Anyone U Want: (A Billionaire Scifi BBW Alien Spanking Romance) (8 page)

BOOK: Anyone U Want: (A Billionaire Scifi BBW Alien Spanking Romance)
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Grant frowned. “Holly, please. I never meant—”

“Get off me!” She shoved at him with both hands and he rose quickly but reluctantly, pulling out of her and allowing her to sit up.

Quickly, Holly shot off the desk and started pulling on her discarded clothes. She didn’t know when she’d felt more betrayed. How could he do this to her? How could he pretend to be an android and let her tell him all her embarrassing feelings for him without saying a word? How could he let her make a complete and total fool out of herself?

“Holly…” Grant was up too and fastening his trousers. “Please, just listen.”

“No, I’m through listening to you,” she snapped. “And I’m through working for you, too. I want my return ticket to Earth. I’m

As she stormed out of area 25 of Anyone U Want, she dashed tears of anger and humiliation from her eyes. What a joke he must have thought her! How amusing to fulfill the fantasies of his poor, love-starved assistant.

He probably thought I would fall all over myself thanking him for being willing to lower himself to be with me,
she thought.
That having one time with him would make me happy for life.

Holly felt more than hurt—part of her felt broken. Humiliated beyond the ability to heal. Oh God, she just wanted to
. But she couldn’t do that until she at least got back to Earth.

Over two hundred thousand miles from home and betrayed by the man she had idolized for the past two years, Holly had never felt more alone.

Chapter Eight


“Look, just
to him—that’s all I’m saying.” Abby paced around their apartment, waving her arms. “It’s been a week since you came back from the Moon and this is the third night in a row he’s come up here wanting to speak to you.” She peeked at the viewing-screen that served as a peephole and showed anyone outside their front door. Grant Harris the Third was standing there patiently, as though he could wear Holly down from sheer force of will.

“No.” Holly looked away, determined not to be swayed by her friend’s words.

“It looks like he’s empty-handed tonight,” Abby remarked, still watching Holly’s ex-boss on the viewing-screen. “Maybe he got tired of you throwing his expensive gifts away.”

The other two nights Grant had come, he’d brought things with him—a huge bouquet of flowers the first time and a box of expensive looking chocolates the second.

Not that Holly had taken the gifts. Abby had accepted them on her behalf and Holly had promptly thrown them down the waste chute. She made sure they landed in the dumpster near the parking area, so he could see exactly what she thought of his presents—and what she thought of him.

“Okay, you don’t have to talk to him but you do have to tell me—
what happened on that business trip?”
Abby looked at her intently. “Come on, Holly, what did he do? Sexually harass you?”

Holly was still far too mortified to explain to her best friend what had happened. How could she admit she’d blown all her available cash on a fantasy with an android that looked like her boss, only to find out that it
actually her boss she was having sex with? It was all just too weird and complicated and she didn’t want to have to deal with it. She didn’t want to have to deal with Grant Harris the Third either, but he was apparently a persistent son-of-a-bitch. When would he leave her alone?

The doorbell chimed out the latest hot little pop song… and then chimed again and again and again. Holly frowned in annoyance and looked up to see what was going on in the viewing-screen.

Grant was leaning on the bell—literally pressing it non-stop and making the tinkly little tune Abby had programmed into it play over and over until Holly thought she would go crazy.

“Open the door,” she told Abby. “Tell him to leave or we’ll call the cops.”

“What?” Abby gasped. “You can’t do that! He’s Grant Harris the Third—he can do anything he wants.”

“Not with our doorbell he can’t.” Holly felt all the rage and humiliation she’d suffered suddenly boiling up to the surface. She might be mild-mannered and tame most of the time but not now—not after what Grant had done.

Finally angry enough to confront her ex-boss, she marched to the door and threw it open.

“What?” she demanded.

“To talk to you.” He glared at her, his ice-blue eyes as cold as glaciers. “I have a lot to say to you that you wouldn’t listen to last time we were in the same room together.”

“Last time we were in the same room together you impersonated an android and spanked me and had sex with me!” Holly flared.

“What?” Abby was suddenly there, her eyes wide with interest.

