause him any more pain. I’ll talk to him and see what he wants.”

“I understand. You’ve changed since you came back home, Cole. I’m not quite used to the caring Coltrane Highpoint. What happened?”

“You said it earlier. I fell in love with your sister.”


“This isn’t over, Kendall.” James parked the car in front of the hospital. “You’ll see I’m the best thing for you. That guy doesn’t love you like I do.”

Kendall opened the door and got out of the car. There wasn’t much to say to him when he was in that kind of mood. Refuting him right now would only escalate the problem. “James, I have to get to work. Thanks for lunch.” She closed the door and headed for the entrance.

“Oh, you’ll see me. It might not be today, but you’re going to see me,” he called out of his open window. He drove off before she could reply.

Kendall shook her head and entered the building. She had a little time before her interview with Holly, and she could really use it. She had no idea what to do about James. He was in total denial about her refusal. But as she glanced in the lobby and saw Harry Campbell, thoughts of James flew out of her brain.

“Oh great,” she mumbled, walking toward the multi-millionaire, Max’s father-in-law.

Harry stood the minute Kendall came into his line of vision. He extended his lean hand toward Kendall. “Hello, Dr. Matthews, it’s nice to see you.” He smiled. “I was in the area and hoped to have a word with Max, but I was told he went out for lunch and to run some errands.”

Kendall nodded, hoping she could get Harry out of the hospital before Max returned. “Would you like him to call you when he gets back?”

Harry took out a business card and handed it to her. “Just have him call me at this number when he returns. It’s imperative that I talk to him today.” He stepped closer to Kendall and whispered, “I’m sure you’re aware of the problems between him and Katie. I’m hoping they can work it all out.”

Again Kendall nodded. She knew there was nothing to work out, especially since Max now had proof of Caitlin’s infidelity. Which probably explained Harry’s sudden appearance at the hospital. “I’m sure everything will work out as it needs to, Harry.”

He smiled at Kendall. “Thank you.” He glanced at his Rolex. “I have to get back to Dallas. Tell Max I’m sorry I missed him.” He headed for the exit doors.

Kendall watched Harry as he left the hospital. After letting Jami know she was back, Kendall headed for the gym. She figured Max was there, and she was correct. Max was on the treadmill, running at top speed. Sweat poured down his face. His hair was completely soaked, and his T-shirt was molded to his slender body. She knew exactly what he was doing, and she had to stop him.

She decreased his speed until he was standing still.

“Kendall, what are you doing?” he asked between breaths.

“Max, you can’t outrun your demons. You’re going to have to face them. Harry was here looking for you.”

Max stepped off the treadmill and reached for the towel hanging on the bars and wiped his face. “I saw him when he drove up in the Benz. Caitlin must have told him about the pictures. He probably wants to buy them.”

“What are you going to do?”

He looked at her with sad blue eyes. “First, I’m taking the hottest shower ever, then I’m going to talk to Charlie to see exactly where I stand.”

Kendall raised a hand to his shoulder. “Max, I know how it feels to be lied to and betrayed. I understand what you’re going through. You can’t keep this bottled up inside you.”

He looked at her sideways. “That’s pretty good talk coming from a woman who kept everyone at arm’s length, including me. Until Cole came onto the scene you wouldn’t let anyone get close enough to even kiss you. I don’t want to end up like that, Kendall. I felt so sorry for you letting life pass you by. I don’t regret pushing you toward him. You two guys are good for each other. I don’t know why you can’t admit it. I love Jami and will do anything and everything to be with her.”

Kendall stared at him. Max always cut to the chase and, when needed, gave her a kick to the gut. “How can you know you love Jami already?”

“Because I just do. It’s hard to explain, but we have this connection that defies all kinds of logic. I feel like a kid at Christmas when I’m around her. My heart starts beating twice as fast when she smiles at me. Yeah, I know my life is a mess right now, and hers isn’t much better, but if we can survive the next few months, we can make it.” He struggled out of his T-shirt. “What about you, Kendall? How long are you and Cole going to play this silly game? I know you love him and I know he loves you, but neither of you has admitted it to the other.”

“I want to tell him, but now is not a good time.”

Max shook his head and walked toward the men’s locker room. “There’s no such thing as a good time. I say tell him now. With all the craziness going on in our lives, it’s heartwarming to know someone is in your corner.” He walked into the men’s room, leaving Kendall alone with her thoughts.

