All the Way (23 page)

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Authors: Kimberley White

BOOK: All the Way
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“But you will when Hail says it's all right?”
He didn't answer.
“Adriano, you aren't trying to end it.”
“Angel, you live in Charlotte. I live in Chicago.”
“You made me admit how I felt about you. Now you want to back out? Why? Did Jake say something to you? Patrick?”
“This is bigger than us—you told me that. Putting Grazicky away has to be the priority. You're the source of our investigation.”
He'd turned into the reporter again. “You have to get the story.” Payton tapped the phone against her forehead while she tried to compose herself.
“I promised to get you to safety.”
“How can I be okay without you? You're making no sense at all.”
There was sadness in his voice. “I have to go. The sooner we find the body, the quicker it'll all be over.”
“Yes, angel?”
“I lied to you. When you asked me how I felt about you.”
“You don't have to do this.”
“I love you.”
A long pause.
“I love you, Adriano Norwood. I do.”
“I love you too, angel.”
Chapter 25
“Are you talking to my little sister?” Patrick boldly entered Adriano's bedroom in the suite. “I found the audio tapes. I listened to your interview.”
Adriano eyed him carefully, not able to get a good read on his mood.
“I don't need you to defend my little sister anymore. I'm here. I would have been here in the beginning if she had let me know what was going on. Payton pretends to be tough, but she's a sweet person. She never would have worked for Grazicky if she knew he was a criminal.”
“I know,” Adriano answered, still remaining careful.
“But that's not what you two were talking about on the tape.”
Adriano knew he owed Payton's brother an explanation. Patrick loved his sister, even if distance had caused them to become estranged. He'd left his wife and kids behind to jump on a plane to support her and ended up Grazicky's hostage. He had the bruises to prove it.
Patrick went on. “Let me refresh your memory, since you seem to have forgotten what was said . . . just like you forgot to turn off the tape. You were talking about things men and women talk about when they're in a relationship. Not interview material about a drug lord and killer.”
“Payton and I have become close. I don't deny it.”
“The tape was running when you—while you were having sex with my sister. From what I just listened to, it sounds like you took advantage of Payton because of what she was going through.”
Jake entered the room, circling like Patrick was a wild animal. “What's going on?”
“Your partner took advantage of my sister.”
“Adriano cares about Payton,” Jake said, defending him.
Adriano held up a hand, indicating Jake should stay out of it.
Patrick approached him. “Is that true?”
“I love her.”
“You got her story, and then you slept with her, but not once did you warn her about how dangerous Sherman Grazicky is.”
“I've been with her every time he sent his men after us. She knows he's dangerous.”
“I've been with
I've looked into Sherman's eyes. He's not going away until he gets his hands on Payton. Instead of protecting her, you left her out there alone, not knowing what's coming.”
Adriano's only defense: “I love her.”
“Love her?” Patrick glanced at Jake. “What's that supposed to mean? Are you planning a future with her?”
Adriano felt as if he were standing in front of his father trying to justify getting caught with one of the elder's daughters.
Patrick shoved his fists into his pants pockets. He spoke calmly, but his face twisted with restrained resentment. “You fix this, because if Grazicky touches Payton, I'm coming after you when I finish with him.”
Payton was awakened by harsh voices on the other side of her bedroom door. Remembering the last time she was awakened this way, she jumped from bed, ready to run at the sound of the first gunshot. There was a scuffle. She could hear the officers trying to subdue someone.
“Adriano?” She raced to the door, swinging it open to find Adriano being held between two officers. “Let him go,” she shouted.
One of the officers looked around.
Lisa Hail moved between them, separating Payton from Adriano. “You were told not to come here,” she said to Adriano.
“Why can't he come here? I've given you my statement.”
“I want to see Payton,” Adriano said, pulling away from the officers. His hair had come undone in the struggle and partially obstructed her view of his face.
“Let's get something straight, Norwood.” Lisa pressed her finger in Adriano's chest. “Ms. Vaughn is the witness I need. You didn't see anything valuable. You have nothing to offer to this case.”
