Allure of the Vixen (4 page)

Read Allure of the Vixen Online

Authors: C. C. Morian

Tags: #hotwife/dc:Subject>, #wife sharing/dc:Subject>, #cuckold/dc:Subject> How could you not forgive someone who’s sin is wanting you so much? Joanne is irresistible. She’s everything Michael looks for in a woman. Stunning eyes. An amazing body. Smart and sensual. A vixen who snares men, #uses them, #and when she’s done, #casts them off. A woman who can make a man feel so powerful, #yet so helpless. Michael is successful, #handsome, #and attracts plenty of women, #he gets to pick and choose. He doesn’t need a woman who will try to jerk him around, #no matter how alluring. He’s promised himself to never get involved with a woman like Joanne. Especially one with her secret. . ., #Contemporary Romance/dc:Subject>, #alpha male/dc:Subject>

BOOK: Allure of the Vixen
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For long moments we stayed like that, kneeling on
the bed, our torsos locked, her heat radiating into me. Her nipples pressed
into my chest like hooks, threatening to never let me go.

Joanne unbuckled my belt, all without looking,
expertly, I had a brief dreadful thought, how could she be so good at this, so
expert at capturing a man, even someone like me who had a history of self
control. Yet here I was totally unable to stop, I wondered how much experience
she had at this, unfair, I know, yet something at the back of my mind warning
me, something was wrong here, I was a good looking guy but it had never been
this easy with a woman. Well, it had, more than once, but not with someone as
beautiful as Joanne.

How many men had she done this with?

It was a double standard, I knew it, yet I couldn’t
help but think it.

But it wasn’t enough to stop me, not only did I not
keep her from taking off my pants, I helped her, yanking off my shoes. I
dropped my legs off the bed and knelt as I unbound myself from my pants,
throwing them on the floor, I didn’t give a shit about wrinkles.

My head was on her thigh, and I kissed her there, on
the bare skin just above her stockings, working my way up, I’d never wanted to
lick a woman so much as I did just then, to feel those tight thighs and wonderful
legs wrapped around my head, her stocking feet clutching at my back.

I freed her from her panties as I kissed her,
pulling them down and off, her fingers grasping at my hair, my lips getting
closer, closer. . .

Joanne groaned, twisting away, her legs coming
together, denying me.

“Not that,” she whispered.

Fuck. So many mixed messages.

My arms were around her legs, but they were squeezed
shut. “Don’t you like that?” I asked.

“I love it,” she said. “But not. . .I want
you inside me.”

I know some women didn’t like oral sex, for some
reason I hadn’t thought Joanne would be one of them. I spiraled up on top of
her, pulling the top of her bra down, taking her nipple in my mouth, and it
stiffened even more, instantly, as I locked my lips around it and pulled. It
swelled, and again her hand was in my hair, pulling me toward her. I mouthed
her teat, biting her with my lips. Her back arched into me, and when I finally
released her she gasped, and as I moved to her other breast I was amazed at how
big her nipple had grown, dark, totally engorged. I reached for it, gently
pinching it between my fingers, kneading it.

“Maybe I should send you back to the office like
this,” I said. “You’d have to wear a blanket to cover your nipples.”

“You bastard,” she said, but it was her sultry

“I take it you like that.” I went to work on her
other nipple, squeezing even harder, egged on by her moans.

“You have to stop,” she breathed, but did nothing to
pull herself away, if I hadn’t known better I would have thought she was
lactating, her nipples were so hard and thick, her breasts seeking relief,
ready to explode.

“Why?” I asked innocently.

“Because if you don’t I’m going to come.”

“You could come like this?”

“With you I think I could.” Joanne’s hand was back
on me, stroking my cock.

Suddenly she pulled away with an animalistic grunt,
her nipple snapping out of my mouth. “What?” I said.

“I want to see you.”

She gently pushed me back on the bed and began
working her way down my chest, kissing my nipples, taking them in her mouth,
but gently, not the way I had sucked on hers. She knelt on the bed, sliding her
hand from my chest to my stomach. “I love this part of you, your stomach, so

“Maybe not as flat as yours.”

“I think so,” she said. “And I work hard at it.”

“And you skip all those lunches,” I said, wondering
as I said it if I was subconsciously hinting a question, asking whether she
spent her lunch hours at the gym, or fucking someone, getting her exercise the
old fashioned way.

