Angels Blood (63 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy

BOOK: Angels Blood
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I take it you are Wollfen?” Wollfen nodded. 

Yes my lord, I am he.” The King was impressed. 

Well my dear man, your reputation precedes you.  I have been informed of some of your exploits and not a lot of them recent.  You seem to be in good health for a man of sixty.”

Wollfen realized that the Kingdom had been digging through records on him, but for what reason? What would have triggered it? 

I am afraid sir that you have me at a disadvantage. I do not know to what particular incidents you may be referring.” The King smiled. 

It matters not, I understand you have news of our armies? I was under the impression that apart from my navies on the coast here and on the south coast that I was alone?” Wollfen shook his head. 

No my King, you are far from alone. In fact only a week’s ride from here lays an army of five thousand Kingdom soldiers all well trained and under the command of one of my lieutenants who have already been responsible for eliminating an entire army contingent of the Isogorrean forces in the east.”

That is very interesting news. We have had rumors filter through of the Isogorreans having a setback there, but have not been able to get any definitive news on that front. Do you know of the numbers they lost there?”

From what Kane has told me it was about ten thousand men your highness.  He is putting the captured weaponry and stores to good use.  I have conferred with him on this matter and we felt it was prudent for him to continue training up more men to build his army.”

Well I don’t know anything about that sort of stuff, I leave that to others more experienced in such matters.  Do you know my son Prince Fitzgerald?”

The King motioned to another well-dressed man standing to his left.  Wollfen looked to him and nodded and the man returned the nod.

The two of you can confer on matters of state after this audience. Is there any other news?” Wollfen bowed his head to the King. 

Lord Raz, supreme commander of the southern forces is also building up a sizable army there, but will not be able to help with the siege here as Port Cholandra has a very large presence of Isogorrean soldiers.”

The King mulled the information a bit. 

Well we may not need them. We face an army of only twenty five thousand outside and while we may only have ten thousand regular troops left here we have been training up a large contingent of locals of about thirty thousand on top of that.  We have a population of eighty five thousand people here so we are quite capable of taking them on.”

Wollfen coughed and the King waved his hand for Wollfen to give his opinion. 

I am sorry your highness but that simply will not be enough. I am personally aware of the Isogorreans having the capacity to double their forces here at Kassandrea.  Word has been filtering through that they will start reinforcing their numbers here about a month before spring breaks. The best we can hope for in the short term would be to hold them to stalemate.

The King looked troubled.  He had been banking on taking the Isogorrean army apart in the spring.  If they had those sorts of numbers what could they do? He sighed. 

Very well, you have given us much to consider. I will have letters drafted and sent out to neighboring cities regarding what we will be expecting.  In the meantime what do you propose?”

I do not ask for much other than food and lodging for now your highness.  I would like to take a couple of days conferring with your war council on these matters before offering what services I can.” The King nodded. 

You know Wollfen, if anyone knew any better they would say you are of a royal house, you certainly don’t conduct yourself as a commoner, hmm?”

Wollfen bowed his head preferring not to answer.

Very well, if no one has anything further to add I will call this meeting to a close.  My personal counsel, Borlynn will be available at all times for you. Good evening ladies and gentlemen.”

They all bowed their heads again as the King and Queen arose and made off through a side door. Once they were gone, Wollfen lifted his head and noticed Prince Fitzgerald had stayed.  The Prince lifted his hand and motioned for Wollfen to approach.  He did so and stood before the Prince. 

I bid you good evening Wollfen. We have a common friend, his name is Lord Cathan and he speaks very highly of you.”

Cathan, that was a name he hadn’t heard in twenty years.  Memories came flooding back to him now as he thought back to that time of a war long gone and of a battle fought in desperation.

Strange though, I was expecting someone much older eh?” Wollfen bowed his head. 

I have aged well these last few years your highness.” Prince Fitzgerald smiled. 

Something tells me you have been living a discreet but nevertheless influential life these past many years. I don’t suppose you wish to enlighten me on that?”

Wollfen hadn’t had enough time with this man yet to know what to confide in him as yet. 

I am not sure I quite understand the statement your highness.”

No, I suppose I couldn’t have expected any different an answer. Very well Wollfen, we shall see how we get along? I am the new Overlord for all land armies.  Seems my brother in the Navy had a bit of a part to play in that.  Do you know Prince Alard?” Wollfen shook his head.

Well he knows of you. There are some people in important places who know what an influence you have already had on this war, indirectly and directly. I think that announcement by you earlier about your eastern army bears that out. Enough idle chat for now. Look me up in the morn and we shall get down to serious business.  See any of the attendants at the doors and they will find you quarters in the castle here.  Good evening to you Sir.”

Good evening Prince Fitzgerald, it has been interesting meeting you.”

The Prince turned and made his own exit.  Wollfen watched as he left and he realized this man was no prissy court fop.  He may very well prove to be a good ally.

An attendant took them to two adjoining rooms and they sorted sleeping arrangements. Night requested she stay with Wollfen and Dark, the two men took a second room. Wollfen entered the room and sat back on a settee  watching Dark prepare for bed.  It was always interesting to see her move.  Wollfen was enamored of her, she could have been sitting there picking at her ear and he would have found it interesting.

He looked at Night, the fact she didn’t want to be alone and instead be here spoke a bit about her emotional state at the moment.  Her revelations earlier the day before were still raw and he was sure that more of the situation would have to be addressed in the coming week. Dark slid into bed and beckoned for Wollfen to join her but he shook his head. 

