Alone (12 page)

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Authors: Erin R Flynn

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Alone
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Twenty minutes later, he found me, grabbed my hand, and dragged me off to a secluded spot and pressed me up against a wall, covering my mouth, and sank his fangs into me where no one could see us. I had the best orgasm right there at the zoo.

It was wild and crazy and

We ended up only making it through half the zoo, truly taking our time with each attraction and enjoying the aspects of it. I couldn’t think of the last time I’d had such innocent, normal fun, and Conall said the same as we were leaving. He suggested some hole-in-the-wall Chinese place we saw on the way back to the expressway and ordered about half the menu.

“Whatever happened with the boxes in the front room,” I asked as we waited for our number to be called, remembering they weren’t there this morning.

“I arranged for a local organization to come pick them up last night,” he explained, putting away his wallet. “When we went to bed, I realized I’d forgotten that and you were already asleep so I slipped out of bed and handled it. Oh and I forgot we never discussed your other business matters. Your overseas issue should already have paid you and that California one will never bother you again, relinquishing everything to you.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, staring at him with wide eyes. I opened my mouth and then closed it again before shaking my head. “I’m not sure what else to say besides thank you.”

“Do you want to know specifics?”

I pondered that one and then shook my head. “One day but it’s still pretty raw. I think I would be too evil right now and ask if you made them suffer.”

“No more than they needed to.” He shrugged and shot me a smirk, letting me know he didn’t judge me for the question. I threw back my head as our number was called. He retrieved our bags and then I took the car keys from him. I drove us home and we chatted about our favorite aspects of the zoo and what we were looking forward to next time.

It was such a nice,
day it almost felt like a dream with my crazy ass life.

But then reality came crashing back down on us when we walked into the house and a stranger was sitting in my front room.

“Well isn’t this cozy,” he drawled. I froze and Conall crashed into me, quickly moving his hands to my hips to steady me. “So you do have a new pet artist, brother.”

“Edward, what are you doing here?” Conall asked darkly as his fingers dug into my body. Well didn’t that just tell me how welcome our visitor was?

“This one’s pretty,” Edward purred, eyeing me over like his next meal…
. “Much better than that old guy painter you followed around like a dog last century. She pens pornographic materials, yes? Oh, she will be fun to get to know. Tasty, I bet, in all the best ways.”

“I’m standing right here,” I drawled, about done with this shit.

“Yes, you are, but the men are talking here, dearie.”

“So you must be the evil twin,” I said anyways, realizing they were more than brothers considering they were the spitting image of each other if I removed the ugly air around Edward—and his longer hair.

“I prefer the more attractive twin,” he replied, an edge to his tone.

“No, Nina was accurate,” Conall snapped. “I asked what you were doing here, Edward.”

“I’m going to get a cider, do you want one?” I asked Conall as I took dinner from him. I stepped into the kitchen as he simply blinked at me, surprised he didn’t see the steam coming out of my ears. Yeah, I wasn’t
okay with what his asshole brother had said either.

I sat down the bag of take-out on the counter, opened the fridge, saw what I needed, and grabbed it. Then I uncorked the bottle of wine, picked up the local savings flyer that had come in the mail, and the Zippo I kept in the kitchen drawer.

“You can’t just barge in here, Edward,” Conall was yelling as I stepped back into the front room.

“I wanted to see my little brother and his pet who I see is his whore too,” Edward chuckled.

They weren’t paying me any attention until I threw the bottle of wine at Edward’s feet, it shattering everywhere and the liquid soaking his pants. Then all eyes were on me. I flicked the Zippo and held it just under the sales flyer.

“Now, no matter
you see on TV, tossing a lighter will normally blow it out, but these things go up like you wouldn’t believe and get great distance as I’ve learned from using them in my fireplaces,” I informed Edward, my eyes focused solely on him. “I know how fast you guys are, and with how much is now soaked into your clothes, you won’t get to me, kill me, or past me and out the door before I can get this on you and at least do some
damage. So this is how things are going to go.

“You’re going to leave my mother fucking house. Then you’re going to knock on my goddamn door like a gentleman who has a shred of manners. If you promise you will behave and treat me with some fucking
as this is
house and I’m not your goddamn dinner, plaything, or whore, then you will be invited to stay for dinner because we have enough for you even though you dropped by uninvited, and we will have a proper visit. Otherwise, so fucking help me god, we will dance.

“Because I am
of people pushing me too far, acting like I don’t matter, or I will just do whatever the fuck they want. I will not be bullied, raped, or anything else in my own
. Do I make myself understood? Is this in any way unclear?”

“She’s bat shit crazy,” Edward whispered, glancing at Conall with wide eyes.

“I’m standing right here!”
I screamed and moved the Zippo closer.

“Fine, yes, okay, I’m sorry,” he rambled as he stood and held his hands out in front of him, staring at me. “Who tried to rape you?”

“My ex-assistant made it clear he was going to when I left them alone but Nina was smart enough to circumvent the situation before it happened,” Conall mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I also made a massive mess when we first met along the lines of what you have done.”

“You never flat out insulted me as he did,” I defended. “Now, Edward, do you accept my terms?”

“Yes, I do.” He gave a half bow before glancing at Conall as if asking what to do.

I did the same. “Does he lie or is his word good?”

“My brother, for all his faults, keeps his promises,” Conall assured me.

“Good, then we have an understanding.” I flicked the Zippo closed and pointed to the door. “Everyone to their places.” Then I walked back into the kitchen, ignoring both their shocked expressions. Yeah, so, I could have a bit of a drama queen in me, but fuck, we’d had
a great day and I had just wanted
damn day of nothing but fun.