Joanne either didn’t catch my insinuation or chose
to ignore it, her fingers tracing down to my hips. “You know the sexiest part
of a man?” she asked.

“This is a trick question, right?”

“Right here,” she said, pushing her finger into the
indentation between my hip and my waist. “See this? Most men don’t have this.
You have to be more than in shape, you have to be slender and muscular at the
same time, it’s rarer than you think. Skinny men have nothing there, just
bones, most men have a tiny amount of flab, even if they are in shape. But you. . .”
she bent and planted a kiss on the spot, a dent, something I’d seen in the
mirror a hundred times but thought nothing of, “. . .I thought you’d
have this, and now that I’ve seen it I’ll think about it, I’ll masturbate
thinking of this, feeling my fingers on this spot as you are fucking me.”

This time I couldn’t help it, the words were torn
from me. “Is this from experience, or do you look at a lot of pictures?”

Joanne slapped me on the chest, pretty hard. “What
are you asking me? You want to know how many men I’ve fucked?”

Which was exactly what I was asking her, as unfair
as it was, her question making that so obvious. It was none of my business. 
“Sorry,” I muttered.

“You have nothing to apologize for either. And now
that I know you realize you have no right to know, I’ll tell you anyway. Fewer
than you think, more than you might expect.”

“Hmm.” I said. All this banter doing nothing to slow
my pulse, to detract from my desire for her, if anything, it enflamed me.

“Which is probably what you’d say if I asked you.”

“If I could think fast enough in this condition,” I

“Condition? You mean you aren’t always like this?”
She wrapped her hand around my cock. “No, I could see that would be difficult,
walking around the office like this.” She slowly slid her closed hand down my
shaft, tightening the skin, making the tip smooth. “You have a beautiful cock,”
she said, bending over me.

My legs were quivering, waiting for her to take me
in her mouth.

But she didn’t, she just stayed bent over me, my
cock an inch from her mouth, as she slowly stroked me. Her face was in profile,
alluring even from the side, what the ancient Greeks might have etched on a
golden urn.

“Are you going to ask me how I know that you have a
beautiful cock?” she said, not looking at me.

“Right now I’m in no condition to ask you anything.”
I had to grit the words out. I couldn’t tell if she was teasing me, her mouth
so close, she must know all men loved oral sex, but for me it was the best part
of sex, even better than fucking, the idea of a woman taking me in her mouth,
the ultimate trust in her, my manhood against her teeth, yet at the same time
the powerful feeling of a woman taking you into her that way, especially on her

“You can ask me anything you want,” she said, and
now her eyes were on me, with a hint of warning in them: Ask the wrong question
and I’ll stop. Or worse.

I wanted her, but I hated being used, I hated cock teasing.
“Suck me. Or not. But if we are going to do anything, it’s not going to be a

Joanne’s eyes flared, but then she smiled. “You
wouldn’t want a handjob from me?”

“Maybe someday. Not today.”

Joanne kissed the tip of my cock, her tongue darting
out, the snake from Eden, catching the slit, opening it, then ran it along the
rim, all in a matter of a few seconds. Then it was over, and as she moved back
up the bed my cock strained to follow her.

She kissed me, her tongue slipping into my mouth,
and I tasted my own pre cum. “I won’t suck you,” she said. “No offense.”

So she
didn’t like oral sex.

“I  could teach you to like it,” I said.

She knelt over me on the bed, her eyes sparkling.
“You want to teach me to like giving you head?”

“I  bet I could.”

“You’re assuming I don’t like it. Sucking a cock, I

“Well, you had it right there. . .”

“I actually love sucking cock. Especially one as
beautiful as yours. The only thing better than being fucked is making a man come
in my mouth.”

“Then why…”

“I’m not going to suck your cock, ever.” Perhaps to
take the sting out of her words, she reached back and removed her bra,
unveiling the completeness of her beautiful breasts, the nipples still swollen
from my teeth. “Do you think my tits are nice?”

“They’re perfect,” I said automatically, still
stunned by her comment about not being willing to ever take my cock in her
mouth. I’d never been naked with a cock tease, I would never let it get this

“You notice I didn’t ask you how you knew. Whether
your expertise in evaluating breasts came from looking at pictures.”


“Shh,” she put her finger on my lip, and
unconsciously I kissed it. She forced it into my mouth. “Suck it,” she ordered.

I turned my head away. “No.”

