Anyone U Want: (A Billionaire Scifi BBW Alien Spanking Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Anyone U Want: (A Billionaire Scifi BBW Alien Spanking Romance)
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What’s that?
His eye landed on an expensive looking piece of hardware—a head set that fit over the eyes and ears with a tiny bud microphone that curved along the wearer’s jaw. It was a dream-viewer, Grant realized as he dropped the panties back in the suitcase and picked it up. And an expensive one at that. This must be what Holly had used her last Christmas bonus on. But what was she watching on it?

Knowing he shouldn’t do it, but helpless to resist this rare glimpse into his assistant’s private life, Grant slipped the headset on and was immediately transported…back to his office.

“Miss Sparks, come here at once. I want a word with you,” he saw himself saying. Only this image didn’t look exactly like him—or at least he hoped not. The look on his face was stern, almost menacing and the tone of his voice was angry and impatient.

“Certainly, Mr. Harris. At once.” Holly came into view wearing something he’d never seen her in. Was that a slave outfit? It certainly looked like one. She had on a tight black leather mini skirt that showed off her curvaceous ass and black thigh-high stockings that made him drool. Up top she had on a black leather corset type bustier that pushed her full breasts up and out, baring their tops and showing the faintest hint of pink areola. God, if she really did dress this way at the office, there was no way he would be able to keep his hands off her!

“That’s far enough, Miss Sparks. Why are you walking? You know how you’re supposed to approach me,” dream Harris barked. Immediately dream Holly stopped in her tracks.

Grant continued to watch, his cock throbbing in his pants, as his assistant dropped to her knees and crawled as sinuously as a cat over to dream Harris. The short black leather skirt rode up her thighs as she moved, showing flashes of white lacy panties beneath. When she reached dream Harris’s feet, she pressed herself against his legs submissively and murmured, “Yes, Mr. Harris. Have I done something wrong? Do you need to punish me?”

“I most certainly do.” Dream Harris snapped his fingers at her. “That last letter you typed out for me was full of mistakes. Do you know what happens when you make mistakes, Miss Sparks?”

“I get a spanking?” Holly looked up hopefully, her full ass and hips twitching as she spoke what appeared to be the magic word.

Grant gasped aloud as he watched the fantasy play out, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. A spanking? Punishment? Could it be that Holly craved these things the way he craved to do them to her? He was hoping to see her get put over dream Harris’s knee and spanked next but he was disappointed.

“Normally, yes, you do get a spanking,” dream Harris was saying. “But I’m in a hurry today. This time I think we can dispense with the spanking and go straight to the next punishment. So…” He lifted Holly’s chin and looked down into her wide, innocent blue eyes. “Suck my cock, Holly. Suck me hard and long until I come down your throat.”

“Yes, Mr. Harris,” she murmured breathlessly.

Grant watched in disbelief as she reached up and unzipped dream Harris’s pants—pants that were, incidentally, identical to the ones he was currently wearing. Then she got out his cock which also looked uncannily like the real thing and began to suck him.

Watching her sweet pink lips close around the head of dream Harris’s cock was almost too much for Grant. His shaft felt like it was made of lead, heavy and throbbing for release. Did Holly really want to do this? Obviously she must—why else would she concoct such an elaborate fantasy about it? God, were all her fantasies like this or had he happened to find the one anomaly in the bunch?

Flicking to the main menu, Grant glanced down the list of “dreams” on the viewer. Only to find that he was the star player in every single one of them. There were fantasies of him spanking Holly, trying her up, and punishing her in every way imaginable.

Grant was shocked. And here he’d thought she was so innocent! And in fact, she was—on the
. She never actually did any of this—he knew from the months he’d had her followed by the Private Eye. It was her fantasy life that was extreme. He couldn’t believe some of the things she wanted him to do to her. Just watching little clips of each “dream” was almost enough to make him come in his pants.

“Hello? Anyone there?”