Why couldn’t she tell Cole how she felt? What did she have to lose? He already had her heart, so really, she had nothing to lose and everything to gain. She hoped the decision to tell him wouldn’t bite her in the butt later.

* * *

“Please tell me you didn’t go there with Cole,” Jason said, shaking his head in disappointment. “Holly, you just opened up a can of worms. You’re not going to be able to talk your way out of the situation this time.”

They were having a late lunch at a small bistro near their hotel. Holly was dining on a salad and Jason was chowing down on a ribeye steak. “I know I shouldn’t have told him, but I had to do something.”

“So you figured a little lie would make him run back into your arms.”

She leaned back in the uncomfortable chair. “A little misinformation never hurt anyone. I did have an abortion. That part wasn’t a lie.”

“Yeah, but he wasn’t the father and you know that. You just made a horrible situation worse. When Cole gets wind of what you’ve done, you can kiss that anchor gig good-bye, and this time Herb isn’t going to save your ass.”

She waved away Jason’s remark. “Cole’s not going to know that I lied, ’cause I’m not going to tell him. He thinks he has life all wrapped into this neat little ball since he’s back here. Let’s see if the good doctor will be so loving if she thinks Cole is responsible for a child’s death. Think about it: Her life’s work is getting people pregnant. It would be like a slap to her ego. She couldn’t be with someone who killed a child.” She grinned at her sheer brilliance in concocting the ultimate plan. The look on Jason’s face told her he didn’t share her enthusiasm.

“Holly, you’ve lost it. First of all, he didn’t kill the baby. You did. Second, he wasn’t even the damn father! Why don’t you just give up this stupid idea, do the interview tomorrow, and get out of Arlington before you do something insane and lose your job and what little credibility you have left?”

“Too late for that,” Holly said ruefully. “The game has already started and I’m going to finish it. Cole agreed to meet me later to discuss the whole abortion thing.”

“And that’s going to prove what?”

Holly hated having to explain every little detail, but knew Jason wasn’t going to let up until he was privy to her plan. “Once Cole and I are together, he’ll realize how much he misses being with me. We were good together.”

“Holly, you cost that man a seven-figure book deal and he was ostracized by the publishing industry for a year. Now you sit there calm as you please, professing how good you two were? He hates you and has a restraining order against you. I’m sorry, Holly, you know you’re my girl, but here’s where I draw the line.”

“Jason, you still have to help with the story.”

“Yes, I do, because I do value my job. Holly, I know you want Cole back, but honey, Cole has moved on. You should too.”

* * *

Meeting Holly to discuss anything was always a bad idea. Today had been different. Cole had hoped their meeting would be quick and to the point, but it was with Holly. And she did everything in her own time.

She had threatened to tell Kendall about the abortion if he didn’t take her back. She’d finally taken complete leave of all her senses, he’d thought. After all she’d done to him, why would she think there was any circumstance that would make him go back to her? It was completely insane.

After challenging her to make good her threat, he’d stormed out of the hotel restaurant and headed to his mother’s house. He had another mess to fix.

Taylor met him at the front door. “Hey, Dad. Gram is cooking a roast, mashed potatoes, and broccoli.” He followed Cole further inside the house after he closed the door. “She made my favorite, chocolate cake, for dessert.” He smiled proudly at his father. “I helped her make it.” Taylor fell onto the couch and turned on the TV.

Cole loved seeing Taylor’s wide grin. It was worth everything he had to endure. “That’s good, son. I need to talk to you.” He sat down on the couch.

Taylor looked at Cole and saw the serious look on his face. He turned off the TV and faced him. “What’s up? Are you going to propose to Kendall?”

“No, not yet, anyway. I need to talk to you about your mother,” Cole said, rubbing his hands together. “She wants to sue me for custody, claiming that I coerced you to come to Texas. Now, you’re sixteen and can make your own decision. If you want to go back to New York, I won’t stand in your way.”

“Dad, what are you asking me?”

“I know we’re just getting to know each other, Taylor, and I don’t want you dragged into a nasty court battle. She’s doing this to get back at me for you coming here. I’m asking you if you want to stay here. If you want to return, I won’t contest the lawsuit. If you do want to stay, I’m going to have a legal battle on my hands. You need to be aware of what’s happening. When the press gets wind of this, they will descend on you like locusts.”

