All Grown Up (4 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

BOOK: All Grown Up
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Jesus Mina, you are such a whore,” I giggled, dragging her over to where everyone was dancing.

Once we got more people to start dancing, including Roni who danced with Max
, Mina and I snuck away. We were about to start up to the tree house when someone grabbed me.

Ahhh!” I turned to see Leo laughing. Mina joined him.

Holy Shit!” I tried to calm myself. “That wasn’t funny!” I choked out in between laughs.

Fuck yes, it was. So, what are you two up to?” He raised an eyebrow at us.

All too suspiciously we answered,
“nothing,” at the same time and quickly looked at each other. Then we bolted for the ladder and started climbing.

Mina was looking for our targets as I was getting the balloons out of the cooler. We were stifling our laughter as we got to the little wooden window and spotted Roni. Mina launched first and we heard Roni yell. I found Christy and launched at the ground near her. She started yelling.
It may seem mean and juvenile, but it was payback from my birthday two years ago.

I was grabbing more ammunition when Min
a got an evil look on her face.

"What are you up to?" I asked her looking out the window.  I watched as she hit Leo with a balloon.
I heard him yell almost instantly and fell to the floor laughing hysterically. Without even looking, I launched two balloons out the window.

We were in a giggle fit when I heard footsteps in the tree house. I had a balloon in my hand and held it up in defense. I thought it would be Roni, but it wasn’t. It was Leo. His hair was soaked and sticking to his forehead. We took one look at him and cracked up.

"She did it!" Mina yelled and pointed to me.

"What? I did not! Leo, it was Mina and you know it!" I threw the balloon I had at Mina and soaked her.

"I knew you two were up to no good." He smiled.

I was wrestling Mina away from the balloons so she couldn’t get me when I felt a splash against my shoulder. I turned to see L
eo with the remaining balloons.

"Hey, it was Mina!" I laughed.

Then he threw one at Mina. Mina and I got up and quickly went after him. Mina pulled him down to the floor by his legs. I pushed his chest so that his back was on the floor while I tried to reach for the balloons he was holding away from us. The pulsing heat was instantaneous. I was about to pull back but his arm wrapped partially around my waist and I froze. Mina started tickling him and he dropped the balloons, snapping me out of my daze. I grabbed the two balloons that were left, broke one over his head and took off down the ladder. When my feet hit the ground I heard Mina yell.

"Chloe, look out!" I looked up to see Leo coming down quickly. I stepped back
, slowly. As soon as his feet hit the ground, I smacked him with the other balloon, soaking his chest. He paused for a moment and I took that opportunity to take off and hide.

I made it to the dining room where my parents and the
Mackeys, along with some other parents, were sitting around the table talking. They turned to me and took in my appearance, soaking wet and out of breath.

"Here we go," was all Judith said. Then I heard shoes squeak. I snapped my head to see Leo coming after me with Mina close behind. I bolted to the other side of the table and stood behind my

Leo stopped at the doorway as the room took in his appearance like they did mine.

"Here we go is right," Elaine spoke this time "Everyone, hold on to your chairs." The room laughed and Leo took off after me.

I made it out of the dining room and through the front door of the house, slamming it behind me
. I took off to the side of the house, stopping to catch my breath when I realized Leo wasn’t behind me. Apprehensively, I walked to the back yard.

No sign of him, good.

Wrong. As soon as I walked out of the shadow of the house, Mina was yelling at me.

"Chloe, Run!" I turned to see Max holding Mina
back with Roni trying to cover her mouth. Leo was right in front of me, about an arm’s length away. I took off toward the tree house but he caught me before I could get up the ladder and threw me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I smacked his back. He just laughed.

"Paybacks are a bitch, aren’t they, Chloe?" I tried to squirm out of his grip, but it wasn’t working.

Then I
realized where we were headed.

"No, Leo
! No, not the pool! Come on!" My pleading was met with a splash as he tossed me in. He was standing on the shallow end, almost in tears laughing. I swam over to where he was and started splashing water at him. "Jerk!" I laughed out.

