Ancient Guardians The Legacy of the Key (10 page)

BOOK: Ancient Guardians The Legacy of the Key
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Reece cocked her
head, “Jasmeen, let’s just take this one day at a time, okay?”

Jasmeen nodded and
smiled, “Anything you wish, Miss Bryant. Let us complete the dress shall we?”

Jasmeen reached
around Reece’s neck and clasped a necklace. It was a brilliant red ruby, oval
shaped and framed with tiny shimmering diamonds.

Reece gently
caressed the necklace. “I feel like a queen.”

Jasmeen smiled
while placing matching earrings in her ears and finished by clasping a bracelet
of rubies on her wrist. “Well, you’re the guest of honor.”

please tell me that I won’t walk out there into a room full of people and be
the only one dressed like this? I mean, it’s beautiful, but it seems a little
too elaborate. Are you absolutely sure this is how I should be dressed?”

“You are dressed
entirely appropriately. You will definitely feel more comfortable when the
Empress arrives. Here are your shoes,” She bent down to help Reece put on the
matching strappy red heels, “Let us return to the sitting room, and I shall get
you a refreshing, hot cup of tea while you await the Empress’s arrival.”

While Reece sat
gently on the small sofa, sipping her tea with care, and trying not to ruin her
dress, she watched a sunset such as she’d never seen. The vivid green colors of
the fields changed as the sun slid below the horizon, until the sky was fully
dark. They went from shining vividly with the light of the land’s peculiar sun;
to glowing brightly and colorfully, with no apparent light to cause it. It was
as if the landscape was lit with a black light. It was similar to what she
witnessed in the dark forest, yet, with the darkness of night, everything was
glowing brighter now. There had to be some light source causing this. Their

She stood up and
walked over to the great windows, searching for the source of light that would
create such an effect. She found nothing, only an iridescent, purple sky. She
glanced down at the gardens she had walked through with Levi earlier, and
noticed the many different blooms on the bushes and trees were not their normal
vibrant colors anymore. Instead, it seemed as if the trees and bushes had
multicolored lights strung throughout. It was a rainbow of different
colors—teals, fuchsias, lavenders, and many others—that were shimmering with
this unique, illuminating quality. The darker it became, the brighter the
colors became.

“Miss Bryant, the
Empress, Lady Allestaine, is here to meet you.” Jasmeen announced, and quietly
made her exit.

Reece turned to
find a tall, slender woman standing at the top of the steps. The woman was
exquisite in every possible manner. The gown she wore was more elaborate than
Reece thought possible, but it paled in comparison to her physical beauty;
which alone was put in the shade by the kindness and good humor of her expression.
A tiny smile appeared on her perfect lips.
This can’t be the Empress; she’s
too young to be Levi’s mother.
The brunette hair, the slender figure, all
seemed to belong to a woman Reece’s age. But the beauty of the face—that was
Levi, feminized. And the smile—that, too, was his.

glided down the steps to where Reece stood. She was taller than Reece, and
close-up, had a few wrinkles around her brilliant, chestnut colored eyes. The
dress she wore, with the exception of the front bodice and front skirt, was
made of a rich, blue-green silken fabric. The front panel and bodice was lined
in a dark green, velvet material, with a black and silver embroidered sparkling
lace overlay. A shimmering ribbon, fashioned out of thousands of tiny diamonds
and emeralds, formed a narrow band, which edged over the top of her bodice, and
swept over her upper arms in three individual strands. She wore a sapphire
choker, and a tiara of diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires. The lavish jewels
made Reece’s jewelry look simple and modest.

  “I am delighted
to meet you, Miss Bryant. My name is Allestaine, and I believe you have already
made my son and husband’s acquaintance. I trust you were well taken care of by
Jasmeen? Let us sit, we a have a few moments before we must leave.”

