Alpha (22 page)

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Authors: Regan Ure

BOOK: Alpha
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If I put my mind to it, the only way he was going to be able to stop me was to keep me physically locked up and, knowing Cade, he wouldn’t hesitate to lock me up if it would keep me from fighting.

I wasn’t sure how long I was asleep for before the banging on the bedroom door vibrated through the room. I lifted my head and scanned the dark room, trying to figure out what was going on as I rubbed my eyes.

Then the banging was accompanied by yelling.

Goddammit, Scar, open the fucking door!” Cade yelled from the other side of the locked door.

I sat up and glared at the door. I crossed my arms and remained in the bed, refusing to budge.

If you don’t open the fucking door, I’m going to break it down,” he warned in a deadly tone.

For a few seconds, there was silence, and I got out of the bed and stood up. He wouldn’t really break the door down, would he?

I’d just completed the thought when—with a loud crash and bang—the door gave way and cracked into two, falling with a thud to the floor.

He’d broken the door down.

Shocked that he’d actually broken the door down, my eyes met his and our gazes clashed. His eyes narrowed and he glared at me as his chest rose and fell with the anger coursing through him. I took a step backward. To say he was angry would have been the understatement of the year. He was livid.

As much as I wanted to take another step backward, I held my ground stubbornly. I wasn’t going to show him that he intimidated me. It was a good thing I’d remembered to block my thoughts from him, otherwise it would have been a waste of time.

He took a menacing step into the room, his eyes fixed on me as I watched him take another step toward me. Instinct told me to run, but I held firm. His hands clenched into fists at his sides.

Why did you lock me out?” he asked angrily. I could see that he was trying to control his temper.

Because you’re being a sexist ass,” I told him truthfully, but my response just seemed to ignite his anger again as he glared at me. He took the few remaining steps between us.

He grabbed my arms and even though he was still so angry with me, the hold around my arms was firm but not painful.

What are you playing at?” he asked as he searched my face for answers.

Nothing,” I replied as I tried to pull my arms from his grasp, but he wouldn’t let go. “I just don’t want to be around someone who believes I’m weak because I’m a girl.”

His anger wavered for a moment as his eyes softened.

It’s not that I believe you’re weak, Scar,” he began to explain to me. “I’m just scared something will happen to you and I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on fighting if I had to worry about you in the fight as well. I just found you and I can’t afford to lose you.”

And it never crossed your mind that maybe that’s how I feel about you? Maybe the reason I want to be able to fight alongside you is so I can try and protect you, too?”

He was surprised and he stilled for a moment before he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. I relaxed against him despite my anger.

It was just one of those arguments that neither one of us was going to back down from. Arguing about it was only going to lead us around in circles, getting us nowhere.

I glanced down at the broken door lying on the floor. It was still hard to believe he’d actually broken the door.

Did you have to break the door down?” I asked, feeling my anger begin to rise at the fact that he’d forced his way into the room.

Well, I had to do something. You wouldn’t let me in,” he explained stiffly as he noticed the angry tone in my voice.

You didn’t have to go all barbaric.”

Enough fighting. I’m exhausted, I’ve had a rough day,” he said as he released me, his eyes softening for a moment. It was then that I noticed the visible signs of tiredness in his face.

Next time don’t break down the door; instead, try apologizing for being an ass,” I suggested.

He let out a sigh and shook his head.

Before I knew what was happening, he had picked me up and carried me out of the room.

Where are you taking me?” I asked, hating the fact that he was manhandling me.

To my room,” he informed me as he walked to his bedroom. There was no point in struggling because he was stronger than I was. Once he entered his room, he walked over to his bed and dropped me on it. I landed with a bounce and I made a move to climb back off.

If you move one foot off the bed, I’ll tie you to it,” he threatened as he glared at me.

He’d broken down a door already and I had no doubt that if I tried to move off the bed he would tie me down, so I stayed where I was.

He gave me one last look before he disappeared into the bathroom. I slumped back against the pillows. It would be pointless to try and leave his room because I knew he would just find me and haul me back.

At times he could be so annoying.

He returned dressed in sweats and I glared at him even though the half-naked sight of him made my stomach flip. He ignored my glare and got in the bed on the opposite side.

He pulled me down and into his arms.

Enough, Scar,” he whispered softly when I struggled against him.

As annoyed as I was, I couldn’t help feeling a little bad that I was fighting with him after everything that had happened earlier. As strong as he was, I could tell he’d taken strain.

So for the moment I decided to ease up and instead snuggled into his arms. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and held me close.

Despite the fact that I was angry with him, I couldn’t help being super aware of how his body molded to mine and I felt an awareness in my body that I’d never felt before.

Ah, crap!

I realized it was going to be harder to keep myself from succumbing to his kisses because my body had a mind of its own. It didn’t matter that I was still angry, because no matter what my mind said, my hormones reveled in the feel of him against me.

