Allure of the Vixen (16 page)

Read Allure of the Vixen Online

Authors: C. C. Morian

Tags: #hotwife/dc:Subject>, #wife sharing/dc:Subject>, #cuckold/dc:Subject> How could you not forgive someone who’s sin is wanting you so much? Joanne is irresistible. She’s everything Michael looks for in a woman. Stunning eyes. An amazing body. Smart and sensual. A vixen who snares men, #uses them, #and when she’s done, #casts them off. A woman who can make a man feel so powerful, #yet so helpless. Michael is successful, #handsome, #and attracts plenty of women, #he gets to pick and choose. He doesn’t need a woman who will try to jerk him around, #no matter how alluring. He’s promised himself to never get involved with a woman like Joanne. Especially one with her secret. . ., #Contemporary Romance/dc:Subject>, #alpha male/dc:Subject>

BOOK: Allure of the Vixen
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I blew out a breath. What she did with her husband
was between them, their secret, their private matter. I should have felt used,
but all I felt was that I had taken an amazing, exhilarating  ride, and I was
glad that I had.


I sat in the straight backed chair and finished the


I hope you don’t think I was using you for this, I
would have spent this evening with you with or without Peter being here,
because you will always be my lover, and you wanted this so. But Peter will
always be my husband, and he wanted it too. I did it for him, but for you too.

I hesitate to add the rest of this, because I don’t
want it to detract from what we’ve shared. But I also don’t want you to wonder
about me, to think there might have been something you could have done to have
me, totally. I told you once before no one man can ever satisfy me. I’ve
accepted that, and am content, More than content, I’ve discovered a way of life
that is always exciting.


So to lay your mind at ease (or maybe, just maybe, to
titillate you, I admit it), I’m going to share with you my other surprise for
Peter. On the other side of Peter’s room is another adjoining room. I booked
that one as well. My other lover is in that room. After I leave you, I will
spend some time with Peter, and then I will go to my other lover. He will do
unspeakable things to me, things you might not be able to even imagine. I’m
hoping that Peter will be able to hear everything, and perhaps even watch. My
other lover is not like you—thankfully, and because I chose him to be
different—and he may want Peter to watch.


Michael, I’ve had many lovers. That doesn’t make you
any less special, but more so. Each and every one of my lovers has been
different, unique. I wasn’t just with a man, I was with
No matter
what I do, no matter who I am with in the future, I will never compare anyone
to you, no one will ever replace you in my head and in my heart. Although it
maybe be odd to hear me say this, I love you. Not in the way many people use
that term, because that is reserved for Peter. But never for a moment think
that what we had wasn’t special.


Don’t ever forget me.


She signed it with just the letter J.



As if she had to sign it at all. As if there was a
chance of forgetting her, of forgetting how she had chosen me, captured me,
ensnared me, taken all of me.

And then let me go.

I sat in the chair, unmoving, for a long
time. Maybe an hour, maybe two. I didn’t really have a sense of what time it
was, well into the night, maybe closer to morning. It didn’t matter.

I tried not to think, tried just to be a man. I let
the feelings wash over me, letting my instincts guide me.

I was surprised at where I ended up. Not angry, not
sad. Just different. It was too soon to figure out if it was good or bad. I had
broken one of my rules, I had slept with a married woman. Perhaps the first
time could be excused, I didn’t know Joanne was married, although I hadn’t
really checked very hard, I’d never asked. But later, I knew, and I kept doing

And I had wanted to take her away from her husband,
something I never could have imagined ever doing.

And yet. . .

I felt like I had stepped into an abyss, I had taken
a leap of faith, and now I knew more about myself. I had experienced lovemaking
like I never had—and here was my one sadness—I was convinced I never would
again. I remembered Joanne’s words, about every lover being different. I’d have
to keep that in mind, I could never risk comparing any other woman to Joanne,
maybe a woman who would become my wife. Because they’d all fall short in at
least one respect. I couldn’t let that happen.

The room had become imperceptibly brighter, the hint
of the day to come. When I looked at the mirror over the dresser,  I saw that I
was smiling.



I showered quickly and packed. This room still had
its meaning to me, but I didn’t need to linger to remember it.

In the hallway, I didn’t pause as I passed Peter’s
room. Peter and Joanne’s room. But at the next door, I stopped.

And listened.

I didn’t need a stethoscope to hear what was going
on. A man’s voice, deep, demanding, controlling.