“Leave him alone,” Payton said, stepping around the wide woman and shoving her finger away from Adriano's chest. “I've done what you've asked. Adriano stays.”
Lisa turned on her. “You think this is a game? You think you and your reporter are going to build a little love nest here? I have a case to put together.”
“We've been doing your job for a long time now,” Adriano said. “Go find your own evidence. How hard can it be? The man is a major drug dealer and has killed at least one person.”
Lisa's face puckered, but she didn't argue the truth. She spoke to the officers. “If he steps out of line, arrest him.” She huffed out of the hotel room, and the officers went back to their posts.
“Angel.” He crushed her in his arms, pressing his lips to hers before she could take a breath. He kissed her for a long time, gently stroking her back, reluctant to release her.
She led him into her bedroom, where they'd have privacy.
“What are you doing here?”
He sat on the bed, dragging her into his lap. “I missed you.”
“How's Patrick?”
“Going stir-crazy at the hotel. Lisa took his statement, but he never saw the men who grabbed him. Never even heard Grazicky's name mentioned until he was released at the bus station. Jake and Ethan are driving county by county to the medical examiners' offices with Franco Cimino's dental records. Patrick is going with them. Did you speak to your parents?”
“Last night.” She crushed his broad cheekbones between her palms. “I've missed you so much.”
“Me too, angel.” He kissed her again, angling her for better access to her body.
“What's going to happen now?” Payton asked. “Hail won't tell me too many details about the case.”
“Her case is still weak. She has a witness to a hit ordered by Grazicky, but no body and no motive. She's working the case harder than the last ADA. She'll find what she needs. Jake and I will stay on top of it.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “You just stay safe.”
“How long is this going to go on? I watch Court TV. Sometimes these criminals don't go to trial for years.”
“Angel, the authorities might not be able to keep you safe after a trial. Even when they put Grazicky away . . . he has connections.” He sounded sad. “Has anyone mentioned the witness-protection program?”
“You mean like the one gangsters go in to start a new life? I'm not going into any program. No, no way.” Mild panic set in. “I've heard about that in the movies. You have to change your name and your appearance.” Full-blown panic took over. “You can't have any contact with your family or friends ever again.” She gasped. “That means you, Adriano. I'd never be able to see you or talk to you again.”
“You can't go on the run forever.”
“I won't cut contact with my brother. If I've learned anything from this, it's to value my family. And I won't leave you.”
“I would rather be without you, knowing you were alive, than to jeopardize your safety.”
“This conversation is over, Adriano. I'm not leaving my family, my friends, or you. Right now I want you to tell me how much you love me, and how much I should love you.”
Adriano gathered his thoughts before continuing. “How would this work between us, Payton?”
“I don't know. Since I've met you, you've been telling me you want to be in charge. Here's your chance. Find a way. If you love me, Adriano, find a way to have me.”
“Do you think I don't want to be with you?” he asked, his voice edgy. “I love you.”
“You don't love me if you let me go.” Her voice wavered, making it impossible to hide her emotions.
“I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my life.” He dropped his head to her chest. “What kind of man would I be if I didn't put your happiness above what I want?”
“I won't be happy without you, Adriano.” She lifted his face to look at her. “Don't you understand? We're not over.”
Adriano's eyes searched her face, desperate to find an answer. “I came here to do the right thing. I know I should let you go. You have to rebuild your life. I know all this, but I love you, angel, and I don't want to give you up.”
“I love you, and it's real. It has nothing to do with being thrown into a dangerous situation together and my adrenalin getting the best of me.
I love you.
I always will.”
He opened the buttons of her blouse, slipped it off her shoulders, and tossed it in a nearby chair. He admiringly cupped her breasts.
She honored him with a sparkling smile.
“You have the most amazing breasts I've ever seen.” He nuzzled her breasts, bringing her to giggles.
“Don't make me laugh. I'm mad at you for being willing to give up on us.”
“I never wanted to give up on us. I wanted to do the honorable thing by you.”
