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Authors: Audrey Carlan

Tags: #Falling#1

Angel Falling (34 page)

BOOK: Angel Falling
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“So how do you think you got pregnant, anyway?” I asked. She’d been on birth control, which is why we never used condoms.

“The doctor thinks it was the course of antibiotics I took when I had that sinus infection after we visited Coney Island, remember? I was on them for ten days. Apparently they can minimize the effects of the active agents in the birth control pills.” She snuggled back into my side and closed her eyes with a yawn.

It was still early yet and we’d gone to bed really late. My girl needed her rest, more now than ever before.

“Did I tell you how happy you’ve made me?” She nodded and rubbed her cheek against my chest, then her breath evened out and she was sound asleep once more.

Hugging her close, I ran my fingers through her golden hair with one hand and stared at the image of our baby in the other until sleep took me, too. Sweet dreams of flowing white dresses, puffs of pink and blue twinkle lights danced across my subconscious, along with one perfect vision of an Angel falling into my arms and me holding onto her for an eternity.

The End.


Book 1 (The Trinity Trilogy) Excerpt


Heart pounding, muscles screaming, sweat slowly trickles down my back. My breath comes in harsh pants. I’m close, so close, just a little farther and I’ll be there. Euphoria hits and I push that extra bit harder, taking me right over the edge. Runners high.

 My feet pound against the treadmill and I smile in victory. A loud whoosh of breath, almost a moan, escapes me.  I close my eyes in pure bliss.

“Incredible,” someone whispers behind me.

I’m startled out of my nirvana. My foot hits the rubber at a slant and I’m falling. I grapple for purchase against the metal bars of the treadmill but my sweaty fingers slip and my body flies backward. I tumble over myself, limbs flailing. Strong arms grip my waist and haul me off the machine. I’m crushed against a solid wall of hard muscle.

“Jesus, Gillian! You could have been seriously hurt!” Chase Davis’ worried eyes search my face. The dark layers of his thick hair tumble against high perfectly sculpted cheekbones. It’s as if he was chiseled by Michelangelo’s hand himself.

I’m stunned into silence. I feel dazed and confused. My heart pounds a mile a minute, legs weak and wobbly, breath coming in huge panting gasps. Clenched fingers tightly grip the skin of his back. His right hand caresses my face and his left firmly holds me around the waist. If he wasn’t, I don’t know that I’d be able to stand on my own.

 “Are you okay?”

“Um, yeah. I think so.” I shake my head and bring a pair of shaky hands to his shoulders to steady myself. My fingers meet naked, moist flesh and my body becomes all too aware of just how close he is. His stomach is plastered against mine, skin to skin and so gloriously warm. Having his arms around me feels safe, as if nothing could harm me, not even him. It’s a feeling I’m unaccustomed to, but one I crave deep to the depths of my soul. I’ve always believed it is one I would never, could never, have.

“Shit, are you okay? You scared the hell out of me.” He continues to hold me while things around me come back into focus. His thumb caresses my cheek and I look up into his eyes. I was not prepared for his level of concern or the worry furrowing his brow. Maybe he’s not just an overconfident man with a pretty face. Begrudgingly, I realize that it’s a definite possibility that strong dominant males don’t all use their strength to hurt others. Just the ones I’ve let in my life … into my bed.

The pad of his finger sweeps my bottom lip. I gasp and his eyes go dark. He licks his lips. I feel his grip tighten around my waist and his hand presses against my back. He’s going to kiss me. Oh my God.

Frantically pushing away from him, I step back and hunch over to take in a large lungful of blessed air. I peer up and come back to a standing position.

His eyes question mine as a sly grin slips across his beautiful face.

The man was going to kiss me. I know it. Did I want him to kiss me?
Hell yes!
my mind screams. Then why the hell did I pull away?

As I come down from panic induced delirium, I finally notice him in all his glory. Glory, glory, hallelujah. Can I get an Amen? Wow. Just wow.

He’s wearing gray sweats, slung low on his hips and nothing else. He bends and picks up the shirt he must have dropped when he caught me. His chest is bare and I look my fill. He is in amazing shape. His shoulders and chest are large, strong, and all sinew and muscle. He has a perfect V-shape with a trim waist and flawless abs. This man works out … a lot.