"Pool Party!"
Max came running and cannon balled into the pool. Roni joined next, along with a few other people.

I climbed out a
nd started walking toward Mina.

"Don’t you dare,
Chloe. This outfit is new!" I playfully scowled at her. She started to run but Leo grabbed her and brought her to the pool. I took her other arm and we threw her in.

Leo was laughing again and
, while he was distracted, I took that opportunity to shove him into the pool. I heard Max laugh louder than anyone else.

"You will pay, Fisher!" Leo shouted
as Mina tackled him into the water.


After a while, everyone climbed out of the pool and started to head home. Roni and I went to our house to change. While I finished my shower and got into dry clothes, Roni headed over to the Mackeys. I was about to walk onto Mina’s back porch when I heard Leo’s voice.


"Yeah?" I stopped where I was and looked over at him.

"I think that this is yours." I saw that he had my shoe in his hand.

I walked over and grabbed it.

"Yep. Thanks." I turned to go into the house.

I turned to look at him, but didn’t expect him to be so close to my face.

One more step and his body would be pressed against mine. I don’t know why, but there was this pull to put my hands on him, to touch him. It was like a deep
, subconscious desire. My hand twitched when he stepped half a step closer, beginning to close the gap. His face was leaning toward mine and I held my breath.

"Leo," Max yelled from the back door. I j
umped and stepped back quickly.

What the hell?

"Hey dude, Eve is calling your phone, man." Leo was still looking at me, but I ignored him and walked quickly into the house to find Mina.

I am beyond confused about what
just happened.


Chapter Five
Big Brother



A week had passed since Roni and Christy’s party. A few days after the party
, Christy started having false labor pains, so we were all anxiously waiting for the real thing to happen. Christy was miserable and I tried to spend a few hours a day hanging out with her; painting her toe nails, talking about different baby names, watching movies and getting her banana popsicles.

Christy and I were seated on the couch in the living room when our front door slammed shut. We both turned our attention in that direction
as Mina came waltzing in.

"What’s up with you?" I asked Mina as I turned my head back to the TV.

"Leo’s girlfriend just got here, that’s what," she huffed and plopped down into a chair.

"So, is she a bitch or something?" Christy asked.

"NO." Mina huffed again.

Care to explain why you are so pissed then?" I gave her my full attention now.

"She’s actually nice
, I like her. And that’s the problem."

"You wanted to not like her?" I asked.

"YES," she looked at me full on. "I wanted to have something to yell at him for, like he does to me about boyfriends and dating."

I started laughing. "Mina, I think that I would rather like the person than have some awful bitch in my house for a few weeks." Christy was
nodding her head in agreement.

Mina slouched back into the chair and silently watched TV.

I woke up about an hour later by Christy shouting at me. "Chloe, Get up! Please! It’s time!"

Like time, time??!!" I shouted, jolting upright.


"Fuck!" I ran to grab her bag, the keys and my phone. Mina jumped up and pulled her phone out too.

I called Randy who was meeting us at the hospital and then I called Judith who was out running errands. Mina called Elaine, Kenneth and K.C.
as I helped Christy to the car. Approximately two point five seconds later, we took off to the hospital.

Two hours later
, we were sitting in the waiting room. Randy was with Christy and the rest of us were sitting in a group. K.C. arrived just then with Max, Leo, and who I assumed was Eve following him.

K.C. sat next to me. "Is Randy with her?"

"Yes," Judith answered him.

"Is she okay?"

Judith nodded her head and K.C. sighed loudly. I put my hand on his in comfort and he turned and smiled, leaning against me.

Tired of sitting in silence
, Judith started some generic conversations. She talked to K.C. about college, and then turned to Leo and Max. Leo introduced Eve to all of us. Mina was right, she was really nice, though they were an odd pair. Leo was your typical college guy whole Eve was a total nature child. We learned that she was a vegetarian, an animal rights supporter and was studying anthropology as her current college major. Her appearance was unique. Eve had long, wild, curly red hair and a very fair complexion with light freckles across her nose. She was quite impressive and a little intimidating.

Randy suddenly emerged from the double doors. "Randy?" Judith stood quickly.

