All Grown Up (22 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

BOOK: All Grown Up
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"You’re serious?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I mean, why shouldn’t we?"

She questioned back, I shrugged. "Maybe because my job revolves around my appearance and being pregnant is not necessarily the look my contracts are going for? Or, maybe because we haven’t even been married for a year? Why rush it?"

"Do you ever want to have kids?" I felt slightly defeated.

"Of course I do. But in a few years, okay?" She sighed and kissed my forehead. "I’m only twenty three, Leo. We have plenty of time." She curled back into my chest and turned back to the movie.

I sighed and turned my eyes back to the movie
. I couldn’t believe how quickly she shot down the idea of having a kid. Honestly, I was disappointed, but I understood.

Three weeks passed, Glenda was on call but still home. This was a record for us.
However, my schedule was now chaotic. I was working till after eleven at night trying to get everything done on time for Scarlett’s release, as well as the new artists we attracted as well. My plate was full and my home life was starting to suffer from my neglect.

Two weeks
straight of late nights and, at least, three large arguments, I walked in the door after midnight. The house was dark. Knowing Glenda was most likely in bed by now. I headed to the kitchen and flipped on the light.

It was in the fluorescent glow of the kitchen light that the large invitation on the refrigerator caught my attention. I got closer to read the silver writing on the fancy and clearly expensive paper.

‘You are cordially invited to attend the union of Chloe Michele Fisher and Domenico Anthony Fiorello.’ My stomach lurched. Leaning over the sink, I was going to throw up. A few calming deep breaths and I stumbled back a bit from the sink.

Chloe was marrying
Domenico. Domenico was marrying my Chloe. Whoa, wait…my Chloe? She hasn’t been mine for a very long time. I have Glenda, I care, love Glenda.

The next two sleepless hours of my life, were spent convincing myself I was
as fine with this; her wedding, my marriage, the life I chose.


A month later, Glenda reminded me the wedding was this upcoming weekend. I spoke to Mina and my mother, who had been very active in the wedding planning with Chloe. They had nothing but happy things to say about Chloe, her wedding and Domenico. Apparently, Chloe was happy and excited to be getting married.

r wedding was in a traditional Catholic church, their reception at the highly expensive, Pravda space. It could fit the large amount of guests I was sure would be attending, given Domenico’s family, lifestyle and career.

We were seated by dark haired men clearly related to
Domenico. After being seated on the bride’s side of the church, I noticed my parents were sitting in the family row with Judith, Randy and K.C.

The music began and everyone turned in their seats. The first three women to walk down the aisle were unfamiliar to me and must’ve been friends of Chloe’s or relatives of
Domenico. Next in line were Carrie, then Roni and finally Mina. Once Mina reached the front of the church, the wedding march began and everyone stood. Christy led the final procession, her daughter, Michele, hand in hand as the flower girl.

Then there was Chloe, hair flowing in large and shiny curls over her bare shoulders as she held onto Kenneth’s arm tightly.
Her face a combination of happiness and nervousness. I watched her lock eyes with Domenico. Unable to look at them, I turned away, sitting down.

"Are you okay?" Glenda whispered as she bent down toward my ear.

I nodded.

"Just got light
headed. I haven’t eaten today."

She shook her head
, patted my shoulder, and stood back up, looking toward the altar.

After everyone
sat, the ceremony began.



Time was flying by so fast, I could barely keep up. Max had been drafted by the Seattle Seahawks. Since he was on the road for half of the season, he asked Roni to move in with him. He just couldn’t stand coming home to an empty house
. Not when all he wanted was to see her face when he walked through the door and to spend as much time with her as possible. It was impossibly sweet and she couldn’t help but say yes.

Since we had extra space,
Oliver moved into the house, temporarily, while they looked for a house of their own. Mina spent most of her time helping Glenda plan her and Leo’s wedding. Though I learned to ignore it, the knot was still there whenever I thought about Leo getting married.

As soon as
Dom found out Oliver and Mina were planning on moving, he put all of his effort into getting me to move in with him. This had been going on for over a month, but I kept declining. I knew he was getting frustrated but I felt so out of place in his house, like I didn’t belong there.

One night
, about five months ago, he decided to take me out in celebration for completing my first year of college. Mina got me all dressed up, as only she could, and Dom arrived in a limo. We drove for about thirty minutes before pulling onto a runway. Dom helped me out of the car.

"What are you up to?"
I asked, hearing the plane’s engines start.

, nothing." Dom smirked, leading me to the plane.

"We aren
’t going on the—"

, yes we are." He motioned for me to take the first step toward the plane.

The flight took about two hours before
we landed in Los Angeles. We climbed into another car and headed to an Italian restaurant.

As we climbed out
, I teased Dom. "You didn’t rent the whole place out did you?" I laughed, but Dom said nothing. "Did you?" I screeched.

"Calm down." H
e soothed, wrapping his arm around my waist and leading me into the restaurant.

It was beautifully decorated to look exactly like a tiny restaurant in an Italian Villa.
Dom led me through another set of doors where a table waited for us under the stars and tiny candle lights that lined the wooden arches of a beautiful patio. There were so many flowers and candles that I lost my breath for a moment. The food was amazing and the dessert was even better. At the end of the night, a small band arrived, playing their instruments beautifully as he twirled me around the patio.