She tilted her head, then slipped her finger down
between her legs. I couldn’t see what she was doing, but I could guess. She put
her finger back on my lips, the musk of her arousal filling my nostrils. I had
to fight my instincts to keep from grasping it with my mouth.

“Don’t you want to taste me? Suck my juices?”

“I love to suck fingers,” I said, my eyes as hard as
my voice. “Just not yours.”

Joanne’s eyes flared again, but they also sparkled,
and slowly I was beginning to understand how she really communicated, the
complexity of what her eyes would tell me. “You
a bastard.”

“And you’re a tease.” I didn’t believe it, not
really, but she was pushing my buttons.

She drifted her finger over my lips, giving me
another chance, but I clamped my lips together, not trusting myself. She
smiled, as if she had just learned something, or perhaps in surrender, to this
one little battle, her hand drifting down my chest, over my stomach, and onto
my cock.

“Is this how a tease acts?” she said, suddenly all
innocent. Without waiting for an answer her hand was around my cock, and
without missing a beat guided me into her pussy.

This would normally have been the time, past the
time actually, to talk about birth control, about safety, about our sex
history, about protection. Especially given what I suspected about her.

But it was too late, I couldn’t have that
conversation now, my usual sanity in this area completely overwhelmed by her
effect on me, her power, her allure.

And by my lust.

Neither one of us hesitated, I thrust my hips upward
as she spread her legs, her weight falling onto me. My cock forced its way
through her labia, into the welcoming wetness, and to the tightness beyond. I
felt a surge of elation, this beautiful woman was soaking wet, yet I hadn’t
even touched her pussy or her clit, she was wet just from kissing me and from
my sucking on her nipples. And maybe from touching my cock.

Joanne’s eyes locked on mine, she wasn’t losing
herself in some other place, she was with me, her eyes serious, all the
deviousness, the teasing, all gone. Her face changed, softening, melting, as if
she had been waiting for this for the longest time, as if I was the first man
to be inside her, she looked at me like I was giving her a great gift.

I’d never felt closer to a woman sexually as I did
in that moment.

I kept pushing up, grabbing at her hips to hold her,
otherwise I would have thrown her off me. I didn’t think my cock had ever been
so deep in a woman, I swore I was hitting something, there was no place left to

So I pushed harder.

Her eyes widened, and I kept up the pressure, my
hips now a foot off the bed, a ram into her pussy. I kept my eyes open too,
waiting, waiting. . .

Joanne’s breathing became shallow, her eyes
fluttered, she tried to fight it, but finally she gave in, her eyes closing

I let her down, dropping back onto the bed, and her
eyes snapped open, her hips followed mine down, and then she was fucking me,
her hands on my chest, using her arms to lever herself up. I lay there for a
few seconds, not moving, making her do all the work.

“Now who’s the tease?” she said, a hint of anger in
her voice, but also a pleading.

I waited until she was coming down hard before again
thrusting up. I still had my hands on her hips but I didn’t hold on, and she
yelped, her body snapping upward, if she hadn’t been pushing down so hard she
would have come free.

“I may revise my characterization of you from bastard
to jerk,” she muttered, but she didn’t stop fucking me, driving back down.

Now I met her thrusts. “I just wanted to make it
clear. Just because you’re on top, you’re not fucking me.

“That’s right,” she said, her hands back on my chest,
working my cock, using it. “But remember, I wanted you to be the one to fuck
me.” She slammed into me, her words forced from her with each thrust: “I.
Chose. You.”

I grabbed her hips, and, the games out of the way,
we fucked, and when she was ready I knew it, and I suspected she did as well,
our eyes were opened the entire time, right through to when I felt her start to
tremble,  my ejaculation so strong she must have felt it shooting, and as her
orgasm overtook her, her whole body began to shake, her pussy squeezing my
cock, until I could no longer tell if it was her decision to milk me, or
whether her spasms had taken control, the contractions sucking my very seed.

I watched Joanne get dressed to go back to
the office. First the lacy underwear, then snapping the clips onto her
stockings. I’d never seen a woman do that, it was incredibly erotic, even
though she was putting them on instead of taking them off.

“Do you always dress like that at work?” I asked,
truly interested.

“Not always.”

“But sometimes?”

Joanne looked over at me.  I was still naked, lying
on the crisp white sheets. I needed to cool down, but the sight of Joanne, in
just her underwear, threatened to overwhelm the air conditioning. “Sometimes,”
she said.

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