He smiled. "Everything is fine." He hugged Judith. "Chloe?"

," I said quickly.

"Christy is asking for you. Do you mind..?" He motioned for me to come with him.

Mina pushed me up from my seat and Roni gave me a reassuring smile. "Of course not." He grabbed my hand and pulled me behind the doors with him.

We entered Christy’s room. She smiled with effort as I walked over to her. "How are you feeling?" I rolled my eyes at myself. "Dumb question, huh?" I smiled sheepishly.

"I’m fine. Just tired and ready for this to be over" she lightly shook like she was laughing. Then she grabbed my hand quickly and squeezed.

"It’s okay
, baby. You’re almost there…" Randy rubbed her back as he spoke. "The worst part is over."

For. You. To. Say," Christy spit in between pants. Once the pain surpassed, Christy looked into my eyes. "Chloe, will you please stay with me?" I must’ve looked shocked because she smiled lightly and put her hand on my cheek. "Chloe, you’re my sister. I love you."

"Of course I’ll stay with you
." I leaned in and kissed her forehead.

Four hours later
, Michele Judith arrived. She was almost seven pounds, 20 inches long and had a full head of black hair. Christy had decided to name the baby after Judith and me, using my middle name. Everyone "oohed" and "awed" over the baby before leaving Randy and Christy to enjoy their daughter alone.

Mina, Roni and I were lying around Mina’s room talking about the whole birth and delivery
. Roni couldn’t wait to have children, apparently. Mina and I were a little more hesitant, especially after what I witnessed today.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Mina yelled not moving.

We all looked to the door as Eve entered the room. "Sorry
," she looked at Mina apologetically. "Um…Leo said that you may have some lotion that I could get?"

," Mina said, smiling. She really did like Eve. "Follow me." Eve followed, clearly not knowing what she was asking for. Roni and I looked at each other and smiled, waiting for the reaction that Mina, and any of her products, would cause her to have.

"This is all yours?!" Eve asked, clearly shocked. Roni and I giggled.

"Yep…" Eve cut her off before she could say anything else.

"Do you know that they test these products on animals
, Mina?" Eve held up a bottle of some lotion in one hand and some make up in the other. Mina looked dumbstruck with her mouth hanging open. Roni and I were stifling giggles. "Mina, you shouldn’t buy these products. These companies are known for their cruelty."

Ummm…okay," it was all that Mina could get out before Eve grabbed some Vaseline and headed out of Mina’s room.

"I’ll get you some information on animal friendly products
," Eve said proudly before shutting the door behind her.

Once she was gone
, Roni and I busted into hysterics.

"Oh. My.
God! Seriously?! Did that just really happen?!" Mina shouted toward us and started laughing.

"I thought…I was…watching…a movie…" Roni laughed out. I was in tears and my sides started hurting.


~ ~ ~


Two days later
, Christy and Michele were released from the hospital. They came to stay with us for two weeks before moving in with Randy down near Lookout Beach. Kenneth and Judith set up a bassinet and changing table in Christy’s room in preparation for arrival.

had her days and nights mixed up. Judith and Christy were exhausted. I watched Michele in the morning so they could catch up on sleep. Randy had been staying here most nights as well. During the first week, we also figured out, that, for some reason, I could soothe Michele very quickly when she was fussy. Christy was her first choice, obviously; however, if I held her to my chest then she would calm down and usually fall asleep.

Kenneth and Randy were smitten with
Michele. She had them wrapped around her little finger. Kenneth had lovingly nicknamed her Poco, short for Pocahontas. Christy thought it was adorable and the rest of us picked up the habit of using her nickname as well. Randy was an extremely loving and doting father and Christy was a queen in his eyes, having given him this little girl. It was truly an amazing dynamic to witness.


~ ~ ~


There was another beach fire tonight, though not a big gathering like usual. There wasn’t going to be a DJ or a bar, instead it was a ‘bring your own drinks’ along with a radio and some IPods. It was sort of last minute. Mina, Roni and I had gotten ready at my house and headed over to the beach in my truck.

