All That Drama (21 page)

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Authors: Tina Brooks McKinney

BOOK: All That Drama
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Chapter 31

n the end, after going over my list and checking it twice, I was not ready to be single again and Norman did have a lot of pluses in his box. I had been single for so long that I thought my minor problems with Norman could be worked out for at least a little while. We had only been dating for a little over eight months and we had only had sex once so maybe I was being a little too harsh.

I agreed to let Norman come over that night and this time I said I would cook for him.

Tyson called me at work. I didn’t know he had my number but I just assumed that Sammie had given it to him.

“Hello, Tyson, how have you been?” I asked. He did not sound quite right. I heard noises in the background but I could not tell from the sounds. I glanced at my watch and realized that it was only 10:00 a.m.
He should be at school assuming that he still went
, I thought. I wanted to ask about his mother but something would not let those words out.

“Ms. Marie,” he started but did not continue. I could hear him crying.

“Tyson, what’s wrong? You’re scaring me!” I tried to keep my voice down but all kinds of thoughts went through my head. He still didn’t answer me because he was having a hard time catching his breath.

“Are you in trouble? Are you hurt?” I quickly asked him.

“It’s not me,” he wailed. Cold clammy fingers pricked my spine. “Tyson, tell me, please. Is it Sammie?” I had not spoken her name aloud in months and the word seemed foreign to my tongue. I had not forgotten her but I didn’t dwell on her either.

“It’s Kendall. She’s in the hospital,” he said, gaining some control.

“What happened?”

“She tried to kill herself!”

For a moment I could not speak. Visions of the lonely child flashed before my eyes. I shook my head to clear the images.

“Is she okay?” I whispered, fearing the worst. “Where are you?”

“I don’t know yet. I found her this morning. She would not get up when I knocked on her door for school. I went in and found her on the floor with a bottle of Mom’s pills lying beside her.” He was crying again. “She stopped breathing on the way over here. We are at DeKalb Medical. Can you come?”

“Where’s your mother?” Not that it mattered ’cause I was already grabbing my things.

“I don’t know,” he replied. “Will you still come?” he said.

“Of course, I’m on my way. If you need me before I can get there, call me on my cell phone. The number is 404-555-5175. Did you get it? Make sure you write it down but I’m on the way.”

“Hurry, Ms. Marie. I’m scared,” he said.

“Me, too, baby. Hold on, I’m coming.” I called my supervisor and informed her that I had a medical emergency and had to leave. She tried to get nosey but I told her that I didn’t have time to answer her questions. I said I would call them back later when I knew more. I ran down the hallway with my coat flapping behind me. As luck would have it, I did not drive that day and had to depend on MARTA to take me to my car. My moods switched between fear and anger. Fear that Kendall could die and anger at Sammie for making Tyson face this alone.

The elevator did not move fast enough and when it finally stopped on the first floor I took off running. I had on high heels but you would have thought I had on sneakers the way I was moving. People turned to watch me run but mostly got out of my way. I’m sure that I was a sight to behold.

I had two blocks to run to get to the MARTA station. By the second block, all those years of smoking caught up with me. I did not stop but my breathing was very labored. I looked down to make sure that I grabbed my purse. I would have been pissed if I had made it all the way to my car only to discover that I had no keys. Thankfully it was on my shoulder but my lungs hurt so bad I could not feel the added weight.

When I got to the escalator, I finally stopped running. I could have rushed down those steps as well but I was so winded that I probably would have had a massive heart attack. Sweat was pouring down my face and in my eyes. I used the sleeve of my coat to wipe my face staining it with my makeup. I had not started crying yet ’cause if I had I didn’t think I would be able to stop.

The stairs moved so slowly I started trotting down them. I arrived at the MARTA platform as the train was attempting to leave. I ran full tilt into the closing doors screeching for someone to hold them open. For once, a Good Samaritan did me a favor. I jumped on the train and collapsed into the first seat I found. Everyone on the train was staring at me and I didn’t blame them. I was sure my hair was all over my head and my eyes were wild.

