Americans in Paris: Life & Death Under Nazi Occupation (77 page)

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Jodl, General Alfred
Johnson, Andrew
Jones, Edmund
Jouhandeau, Marcel
Joyce, James
Joyce, Lucie
Jucker, Ninetta
Julian, Hubert Fauntleroy
Jump, Lawrence
Jünger, Ernst
Keller, Dr
Kenadsa mines, Algeria
Kennan, George
Kennedy, Joseph
Kernan, Thomas
Kerr, Walter
Kinderfreund, Paul
see also
Renaudot ‘R’
King John
King, George
Knickerbocker, H.R.
Knight, Charles
Knocken, Colonel Helmut
Koestler, Arthur
Küchler, General Georg von
La Bagousse, Erika
La Chapelle
la dénonciation
La Rochelle, Pierre Drieu
La Salle du Roc, Bourré
Ladd, D. M.
Lafargue, Léon-Paul
Lafayette Escadrille
Lafayette, Marquis de
Lahey, Edwin A.
Lamy, Marthe
Landhauser, Captain Otto
Landis, Helen
Langeron, Roger
Lannois, General
Larbaud, Valery
‘The Last Time I Saw Paris’ (Kern/Hammerstein)
Laurencie, General Léon de la
Lattre, General de
Lavagne, André
Laval, Jeanne
Laval, Pierre: American attitudes towards; armistice and ; arrest ; Charles Bedaux and ; collaboration, idea of ; Constitution 1875, role in abolition of ; de Chambrun family, friendship with ; dismissal from Pétain’s government and arrest ; Foreign Minister ; Gaullists and ; Hitler and ; Jews, collusion in Nazi treatment of ; Nazis and ; North Africa, reaction to invasion of ; Pétain and ; pre-war life ; relief scheme exchanging French workers for prisoners of war ; return to Pétain’s government ; shot
Le Bagousse, Marcelle
Le Grand Duc
Le Matin
Leahy, Admiral William D.
Leclerc, General Jacques
Ledebur, Count Friedrich/Frederic von
Ledebur, Count Joseph von, Ledebur, Count Joseph von
Ledoux, Henri
Left Bank
Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism
Lehand, Marguerite
Lemaigre-Dubreuil, Jacques
Lend Lease Act
Leplanquais, Georges
Les Maison des Amis des Livres
Lesieur, Huiles
Lesieur, Simone
Levy, Charlie
Lévy, Dr Jean
Ley, Dr Robert
Leyton, Drue
Tartière, Drue
Liebling, A. J.
Lifar, Serge
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindbergh, Charles
literary life: anti-Semitic press; anti-Semitic writers ; censorship collaborator circle ; Shakespeare and Company, circle of writers involved with ; Sylvia Beach and
Beach, Sylvia; theatre
see also
American Library of Paris
and under individual author name
Little Review
Lloyd, Craig
Longuet, Maurice
Longworth, Nicholas
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt
Lothian, Lord
Lowrie, Dr Donald
Lubowski, Alexandre
Luce, Henry
Luchaire, Jean
Luxembourg Gardens
MacArthur, Douglas
MacLeish, Archibald
MacVane, John
Maginot Line
Mallarmé, André
Man Ray
Man Who Saved London, The
Mandel, Georges
Manos, Joe
Marchal, Gladys
Marenches, Alexandre de
Marenches, Captain Charles de
Martel, Dr Thierry de
Masson, André
Matthews, H. Freeman
Mauriac, Claude
Mauriac, François
Maurois, André
Mayer, Ernst
McAlmon, Robert
McAuliffe, Jack
McBride, Tom
McCurdy, Joseph P
McWilliams, Roy
Medicus, Dr Franz.
Memorial Building
Mencken, H. L.
Ménétral, Dr Bernard
Mers-el-Kébir naval base, Algeria
Meyer, Eugene
Meyer, Florence
Meyer, Katharine
Miller, Gething C.
Miller, Henry
Mirabeau, Sybille de
Mittre, Simone
Moats, Alice-Leone
Mon Faust (Ebauches)
Monahan, François
Monnier, Adrienne: ‘A Letter to Friends in the Free Zone’; appearance ; Armistice and ; arrives in Paris ; Arthur Koestler and ; on cold weather in Paris, 1942 ; depression on invasion of German troops ; family ;
Gazette des Amis des Livres
; Gisèle Freund and ; Hemingway and ; Les Maison des Amis des Livres xiii; love of food and the sensual ; post-war life ; prepares to leave Paris ; quest for food during occupation ; Resistance, attitude towards ; Sylvia Beach, relationship with ; on Valéry ; Walter Benjamin and ; watches Nazis enter Paris
Monnier, Clovis
Monnier, Marie
Monroe, James
Montgomery, Robert
Morgan & Cie
Morgan, Anne
Morgan, Claude
Morgan, J. P.
Morgenthau, Hans
Morison, Samuel Eliot
Morrini, A. M.