The voice outside Holly’s door accompanied by a soft knocking shocked Grant back to reality. Was it Holly back from wherever she had gone? If she caught him looking in her dream-viewer…

He had the head set off and was stuffing it back into the suitcase under the green bra and panties when the door opened and an unfamiliar face peered into Holly’s room.

“Room service?” the girl asked hesitantly, no doubt seeing the wild look on Grant’s face. “Is now a good time?”

“No,” Grant snapped. “Come back later.

“Yes, sir.” The maid bobbed her head and shut the door quickly, obviously glad to get away from him.

Grant breathed a sigh of relief.
That was close. Too close. Better leave everything like you found it and go back to your room.
But though he knew it was the right thing to do, he couldn’t help lingering, wishing for just one more look at the dream-viewer. The sight of himself and Holly doing things he had fantasized about doing with her for so long was addictive. Knowing that he shouldn’t, he reached into the suitcase one more time.

But instead of finding the head set of the dream-viewer again, his seeking fingertips brushed against something smooth and flat. Pulling it out he saw it was some kind of brochure. He was about to put it back and reach for the head set again when words printed in bright yellow type caught his eye.

Anyone U Want Androids Inc. can make your fantasy a reality!
blared the screaming yellow letters.
Simply bring a recording of the person or persons you want reproduced and we can have your dream date ready in twenty-four hours.

Dream-viewer forgotten, Grant sank down on the vivid purple and scarlet bedspread and poured over the brochure. Could it be that
was where Holly had gone? Had she decided to make the fantasies she’d put in her dream-viewer a reality? Was she even now down at the headquarters of this place, this Anyone U Want, placing an order for an android that looked…like

The thought blew his mind. But no—it couldn't be true—could it?

Only one way to know for sure!

Glancing at the address on the brochure once more time, Grant headed out the door. He had to see if Holly was really doing what he thought she was doing.


The moon's red light district was garish at night. Blinking neon holo-signs vied for his attention, their glare lighting up the atmosphere dome high above. There were sex bots on every corner and crowds of men wandering from brothel to brothel, each with different "specialties" to offer. The air was hazy with smoke and the scent of sex and alcohol drifted from every open doorway.

The more he saw of it, the less Grant liked the idea of Holly being out here on her own. He knew she probably didn't realize it but she was much too pretty to be wandering around down here after dark. He had just about decided that he would have to confront her and take her back to the hotel in the interest of her own safety, when he reached the door of Anyone U Want Inc.

He was about to go inside and look for Holly when he saw his curvy little assistant exiting the long, low building, her auburn hair glowing in the neon light. Standing in the shadows as he was, he could tell she couldn't see him. Should he go get her at once? Or just follow her from a safe distance to make sure she reached the hotel with no problems? He hated to embarrass her and he was certain she would be mortified if he caught her coming out of the android place—especially if she really was ordering what he thought she was.

Grant was still debating when he saw Holly hail a hovercab. It whizzed to the corner and picked her up, then hummed silently away.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Well, that was one problem solved—she would be safe in the cab. Now he could do what he had come to do and check on her order. Pushing through the sliding plasti-glass doors, he went inside.

"Hello, welcome to Anyone U Want. How can I help fulfill your fantasy?" a bored looking girl behind the front desk asked him.

"Well, it's not
fantasy per se that I'm here about."

She frowned. "I'm sorry, sir, but we have a strict confidentiality policy. I can't possibly let you view the details of anyone else's fantasy."

"Are you sure about that? Couldn't you just…
the rules a little?" Grant gave her his most charming smile and made a five hundred credit marker appear in one hand.

The girl's eyes widened. Labor on the moon was cheap—this was probably more money than she saw in a month.

"Well…" She licked her lips nervously and glanced from side to side, as though making sure no one was watching. "I
I could make one

Grant drummed his fingers impatiently as she pulled up the file.

"Here you go," she said at last, handing him her headset. "It's already uploaded to the main database and they're working on the android."

Grant watched the fantasy play out on her light screen and felt his trousers getting tight again. He had to shift from foot to foot, trying to make more room for his cock as he saw the naughty things Holly had planned. As he had thought, the android she was paying to play with was going to look like him…and it would be programmed to act as a Dominate to her sweet submissive.