I tried to compose myself while searching my purse for a Kleenex to wipe my face. I still was trying to catch my breath so I raised both hands up over my head hoping to expand my lungs. This appeared to work and after a few minutes I could finally shut my mouth and breathe through my nose. I searched for the guy that held the door and thanked him. He smiled and nodded his head at me. I looked around and everyone else quickly averted his or her eyes from me.

I again started digging through my purse so I would have my keys in hand and to find my cell phone. I thumbed through my directory until I found Sammie’s cell number. I called her and got her stupid voice mail. I put in my number and put 9-1-1 behind it. I didn’t know whether Tyson had tried her number or not but it was worth a shot. Chances were that if they had to pump Kendall’s stomach I was so sure they would need parental consent before they did. If necessary, I would lie and fill out the forms my damn self.

Chapter 32

yson was waiting by the emergency room door when I arrived at the hospital. Since I couldn’t park in the emergency room entrance, I signaled to him that I would go park the car. I ran the entire way back to Tyson and held my arms out to him. He came towards me with no hesitation and his slim shoulders convulsed against mine. I was afraid to ask him how Kendall was but I knew I had to.

I raised his face to look him in the eyes. He blinked but held my gaze.

“Any news yet?” My heart practically stopped beating as I waited for his response.

“No, nothing. I’m so scared, Ms. Marie. I don’t know what to do,” he said again.

“I know, baby, me too. Have you heard anything from your mother yet?” He shook his head no.

“Listen to me,” I said, grabbing his face sternly once again. “If anyone asks you, I’m your mother. Do you understand?”

“I wish you were!” he said.

“Stop that,” I admonished. “Let’s just get through this. If they need to do anything to your sister, someone will have to sign for it. I’m willing to do that but you have got to back me up!” He nodded his head in agreement. Together we walked through the emergency room doors.

“I’d like some information, please. My daughter, Kendall Davis, was brought in a couple of hours ago. Can you tell me where she is, and how she’s doing?”

“Spell the name, please,” the clerk curtly responded.

I wanted to snatch that heifer across the desk but I knew it would not help the situation. “K-e-n-d-a-l-l-D-a-v-i-s,” I repeated, slowly enunciating each syllable.

She punched something in the computer, hesitated and looked me directly in the face for the first time. Once again I felt the icy grip of fear. Tyson, whose arm was still around my waist, drew me closer.

“They have not updated her condition yet. I will let the doctors know that you are here. Please have a seat.” A single tear slid down my face. I turned to guide Tyson to the nearest row of chairs. He was crying all over again. I held him until he could speak.

“Tyson, do you know why Kendall did this?” He mumbled something and I told him that I could not hear him.

“The kids at school are always teasing her. They call her Frankenstein. She doesn’t say anything to anybody; she just takes it.” I knew firsthand how cruel children could be. Kendall was built just like her mother. She was almost as tall as Sammie.

“How old is Kendall now?”

“She just turned fourteen,” he said.

“She has not even had a chance to grow into her body yet. It will change and once she starts to fill out she will have all the boys looking at her just like her momma.” I meant those words to be of comfort but Tyson turned his nose up in disgust.

“She don’t want those boys looking at her. That is the point! They have been hounding her since her breasts started to grow. They call her names like slut and whore! I hear her crying at night but she won’t talk to me,” he said.

“Did she tell Sammie?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t been around the house much since you two stopped hanging together. I’ve got my own place now but I stop by to make sure that Kendall is OK when I know her mother ain’t there.”

“She’s your mother, too! You’re still seventeen; what do you mean that you have your own place?”

“It’s like I said. I’m all right,” he angrily declared. I was not trying to get him pissed but I was so confused.

“Are you still in school?” I inquired.

“Not day school; I’m taking classes at night to get my GED. I work during the day.” So much had happened in so little time.

“Why didn’t you call me, Tyson?” I asked.

