American Passage (66 page)

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Authors: Vincent J. Cannato

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Abbott, Lyman, 175
Abercrombie, John, 314
Abramowitz, Sara, 59
Adamic, Louis, 397
Adams, Henry, 97, 98
Addams, Jane, 277
Africa, 343
African-Americans, 77, 344, 384–89,

404, 405
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 96–97
Alexander II, Czar of Russia, 66 Alexander III, Czar of Russia, 66 Alien and Sedition Acts, 53, 293 Alien Contract Labor Law, 43, 60–61,

alien enemies, 293–94, 295–96, 351–52,
Alien Enemies Act (1798), 293, 309
Aliens or Americans?
(Grose), 186 American Communist Party, 327 American Emigrant Society, 46
American-European Distributing Company, 320
American Federation of Labor (AFL),
60, 112
American Hebrew,
85, 164, 169, 177, 197,
American Immigrant Wall of Honor,
400, 402, 409
American Indians, 344, 386, 405–6 American Jewish Committee, 11, 198 American Museum of Immigration, 380 American Revolution, 95
American Tract Society, 136, 185 anarchists, 6, 40, 87, 127–28, 146–48,
151, 168, 195, 221, 232, 313–14,
316, 318, 319, 360
see also
Goldman, Emma
Andras, Ildra, 157
Angel Island, 409
Antin, Mary, 65–66, 396
Antony, Allard, 25
Apprentice, The
(TV show), 406
Ashes of Love
(Cathcart), 260, 261, 263–64
Asia, 11–12, 122, 344
Astor Place Riot, 32
Atlas, Sol, 380
Auspitz, Emil, 116–17
Australia, 343
Austria, 154
Austria-Hungary, 92, 96, 103, 200, 286

Baldwin, William, 380
Baratte, Lucien, 284
Barbieri, Fedora, 361–62
Barge Office, 49, 63, 92, 108, 112, 113,

114, 116, 117, 118, 121, 141, 144 Barnum, P. T., 31
Baron de Hirsch Fund, 71, 80, 81 Barone, Michael, 399
Bartholdi, Auguste, 50
Bartholdt, Richard, 162
Baryshnikov, Mikhail, 394
Bass, Sydney Herbert, 225–27
Battery, 30, 36, 37, 93, 108, 121 Bauer, Frederick, 360
Bavaria, 327
Bedloe’s Island, 23, 50, 290
Bedloo, Isaack, 25–26
Begeman, George, 294–95
Behar, Nissim, 213
Beitz, Nechemie, 199
Bell, John, 141
Bellamy, Russell, 197

Bennet, William S., 269, 300–301, 304, 305
Berkman, Alexander, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 325
Berlin, Irving (Israel Beilin), 382
Bernstorff, Johann von, 309
Beyond the Melting Pot
(Glazer and Moynihan), 389–90
Bill of Rights, 89, 312
“Bill to Regulate Immigration,” 48–49
Binet, Alfred, 242–43, 248, 254, 255
Bingham, Theodore, 186, 280–81
birth control, 245, 319
Bishop, William Gerald, 353–55, 357, 359
Bitty, John, 279
Black, Hugo, 373
Black Capitalism, 386, 388
Black Power, 386, 390
Black Tom Island, 294
explosion on, 289–92, 293, 309, 325
Blackwell’s Island, 19, 24
blindness, 10, 141
Board of Commissioners of Emigration, 35–36, 37–38, 42, 44, 49
50, 295
Bohemians, 103, 200
Bonaparte, Charles, 171
Borcelli, Raffaele, 150
Boston, Mass., 94, 95–106, 143, 146, 185, 327
Boston Globe,
Boston Herald,
103, 144, 333
Bourne, Randolph, 306–7, 327, 335, 415
Box, John, 316
Brahmins, 95–106, 132, 134
Brandenburg, Broughton, 222
Braun, Marcus, 138, 177, 224,
sexual turpitude and, 278–79
white slavery investigated by, 278
Briggs, G. Loring, 94, 104
Bronx, N.Y., 24
Brooklyn, N.Y., 28, 35
Brooklyn Bridge, 290
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, 135, 145, 187, 188
Brownell, Herbert, 373–74, 375–76
Buchanan, James, 38
Bucking Island, 26
325, 326, 327, 328
Bullis, Helen, 281, 282
Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, 171, 233
Burger, Warren, 394
Burke, Thomas Henry, 119
Burnett, Henry, 143, 144
Burnett, John, 183
Busch, Max, 75
Bush, Barbara, 400
Bush, George H. W., 399
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 131, 132, 133, 134
Byersdorff, Hermann, 296

