Angel in Black (21 page)

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Authors: Fela Dawson Scott

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Historical Romance, #Romance/Historical

BOOK: Angel in Black
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“Good God, man — what did you do to make her so furious?” David exclaimed, bringing Blake’s attention back to him.

“It’s not important, David. No woman’s worth going through hell for.” He turned, mounted Hera, and headed back to Windsong.

David watched Blake ride off, amused by what he had seen. “Ah, Blake, I believe you are wrong. For this woman I think you will go through hell — but you don’t realize it yet.”


to forget Rina, but the weeks passed in agonizing slowness. He buried himself in his work, hoping it would occupy his mind and exorcise the tormenting memories. But no matter how hard he worked, thoughts of her would creep in and shatter his willpower. Several times he caught himself riding to Tattershall. He always stopped himself before he arrived. Pride would not allow him to seek her out.

Slamming his fist down on the desk one day, Blake shoved back his chair angrily. What power did she have over him? No other women tempted him; he wanted Rina more now than before. Their one night of lovemaking only increased Blake’s insane desire for her. Never before had he experienced total and complete fulfillment with a woman. Rina was as passionate in love as she was in everything else she did. How could one woman be so intriguing — so beautiful and so stubborn? He walked over to the brandy, poured himself a generous portion, and drained it.

“I don’t think drinking will help solve your problem, Blake.”

Ryon entered the room and casually took a seat. Blake’s scowl would have warned any other man off, but Ryon was used to his brother’s surly moods. In fact, Blake was in a black cloud all of the time of late.

“What do you want, Ryon?” Blake snapped impatiently.

“Why don’t you go to her? I am sure she is as miserable as you are.”

Blake sloshed some more of the amber liquid into his empty glass. “You always were too nosy for your own good. As for Rina, she is out of my life for good. She’s more trouble than she’s worth.”

“You’re lying, Blake. I’m not blind but I am beginning to think perhaps you are. For the first time in my life, I believe you’re acting the fool. God, man! You’re in love with her and too damned stubborn to admit it.”

Blake smashed his glass into the fireplace and in two long strides reached his brother. He grabbed him roughly and pulled Ryon to his feet, drawing his fist back to strike.

“Go ahead — hit me if it will make you feel better.” Ryon made no move to avoid his brother’s wrath.

Confusion quickly overcame Blake when he realized what he was doing. It sickened him to think he’d strike his own brother. And for what reason? Releasing Ryon, Blake walked from the room, leaving his brother staring sadly at his retreating back.

Once in his rooms, Blake sat before the fire and tried to make sense of it all. His brother’s words kept echoing in his mind. Did he love her? Did she love him? Perhaps, at one time, she may have, but Rina made it clear how much she hated him now. He was responsible for that change and deserved his own misery. Visions of her beautiful blue eyes floated before him, shining with her love, as they were the night she came to him. Suddenly, they were filled with hate. Hate he inspired with his cruel, hurtful words. Did he believe what he said? The woman muddled his mind so completely, he didn’t know for certain what he thought any more.

Rina had not stopped her thieving and made no attempt to see Blake. Perhaps it was best if he went away for a while. He did have some business in London — he would leave in the morning. Maybe then he would be able to cut Rina from his mind and from his heart.


immediately filled with thoughts of Rina, as it had every morning over the past two months. No matter how hard he tried to rid himself of the memories, they were still there, haunting and arousing him.

The room filled with the first pink rays of morning, filtered through the fog persistently wrapped around the gray stone buildings of London. Blake swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood. The fire burned out long ago, leaving the room chilled, but Blake did not notice as he moved to the window. He pulled the heavy drapes aside to watch the sun make its pilgrimage into the gray sky.

Blue eyes danced before him. He saw the sparkle of her laughter lighting them, and her luscious lips curved delightfully. Blake longed to feel Rina’s satiny smooth skin, and the firmness of her breasts and roundness of her hips. He felt the long, well-muscled legs wrapped around him, slender arms pulling him closer, her lips tasting his.

Was she vixen or angel? What was this torturous spell she cast on him, leaving him to endure this private hell? He was left with no will of his own. She possessed him, seduced him, and haunted his every moment. What must he do to rid himself of her forever? Or was it possible? Any more than it was possible to rid himself of his own soul?

Question after question barraged him, leaving him tormented, for there were no answers. If he saw her, would it change anything? Would he continue to say things to hurt her, and would she continue to fight him every step of the way? Would they always wage battle, instead of making love? Blake had no answers.


Chapter Thirteen


whistled through the bare trees, making the thick fog swirl about in eerie shadows. Rina pulled her blanket closer about her shoulders feeling the chill in the room. Awakened by a nightmare, she sat in bed, her mind reeling from the memories assaulting her slumber. Rina had the immense pleasure of robbing Lawrence and Randolph Langsford earlier, but as usual it brought past horrors to disturb her. Instead, she chose to relive the earlier confrontation …

There had been a dinner party at one of the country estates; the Angel and her men planning to rob it. When they arrived, Rina checked out Lieutenant Greerson’s security. Smiling to herself, she thought about how much more careful the young man had become, and succeeded in making it too dangerous for them. Silently, they left. But the night was not to be a total loss, and Rina decided to wait for the guests when they started home. The lieutenant could not be everywhere. The Angel hit three different carriages bound for their estates, catching them off guard. She intentionally saved Langsford until last, picking the same exact spot where he attacked and killed her parents. Rina could not help but smile at the irony, even if Langsford was not aware of it. He and Randolph were livid with anger when the bandits waylaid the carriage.

Rina slid gracefully off her horse and aimed a pistol directly at the two men as they stood shaking with indignant wrath. She saw how badly they wanted to react to her challenge.