Had that
been too much to ask?


I set out the containers of food, biting back a smirk when I heard Edward squish out of the house, watching out of the corner of my eye since the foyer and entryway was an open space that also the led in to the kitchen, front room, and hallway to my office, half bath, and the master suite.

“So are we going to talk about that before he comes back?” Conall asked as the front door closed.

“That was me losing my temper, my dear,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “It would have gone down differently if I thought I could have taken him in a fight. I have a temper, I’m not
. But now you’ve seen it. Mark your calendar. It won’t happen again for several more months unless someone seriously provokes me. I get pissed, sure, but I very rarely blow like that. You’ve seen me. I normally shut down when I get upset or mad.” I crumpled up the plastic bag and turned to face him. “You’re cleaning up the front room though.”

“Okay then. Glad I know the difference.” He cleared his throat, clearly still confused and a tad uncomfortable at the instant flip in my mood but the knock on the door interrupted us.

I didn’t say I still wasn’t
pissed the fuck off
. I just had it back under control. I wasn’t much of a shouter. I grew up in a family of shouters and I never saw a point in it. I blew like a fucking volcano and then I went back to controlled, simmering, borderline violence when I was really enraged.

No, I never said it was a sane emotional way to live. It was just

Conall let Edward in, and I took a few deep breaths as they came back up the stairs. “Edward, nice to meet you, I’m Nina James,” I greeted, extending my hand after wiping them off on my jeans.

“A pleasure, Nina,” he purred, taking mine into his and raising it to his lips. “Edward Brightmore, at your service.” His eyes shined with mirth as if he was playing fun with me so I admit, I was a brat in what I said next but two could have a good time in any game.

“Oh, you seemed to have spilled something on your pants. That’s a shame. Well, luckily you’re the same size as Conall. Would you like to change?” I slapped on my best smile and practically batted my eyelashes at him.

“Yes, thank you. Such a kind hostess.”

Let the games begin




Conall went off with Edward so the man could change his pants while I collected myself better and got plates. I was figuring out plates since I’d
the wine I’d been planning on us having for dinner.

“As I was saying, Nina writes paranormal fiction,” Conall was explaining as they came back into the kitchen.

“Edward, would you like something to drink?” I asked, standing in front of the glasses, figuring out which ones to get.

“What are you offering?” he breathed against my neck, suddenly behind me.

I’d walked
into that one. Here’d I’d been stupid enough to assume he’d reply
sure, water would be great,
and then I’d know which type of glass to pick. Instead, now I was reaching for a large knife. I moved it along the side of my body so it was almost poking his shirt.

“Conall’s right, I don’t
pen pornography
, I write paranormal fiction of all types,” I purred, leaning back closer to him. “Some are erotic romance, others are murder mysteries, one is a paranormal medical drama, and while they all have elements of sex and romance, you wouldn’t believe what else I research.” Then I let him feel the knife. “Like that’s about where your liver is. Not so bad to hurt, but if I go lower then I start getting into your colon and intestines. Do enough damage there and all those nasty toxins get in your body and—”

“Point made, Nina,” he interrupted, clearing his throat and stepping away. “I behave, you behave.”

“Good, you’re smart like your brother,” I chuckled, setting down the knife. “Now, would you like water, pop, a nice hard cider Conall and I are partial to, or a mixed drink?”

“A cold hard cider sounds nice with Chinese, thank you.” I nodded and moved away, opening the drawer, pulling out the bottle opener, tossing it to Conall, before snagging three out of the fridge.

Conall held my chair out for me, smiling when I sat and sneaking a kiss from me as he took the bottles. I looked at him. “What was that for? Being a bitch?”

“No, just you. I like that you’re on even footing with Edward and I don’t feel I have to step in and hold your hand. I much prefer this.”

“Me too,” I admitted, tilting my head for another kiss. It was longer this time. “Thank you. I’m used to people being embarrassed with what I say and do when I defend myself or handle a situation. Thank you for being on my side.”

“I am always on your side, Nina.”

“I see that now.” And I did.

Edward watched our interactions carefully, and while I was glad Conall took the seat next to me, Edward did
then take the chair across from me. Oh no, he moved the place setting to the other side of me.


“This is really good,” I moaned after a few bites, starving and more than ready for anything to distract us from the tension in the room. “A little cold though. Anyone want me to zap what they’re eating?” I jumped up and hurried to stick mine in the microwave for minute. Nothing was worse than cold Chinese. Then I did the same for Conall, before Edward. When I leaned over to take Edward’s plate after just having set down Conall’s, I felt my man’s hand possessively on my ass.

I shot him a covert look but he was focused on his brother. Oh good, something else was going on there. Wonder what that was?

More importantly—how could I help? We all had family drama, but if there was something I could do to help Conall’s issues with his brother, I would gladly do it. Hell, he’d just healed years of wounds of my own issues with one kiss and a few kinds words about letting me act as I wanted to defend myself.

Edward thanked me for his reheated plated and shot me a
look. “But there is sex in your books. I did get that right?”

“Yes, but it’s not the
of them,” I hedged, glancing at Conall as if thinking how to explain. He gave me a half shrug. “Okay, I’m not sure this translates to the British but this how I normally explain it to people and my gram got it. So, mainstream fiction, even romance, is like basic TV, prime time. NBC, CBS, FOX, the CW—some swearing, kiddie-approved even if there’re some warnings, and some blood, whatever.

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