 Reece smiled and
took her seat next to the beautiful woman. “Thank you, should I call you Lady

“You may call me
whatever you like, Miss Bryant. I am accustomed to ‘Lady Allestaine’ by my
closest friends and family; you are welcome refer to me as such, but only if it
is comfortable for you.” She smiled.

“Okay, and if you
don’t mind, I would be more comfortable with you calling me Reece. ‘Miss
Bryant’ isn’t really something I’m used to.”

chuckled, “Very well, then. “Now, please tell me, Reece, are you happy with the
arrangements I have made for you? Things can be changed, and other rooms are
available, if you are not.”

“I couldn’t have
dreamed of more fabulous accommodations! And Jasmeen has been very welcoming
and helpful, thank you. She seems to be an artist; I feel like one of her

“Jasmeen has a way
of doing that; she is one of the best in the land. I am truly grateful that her
work is to your liking. Tell me, Reece; was your journey to Pemdas pleasant? My
husband told me of your distress.”

“I am doing better
now, thank you. Levi was able to explain more. It is all very difficult for me
to try to absorb.”

The lady laughed.
“Perfectly understandable. I must apologize for being detained with my duties
today; I would rather have been the one to help you with your adjustment. I
would not like to envision how the men handled it.” She shivered delicately.
“That is why I am here, now. I must have no doubt that you are truly

The woman’s smile
was heartwarming, but Reece could not help but feel intimidated in her
presence. Never had she felt so beneath another person, so uncertain of her own

“Lady Allestaine,
everything is more than I would dream of asking for. I’m beyond grateful for
all of your concern, and all you have done.”

“It’s the least I
could do. I understand you are aware that you will be staying with us for some

“Well, I’m not sure
how long, but yes, I am. The Emperor and Levi both mentioned that, until things
are settled, this is where I will have to stay, for my own safety, and the
safety of Pemdas.”

“I know they are
working on different ways to return you as soon as possible. Until then, we
must try to make you as comfortable as may be, living among us. I am aware that
the cultures of Pemdas and Earth are different. I am sure you are already
starting to gather that yourself?”

Reece laughed as
she looked down at herself. “Yes, that will be something I’ll have to get used
to—dressing up like this, just to eat dinner.”

Allestaine laughed with
her. “I understand the clothing fashions differ greatly here than what you are
familiar with on Earth. I did not expect that you would be thrilled to wear a
corset or anything of that nature so quickly. I do hope the modifications I
made with the seamstress will suit you for now.”

“Yes, I think it
will work just fine. I’m a little nervous to eat dinner in a dress so nice,

Allestaine stood,
preparing to leave, and Reece followed, “Follow my lead at the table, Reece,
and all will be perfectly well.” The lady gave Reece a teasing wink, and then
led her from the room.





he dinner party awaited their Hostess and guest-of-honor’s arrival in a
large parlor. Upon entering the lavish room, Reece sighed a breath of relief
when she found that she and the Empress were not the only ones dressed for a
formal affair. Her eyes were drawn to three young women, close to Reece’s age,
sitting off in a group of their own. The iridescent lighting of the room
shimmered off of a vast array of bright jewels adorning their extravagant
dresses and beautifully arranged hair.

Her eyes were then
drawn the transformed appearances of Levi and Harrison. They were standing next
to a tall window at the front of the room, conversing easily, not yet aware of
the women’s entrance.
Levi was a faultless picture of royalty. He wore
all black, with the exception of a white shirt, silk waistcoat, and cravat.
Harrison stood with his back facing them, and therefore, Reece could only
assume that under his dark blue tailcoat, he was wearing the same fine attire
as Levi.

“Her Imperial
Majesty, Lady Allestaine; and the guest-of-honor, Miss Reece Bryant.” The
footman announced. All conversation ceased, and those who were seated
immediately stood. Reece was feeling good, until the footman proclaimed their
entrance. She felt a wave of anxiety come over her as all eyes fell upon her.

