All Jacked Up (3 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: All Jacked Up
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She lifted her hands to his chest, lathering the hair-dusted surface and reaching his own nipples, giving them the same treatment. The muscles in his groin tightened and his cock flexed. They stared at each other, gazes locked, as they teased and toyed with each other.

When he moved his hands lower across the soft skin of her tummy to her pussy she followed a similar path on his body, lathering the hair surrounding his shaft then closing her fingers around the erection itself. Jack slid one finger between her folds and traced the line of her slit. She was so much tinier than he was that he had to bend at the waist to touch her without disturbing her grip on him.

For long seconds they teased each other, his fingers probing the length of her cunt, up and down, rubbing the tip of her clit again and again, while she stroked his cock from root to tip and back again. Her breasts rose and fell with the increased pace of her breathing and his own breath seesawed in and out of his lungs.

Abruptly he stopped, brushed her hands away and turned her so she faced away from him. She tried to turn back but he put one hand on her shoulder, pressing firmly.

“Don’t move,” he ordered. “Just stay this way.”

He soaped his hands again and moved them down her back, kneading the delicate muscles. God, she was such a tiny thing. And with her short spiky hair slicked down on her head she looked so young he wanted to ask her if she was even of legal age. For anything. He swept down the length of her spine to the curve of her ass, cupped the firm globes and squeezed them. Her muscles flexed back against his hands, a delicate movement that shot up his testosterone level. He trailed his fingers through the warm crevice, finding the tight puckered ring of her hole and just barely scraping his fingernail over it.

Darcy shuddered and he heard a soft moan bubble up from her. Jesus, the thought of his cock penetrating her there was almost more than he could bear. He turned her to face him again, urged her legs apart with his foot and knelt beneath the stinging spray of the shower. Opening her labia with his fingers, he allowed the water to rinse away the remnants of lather before placing his mouth on her clit and pulling on it hard.

Darcy clamped her hands on his shoulders, her fingernails digging into him as he sucked and tugged on the bundle of nerves. Probing for her opening he slid one finger into the tight sheath of her pussy, feeling her muscles clench down on him at once. He curved the finger, pressing upward until he found the base of her clit from the inside. He slid a second finger inside her, then a third, working them slowly into her very tight channel. Then he worked his mouth and his fingers, stroking and sucking until he felt her body convulse, the walls of her pussy grip down on him and her entire body shake with the force of her climax.

The hot water had cleared away a substantial layer of the fog shrouding his brain. Now he barely gave her time to catch her breath before turning off the shower, lifting her out and drying them both very quickly. He carried her into the bedroom, yanked back the covers and deposited her on the sheet. Opening the drawer of the nightstand, he dug into the box of condoms he kept there and pulled one out, nearly tearing it in his haste to sheath himself.

Then he was between her thighs, sliding his hands under her ass, lifting her up towards him. He was shaking with need so badly he had to move one hand to grip his cock and guide himself into the hot well of her cunt. The moment the head was inside a surge of heat washed through him so strong he had to grit his teeth for control. He paused, closed his eyes, took a deep breath and slowly, slowly inched his way fully into her tight, hot grasp.

It was better than he imagined it could be. She was hot and wet, and her tender walls gripped him like an iron fist. Beneath him she was arching up to him and making delicious little sounds at the back of her throat.

“Look at me.” His voice was so hoarse he barely recognised it. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

She did, the oh-so thick lashes framing irises that had darkened almost to navy. Oh, yeah. She was as turned on as he was. Hoping he didn’t pass out again he lowered his head to take one stiff nipple into his mouth. Immediately she let her head fall back, exposing the sexy line of her neck, and the teasing sounds became full-throated moans.

Jack sucked and pulled and nipped gently until the nipple hardened even more. Then he turned his attention to the other one. But his control was beginning to erode, the electric feel of her pussy around him shredding the last of his self-discipline. If indeed he had any left tonight.

Sucking in a deep breath he gave in to the need and jackhammered into her. Again, again, again. She wrapped her legs around him, digging her heels into the small of his back and pulling herself more tightly against him.

He managed somehow to slide a hand between them without losing his balance, reached for her clit and stroked it hard and fast. Because he was so ready. So very ready. And some shred of his brain told him not to leave her behind.

“Come, baby,” he gritted. “Now, now, now.”

Then he felt it, the tightening of her body, spasms fluttering through her cunt, building in intensity. And he let go, pouring himself in hot spurts into the latex reservoir, shuddering until he thought his body would come apart at the joints.

Chapter Three

Jack realised he’d forgotten to close the blinds when hot, bright sunlight slammed into his bedroom. He flung an arm across his face, covering his eyes. He shifted on the mattress and when he did he came in contact with another warm body.

A warm body?

Shock slapped at him like an ice bath. Had he brought someone home last night? He never brought women to his place. Always theirs. So when he discovered it was yet another mistake he could walk away and not have to worry about a messy morning-after. So what was a body doing in his bed? Who the hell was it? Just how drunk had he got last night?

Prising one eye open with great reluctance he panicked at what he saw. The head on the pillow next to him was covered with very short, black spiky hair. He saw a delicate ear and the smooth curve of a cheek. The graceful line of a naked shoulder and arm and—

Naked? Naked?

Apprehensively he drew back the sheet a little. Yup. There was a whole naked body lying next to him. And not one of the full-breasted long-legged women he usually fucked. This one was almost pint-sized, although perfectly formed. He couldn’t help but admire the curve of her ass and the sweep of thigh.

