Read Alien's Bride 1-3 Online

Authors: Yamila Abraham

Tags: #Erotica

Alien's Bride 1-3 (49 page)

BOOK: Alien's Bride 1-3
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The king grunted.


His sound of pleasure stirred me.
I tried to take him deeper into my mouth while masturbating him with both hands.
His organ pulsated with heat.
I was fully entranced by the act.
I licked all over the head of his cock then jabbed my tongue into his slit.


The king threaded his fingers into my hair.
I heard him laugh softly.


“Trying to make me come, little goddess?”




“You want my seed to explode into your mouth?”


I opened my eyes.
I hadn’t considered that.


The king pulled me off him.
He was smiling gently.


“Mount me.”


The command gave me a shudder that turned my legs weak.
I continued stroking his cock while imagining its huge girth impaling me.
I brought a trembling hand up to grip the king’s shoulder horn and lifted myself.
My sex pressed against the massive head of his cock.
Another shudder came along with a twinge at my entrance.
His cock made me tingle and my thighs quaked.
Oh, how was I going to get this massive thing into me?


I started to wriggle while pushing downward.
His cock head and my sex were slick.
My wetness only increased from the rubbing.
I was trying to work him in, but even pressing my full weight wouldn’t push it through.
I gesticulated with more fervor, wincing and grunting with my breasts jutting from side to side.
I must have looked like a fool, but a quick glance at the king showed me an appreciative lurid smile.
The battle was making his cock rub fiercely against my hole and labia.
I tingled and felt delicious pricks of pleasure.
I knew I could have made myself come very easily, but I was determined on my goal.
I wanted this beastly cock inside me.


The king clutched my hips and thrust up.




I clung to him with both arms while convulsing.
He’d popped his huge cock head into my snug passage and sparked a tumultuous orgasm.
My muscles clenched against the massive invader.
My clit felt like it buzzed.
I moaned with anguish, with desperation—he’d brought me to such exquisite climax.


The king rubbed my hard nipples as I composed myself.
My breasts were heaving with breath, but anchored by his tweaking fingers.


“You’re so tight I’d think you still a virgin.”


I gazed at him wearily.


“How do you like my cock, little goddess?”


I rolled back my eyes with ecstasy.
My clit was still twitching.


“I love it.”


He ceased torturing my nipples to enclose me in his arms.
We kissed by entangling our hot wet tongues.
His cock arched up to penetrate me deeper.
I had to break from his kiss to moan.


Once he’d worked his member as deep as it would go he urged me to ride him.
I moved up and down, feeling so full my tender urethra was compressed from the inside outward.
Every thrust harvested a moan from me.
His exquisite cock turned my thighs to water.
That pleasure node within me was crushed and ground into.
The prickly tickle that preceded orgasm never abated after my climax.
It remained inside me, tense and hot, threatening purchase with every movement.
My clit had grown swollen.
It jutted out like an erect mini-phallus.




The king clutched my ass with both hands.
He opened my cheeks so my anus was displayed to Randell.
The other demon embraced me from behind, forcing me to be still.
His greased cock nudged my asshole.
I gasped.


The king reached over my shoulder to cup Randell’s chin.
The two locked their gazes.


“She’s pleasing me, Randell.
Show me your gentler side with her.
Give her not an ounce of pain.
I would have her eager to enjoy that kind of sex long after this.”


Randell lowered his chin so he could kiss the king’s fingers.
“Have no fear, my king.
She’s pleasing me also.”


I’m sure my eyes sparkled at those kind words from him.


Then Randell leaned over my shoulder and kissed King Caine on the mouth.
Now my eyes bulged.
This was no gentle peck.
The two kissed each other as passionately as they’d kissed me.
Randell caressed the side of the king’s face and leaned close enough for their open mouths to fully entwine.
When he broke he gave a sultry smile to his lord.
The king looked flushed with even more desire.
He licked Randell’s lips before the smaller demon pulled away.


I couldn’t wrap my head around this.
Of course I’d heard of satyrites, but these two obviously enjoyed women.
How could they also—


Randell pushed the head of his cock into my anus.
I tilted back my head and parted my lips.
The king was still lodged inside me.
Randell had pushed into a throbbing place that was all the more sensitized for being compressed.
He’d glided in easily, however, with less discomfort than I expected.
Now I was pinioned by two cocks, and my whole pelvis was barraged with sensation.
Neither demon moved for several moments while my ass acclimated to the new invader.