Not right now my darling, I have much to think about.  You two go to sleep.”

Night joined her and they lay together.  He watched as they sidled into each other and got comfortable before going still. All of a sudden he felt a little sad. Why would that be? He knew, right now he felt very content. He was feeling good seeing Dark at peace. He knew though that peace was temporary, it wouldn’t last, it never did.

His thoughts turned to the issue at hand, he needed to find the stairway below Kassandrea somewhere in the dark depths where Lord Vincent was trapped. He would pay a visit to the library tomorrow and see if he could find something in the original engineering drawings of the place.  He didn’t really hold any hope of that though.  Lord Vincent would have been trapped soon after this world was created.  It would have been thousands of years or more before this castle had been built, how could such a coincidence happen? Was it a coincidence at all? Whatever answers existed at one time they were lost to the ages now.  He was pretty sure that he would find nothing in the library tomorrow but nevertheless he would try.  He had nothing else to go on.

Wollfen kicked his boots off and stretched.  His mind was turning over at a great rate.  He knew that he wouldn’t sleep much tonight.  Getting up he went to the narrow tall window and looked out into the darkness. Snow was caught on the windowsill and after awhile he was able to make out the glow of a candle here and there in other windows. Others too were up this night.

Dawn broke over a white landscape of snow covered rooftops with wisps of mist drifting up into the clear sky, the yellow light of the sun casting shadows of different hues across the buildings of the city. Wollfen was standing at his window watching on and taking in the grandness of the sight. Some things one just never tired of and watching dawns like this was one of them.  There was a stirring behind him and he turned.  The two girls had slept in each others arms during the night.  At least they had a good night’s sleep he thought. Night awoke and looked about. She gave a big yawn and eased herself out of Dark’s arms. She slipped out of the bed and came to Wollfen and put her arm around his waist and looked out at the dawn too. 

Something’s on your mind isn’t there wolf boy?”

He nodded and she looked up into his eyes trying to read him, but he wasn’t giving anything away right now. She looked back outside and took in the sights.  It had been many a year for her too since she had been here.

He had been thinking of the ramifications of releasing such a primal force.  Lord Vincent was a being of awesome powers.  More than this world would have ever seen since its inception. He would have the ability to move entire mountains if he so chose and Wollfen couldn’t help but feel a bit of trepidation at what might happen. Would it necessarily be good to the developing peoples? 

Sometimes he wondered how any higher spirits could entrust a person like himself with the extra abilities he had.  It sometimes felt like his decisions were simply too big for a person as small and insignificant as himself. Right now he felt that way more that at any time ever before. He just didn’t know what to do. Would Vincent know how to leave again once he was released? Would he be stuck here in this linear existence presiding over humankind into the ages? Wollfen was sure if that happened development would stagnate.  How would the races be able to learn from their mistakes if a being of such purity simply washed away all that was wrong and bad? Wollfen had been so sure of himself on his entire journey from Isogorr, of what to do. 

Now that he was on the edge of completing what he thought would be his greatest task he hesitated, no not hesitated, plain stopped. It felt like a huge chasm had opened up before him and if he went any further he would fall in and everything would be lost. What to do? He needed more information and there was no one here in this entire city that would be able to give him moral advice on godly matters. The trip to Kassandrea had achieved very little and he realized he wasn’t going to go down into the depths below, not for a while at least anyway.

The Enchanted realm, Wollfen made his decision.  He would go to the elven haven and talk to the wisest of all elves.  Luthein would be able to help.  He may be younger than Wollfen at 210 years old, but he was definitely wiser. He wondered if they should just teleport there directly. Then again Night’s lands were on the way to the elven kingdom and he wondered if a slow journey would be good for them? Wollfen yearned for it, he hadn’t been out in the wilds for over half a year and missed it. Helping Night would be a good excuse.

Wollfen gave Night a hug. 

I think it's time we awoke my fair maiden don’t you think?” Night looked at him funny. 

Fair maiden, I hardly think so,” she giggled. “More like a dagger equipped screaming banshee.”

Wollfen laughed, that may have been closer to the truth. They sized up the bed and looked at each other, Wollfen winked and they both took off leaping onto it together. Dark awoke screaming out with wide eyes. 

You bastards!”

She gave Wollfen a clip on the ear for it. 

Good morning my love, is your heart beating now?” grinned Wollfen. 

Night was giggling behind him but keeping her distance. 

It was all his idea, honest!”

Dark pulled Wollfen down to her and she gave him a full sensuous kiss. 

You are still a bastard.” 

Let’s get dressed, I am hungry and we have a lot to do today.”

Wollfen got up and went about finding some fresh clothes, as did the others.

Sitting at a table near a fireplace, the five of them had managed to down quite a decent meal.  They were all sitting back letting it settle, it had been a good feed. Wollfen cleared his throat and they all looked to him. 

I would like you all to know that I intend to travel to the Elven kingdom tomorrow.  Some of you will go without me having to ask I know, but if anybody here doesn’t want to go they can speak now.”

The Elven Kingdom! How could any say no? Mere men never got to set foot in such a place and it was looked upon as a place of wonder and enlightenment. Burkhard and Vaughn looked at each other.  Neither of them were going to pass up an opportunity like this.  Most people would never see such a place. 

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