Navarre smiled
proudly as he made his way to them. As he approached, he gazed adoringly at his
beautiful wife’s face as she stretched her hand out for his greeting.

reached for it and gave a short bow while he kissed the back of her hand. He
rose up and smiled, “My love. You look as enchanting as ever tonight.” His eyes
sparkled with his apparent love for her.

“Thank you, my husband.”
She gave a quick curtsy.

Navarre brought his
attention to Reece, “Miss Bryant, may I affirm that you also look livelier than
since I last saw you. I trust you feel more refreshed?”

“I do, thank you.”
Reece smiled and bit her bottom lip wondering if she should give the man a
curtsy as well.
Ugh, he’s the Emperor, of course you have to.
quickly offered the man the best curtsy she could muster, and hoped it wasn’t
noticeable that she had no idea what she was doing.

Once Navarre gave
Reece a pleasant nod of acceptance, she looked up to find everyone staring
intently at her. Harrison appeared to be restraining himself from bursting into
laughter, but Levi’s countenance was quite the opposite. There was no trace of
humor in his face as his darkened eyes seemed to be scrutinizing her.
Glad I
can amuse one of them at least.
She thought.

Allestaine took
Navarre’s arm, and he led both women down into the sitting area where the
guests were waiting to meet Reece.

Patiently awaiting
introductions were the three young women Reece noticed when she first entered
the room, and a man who appeared to be close in age to the Emperor and his

  “Miss Bryant,
allow me to introduce you to Samuel and his two daughters, Simone and

Simone had pitch-black
hair, more elaborately arranged than that of anyone else in the room. With
features favoring her father’s, she was as striking as she was attractive.
Catherine had lighter hair, and less prominent features.

Samuel is my chief
advisor over the Pemdai Guardians. He and his family will be residing with us
while we work on returning you safely home.”

Samuel nodded. “My
men and I are doing everything within our power to return you to your world.
Until then, I hope that you will be comfortable here in Pemdas.”

Reece smiled.
“Thank you, Samuel.”     

acknowledged the young woman who was standing next to Harrison that she had not
yet been introduced to.

  “This is my
niece, and Harrison’s oldest sister, Lillian. She and Harrison are my brother
Nathanial’s children. Nathanial is king of Vinsmonth, one of the largest
kingdoms in Pemdas, which is nearly a five-day journey from here.”

Reece returned
Lillian’s pleasant expression with a kind smile. If not for the introduction,
Reece would have never assumed this was Harrison’s sister. The only likeness
she shared with her brother was her blond hair and light blue eyes. Her
features were softer and more rounded than Harrison’s.

“We need no
introductions here.” Navarre added as he rested his hand on Levi’s sturdy shoulder,
“However, I would like to mention in both Levi and Harrison’s presence, how
proud I am of their efforts today for getting you here safely.”

nice to see you both again.” Reece returned.

Levi’s eyes
penetrated through her as he gave her a simple nod. “Miss Bryant.” He
acknowledged in a deep voice.

She was starting to
feel helpless with all of the formalities and traditions she knew nothing
about, and she smiled with relief when she saw Harrison’s not-so-serious

  “Miss Bryant, you
appear to be feeling much better.” He grinned. “I must say, I am amazed at how
well you clean up; after the events you faced earlier, this is very
impressive.” He teased as he glanced down at her gown.

immediately interjected, “Nephew, you know how much I enjoy your wit; however,
this is not the time for it.”

Reece looked at
Allestaine’s concerned expression, which was now directed at her. She decided
it would be best to reassure the woman that she could take care of herself.
“Lady Allestaine, if you saw what I was wearing earlier, I’ll have to admit,
you’d probably be saying the same thing.” She laughed.

Appreciative of the young man’s good humor, Reece
turned to Harrison, who was watching with amusement. “Thank you, Harrison, I’ll
take that as a compliment. And I have to say—”she glanced at Harrison’s silver
and blue striped waistcoat, “you clean up almost as well as I do.”

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