Joanne’s voice, sounding almost meek, so unlike the
voice I knew. Responding to each demand with a simple
demand, this time Joanne’s response coming too late, a sharp slap cutting
through the air.

At any other time, had I heard that, I would have
burst through the door. Now, I only listened. I was sure that if Joanne’s ass
had been slapped, it’s what she wanted. Or she wanted to be in a situation
where her ass might get slapped.

The man’s voice again. “On your knees.”

And now I leaned toward the door, and so help me, I
wanted to see, I wanted to know. Would he make Joanne take him in her mouth?

There was a mumble, and I cursed silently, I wanted
to hear.

“Say it,” the man demanded.

And of course, she surprised me again. Maybe I
shouldn’t have been, but I was.

“Fuck me in the ass,” said Joanne, her voice loud
and clear. For her lover.

For her husband.

 There was a grunt, and then a yelp, a cry, of pain,
of passion. For all I know, it was me that cried out.

I tried to picture the other lover, feeling a
kinship to him, even as he took Joanne as I never had. I could feel his power,
but also know his frustration. The man who could do to Joanne what I couldn’t,
but who would never be able to do to her what I had.

Joanne would make sure of that.

Different lovers, all unique.

I knew I hadn’t heard all of it, but I’d heard
enough. I walked down the hall, wondering if I could ever really understand
what it would be like to have a wife like Joanne.



~  ~  ~  ~  ~

If you enjoyed this book, please check out my other stories—you can
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the author

C. C. Morian.
I write stories filled
with incredible realism which explore how couples discover something new about
their spouses—and themselves. Or how men and women learn what
turns them on, often in unexpected, but perfectly believable, ways.

Books by C. C. Morian

A Surprise Revelation (The
Surprise Series #1)


Melissa has a handsome, caring husband, a good job, a nice
house. But there’s something missing—passion. She had it before, with boyfriend
Marcus, and misses it terribly.


Biker Vern recognizes her hidden need right away. The arousal
he awakens in Melissa makes her wonder if marrying Richard was the right thing
to do. Now Melissa’s tenth year reunion is coming up, a tempting opportunity to
reconnect with alpha male Marcus.


Richard. Vern. Marcus.

Safety. Danger. Passion.



Vern and Marcus forces Melissa  to confront the secret
uncontrollable need she has tried desperately to ignore, a need that, if she
succumbs to it, could devastate her husband Richard and destroy her marriage.


Yet Richard has a secret of his own. . .


(This is a standalone book, although Melissa and Richard’s
story will continue in
A Surprise Reunion




A Surprise Reunion (The Surprise
Series #2)


Melissa seems to have the perfect marriage. It’s comfortable
and safe. But deep down, she knows there is something missing. So does her
husband Richard. It’s tearing both of them apart.


The only man who Melissa felt truly passionate about was
alpha male Marcus. But that was back in college, ten years ago, and Melissa
thought she was over him. Now she’s not so sure, and neither is Richard.


Richard tells Melissa that he lovers he so much he wants her
to get back with Marcus to find out if that’s what she needs to make her really


There’s only one condition: Melissa has to tell Richard
everything that happens with Marcus.





(This is a standalone book, although you can read Melissa
and Richard’s backstory in
A Surprise Revelation.




A Kiss to Start it All

(New Adult Romance)


Sassy Jackie is a harmless flirt, or so she thinks. Turns
out her flirtations earn her a reputation on campus, not for being loose, but
just the opposite, because she’s never actually gone all the way. With no end
of guys trying to ‘fix’ her, and surrounded by the exploits of her wild friend
Sue, who’s a poster child for bad influence, Jackie is under a lot of pressure
to do


Jackie doesn’t think she should have to defend herself for
not putting out, or to do something she isn’t ready for, just to be considered
normal. It’s a dilemma every young woman faces, and Jackie wants to get it




This standalone story is the first of a new series about how
an innocent (or sometimes not so innocent!) kiss just might start something
new, exciting, sensuous, or even wild. . .


Books by C. C. Morian and Blaise Quin

Satisfying Her Needs


Peter’s wife Andie is hot, but when it comes to sex, she
just goes through the motions, and not very often at that. She says she loves
him, but married him for all his good qualities, not anything physical. The
only way Andie can get excited is by fantasizing about other men. Not faceless,
nameless men, but real men she knows, men she has flirted with. Although Peter
wishes he alone could turn Andie on, her fantasies help rekindle their love


Until Peter finds the video. . .


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