Anglomania (47 page)

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Authors: Ian Buruma

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12. L

Alexander Korda’s statements are in Karol Kulik,
Alexander Korda
(London, 1975).

13. D
. P

The church in Lupton St., London NW
is described in N. Pevsner,
London, Except the Cities of London and Westminster
(Harmondsworth, 1952). The information on Pevsner’s teacher Wilhelm Pinder is from a paper by Marlite Halbertsma, published in
, September 1992. Pevsner’s ideas on English modernism are in his
An Outline of European Architecture
(London, 1943). Another important work by Pevsner on the same topic is
Pioneers of the Modern Movement from William Morris to Walter Gropius
(London, 1936). He later reissued the same book with minor variations as
Pioneers of Modern Design, From William Morris to Walter Gropius
(Harmondsworth, 1964). The result of Pevsner’s investigation into English design was
An Enquiry into Industrial Art in England
(Cambridge, 1937). His ideas on the picturesque in English art and gardens are developed in
Studies in Art, Architecture and Design
(London, 1968). The work in England of other refugees is discussed in Charlotte Benton,
A Different World:Émigré Architects in Britain, 1928–1958
(London, 1995). Arthur Koestler’s famous phrase about England being the Davos for European exiles is from his
The Invisible Writing
(London, 1959). Steen Eiler Rasmussen’s
London, the Unique City
was published in London in 1937. Hayek’s ideas on Englishness are in
Hayek on Hayek
(London, 1994); and
The Road to Serfdom
was published in London in 1943. Auden’s remark about English temptations is quoted in Humphrey Carpenter,
W. H. Auden, a Biography
(Boston, 1981). Pevsner’s Englishness is analyzed by Colin MacInnes in
The Twentieth Century
(vol. 160, 1960). Pevsner’s own
The Englishness of English Art
was first published in London in 1956. David Watkin’s criticisms of Pevsner formed a major part of his
Morality and Architecture
(Oxford, 1977). John Harris’s attack on Pevsner’s “Prussian” attitudes was published in
, December 1991.


For those who wish to delve further into the rich literature of Anglomania, I have compiled a list of books about Britain written by Europeans, mostly in French, English, or German, during the last three centuries until World War II. It is by no means exhaustive, but it narrows the Anglophilic field down considerably, since it does not include anything written by non-Europeans. American or Indian Anglophilia would provide enough material for at least one more book. I have not included books already mentioned in my source notes. Nor, for obvious reasons of space, have I included books on British history, politics, or literature. These are all firsthand accounts, mostly of travels. As some of the titles show, not all the books are wholly admiring of Britain or its inhabitants.

M. J. Amédée Pichot,
Voyage historique et littéraire en Angleterre et en Ecosse
, Paris, 1825.

F. W. von Archenholz,
A Picture of England
(2 volumes), London, 1789.

H. Bérard,
Faut-il Réduire l’Angleterre en Esclavage?
, Paris, 1935.

J. J. L. Blanc,
Lettres sur l’Angleterre
, Paris, 1866.

K. F. du Bocage,
Letters Concerning England, Holland and Italy
, London.

E. Cammaerts,
Discoveries in England
, London, 1930.

K. Capek,
Seltsames England
, Berlin, 1947.

F. R. Chateaubriand,
Mémoires d’outre-tombe
, Paris, 1902.

P. Cohen-Portheim,
England, the Unknown Isle
, London, 1930.

M. de Custine,
Mémoires et voyages
, Paris, 1830.

E. Desmoulins,
A Quoi tient la Superiorité des Anglo-Saxons
, Paris, 1897.

W. Dibelius,
, London, 1930.

F. Dostoevsky,
Summer Impressions
, London, 1955.

A. Esquiros,
The English at Home
, London, 1861.

E. F. Geijer,
Impressions of England 1809–1810
, London, 1932.

M. Gonzales,
The Voyage of Don Manuel Gonzales, (late merchant) of the city of Lisbon in Portugal, to Great-Britain
, London, 1745.

M. Grosley,
A Tour to London or, New Observations on England and its Inhabitants
, London, 1772.

V. Hennequin,
Voyage philosophique en Angleterre et en Ecosse
, Paris, 1836.

P. Kalm,
Kalm’s Account of his Visit to England on his Way to America in 1748
, London, 1892.

O. Keun,
I Discover the English
, London, 1934.

F. Kielmansegge,
Diary of a journey to England in the years 1761–2
, London, 1902.

F. Lacombe,
Observations sur Londres et ses environs avec un précise de la constitution de l’Angleterre et de sa décadence: par un Atheronome de Berne
, Paris, 1777.

L. J. Larcher,
Les Anglais, Londres et l’Angleterre
, Paris, 1860.

J. Le Blanc,
Letters on the English and French Nations
, London, 1747.

Curiosités de Londres et de l’Angleterre
, Bordeaux, 1766.

G. Ch. Lichtenberg,
Lichtenberg’s Visits to England as Described in his Letters and Diaries
, Oxford, 1939.

P. Maillaud,
The English Way
, Oxford, 1945.

A. Maurois,
Three Letters on the English
, London, 1938.

J. Meister,
Letters written during a residence in England
, London, 1799.

P. Mérimée,
Lettres à une inconnue
, Paris, 1874.

H. G. R. Mirabeau,
Mirabeau’s letters during his residence in England (1784–5)
, London, 1832.

P. Morand,
A Frenchman’s London
, London, 1934.

C. Moritz,
Journeys of a German in England in 1748
, London, 1892.

C. D’Orville,
Les nuits anglaises ou recueil de traits singuliers
, Paris, 1770.

G. Pecchio,
Semi-Serious Observations of an Italian Exile during his Residence in England
, London, 1833.

F. von Raumer,
England in 1841, being a series of letters written to friends in Germany
, London, 1842.

G. J. Renier,
The English, Are they Human?
, London, 1931.

S. von la Roche,
Sophie in London, 1786, Being the Diary of Sophie von la Roche
, London, 1933.

F. de la Rochefoucauld,
A Frenchman in England, 1784
, ed. J. Marchand, Cambridge, 1933.

H. de Rothschild,
Notes sur L’Angleterre
, Lille, 1889.

E. de Salle,
Diorama de Londres
, Paris, 1823.

K. F. Schinkel,
The English Journey
, New Haven, 1993.

A. Siegfried,
England’s Crisis
, London, 1931.

L. Simond,
Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain during the years 1810 and 1811 by a French Traveller
, New York, 1815.

A. de Stäel-Holstein,
Notes sur L’Angleterre
, Lille, 1889.

Souvenirs d’Egotisme
, Paris, 1892.

J. Stoddard,
La décadence de l’Angleterre
, Bern, 1917.

E. Texier,
Lettres sur l’angleterre
, Paris, 1851.

J. Valles,
La rue à Londres
, Paris, 1884.

P. Vasili,
The World of London
, London, 1885.

G. F. A. Wendeborn,
A View of England Towards the Close of the 18th Century
, London, 1791.

Francis Wey,
Les Anglais chez eux
, Paris, 1856.

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