Cable, Benjamin, 211, 237
Caffey, Francis G., 318
California, 38, 411
Caminetti, Anthony, 239, 313, 318, 319,

325, 331
Campbell, Richard K., 116, 117, 118,
135, 140
Canada, 343, 419
Canfora, Vincenzo, 203
Capra, Frank, 381
Caribbean, 11, 12, 404, 411
Carnegie, Andrew, 175
Caruso, Enrico, 298
Castle Garden, 29, 30–38, 42, 46, 54,
107, 116, 128, 136, 142, 166, 397 closing of, 49, 62, 108
deterioration of, 44–49
first day of, 36–37
indignation meeting at, 30–33
reports on, 47–49
Castro, Cipriano, 270–73
Cathcart, Earl of, 260, 264
Cathcart, Vera, Countess of, 260–64,
268, 270, 286
Catholics, Catholic Church, 96, 99, 109,
111, 135, 136
“Causes of Race Superiority, The” (Ross), 347
Cavendish, Lord, 119
Census, U.S.:
of 1880, 50, 96
of 1890, 39, 341, 343, 344
of 1910, 341
Central Labor Union, 94
Chae Chan Ping, 61
Chandler, Nathan, 77
Chandler, William (settler), 77
Chandler, William Eaton, 91, 96, 342 Ellis Island investigation led by, 77–85, 88, 105
China, 11–12, 14, 42, 53, 61, 87, 168, 194, 231
Chinese Exclusion Act (1892), 43, 87, 113, 402, 415
cholera, 31, 85–87, 91, 101, 132, 198 Christian Front, 354
Churchill, Winston, 268
Citizens’ Union, 115
Civil Censorship Division, 363, 364 Civil Rights Act, 385
civil rights movement, 384, 385–86, 389 Civil Service Commission, 139
Civil Service rules, 138–39, 140
Civil War, U.S., 12, 48, 53, 63, 64, 130, 137, 140, 166, 297
Claghorn, Kate Holladay, 191
Clark, Kenneth, 404
Clark, Tom, 365, 372
Cleveland, Grover, 30, 44, 46, 63, 91, 105–6, 109, 110, 128
literacy bill vetoed by, 105–6, 129, 183 Coblenz, Schimen, 173–74
Colcock, Roland, 281
Cold War, 9, 14, 349, 360, 371, 381, 397 Commerce and Labor Department, U.S., 204, 233, 236, 266, 273 Commerce Department, U.S., 387 Commission on Immigration, U.S., 229–30
Commission on Immigration Reform, U.S., 413
Commons, John R., 101
Communists, 359, 360, 361, 373, 374–75
Congress, U.S., 6, 42–43, 46–49, 155, 262, 332, 338, 344, 366
Ellis Island investigated by, 77–85, 88, 105
German-Americans investigated by, 309–10
immigration quotas set by, 333, 341 immigration reform in, 411
literacy tests and, 105, 182, 230 McCarran bill in, 360–61
World War I and, 293, 302
see also
House of Representatives, U.S.; immigration law; Senate, U.S. Connecticut, 115, 134
Constitution, U.S., 42, 105, 312
Coolidge, Calvin, 337, 343
Corrigan, Michael, 109, 117, 135–36 Corsi, Edward (Edoardo), 264, 347–48, 349, 381, 384
Corsi, Giuseppe Garibaldi, 347–48 Cowen, Philip, 177–78
Coxe, A. Cleveland, 41
craniometry, 242–43
Craven, Earl of, 260, 261, 262
Crawford, Hermine, 281, 284
criminals, 35, 42, 48, 84, 92–93, 94, 112, 119–20, 127, 152, 154, 186, 195, 221, 230, 246, 298–99, 413
Croatia, 104, 113–14, 153, 178, 200 Cross, Judson, 67–68
Crystal City, Tex., 357, 358
Cuomo, Mario, 398–99
Curley, John Michael, 95
Curran, Henry H., 337–38, 341, 344 Czech Liaison Section, 364
Czechoslovakia, 362, 364, 369
Czolgosz, Leon, 127, 146
Czurylo family, 233–34

Dann, Leo, 73
Darrow, Clarence, 147, 263
Darwin, Charles, 8
Davenport, Charles, 243–44
Davis, James J., 343
Declaration of Independence, 100, 136,

Del Favero, Giulia, 264–65
De Marco, Guiseppe, 94
Democratic Party, U.S., 32, 44, 94, 109,