“For what? You’ve been cleaning up Mom’s shit for years. I’m a man now and it’s time I look out for myself. I know I’ll do a damn better job than she ever did!” he said as he swiped fresh tears from his face.

I could not deny anything that he had said. It hurt me that I couldn’t fix this for him. When I put Sammie out I didn’t think it would come to this. I thought it would make her silly ass grow up but obviously it didn’t.

“When we left your house she got worse and worse. She knew she fucked up with you but wouldn’t admit it.”

“Look, grown man or not, you are not going to sit here and cuss like a sailor. Cussing is my job, damn it,” I said with conviction in my voice and a tender smile on my lips.

He looked up confused to see if I was really mad but my smile told him I wasn’t. “I’m sorry,” he said and for the first time, I felt he truly meant it. I patted his hand for him to continue. He had not let me go since we sat down.

“Mom stays in bed all day. She wouldn’t eat and wouldn’t fix anything for us either. She finally went to a doctor and he gave her all kinds of pills. She said she was a manic something or another. Those are the pills that Kendall took.”

“Sweet Jesus.” I could not think of anything else to say. “What about your grandmother; have you called her yet?”

“I ain’t calling that heifer.” He looked at me and offered another apology. “She would only make a bad situation worse and Kendall is fuc…uh, messed up enough as it is.”

From what I knew of Althea I could only agree with him. I struggled between what I thought was good for the kids and my moral responsibility as an adult. I opted for the kids. “Look, I will be right back. I need to call my mother to make sure that she goes and gets Keira and Kevin. I don’t want them coming home to an empty house. Stay right here,” I instructed.

I went to a pay phone anxiously eyeing the attendant to see if she would give me more information now that I was alone. She ignored me and I fought the urge again to snatch her skinny ass over the desk. I called Mom and briefly explained the situation. She said she understood and that she would see me when I was done.

“I’ll be praying for her, too,” she said as she hung up the phone. I also called my job and told them that my niece had been rushed to the hospital and I was waiting to speak to a doctor. My boss acted like she wanted to get an attitude but I told her my sister was out of town and I was the next of kin. She backed up immediately. White people make you lie to them! I also tried Sammie’s cell again but she still didn’t answer.

“Damn!” I shouted at the phone as I slammed it back on the receiver. I was so angry with Sammie I could have run her over with my car. I was also very scared. I didn’t want to have to make any decision regarding Kendall, but I would if I had to. I went back to Tyson and together we waited for news from the doctor. It was the longest two hours of my life and when he came out, it was written all over his face that the news was not good.

“Are you Ms. Davis?” he asked. I stood and nodded my head.

“This is Tyson, her brother. How is she?” A very large knot grew in my throat and I didn’t think I would be able to swallow the spit that was pooling in my mouth. My hands were shaking and I tried to hide them behind my back but Tyson would not let my hand go.

“My name is Dr. Phillips and I was the attending physician when they brought your daughter in,” he said.

I said, squeezing Tyson’s hand tighter. The tears began all over again as I looked at Tyson to see if he had heard what I did.

“I’m sorry; I mean I
her attending physician.” My knees started to buckle. He noticed and gently guided me back to my original seat. He took the seat between Tyson and me, breaking the bond that was holding us both together. For a moment, he did not say anything further. The silence was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. He was giving us an opportunity to get ourselves together and briefly I appreciated it.

“Do you have any idea what type of pills she took?” Dr. Phillips asked. I looked over his head trying to make eye contact with Tyson. He just shook his head. I realized that I could not keep up the pretense of being Kendall’s mother.

“Dr. Phillips, I have to be honest with you. I’m not really Kendall’s mother. She is the daughter of my best friend and I can’t seem to get in touch with her. This is her brother and he phoned me when he found his sister.”

“I see.” He turned to Tyson and said, “Do you know how long ago she took these pills?” Again, Tyson just shook his head.

“How old are you, son?” he inquired.

“Almost eighteen, sir,” Tyson respectfully answered.

“How close is almost?”

“Within the month.”

“Ms. Uhm…?”