“None of your business,” Holly elbowed her hard. “Look, could you
just go back to your bedroom and let me get this over with?”

“I have a better idea,” Grant said smoothly. He snapped his fingers and a handsome chauffer wearing a black suit appeared. “Forsythe, would you be so kind as to take Miss Sparks' roommate somewhere and buy her anything she wants?”

“Certainly, Sir.” The handsome chauffer gave Abby a knowing grin. “Are you more interested in fur or diamonds?”

“Neither,” said Abby, frowning loyally. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Grant sighed. “If your refusal to go is because you’re afraid I’ll hurt Holly, please be assured I won’t lay a hand on her. But I cannot go until I talk to her and I cannot talk to her unless we have some

“Well…” Abby looked uncertainly at Holly who sighed.

“Fine. Just go. He’s not going to get the message until I tell him to his face, I guess.” She glared up at Grant who put his best blank face on and stared back.

“Oh, goody!” Abby jumped forward and tucked her arm through the chauffer’s. “Now what were you saying earlier about diamonds and furs? Or maybe a nice new hovercar?”

The chauffer grinned and they walked down the apartment hallway together without a second glance for Holly or Grant. Holly watched them go with a frown. Great, now she was all alone with her ex-boss. Well, might as well get this over with.

She put a hand on her hip and looked up at him.

“Fine. You got rid of my friend—happy?”

“I will be if you invite me in and listen to what I have to say,” Grant said mildly. “Please, Holly, just

“Holly, is it? What happened to ‘Miss Sparks?’ and ‘Mr. Harris’?”

“I think we’re beyond that now, don’t you?” he asked quietly. “Now will you please let me in and listen to what I have to say?”

Holly had a very strong desire to tell him to go screw himself but she realized that until Grant had his say, he wouldn’t leave her alone. She’d seen his dogged persistence often enough in the years that she worked for him—it often worked in his favor when he was doing a particularly complicated business deal.

Well it won’t work in his favor now,
she told herself grimly as she stood aside and finally let him into her small apartment.

“Thank you,” Grant said with quiet gravity. “This is…nice. A nice place you have here.”

“Welcome to how the other half lives,” Holly said, shutting the door behind him with a bang. “We can’t all afford trips to the moon and caviar for lunch.”

“You couldn’t exactly afford to rent that android at Anyone U Want either but you did anyway,” he pointed out softly.

Holly felt her cheeks go hot and red but she lifted her chin and refused to drop her eyes.

“What I decided to do with my Christmas bonus was my
choice,” she said clearly. “And it was my privacy that you invaded—among other things.”

To her surprise, Grant didn’t try to argue.

“You’re right,” he said softly. “What I did was unforgivable and I have no excuse.”

“Well, we certainly agree on that,” Holly snapped. “So is that all you have to say?”

“No.” He frowned down at her and she wished she were taller. “No, I felt like there is…unfinished business between us.”

“Unfinished business?” Holly looked at him, uncomprehending. Then suddenly, it came to her what he must mean. “I’m not pregnant, if that’s what you’re worried about,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. “So don’t worry—your life isn’t going to turn into some cheesy romance—
The Billionaire’s Secret Baby—
or anything like that.”

“Pregnant?” He frowned. “I never even…I suppose I should have but I never even considered that.”

“And I don’t want to sue you for sexual harassment either,” Holly continued relentlessly. “That would mean letting everyone in the world know what a stupid fool I made of myself, once the press got hold of the story. I have no interest in going there.”

“Holly, you didn’t make a fool of yourself,” he protested, his deep voice sounding tired.
was the one who acted like a fool.”

“Oh? That’s not how I see it.” She put one hand on her hip. “You weren’t the one who paid for an android that looked like your boss to sex you up. God, I’m such an idiot! I should have known when you started going off script that you weren’t really an android. But I just thought…”

“You thought what?” he asked softly.

“I thought…I
a man like you wouldn’t be interested in me,” she flared back. “That’s why I should have known something wasn’t right.”

“Why would you think that?” he demanded.

“Well, because…look at you.” Holly gestured at him. “You date supermodels.”