“Leaving me?”
“Not disrupting your life. Being together is going to take major adjustments on both of our parts. I didn't feel I had the right to ask it of you, considering everything you've gone through.”
“Losing you would be worse than anything I've experienced so far.”
His fingers moved to unbutton her slacks. “This is our life. I want you to be happy.”
Getting lost in the depth of his soulful eyes, she used her thumbs to stroke the fairy-kiss over his bushy left brow.
“If there's anything you need to be happy, I'll do it. I promise,” he told her.
Her fingers moved through his silky hair.
“Got me?” He lifted her chin. “I offered you an out, and you didn't take it. You won't have the opportunity again.”
“Got it.” She locked her hands behind his neck.
Love filled the room with an emotional haze that warmed their naked bodies. His fingers moved sensuously over the concavities of her body, and her skin sizzled in the trail left behind.
“I love you,” they both declared, staring into each other's souls.
She pushed him over onto his back and straddled him. She traced the fairy-kiss before moving to the hardness of his nipples. His erection pressed urgently against her behind. His breathing deepened. She smiled at his intense response to her. Her response was just as intense to him, and she began to guide him into her.
He flipped her to the mattress and quickly covered her body with his.
“Why won't you ever let me be on top?” she asked.
“You have to know your place.”
“I do. With you.”
“Correct answer.”
He moistened his lips, and she pulled him down for a kiss that would end the argument in her favor.
“I want to be on top.”
He fell back on the bed, taking her with him. “Why do you insist on being on top?”
She removed the silky strands from his face. “Don't I deserve to be?”
“I can't argue.”
She watched him.
“What is it?”
She answered with a giggle. “I've changed my mind.”
He flipped her to the mattress.
“Make love to me, Adriano.”
“Only if you make love back.”
In the middle of the night, Payton lay very still, afraid to open her eyes and find Adriano gone. Finally she drew the courage to pry her lids apart.
Adriano smiled down at her. “I want to show you something.” He clicked on the bedside lamp before taking her hand and leading her out of bed. He walked her to the other side of the room. She followed, her eyes locked on his bare torso and its intricate network of sinew and muscle. His hair cascaded down his back in dark waves, begging to be touched. Even after making love to him dozens of times, her stomach flip-flopped every time she looked at him naked.
“Look,” he told her, directing her eyes to the floor.
Her eyes grew wide. “What did you do?” She fell to her knees at the end of a blanket made from the photos he'd snapped of her while they were hiding.
“I had extra time on my hands while I waited for you to recover.” A cocky smile lit his face. In that moment she knew everything would be all right. She didn't know how they would work out their relationship; she only knew Adriano was as committed to it as she was.
“It's a hard time to remember.” Her hands went to her chest. “But it's a great time to remember too.”
He kneeled behind her, wrapping his arms around her naked waist. “Don't get misty. Look over there.” He pointed to the far corner.
A gasp of delighted recognition. “The night you made love to me with your camera.”
“I'm thinking we can put this blanket to good use.” He turned her around inside the tight circle of his arms, bringing them face-to-face. “I could make love to you on it.”
“I can go you one better.”
“Why do you insist on being in charge?” he teased.
“Why don't you let me make love to you with the camera this time?”
On a blanket of photos, Adriano hovered over Payton's body, tracing the silhouette of her nakedness while she slept. He pressed his palm against her stomach. He wanted to be with this woman forever, giving her his child. The thought was so uncharacteristic of his nature, it made him sit back on his heels. Payton made him want to do unspeakable things. It scared him how she controlled him with a tight rein on the strings of his heart. So many men had told him the time would come when a woman knocked him for a loop, but he never believed it. Not until Payton barged into his life.
He lay down next to her, watching her breathe evenly in and out. He had been doing it for hours, trying to remember every contour of her body, every angle of her face. Being away from her for one night had been unbearable. How would he do it for weeks or months at a time? The urgency to find a solution overcame him. He didn't know how he would do it, but he knew he would never go back to Chicago without her.

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