When we arrived to the beach
, there was a solid crowd hanging out. Once we were out of the car, Roni stood on her tip toes and began looking around.

"Can you guys see who
’s down there?" she asked.

, Max and Leo’s cars are parked down from us, so they’re here." Mina motioned her head toward where they were parked. Roni smiled.

"I can see Lucas’s van which means he and Will are probably down there as well." I reached into my truck and grabbed my blanket, cell phone and

We headed toward the fire.



I felt her before I saw her. I don’t know how, but it’s like I knew she arrived. I actually saw Mina first. She came bouncing in and headed straight for the radio with her iPod in hand. Next came Roni, who swayed into the firelight and Max immediately called for her attention. She waved and smiled, but didn’t come over to him. Disappointment shadowed Max's face. Then, she appears, the fantasy which haunts my dreams. The creature who taunts me without having one Goddamn clue of the internal chaos she causes. Wearing baggy jeans and a tight, faded band t-shirt, her hair was hanging loosely around her face and her feet - bare. She was simple, natural and beautiful. I don’t exactly know what's going on between us, but staying as far away from her as possible is my goal. I've tried to just hang around with the girls, be friends with them, but it was making things worse. A primal need to possess her so powerful, smart choices and common sense be damned.

sat between my legs and I pulled her closer to anchor me, as I watched Chloe throw out a blanket and sit cross legged. Roni sat to her right and Mina appeared on her left with a couple of beer bottles. They had their iPods out and seemed to be going through their lists. I was curious to know what was on Chloe’s, but I pushed the curiosity aside and started talking to Max.

During my conversation with Max
, I noticed Calvin Dungess had taken a seat next to Chloe. As I watched him lean into her, I felt a pang in my chest. I could tell that she was completely annoyed. I continued to look over at her, not able to help myself. She looked up, her eyes making direct contact with mine. I pulled my head away quickly, hoping she didn’t catch me watching her.

When I
looked up again, she was looking in another direction. I followed her gaze to Lucas’s face. Watching the silent communication between them, it looked as if she wanted him to come to her but he wasn’t budging.

She was fidgeting for a
moment and then I watched her pull out her phone. I stood up and headed over. Clearly Dungess wasn’t getting the message.



Mina, we are not going to listen to Britney Spears tonight,” I laughed at her.

She scowled.

“Fine,” she huffed. “Roni would you please acknowledge Max, so I don’t have to watch him pout any longer?” Mina giggled and rolled her eyes. Max had been pouting since Roni sat with us instead of going to him.

Oh, it’s good for him to miss me. It makes him want me more.” She winked. We started laughing.

Roni, you are really twisted. You know that?” Mina giggled.

You keep telling me that, but I don’t have any clue what you are talking about.” She smirked.

So, what are you three lovelies up to this evening?” I rolled my eyes at the sound of Calvin’s voice.

Dungess,” I acknowledged without looking at him. He sat right behind me and a little too closely. I looked up toward the fire and sighed heavily, meeting Leo’s eyes. He quickly dropped his head.
Was he staring over here?

So, Chloe…” I knew where this was leading already. “How about we take a walk down the beach?”

Calvin, you know I’m with Lucas.” I curtly replied.

I just want to walk, Chloe, and I thought you might like to join me.” I could feel his breath at the back of my neck and wanted to just snap my head back and bust his nose.

I looked around for Lucas
and saw him sitting down from me. I caught his attention and gave him a look, begging for him to help me. He rolled his eyes and shrugged.
Did he seriously just shrug like it was no big deal? Lucas and I seriously need to have a talk.

I pulled out my cell phone like I had gotten a message
and quickly sent a text to Christy to save me. No reply. I decided on another plan. “Sorry, Calvin, but Christy needs me for a minute." I gave him an apologetic look.

"Hey, do you need someone to come with you? I could always keep you company." He still pushed.

"That’s okay. I don’t want to interrupt your fun here." I stood to go.

"It’s fine, really." He stood with me.

, Chloe, are you ready to go?" I quickly spun around and looked right into Leo’s smiling face. "You ready to umm…"

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