“No I don’t,” he countered quickly. “Not anymore. In fact, not for the past year and a half since I started paying attention to you.”

“What?” Holly raised her eyebrows. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about the fact that I wanted you every bit as much as you wanted me.” He sounded frustrated now. “But I thought I couldn’t have you—I told myself you were off limits.”

“Because I’m poor and common and I don’t wear a size two?” she demanded. “Because your family wouldn’t approve?”

“As a matter of fact, they
approve but I don’t give a damn about that—I don’t give a damn about any of it,” Grant growled. “The reason I told myself you were off limits was because I have certain…sexual tastes I thought would frighten you. But then I saw all the things you had on your dream-viewer.”

“Oh God, did you see
Holly felt herself wilting inside with mortification. She had some really extreme fantasies in there. God, this was so

“I saw enough to give me hope,” Grant said soberly. “And then I saw the brochure from Anyone U Want. I was excited—finally it seemed like everything I wanted—like
, Holly—were within my grasp. And so…” He took a deep breath. “And so I did something very stupid and ill conceived.”

“You paid the Anything U Want people to take the android’s place,” Holly said flatly. She still didn’t believe a word he said about wanting her for over a year. Oh she wanted to believe—wanted desperately to think this could be true. But part of her whispered that it couldn’t be real. That Grant was probably just here to do damage control.

“Yes.” Grant let out a deep sigh. “In retrospect, I shouldn’t have done that. I should have waited and asked you out on a date instead of…doing what I did.”

“Just say it,” Holly snapped. “Instead of giving me the best sex of my life and then bringing the truth crashing down on my head.”

Grant looked intrigued. “Was it really the best? It was for me, too.”

His words made her embarrassment flare all over again.

“Okay, you’ve had your say—now you can go.” Holly made a motion towards the door.

“What? Why?” He looked really upset now. “Don’t you believe me when I tell you I want you?”

“No,” Holly said bluntly. “I think you’re just here to smooth things over so I won’t sue you or file rape charges or anything like that. Well don’t worry, Grant—that’s not me.”

“I know that’s not you,” he said quietly. “I know you, Holly—I know what makes you tick. I know what you want…and how you need to submit.”

His words made her heart pound but Holly refused to let it show on her face.

“Funnily enough, I’m not feeling very submissive just now,” she said in as cold a tone as she could manage. “So why don’t you leave me alone?”

* * * * *

Grant stared at her in frustration. How could he get it across to her how he felt? How could he get her to listen to him?

“Holly,” he said in a low, even voice. “You’re the only woman I have been interested in for the last year and a half—longer than that, if I’m honest with myself. And when I found out you shared my sexual interests, well, I couldn’t help myself. I
to have you.”

“Stop it!” she snapped, her pale cheeks flaming red. “It’s not like I’m the only girl in the world who has submissive fantasies. You’re Grant Harris the Third—you could have anyone you wanted.”

“But the only one I want is
He took a step forward, praying she would listen. He cupped her red cheek in one hand and was encouraged when she didn’t pull back. “I heard your friend, Abby, saying that I came empty-handed tonight,” he murmured, looking into her eyes. “Because I didn’t bring chocolates or flowers.”

“I don’t want your gifts,” Holly protested, but her voice was slightly breathless and she still wasn’t pulling away from his touch. Was she finally beginning to believe him?”

“The thing is—I
come empty-handed,” Grant told her. “I realized what empty, meaningless gestures flowers and candy are. And so…I brought you this instead.”

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small, velvet box and dropped to one knee in front of her.

Holly’s eyes got huge when he lifted the lid, revealing the 14 carat, rose-gold, oval-cut Morganite diamond ring.

“G-grant?” she stuttered, almost unable to get his name out.

“Holly,” he murmured, taking her hand. “You’re the only woman in the world for me. I mean it.”

“I…I don’t know what to say.” Holly looked at him, her eyes shining. “You’re serious?
Really serious?

“I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.” Grant rose and pulled her close, looking down into her big, lovely eyes. “I want to be your husband…and your Dominant, Holly. Will you marry me?”

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