I was tired. Instead of sleeping, though, I lay beside him, listening to his steady breath while I fought with my body’s reaction to his. Every brush of skin against skin made me hold my breath.

It was only going to be a matter of time before I gave in to my female urges and had my way with him. I closed my eyes as an image of the two of us getting hot and heavy flashed into my mind. There was no doubt that he knew how to please a girl.

It must have been hours later that I finally drifted off to sleep. But I knew in the morning I’d have to face the problems I’d been wrestling with.

And tomorrow we could argue about the fighting thing again.




The next morning when I awoke, I didn’t feel Cade’s warmth. I opened an eye and scanned the room. The sun shone through a gap in the curtains as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

I was alone.

We’d only known each other for a short space of time, but I already didn’t like waking up without him in the bed.

With renewed determination, I slid off the bed. I wanted to go and have a shower, but I didn’t have any clothes to change into.

It was then that I noticed a set of folded female clothes on the side table with a new toothbrush. The clothes were a black shirt and a pair of gray sweats and, although they were a size too big, I wasn’t going to complain because at least they were clean.

After a quick shower, I brushed my teeth and got dressed.

I walked down the hallway and when I heard some activity inside Gary’s room, I knocked briefly on the door.

Come in,” Gary instructed.

I opened the door and found him sitting at the desk, typing away on a laptop. Where had he gotten it? Since the scare at school, we hadn’t managed to get any clothes or other stuff from the house.

Hi,” he greeted briefly before he turned his concentration back to what he was doing.

I leaned over his shoulder, trying to figure out what he was doing.

What are you doing?” I asked.

I’m trying to find all the information that I can about your parents,” he explained absentmindedly as he scanned the web page that came up. I wasn’t quite sure why on earth he would be doing that. He’d known my parents better than anybody else.

Why?” I asked, unsure of what that information would yield.

He stopped and spun around to face me as I took a step backward.

Cade had hoped that once you joined his pack that the rogues would leave you alone, but they haven’t. This confirms that they were after you for more than just the fact that you were a rogue. Blake and Cade are even more convinced the reason behind the rogue attacks is tied to your parents,” he began to explain. “So I’m trying to find out all the information that I can.”

He rubbed his temple. It was a sure sign that he was stressed. I couldn’t blame him. The fact that the rogues were working together to get me had me concerned, too. It wasn’t like I didn’t believe that Cade would fight to the death to keep me safe; the problem was that I didn’t want it to come to that.

As strongly as he cared for me, I cared for him.

I met your parents when your mom was in the early stages of pregnancy with you,” he reminded me. “I was your dad’s best friend, but even I have no idea where they’d come from. They didn’t like to talk about their life before I met them and I respected that.”

He let out a deep sigh as his eyes met mine.

But I can’t just stand by and do nothing while rogues plot to get you,” he said. “I love you like you were my own daughter.”

My heart squeezed at his words and I leaned down to hug him.

And I love you like a second father,” I assured him in a whisper.

He might not be blood-related, but to me he was family. I kissed his cheek as I released him.

We all believe that these attacks have something to do with the life your parents left behind,” he added.

It sounds like you’re on the right track,” I said.

There had to be a reason behind the attacks and the only logical reasoning was that it had something to do with my parents. It was also very possible that my parents were murdered by werewolves and those same werewolves were after me for a reason I didn’t know.

Have you seen Cade this morning?” I asked as he swung around to face the laptop.

He was going to meet up with Blake this morning,” he said.

Is Blake already up and about?” I asked, a little surprised he had healed that fast.

Yes.” Gary looked at me over his shoulder. “It’s quite astounding how fast werewolves can heal”.

Holy crap, that was fast.

Okay, see you later,” I said as I left the room to search for Cade.

It took me a while to find him. I thought he’d be in the compound somewhere but, after asking a few people, I discovered he was with Blake in his study at the house.

The door was closed so I knocked.

Come in,” Cade instructed and I opened the door.

Blake, Hank, Jake and Ross looked up at me as I entered the room. Ross was Blake’s beta. They were standing around a medium-sized square table that looked like a table meant for meetings. There was a map open on it.

At the sight of me walking into the study, Cade walked forward to meet me.

Morning,” he said as he pressed a kiss to my lips.

Hi,” I greeted him. I pulled away from him and greeted the rest of the guys who were watching us with smiles.

Are you ready to start your training?” Cade asked me.

Yes,” I replied. I was surprised he was thinking about the same thing I had. I’d been blocking my thoughts so there was no way he could have known what I was thinking.

The sooner you get trained up, the better,” he said as he looked to Hank. “Don’t be too rough with her.”

I gave Cade an annoyed look. I wasn’t that weak and I hated the implication that I was. When Cade caught my look he sighed and cupped my face.

I just don’t like the thought of you getting hurt, even if it’s for training,” he said as he kissed me again.

I’ll be okay,” I assured him as I pulled away.

I knew that Cade allowed everyone, including women, to train, but was it too much to hope that he’d changed his mind and he was going to allow me to fight?

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