All this just to celebrate my first run of classes?" I raised my eyebrow suspiciously.

He paused. "Maybe there is one more thing."

Just as I was about to ask,
he went down to one knee in front of me his hands coming to rest on my hips.

Mia bella Chloe, tu sei l'amore della mia esistenza. Si prega di rendere il mio onore e il privilegio di chiamarti mia moglie? Marry me, bellissimo." His right hand brought up a large diamond ring, probably the largest I'd ever seen in my life. My jaw dropped.

I didn’t know Italian
, but I knew what he was about. His smile was so sincere, his love so open, and I truly did love and care for him deeply. I knew it wasn’t what I'd felt with Leo, but this had to be as close as I would ever get.

." I barely got out. I had to get it out before I changed my answer.

Dom shouted.

I nodded
and he lifted me up high in the air, spinning me.

Mia bella Chloe.” He yelled. "She said yes!"

I laughed freely. We
continued to drink wine throughout our flight home. Once we got to Dom’s house, I felt free, uninhibited and happy. I'd never felt more sure about marrying him.

When I woke in the morning
, Dom wasn’t next to me like usual when I stayed. As I started to get up, the door opened.

"Don’t you dare get
out of bed." He scolded, playfully. "I am pampering my wife-to-be with breakfast in bed." He smiled brightly.

From that
moment, everything was on fast forward again. Leo’s wedding had come and gone, where Dom started announcing our engagement. I moved into Dom’s house. Mina and Oliver found a new home of their own.

It was a month before the wedding
when I got a phone call from a hysterical Roni.

"Oh my
God, Chloe…what will he say? What am I going to do? I didn’t want to be…I mean, I never thought about—"

, Veronica! Slow down, what the hell are you talking about?" I put down the computer manual I was reading and sat up straight on the couch in Dom’s…I mean,
living room. He still got highly irritated when I referred to everything as his.

a month and a half pregnant, Chloe. I'm fucking knocked up!"

Stifling my laugh, I pulled myself together.

"And?" I pushed.

What do you mean
? Seriously, Chloe, are you high or something? I just said I was pregnant. I never thought twice about having kids. Shit, what will Max say? Do you think he will be mad at me?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Roni, you seriously think ‘he who worships at the Goddess that is Roni’ will be mad about the fact that, first, he got you pregnant and, second, that you will be carrying
child? Please tell me you're joking." I put my forehead in my palm.

She calm
ed and then I heard her sigh. "I guess I’m slightly overreacting, huh?"

"Maybe just a little
." I giggled.

, shut up! You have no idea how freaked out I am right now."

I stopped laughing and put on my best friend and cousin hat. We talked for
about two hours, discussing every fiber of the current situation, how she felt, how he would feel. All the while, I did my best to reassure her that this wasn’t the end of the world. Finally, she decided to call Max, who was on the road with the team.


Now, I stood rigid behind large wooden doors waiting for the wedding march. The fucking wedding march.
Holy shit!
I turned toward my dad, who looked like he was sweating as much as me.

"You’re sure about this?" He raised an eyebrow. I nudged him with my elbow and he laughed.

"Just don’t let me trip on these damn death traps Mina put on my feet." I wiggled one foot out from under my long, floor length dress. He chuckled and I smiled.

"You look beautiful
, baby." He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Damn it
, Kenneth, don’t ruin my make-up." I teased.

The music started and we entered arm in arm.
Dad handed me over to Dom, but I could feel his hesitation. Dom’s smile and touch confirmed I was going to be happy. This was my happily ever after. The same HEA I had foolishly placed on a teenage romance in the past.

The ceremony was long
and very traditional. If nothing else, at least I got my way on the vows. We'd written joint vows that Dom would say in English and I would recite in Italian.

I took a deep breath and recited the words
we'd practiced together.


sei il mio amante e il mio migliore amico,

sei il mio sole e la mia terra,

i amo, stringerti e onore,

rispetto, vi incoraggio e amare te,

salute e nella malattia,

il dolore e successo,

tutti i giorni della mia vita."." I finished flawlessly, quite proud.

He began his version immediately.


You are my lover and my best friend,

You are my sun and my earth,

I will love you, hold you and honor you,

I will respect you, encourage you and cherish you,

In health and sickness,

Through sorrow and success,

For all the days of my life."

The rings were exchanged and we were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Domenico Anthony Fiorello.

As we stood in the reception line
, the familiar knot in my stomach tightened as Leo and Glenda approached. I plastered on my smile.

Leo shook
Dom’s hand and then moved on to me. While Dom and Glenda were speaking, Leo leaned forward and hugged me tightly, lingering near my ear.

"You look beautiful
, as always." His lips barely brushed my earlobe.

I pushed him back
and forced a smile. He frowned, and then walked away with Glenda.

I would be lying if I said my body didn’t instantly react to him,
but who the hell was he to do that on my wedding day? It was disgusting. I realized then that I no longer knew Leo. He was no longer that beautiful boy I was once in love with.

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