“So this is all about Mom,” Taylor said in a cold voice. “She wants me back because it’s cool if you’re a single woman raising your child. She doesn’t really want me. I hardly saw her the last few months I was there. She was always going to rehearse for the Broadway play she was in, or something.”

“Taylor, I know your mother loves you in her way,” Cole said, hoping to take some of his son’s hurt away.

Taylor swiped the tears. “Well, I happen to think her way sucks. I’m not going back. Even if you don’t want me here, I’m not going back to New York. I’ll stay here with Gram.”

“Taylor, I want you with here. I love you, no matter where you are. Your happiness is the most important thing to me.”

“Even more than Kendall’s?”

“Yes, even more than Kendall’s. You will always come first.” Cole sighed. He hated Gabriella for all the hurt she’d caused Taylor. Cole should sue her for that alone. “No matter where you are, what you do, I will always love you.”

“I love you, Dad.” Taylor hugged his father suddenly. “I’m so glad I came here. I don’t want to go back.”

“You won’t have to,” Cole reassured his son. He returned the tight embrace, not wanting the moment to end. “I had to know where you stood on the matter.” Cole straightened and looked deep in son’s eyes. “I needed to know you were ready to face the wrath of your mother.”

Taylor wiped his face again. “I’m ready.”

* * *

Cole hoped this was a good idea. He walked to Kendall’s house and knocked on the door. Hopefully, she was alone. He really needed to talk, and he knew she’d be brutally honest.

The door opened and his heart swelled. Kendall wasn’t alone, she was carrying a sleeping Dylan in her arms. She smiled at him and motioned him inside.

“I was just going to put him to bed,” she whispered. “Jami and Keerya went out for the evening.” She started for the stairs.

Cole followed her silently, then stopped in his tracks as the words sank in. “You’re babysitting?” he asked a little too loudly. Dylan stirred in her arms, but Kendall lulled him back to sleep.

“Lower your voice,” she hissed. “It’s not that unusual, Cole. I’ve babysat my nieces and nephews over the years.” She stepped on the first stair. “I’ll be right back.”

“Catch me letting you do this alone.” Cole wasn’t about to miss the sight of Kendall in such a domestic setting. It might be his only chance after he told her of Holly’s threat.

Kendall blew him a kiss and continued to Dylan’s room. Cole followed and watched in silence. Kendall changed the tyke into Spongebob Squarepants pajamas and eased him into bed, all without waking him. She turned on the intercom system and turned off the lights, but left on a tiny nightlight. She waved Cole outside and then she closed the door.

“I was reading him a story and he fell asleep.” She grabbed Cole’s hand and started downstairs. “I’m glad you came by. I missed you.”

Was this the same woman who couldn’t stand the sight of him just a few short months ago? She was nurturing and holding his hand. He could get used to this woman.

“Hey, we don’t have to go downstairs, do we?”

Kendall looked at him with the look. The look that said that she wanted what he wanted, but it wasn’t going to happen. “Yes, we do. I have to talk to you about something.”

Cole sighed. Nope, he wasn’t getting any anytime soon. “I have to talk to you as well.”

“Oh, sounds interesting.”

“I hope you still feel that way when I’m finished,” Cole said, regretting the conversation already.

They reached the couch in silence. Kendall offered him a glass of wine, but he refused it. He needed a clear head, and wine would only make him want Kendall more.

Kendall turned on the intercom mounted on the wall. “You know, when I bought this place, I never thought I’d have a use for the intercom other than playing Mozart throughout the house. Now I use it whenever Dylan takes a nap.” She smiled in amazement. “Hard to believe they’ve only been living here a month.”

Had it only been four weeks since Jami moved in with Kendall? It was something both women had needed. Kendall had reached out to someone who really needed her help, and Jami had found she had someone to lean on. “Yeah, it seems like it was only yesterday. Wasn’t that the last time we had sex?”

She laughed. “Oh, you’re such a man.” She moved closer to him, snuggling up next to him. “What did you want to talk about?”

“What did you want to talk about?”

Kendall looked at him. “Yours sounds a lot worse than mine, so you go first.”

Cole didn’t want to bring Holly into the room, but he had to tell Kendall what was going on. “Okay, you might as well know the whole truth. I never thought any of this would happen, and I surely don’t intend for it to play out at Briarwood or InfaCare.”

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