Never in a million years would Grant have dreamed that his mild-mannered, sweet-natured personal assistant had such dark desires locked behind her innocent blue eyes. And to have the nerve to make her dreams a reality—well, in a manner of speaking anyway—it was more than he’d had the guts to do. All this time he’d been telling himself she was off limits, that he had to leave her alone so he wouldn’t corrupt her with his deviant desires or scare her off completely and now…

Now I know she wants what I want,
Grant thought suddenly.
She wants to submit and be dominated.

And she would be too—by that damn android.

The idea of anyone else dominating Holly—even a soulless android—didn't sit well with Grant at all. He felt a possessive growl rise in his throat at the very thought. Holly was
damn it! No one but he ought to be dominating her, pleasuring her, possessing her…

And no one's going to!

Suddenly, he had another idea. If Holly wanted her kinkiest fantasies fulfilled, then she was by-God going to get them fulfilled.

Giving the headset back to the girl behind the counter he made another credit marker appear—this one for a thousand.

"Tell me something," he said in a low voice. "How much would you charge to bend the rules just a little bit farther?"

The girl's eyes got even wider.

"What do you want me to do?"

"You don't have to do a thing," Grant assured her. "I'll take care of everything. Absolutely


Chapter Five


Holly looked around surreptitiously before stepping through the sliding multicolored plasti-glass doors of Anyone U Want. She wanted to be sure no one she knew could see her. It was a ridiculous idea, of course. Everyone she knew was over two hundred thousand miles away on Earth. Still, she couldn’t help being nervous. The services that Anyone U Want provided were still new enough to be a grey area—both morally and legally. There were some who said the life-like androids should be outlawed and many, many others who thought anyone who used one was sick and depraved.

So what if I’m sick and depraved,
Holly told herself, getting fed up with the fear.
I’m also desperate—this is the only way I’ll ever get to have Grant on my own terms. I might as well enjoy it.
Lifting her chin, she marched through the garish doors and into a scarcely less garish interior.

Inside, Anyone U Want, had been made up like an old fashioned bordello. There was red velvet and dim lighting everywhere, making it clear that while some people probably
pay to see an android that looked like their dear departed loved one, most of them just wanted to fuck.

Which was exactly what she was here to do, Holly reminded herself. And even though her boss had been called to a last minute ultra-private meeting, she still wasn’t sure how long said meeting would last. Well, as long as it lasted at least an hour she should be okay—that was how long the fantasies lasted here at Anyone U Want. Holly just hoped they had her Grant android all primed and ready to go. She had the mint green panty and bra set on under her business clothes and she was so nervous and turned on she thought she might faint. If she had to wait or God forbid, come back another day, she just might

“Hello, can I help you?” A bored looking young woman asked from the front desk.

“Oh!” Holly realized that despite her earlier determination, she’d just been standing there in the middle of the Anyone U Want lobby, nibbling her lower lip. “Yes,” she said, making herself approach the desk. “Yes, you can. I…I’ve come about my fantasy.”

“And your name is?” The attendant snapped.

“Uh…Holly. Holly Sparks. I was here earlier? I dropped off all my specifications and paid already.” Holly wanted to make that crystal clear. There was no way she could afford to pay the huge sum of money she’d put down for this fantasy again.

“Oh yes…” The young woman scrolled through her listings on the midair screen in front of her and then shot Holly a strange look. “Sparks, you say?”

“Yes. Is there something wrong?” The way the attendant was looking at her was giving Holly a nervous case of the butterflies.

“No—not a thing.” For some reason the girl gave her a secretive smile. “Your fantasy is all ready, Holly. And I think you’re really,
going to enjoy it.” Then she actually

Holly bit her lip, feeling a blush rise hotly to her cheeks. Was it really necessary for the girl to tease her about her naughty fantasy? It seemed really rude to make such a personal comment—especially when Holly had paid so much for a private encounter.

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