A smattering of dark hair below his belly button trails down and dips farther into his pants. Oh my, what I wouldn’t give to scratch my nails along that patch of hair dipping lower ...

I realize he’s still waiting for a response and I say the first thing that comes to mind, “You’re fine.” His shocked expression reaches my frazzled brain. “I mean, uh, shit. I mean I’m fine.”

His laugh echo’s throughout the space sending tremors through my body to the space between my thighs just starting to pay attention to a godlike man’s nearness. In a moment of panic I remember where I am. I scan the hotel gym. I’d be mortified if anyone else witnessed my not so graceful fall. It seems Chase and I are alone. Groaning, I walk over to the implement of my embarrassment and slap the “Stop” button more harshly than necessary. It comes to a screeching halt. Taking my frustration out on exercise equipment isn’t going to assuage my burning pride. I turn and place my hands on my hips in a defensive pose. Chase is leaning against one of the pillars next to us, his arms crossed over his chest. He’s completely at ease baring naked skin. I wish it were that easy for me.

His eyes fill with mirth to accompany that sexy grin on his smug face. It’s obvious he finds the situation funny, which irritates the hell out of me. And why the hasn’t he bothered to put his shirt on? It’s distracting.  All I can think about is gobbling him up, starting at the delectable patch of skin slick with sweat right under his hip bone. When I’m done with that, I’d drag my tongue across the wide expanse of his chest from his clavicle to his belly button and lower.

God I’m frustrated, sexually and mentally. Maria was right, I need to get laid. 

I blow out a harsh breath and pull on my ponytail holder. My auburn hair falls around my shoulders in heavy waves.

He’s watching me like a hawk. His eyes track the clunky movements. I pull my hair back up and sweep the length into a messy bun piled on top of my head. His eyes roam over my form but he says nothing. His gaze is fierce and he takes in every inch of me, from the bottom of my Nike’s up my bare calves and tight workout shorts, over my naked midriff to my sports bra and back to my eyes. I tremble under his scrutiny. I wonder if he finds me lacking.

“You’re a beautiful woman, Gillian.”

I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. “That’s very kind of you, especially considering my tumble moments ago.” Cringing, I look down at my feet. The Nike swoosh is suddenly the most interesting thing in the world.

In two strides, he’s beside me, cupping my chin, tipping my face up to his. Those aqua eyes are steely. “You need to learn how to accept a compliment.”

I nod, self-preservation instincts coming to full alert. When a man grips a woman he means business. He searches my eyes once more and releases my chin. The hands at my waist clench into fists and my gut churns. I’m about to high-tail it out of here when his thumb grazes my cheekbone lightly almost with reverence.

Breathe, Gigi. I promised myself I would start trusting men again. Start allowing them to touch me.  Even though Chase comes off demanding, I don’t think he means to add an element of fear. My own insecurities crop up and twist a moment into something it isn’t. Happens more often than not. I force myself to relax and take a clarifying breath. 

“Good. Now, I’d like to meet with you this evening.” My eyes widen as my mind tries to make sense of what he’s saying.

“You mean, like a date?” I watch him closely as the corner of his lips tip up. 

He shakes out the tank top he is holding. He adjusts it and stretches his long arms over his head and drags it down in slow motion. I stare at his muscles as they ripple and stretch while he pulls the tank top over the wide expanse of his chest. My body thrums, nipples growing erect, pressing tightly against the flexible fabric of my sports bra.

“You could say that. Unfortunately, I have a dinner engagement but after, I’d like to share a drink with you. I’ll send a car for you at 9:00 p.m.”

I’m still stuck on his body. Before my brain applies the appropriate filter to my mouth, “You work out a lot,” I say.

His gaze pierces mine. “When I’m not in a relationship the need to work out is exemplified.” He grins.

“And when you are in a relationship?” When the hell was I going to learn to keep my trap shut?