He dropped the sheet as if it was fire burning his fingers. What the hell was he doing, admiring some woman in his bed? He didn’t even know who the fuck she was. And he suddenly realised he was just as naked as she was. His stomach cramped and his head throbbed. What had he got himself into? As carefully as he could he tried to manoeuvre himself out of the bed. But just as he’d moved over far enough to ease his feet to the floor the little pixie turned over, sighed and opened her eyes.

“Oh my god!” she screamed, sat up and yanked the covers up to her chin.

Jack was so startled he fell off the mattress to the floor, painfully bumping his hip against the nightstand.

“Fuck,” he grunted as he heaved himself to his feet.

“You’re naked!” the pixie screeched at him.

“So are you,” he pointed out as he limped over to his dresser.

He yanked open a drawer, took out a pair of sweat pants and pulled them on. When he turned around the pixie was out of his bed, backing towards a corner, and wrapped in a sheet. There was so much fabric for such a small person she looked as if she was about to be mummified. Her cheeks were a bright red and she was clutching the sheet in a death grip.

“I’m sorry for yelling,” she said.

“Okay, so am I.” He studied her. “Just who the hell are you?”

The flush staining her face deepened. “You don’t remember? Anything? Last night? None of it?”

He frowned. “Last night? What about it?”

She sighed and backed even further away from him. “Eli’s? Your birthday? One drink or five too many?”

Then it clicked into place. All of it. Everything. Passing out at Eli’s. The pixie driving him home. Somehow getting him into his house. And all the rest of it. The shower. The very hot sex…

Holy fucking shit!

“I, um, that is…” What did you say to someone under these circumstances?

“Darcy.” She glared at him.

“Excuse me?”

“My name. It’s Darcy. In case you’ve forgotten that along with everything else.”

“Darcy.” He tried it on for size. He’d taken a woman named
home with him? He shook his head.

“Yes,” she said insistently. “Darcy. That
my name. O’Connor. You never bothered to ask what the last name is.”

Hell and damnation. What was he supposed to do in a situation like this? Shake hands?

“Jack Manning,” he told her.

She stamped a small foot. “I
name is, you idiot. What I’d like to do is forget it.”

“Listen.” He scratched his head. “I, um, want to thank you.”

She tilted her head. “For what? The ride home or the sex?”

Oh. Right. The sex. His body suddenly got hot all over as he remembered just how outstanding the sex had been. And with this woman who was so far from his type—his dream girl—it was not to be believed. He wished he could remember exactly how much he’d had to drink. And what stupid things he might have said.

That aside, he now had this particular situation to deal with. What was the proper etiquette here?

“Would you, um, like a cup of coffee?”

“Coffee?” She looked as if she’d rather have a pickaxe to bury in his head. Then, as if she’d thought better of it, “Yes. Black. You can fix it while I get dressed.”

That was his cue to exit. He moved hastily into the kitchen. Mr Big, who apparently had more sense than he did, came in from the screened porch where he’d been waiting for the day’s action to begin. Usually he was up on Jack’s chest doing his ecstatic kneading and meowing for breakfast. Today he’d somehow known enough to stay out of the way.

Jack reached down and petted him, then filled his food and water bowls. Then he fumbled in the kitchen grinding beans, pouring water and waiting for the coffee to brew. Should he fill a cup for her? Find a travel mug?

Well, Manning, you’ve certainly got yourself in a spot here. Too bad I can’t blink my eyes and make her disappear.

Thank god it was Saturday morning and he didn’t have to work. Oh, wait. He worked from home, running his many financial services operations. But at least he had nothing critical simmering on the front burner at the moment.

He listened for sounds from the bathroom, wondering if she’d shower first or wait until she got home. The image of her naked under the water spray as she’d been the night before hit him with the punch of a fist. Remembering the little droplets of water on her silken skin, beading on her pert breasts and her dusky nipples, glistening on the curls covering her mound made his cock instantly stand at attention.

Shit, shit, shit.

While he was trying to get his body to behave and figure out the next order of business he heard steps behind him and there was Darcy, wearing the tight jeans, the sweater in the strange shade of green and the high shiny boots with the killer heels. He didn’t know if she’d tried to do anything with her hair and failed or if it was supposed to stick up the way it did. Over one shoulder she carried a very large tote.

“I followed the smell of the coffee,” she said, unsmiling.

“Oh, ah, yes. Right. It’s ready. I didn’t know if you wanted to drink it here or if you wanted it to go.”

“Do you have a Styrofoam cup? If you do I’ll take it to go. I’m sure you want me out of here as much as I want to leave.”

While he dug through his pantry closet for a cup she said, “You’ll have to drive me to Eli’s.”

Jack nearly dropped the coffee carafe. Drive her? In his car? She wasn’t just leaving?

“I brought you home in your car last night,” she reminded him. “I can do a lot of things but driving two cars at once isn’t one of them.” She raked her eyes over him when he handed her the Styrofoam cup. “You might want to put on something a little more appropriate than that. Unless you don’t mind advertising your morning hard-on.”

His face heated and he turned away from her. “Nothing you haven’t already seen,” he muttered.

“And don’t intend to ever see again,” she snapped back. “So how about it? Can we get going any time soon?”

“Five minutes and we’ll be good to go.”

In his bedroom he tossed the sweats over the rumpled bed, found some jeans and a T-shirt, shoved his feet into deck shoes and grabbed his wallet and keys. The faster he got this female out of his life, the better. Why couldn’t she have been the slender blonde with masses of golden hair and sultry blue eyes he’d been waiting for all his life?

Not that he hadn’t managed to find one now then and date her. But somehow he always felt as if he was in bed with a cardboard cut-out. Or maybe Barbie come to life. Surely there was one who looked just like that who also had brains and personality out there waiting for him?

“Your five minutes are up,” Darcy called from the kitchen.

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