“Morgan,” I replied.

“Yes, by rights, Ms. Morgan, I cannot discuss Kendall with you. I can, however, talk to Tyson as her next of kin and if you so happen to provide him with some advice I can pretend that I didn’t hear it from you. Agreed?”

“Yes,” I promptly agreed. I looked at him for the first time. He reminded me of a younger Marcus Welby who used to have a show on TV when I was much younger. He had the softest blue eyes that I had ever seen and had a very kind smile. He took my hand and gently patted it.

“Okay then. Kendall is unconscious. We have pumped her stomach but without knowing how long she was out and exactly what she took I can’t make you any promises. The next forty-eight hours will be critical. If she can make it through that, she has a good chance of pulling through.”

Tyson and I both breathed easier for a moment.

“She has a lot of positive things on her side—for one, her age and apparent health. However, I don’t want to fill you both with false hope. We almost lost her twice since she was brought in. We won’t know if there was brain damage until she wakes up. I’m sorry the news is not better, but I want to assure you that I will do everything I can to help her. Do you have any questions?” he asked, directing his attention to both of us. I shook my head no ’cause I did not know what else to say. He stood up and was turning to leave.

“Wait, can we see her?” I begged with tears running down my face.

“No, I’m sorry. She will remain in ICU for the next forty-eight hours. She is on a respirator and we will be keeping a close eye on her. There really is nothing else that you can do tonight except maybe find her mother.”

Those words burned a hole in my heart. He instructed me to leave my contact information at the front desk. He also wanted a number for Tyson, but I told him that Tyson would be staying with me. He promised to call us if her condition changed in any way.

Tyson didn’t want to leave the hospital but I made him realize that we had done all we could do for the moment. We were hopeful but still scared. I tried Sammie’s phone once more before heading out, and this time I left her a message.

“I don’t know where the fuck you are but your daughter is fighting for her life at DeKalb Medical, so I suggest you get off your fucking ass and come to the hospital immediately!” I regretted leaving such a harsh message on her cell phone but she left me no choice. I was not Kendall’s mother and that was who she needed. I debated again about whether or not to call Althea, but I decided to wait at least until tomorrow. Basically, she could not do any more than I had done, and I had not signed any type of form that would hold me legally accountable if her condition did not improve. I just did not feel like sparring with Althea; plus Tyson looked like he could really use some sleep.

I made one other call and that was to my mother.

“Mom, it’s me.”

“How is she, baby?” she responded.

“I don’t know. She is still unconscious and the doctor said the next forty-eight hours would tell. I have Tyson and I am taking him to my house. Can Kevin and Keira stay with you tonight? I don’t know if I will have to come back to the hospital tonight and it would be easier if I don’t have to bring them along with me.”

“Of course they can. I have enough clothes here for the weekend and if we run out, then I’ll just wash them,” she said.

“I know you will. Thanks, Mom. I will call them later after I get Tyson settled. I love you.”

“I love you, too, sweetheart,” she said.

I led Tyson to my car unsure of what to say to make him feel better. A part of me wanted to take the blame for Sammie’s actions but she was an adult. I just hated the fact that two innocent lives were caught up in her trifling shit.

“Tyson, can I ask you a question?” I meekly said once both car doors were closed and locked. He didn’t reply, forcing me to look over at him. He was trying to keep the tears inside and losing the battle. He sniffled and said, “Yeah.”

“Do you think Kendall would have done this if she still lived with your grandmother?” He took his time answering me and for a moment I thought that he was going to totally shut me out.

“I really don’t know, Ms. Marie. I would like to blame this on my mother but it probably would have happened wherever we lived. Kendall has always been unhappy. I can count her smiles on my two hands. Mom might have made it better if she had noticed, but the results might have been the same.”

I did not know how to respond to that so I changed the subject. “Will you come to my house and spend the night?”

“Yeah, I would like that but I need to stop by my house to let my girl know what is going on. We don’t have a phone yet and she will surely trip if I don’t come home tonight.”

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