 His large hand cradles my neck. I inhale and crane my head to the opposite side, offering the white column for his taking. The move is instinctual. Usually, I flee when a man puts his hands on me before I’m ready for it. With him it’s different somehow. His hand glides down my neck, over my shoulder and his fingertips trail feather-light along my arm. The skin he’s touching is thick with sweat from my workout but he doesn’t seem to mind. Quite the opposite. His normally light eyes are dark and hooded.  His pink tongue barely juts out to wet perfectly shaped plump lips. Gooseflesh spreads along my arm when his hand stops at my wrist and he caresses the pulse point there ever so slowly.

The action puts me on edge. Chase likes to touch and often. It’s not something I’m used to. He’s practically a stranger but my body bows and arcs towards his. Traitor.

“When I’m in a relationship, I’m too busy fucking what’s mine to need to work out.” His words settle deep into my belly like a scalding hot soup on a cold day.

A new sheen of sweat breaks along my skin. Does he want to fuck me? Of course he does. He’s made it pretty damn clear. The question is, do I want to be with him? God yes!

No. Something deep in my conscious awakens to remind me of my goals. I’ve made a solid vow not to get swept away in a man again. Here I am, hanging on every word, every tilt of his perfect face, losing myself in his eyes. Jesus. This isn’t me. I’ve learned my lesson. The past taught me that you can’t trust men; they are only out for one thing and one thing only. But what do I really have against sex? No, fucking. That’s what he’s after. What he’s essentially offering.   

I’ve never been in a relationship that was just about physical needs. Frankly, it scares the hell out of me. What if he needs to throw me against a wall and take me against my will? Not a chance. Since the moment I met this man my libido has been in overdrive. All I think about is what it would be like to be surrounded by this perfect male specimen. It’s obvious he’s bad for me, could so easily break me, and yet I still want him beyond reason. It’s illogical. I’m officially losing my mind.

“Just a drink,” I finally answer his earlier request. His smile could light up a room. Perfect even teeth sparkle and shine under the harsh fluorescent lights of the gym.

“I will send my driver promptly at 9:00 p.m. just outside the hotel lobby. Do not be late. I detest tardiness,” he admonishes. “As much as I’d like to stay and chat …” His eyebrows rise and he scans my body once more. “… and look at your half naked body--” He leers. “I’m afraid I must go.”


Book 1 in the Trinity Trilogy will be available Spring 2014. Visit
for more details on upcoming releases and availability.




How does one truly thank all of the people that made their dream come true? I guess I’ll just start at the beginning and work my way through.

To my husband
, for allowing me spend so much of my free time writing and reading, encouraging me to go after my dream and supporting me through it, I will always love you more.  Oh and the two boys we have together, Punky and Monster Madness, I should probably thank you for them too.

To my mentor
Jess Dee
, it all started with a bit of author feedback on your novel Office Affair. From there it turned into a beautiful friendship one in which I fear I am the taker and you are the giver. Alas, I will always try to give back in the way of feedback, critique and little bits of heaven sent all the way to Australia for your enjoyment. Besides your words, your advice, your friendship, you had me at the huge box of Tim Tam’s you sent. I’ll never be the same. I dedicated this book to you because you deserve it. Thank you. For those of you who have not had the pleasure of reading any of Ms. Dee’s erotic work, please visit her website at
. I highly recommend Office Affair and Ask Adam.

To my three soul sisters
Dee Dee, Nik Nak, and Care-Bear
. You read every single chapter as I wrote it, sometimes waiting weeks for the next installment, and allowed me to talk endlessly about the characters and the scenes. For that, I am eternally grateful. Having your own cheerleading team is very humbling and I most certainly have the best.  Forever I will support you and your endeavors and cheer the loudest at your achievements. Besos to my bitches. Without you I am not the best me.

To my critique partner
MJ Handy
. I would have never believed that a male romance writer could change my life but you did. Not only by helping me understand the male POV with Hank’s character but by truly considering my work and giving me genuine feedback, even when it wasn’t always pleasant. I value our honest relationship and know my work is better for your contribution. Also giving it a final proofread kind of puts me in your debt. For those of you who haven’t had a taste of MJ’s work, check out his erotic novels on Amazon or friend him on Facebook here:

To my editor
Adrienne Crezo
your thoughtful edits, feedback, suggested changes and plot hole finds helped make this novel something I think turned out pretty great. Thank you.

BOOK: Angel Falling
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