“Good evening,
. I trust your dinner was pleasant.” Her words were honeyed, but they held a note of hatred, something Lawrence and Randolph would find impossible to mistake. “Now, if you would be so kind, it’s time for your donations. Tonight, I would like everything you have.”

Having known there would be strict security at the party, Lawrence had never dreamed of being robbed and had worn a lot of expensive jewelry. Choking on his anger, he answered, “You will hang for this, bitch.”

She stepped daringly close, her eyes flashing, and smiled wickedly. “If I am to hang for thievery, I would just as soon hang for murder and it would be my pleasure to see you die.”

Lawrence’s face drained of all color as he stared into the hardest blue eyes he had ever seen. He felt a sudden chill run through him, as if death had touched him. Standing in the same spot where he murdered his half-brother and his family, Lawrence knew fear.

Turning her attention to Randolph, Rina noticed the angry twitch in the chiseled line of his jaw and smiled in amusement, undaunted by the mute rage in his dark eyes.

“And now, it is the son of the jackal’s turn,” she taunted carelessly.

Unable to endure his humiliation any longer, Randolph reacted. He backhanded Rina and knocked her off her feet. Leaping for the pistol he had been forced to drop to the ground, he rolled and brought it up to fire. But Rina was faster, and when Randolph’s eyes met hers, her own pistol blazed, shooting the weapon from his hand. Lawrence had no time to move. The four other bandits leveled their own weapons on him.

“You are a foolish man and a lucky one, for I am in a most generous mood tonight.” Rina felt amused by Randolph’s futile attempt and provoked him further when she laughed outright at seeing him sprawled on his backside.

She walked over to her mount and cried, “Beware, gentleman, I hear ghosts haunt this road. And late at night you can hear the screams of those who died here.”

Deliberately, she sent the carriage careening down the road, minus its two inhabitants. Smiling contentedly, Rina tipped her hat to the men. “We will meet again.
, I guarantee,

But the satisfaction of robbing Langsford was short lived, another darker desire plaguing her. The ever present need overwhelmed all else …


, and stretching out her legs, she climbed from her narrow cot. Looking from the small attic window, she watched the first rays of dawn touch the sky. Sadness overwhelmed her as thoughts of Blake haunted her. He was in London now, far away from her touch. Rina remembered the tenderness of his lips as they claimed hers, leaving her breathless and weak. His hands were strong yet gentle as they aroused her. Every inch of him was muscled and hard. Rina’s breath quickened as she envisioned it.

Blake had made Rina a woman, bringing out her passions to their full potential. Now he was gone, leaving her empty and alone. As she stood staring into the quiet countryside, Rina’s words came back to torment her — I hate you — I hate you — I hate you. Closing her eyes, she tried to block the vision of Blake as she screamed those untrue words at him. He deserved her anger, for his hateful accusations wounded Rina deeply, but she did not hate him. No — she loved him. Regardless of what her mind told her and no matter how lonely she might be, no other man could ever fill the emptiness Blake created.

Did he think of her? Was Blake Roberts’ life as miserable as hers? Finding no answers in the early-morning sky, Rina started to pull on her clothes. Winter had run itself out; spring would soon be here. She was tired of the bitter cold, endless winds, and damp fog shrouding the country. It would be nice to feel the sun warm against her skin.

Still feeling the depressing loneliness inside her, Rina found the cottage confining. Riding out of the small shed on Blackstar, she gave him his head. The cold slapped her in the face and brought color to her cheeks. They sped down the empty streets. All thoughts left Rina, leaving only the exhilaration of the ride. Out of town they swept, not caring where they headed.

They were a sight, streaking across the countryside, the magnificent black stallion and his lady. They quickly left the village far behind and rode into the darkness of the forest. Coming to a stream, Rina pulled Blackstar to a halt and slid breathlessly from his back, allowing him to drink. Standing silently among the trees, she closed her eyes, allowing nothing to penetrate her thoughts except the sounds around her. Slowly, her sensitive ears heard another horse approaching. Quickly she stepped behind some large trees to wait for the rider to appear.

Lieutenant Greerson emerged from the trees, and searching the area, spotted Blackstar by the stream. The young man rode over to the horse and dismounted. Puzzled, he glanced around for his rider.

“Miss Rina. Are you here?”

She stepped from her hiding place. “I am here.”

“Good God, woman. I’ve been trying to catch up to you and that beast you ride and was beginning to think you had lost control. Are you all right?” A concerned look etched his handsome features as he approached Rina.

“Of course I’m all right. We both enjoy a fast ride, and sometimes I do lose all thought of the world around me. I must admit, I never saw you, lieutenant.”

Rina’s face was flushed and her eyes sparkled from the stimulating ride. When she smiled, it felt like a reward, warming David’s heart. He smiled in turn. “Please, call me David.”

“All right, David. Now, what was it you wished to see me about?”

David read the cautious look in her eyes and decided to be blunt. “You’re up early this morning, Rina. I would think you would still be sleeping, considering how late you were out last night.”

If he meant to surprise Rina, he failed, for she never blinked an eye. “Why, I don’t know what you are talking about, David. I was in bed early last night — though I certainly don’t think it is any of your business.”

“But it is my business if you happen to be the Angel in Black.”

David was taken aback by Rina’s sudden outburst of laughter.

“Why, David, you are a wily one. I hate to disappoint you, but you have the wrong woman.” Rina knew he played a guessing game, and feeling no alarm for the moment, she went along.

He watched Rina closely, hoping to force some sign of panic or confession from her. He continued, “I think I have the right woman. I’ve been watching you for months, and there is something strangely similar about you and the Angel. It’s a gut instinct, and I’d bet on it.”

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