134, 162
“Deportation: Its Meaning and
Menace,” 321–22
depression of 1893, 91, 92, 109, 112–13 de Sabata, Victor, 362
Deutschberger, Leopold, 155, 160 de Wal, Martin, 314–15
Dillingham, William, 229, 332
Dillingham Commission, 231, 281–82,
283, 301
disease, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 35, 36, 38, 52, 84,
89–90, 173, 185, 413
see also specific diseases
di Simona, Carmina, 120–21
Dix, Dorothea, 95
Dobler, Roman, 107, 123, 127
Dougherty, James, 292
Douglass, Frederick, 21, 32 Du Bois, W. E. B., 345 Duck, Jacob, 210
Dukakis, Michael, 399 Dyre Island, 26

Earl, Charles, 208
Edson, Cyrus, 73–76, 81, 83
Edwards, Jonathan, 136
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 373, 375, 380 Eisler, Gerhard, 360
Ekiu, Nishimura, 61–62
elections, U.S.:

of 1888, 63
of 1892, 78, 91
of 1900, 119
of 1904, 146, 161, 162
of 1908, 183
of 1912, 230, 307

Eliot, Charles, 175, 182
Eliot, Christopher, 94
Elkus, Abram, 199, 201
Ellis, Samuel, 26
Ellis Island:
abuse of immigrants at, 117, 139, 140, 167
births at, 90, 169, 204
Boarding Division at, 116
boards of special inquiry at, 85, 88–89, 90, 104, 130, 147, 151, 178, 196, 199, 201, 208–9
books and pamphlets written at, 321–22, 369–70
bribes at, 109–10, 116–17
Campbell-Rodgers report on, 116–19, 135, 140
classification of immigrants at, 199–201
concessions at, 141–42, 304
congressional investigation of, 77–85, 105
construction at, 50, 63, 78, 112 corruption at, 116–19, 121, 123, 133–34, 139, 140, 141–42, 167, 192 deaths at, 90, 169
Democratic investigation of, 162 as distinct from American soil, 203–4 doctors at, 6, 7, 60, 90, 141, 158, 182, 187, 205–6, 207, 225, 241–42, 249–59, 271
eye exams at, 158
fire at, 107–8, 109, 120
first day of, 57–58, 59
food at, 141–42, 192, 304, 364
geological formation of, 24–25
as Gibbet Island, 14, 19, 20–23 Great Hall in, 298, 356, 399–400, 402 hospital at, 3, 4, 72, 178, 239, 370, 408
House hearings of, 223–27
immigrants detained at, 3–5, 7, 11, 14, 81, 89, 93, 108, 119–20, 131–32, 196, 209, 225–26, 234, 237, 238–39, 262, 263, 264, 266, 271, 275, 286, 294, 295–97, 298, 301–3, 304, 310, 312–13, 317, 320–23, 339–40, 350, 351, 352, 353, 355, 357, 359–60, 361–63, 364, 366, 368–70, 372, 375–76, 412
inspection at, 2, 3, 6–7, 14, 58, 60–61, 78, 88, 90, 116, 121, 123, 141, 168, 178, 194, 195–96, 213, 225, 253, 262, 316, 342, 357, 406–7
intelligence testers at, 241–42, 249–59 jail at, 147
marriages at, 169, 267
military use of, 26–28, 29
missionary work at, 109, 136, 185–86, 235, 338–39
as museum, 14, 395–96, 399–400, 403–6
name-change myth of, 15, 401–3 number processed by, 5, 14, 79, 91, 167, 168, 172, 347, 410–11
OSS investigation of, 352–53
patronage at, 62, 108–9, 110, 121, 122, 139, 163, 166, 167, 178
photographs at, 180–81
plans for, 49–50
post-fire facilities built at, 120, 121, 122, 123
psychiatric ward at, 1–2
records and documents at, 142–45 records destroyed at, 107
Registry division at, 117
restoration of, 391, 392–93, 398, 399, 400, 403, 404, 405, 408
sale of facilities at, 379–80, 384 T. Roosevelt’s inspection of, 129–30 T. Roosevelt’s presidential visit to, 156–58
twenty-five-dollar rule at, 196–99, 201, 202–3, 204
visitors and tourists at, 148
Von Briesen Commission at, 158–61, 228
Williams’s Annual Report on, 140, 153, 154
Williams’s notice at, 140–41
Ellis Island,
Ellis Island and Other Stories
(Helprin), 391
Ellis Island Centennial Commission, 394
Ellis Island Institute and Conference Center, 407–8
Ellis Island Restoration Commission, 392
Ellis Island Snow Globe
(Rand), 404 “Ellis Island’s Problems” (Irwin), 154 Emmett, Robert, 119
England, 26–27, 28
Erdofy, Arthur, 93
Erie Canal, 28
Espionage Act (1917), 309, 319
eugenics, 243–47, 250–51, 335, 346–47 Eugenics Research Association, 247 Europe, 343
eastern, 91, 161, 215, 231, 333, 381 northern, 91, 207
southern, 91, 215, 231, 333, 381 western, 91
evolution, 8, 41, 246–47