Morris, Gouverneur
Mott, Colonel Bentley
Moulin, Jean
Moulins prison
Mouvements Unis de la Résistance
Moveable Feast, A
Muir, Peter
Munich agreement, 1938
Murat, Princess
Murphy, Gerald
Murphy, Noel
Murphy, Robert; awaits arrival in Paris of invading German forces ; Charles Bedaux and ; Château de Candé ; Eisenhower, British meeting with ; Jacques Simon, role in release of ; North Africa, role in ; on German preparation for occupation ; post–war life ; Vichy and ; von Studnitz, negotiations with ; Weygand and
Murphy, Sarah
Mutual Radio
Nation, The
National City Bank of New York
Naval Ministry
Netchaeff, Boris
Neuengamme prison camp
see also
American Hospital of Paris
New Republic
New York Daily News
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times
New Yorker
New, General Harry
Nichols, Margaret Rives
Niedermann, Carlos
Niger River/Valley
Noailles, Marie-Laure de
Nordling, Raoul
Norris, Frank
North Africa
Nossiter, Adam
Notre Dame, Cathedral
Nur für Deutsch Gesellschaft
(German Community Only) nightclub
Oaktree escape network
Oberg, Major-General Karl
Office of Naval Intelligence, US
Office of Strategic Studies, US (OSS)
Officiel du Spectacle
Offie, Carmel
Operation Torch
Oswald, Marianne
Paine, Thomas
Palais de Luxembourg
Pan American Dixie Clipper
Paraf, Yvonne
Paris; Allies bomb ; Americans in, numbers of ; armistice ; collaborators within
collaborators; curfew ; first Frenchman executed by German army within ; German orders to destroy ; government flee to Tours ; handover to German Army of , ; liberation of ; literary life in
literary life; Metro ; monument to Americans in occupied Paris ; ‘open city’, declared ; police ; refugees within ; resistance movement
Resistance movement; shortages of food and power within ; upper class life in
see also under individual area and institution
Paris Herald
Paris Herald Tribune
Paris Jour
Paris Peace Conference, 1918
Paris Tribune
Patou, Jean
Patterson, Cissy
Patterson, Joe
Patton, General George
Paul, Elliot
Paulhan, Jean
Peabody, Polly
Pearl Harbor
P.E.N. Club
Pershing, General John
Pétain, Marshal Henri-Philippe; abolition of 1875 Constitution, abolition of 1875 Constitution, role in ; America, relationship with ; appearance ; armistice, appeal for early ; cut off from reality ; de Brinon and ; Decree Number; French army and ; head of state ; Herriot and ; Hitler and ; hostage of the Nazis ; imprisoned ; in occupied Paris ; Laval and ; move to Versailles, hopes for government move to ; National Aid (Secours National), organises ; RAF air offensive against Paris, reaction to ; speech introducing notion of collaboration ; Weygand and
Pétain, Pierre
Peyrouton, Marcel
phony war (
drôle de guerre
Piaf, Edith
Picasso, Pablo
Pivain, Colonel
Plan Neptune and
Pleasure of Sport, The
police, Paris
Polignac, Comtesse de
Poncins, Vicomte de
Popular Front
Porter, Katherine Anne
Porter, Russell M.
Porter, Seton
Portes, Countess Hélene de
Post, Charles William
Post, Marjorie
Potocki, Count Jerzy
Pound, Ezra
Pourcher, Yves
Prévost, Jean
prisoners and prison camps; American Hospital aides
American Hospital of Paris; American Library of Paris provides books for ; American prisoners, arrests/round ups of
see also under individual prisoner name
; American prisoners, preferential treatment of ; Auschwitz ; Bedaux uses prisoners as workers ; Compiègne camp ; conditions of camps ; exchanges of prisoners ; French prisoners ; Jardin d’Acclimatation ; Jewish American prisoners ; Jewish prisoners, arrests/round ups of ; Jewish prisoners sent to concentration camps ; Neuengamme prison camp ; RAF accidentally bomb camps ; Ravensbrück Konzentrationslager ; releases ; Romainville camp ; St. Denis camp ; Vichy and ; Vittel camp ; women prisoners
see also under individual prisoner name
Provost, Etienne Paul
Radio France
Radio Mondiale
RAF (Royal Air Force)
Ramond, Albert
Ravensbrück Konzentrationslager
Ravina, Elizabeth
Rayburn, Sam
Rayman, Marcel
Red Cross
Redd, John
Reeder, Dorothy
Reichstadt, Duke of
Renaudot ‘R’
Renault, Maisie
Resistance movement, Allied soldiers, aid escape of ; American Hospital of Paris, role in ; Comet network ; Goélette-Frégate network ; Jackson family, role in
Jackson, Phillip
Jackson, Sumner; Libération network ; liberation of Paris, role in ; Milice and ; Moats reports on ; Mouvements Unis de la Résistance ; Nazis shoot hostages in retaliation for activity ; in North Africa ; Oaktree escape network ; Oberg’s campaign against ; Plan Neptune and ; Renaudot ‘R’ ; Saint-Nazaire, Phillip Jackson photographs ; spirit of ; underground railway ; V-1 intelligence gathering
see also
Jackson, Sumner
Reuben James
Reuter, Baron George de
Revue Nègre
Reynaud, Paul
Reynolds, Quentin
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact
Ricout, Alice (‘Tat’)
Right Bank
Riley, Ed
Rimailho, Georges
Ritz Hotel
Rive Gauche
Rivière, Georges
Robin Moor
Robinson, John
Robinson, Sparrow
Rochas, Charles
Rocher, René
Rockefeller Foundation
Rockefeller, John D.
Rogers, Archibald
Rogers, Edmund
Rogers, Herman Livingstone
Rogers, Katherine
Romains, Jules
Romains, Lise
Romainville prison camp
Rommel, General Erwin
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Waverly
Rotary Club
Roubin, Alexis Roger
Rowe, Harlan
Royallieu prison camp
Compiègne prison camp
Royal Canadian Air Force
Royal Navy
Ruel, Elie
Ruggieri, Carlo
Ruspoli, Marthe de Chambrun
Russ, Lise
Russell, Bertrand
Saillet, Maurice
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
Sanders, Dr Morris
Scanlon, Bob
Schacht, Dr Hjalmar
Schaumburg, General Ernst von
Schleier, Rudolph
Schlumberger, Jean
Schwarze Kapelle
(Black Orchestra)
Senaud, Auguste
Sevareid, Eric
Shakespeare & Company
Sheean, Vincent
Shirer, William
Shoop, Max
Sicherheitsdienst (SD)

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