Fairbanks, Louis, 268
Farber, Gershon, 199
favus, 150, 206
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),

350, 353, 354, 360, 367
Federal Trade Commission, 305 “feebleminded,” 242
feminism, 306
Ferdinand, Franz, 286
Ferguson, Sean, 401
Ferraro, Geraldine, 398
Fettmann, Eric, 393, 395
Field, Stephen, 61
Fino, Paul, 380
first-class passengers, 298–99
Fitchie, Thomas, 109, 113, 114, 115,

120, 133, 134–37, 144, 265 Fitzgerald, John F., 97
Fitzharris, James “Skin the Goat,”

Flynn, Thomas, 93
Foran Act (1885), 43
Ford, Melbourne, 46–49
Ford Motor Company, 391
Fort Wadsworth, 324–25
Foster, Charles, 63
Fourteenth Amendment, U.S., 204 France, prostitutes from, 282 Franco, Francisco, 354
Franklin, John Hope, 404
Fraser, James, 140
Frick, Henry Clay, 318
Friedman, Jacob, 401
Fuhr, Eberhard, 350, 358

Gage, Lyman, 114, 116
Galicia, 104, 208, 233
Garfield, James A., 64
Garrett, Cynthia, 408
Garrison, William Lloyd, 32, 95 Garrison, William Lloyd, Jr., 189 Garvey, Marcus, 404
Gaston, William A., 143, 144
Geddes, A. C., 340–41
Gelvot, Meyer, 199
General Services Administration (GSA),

genetics, 8, 41, 205, 243, 244–45,
246–47, 250–51, 335, 346–47 George, Henry, 84, 131, 322
Germans, Germany, 34, 40, 92, 98, 103,
151, 155–56, 162, 170, 171, 175–76,
182, 200, 218–20, 222–23, 225, 234,
235, 270, 282, 307, 308–10, 344 as “alien enemies,” 292–94, 295–96,
351, 352, 357–59, 360
quotas on, 334–35
German Society, 35
Germany, U.S. declaration of war with,
293, 302
Gettysburg, Battle of, 52, 64
Gibbet Island, 14, 19, 20–23
see also
Ellis Island
Gibbs, Charles, 22–23
Gift of Black Folk, The
(Du Bois), 345 Giro, Marco, 285
Giuliani, Rudy, 408
Glazer, Nathan, 389
globalization, 414, 417
Glueck, Bernard, 254–55
Goddard, Henry H., 242, 244, 247, 253,
254, 255, 256, 258, 346
Goderis, Joost, 25–26
Godfather II,

Goldberger, Paul, 400
Golden Door
), 406–7 Goldman, Emma, 147, 148, 311, 316,

Goldman, Julius, 319–20
gold standard, 111
Gomez, Juan Vicente, 270, 271
Gompers, Samuel, 60, 112, 181–82, 187,

Gouree, Alice, 302–3
Grant, Madison, 164, 335–36, 381 Gratz, Roberta, 393, 395
Great Depression, 91, 238, 348, 381 Great Oyster Island, 25, 26
Great Society, 382, 386
Greeks, 181, 220, 341, 342, 344
“greenhorns,” 33, 34, 116, 179, 188 Greenwich Village, 136, 306, 307 “Guests from Gibbet Island” (Irving),

Gulda, Friedrich, 361, 363

habeas corpus petition, 199, 203, 236, 314
Hackenberg, Helene, 357, 359, 360
Hackenberg, Rudolf, 357, 359, 360
Hague, Frank, 291–92
Hall, Prescott, 94, 95, 100, 150, 155, 181, 183, 184, 185, 192, 197, 205, 224, 232, 234–35, 239, 306, 308, 309, 333, 335, 381, 392, 417
depression of, 99, 100, 235
Ellis Island examined by, 104
on genetic sorting, 244–45
IRL formed by, 98–99
on physique of immigrants, 206–7
Hand, Augustus, 314
Hand, Learned, 199, 202
Handlin, Oscar, 381, 384
Hanna, Mark, 131
Hansen, Marcus Lee, 379
Harding, Warren, 333, 343
Hardwick, Thomas, 315
Harper’s Weekly,
60, 84, 108, 220, 227–28
Harris, Edward, 366–67
Harrison, Benjamin, 62, 63, 64, 65, 78, 85, 87, 91
Hart Island, 24
Hartley, William, 369
Harvard University, 51, 95, 98
Hausdorffer, William, 295, 296
Hays, Arthur Garfield, 263

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