My mind wandered back to their kiss and I felt an illicit thrill.
The king probably bedded Randell the same way Randell now bedded me.
It made my pulse quicken to think about it.


I felt a glorious, sensual kiss on my nape.
Randell glided more of his cock into my ass.
I held tightly to the king.
My bent legs felt too weak to hold me up.
There was a delicious throb in my ass that echoed into my front, where the king was deeply lodged.
By breath caught.
I was quivering and intoxicated now.
The heat in my sex felt rapturous.
The pulsing in my anus was sublime.
I felt I could have fainted from the pleasurable onslaught on both sides.


The king kept still as Randell worked is cock in and out of me.
My breath fluttered in a way that caused my bosom to shake.
I was stretched and the sensitive ring of my anus tingled wondrously.
I started to move myself on the king’s cock without thinking.
Randell began to rub my breasts with both hands.
He pumped into my ass with an exquisitely smooth rhythm.


My moan ended in a choked kind of stutter.
I could bear the tension building in my sex much longer.
I tried to lift myself higher on the king’s cock, but my legs had lost their strength.


“Ngh…fuck me.”


The king crushed my mouth in a heady kiss and resumed plunging his cock up into me.
My stomach quaked with ecstasy.
He had only to thrust in thrice before I convulsed with another shattering orgasm.




Randell kissed my trembling shoulder.
“You forget to ask permission.”
His tone was too mild for an admonishment.


The king grunted.
“Forget it.
She’s not meant to be a slave.”
He thrust into me with more vigor, lengthening the contractions of my orgasm.
“She more suited to be a lady of the court.
Giving and taking pleasure at her leisure.”


I looked at him with a face still contorted with ecstasy.
“Oh yes, please.”


The king reached down and twiddled my clit with one finger.




“You’d never be selfish with your body, would you my dear?”




But I really didn’t know what I was saying.
The cocks working my tingling sex and pulsing ass held me in a drunken state of bliss.
Randell rubbed my nipples and the king toyed with my clit.
I felt I was already hurtling toward another orgasm.
The sensations were so intense.
My clit felt erect and hot.
Every touch to it made my sex clench which in turn made the sensitive protrusion twinge.


“Ready, Randell?”
The king began to thrust into me still harder.


“Mmph, yes, my king.”
Randell’s cock plunged into my ass with equal vigor.


I felt unfairly outmatched.
My hapless body responded in yet another hot pulsating orgasm.
I whimpered through the anguished ecstasy.


Both Randell and the King began grunting.
The king gave a long groan.
I felt his huge member convulsing inside me.
Randell’s thrusts became staggered.
I could feel the warm gush of his seed filling my ass.
The sensation made me quiver.
I felt so arrested by this, and my orgasm, that my voice lost all sound.
My mouth was opened wide but my moan was caught deep in my throat.


The king finished first.
He sucked on each of my breasts with a rough mouth.
Randell then spasmed a final time and kissed my shoulder.


“You came again, didn’t you?” Randell said.


My voice sounded tearful.
“Oh gods.”


The king popped his mouth off my glistening nipple.
“You’ve the stamina of a demon.
I think you were meant for our world.”


I was still too overcome to be coherent, but managed to nod my head.


“We’re not finished with her, are we, my king?”


“We’ll take but a brief pause.”


King Caine lifted me until his massive organ popped out of me.
Randell was also dislodged.
I felt a wave of vertigo as the king lowered me down on the bed.
He reclined beside me.
Randell laid on my other side.
The king began to absently tease my breasts.


“You seem a perfect addition to our court.
Mortal in appearance, but big enough to take the largest demon cock, and with an appetite to match our own.
I meant my offer before.”


I blinked a few times.
The heady spell of sex was just now clearing for me.
“Your offer?”


“To make you a lady of the court.”




Randell kissed my arm.
“Surely you belong with us.”


I felt a pang in my middle.
I had to swallow down some emotion.
“It’s…wonderful to hear that from you.”


“Listen, my dear,” said he king, regaining my focus.
“This is not something that I would take lightly.
I should like to see how you fare among us, how the other ladies receive you, before I decide to grant you title.
If none of what I’ve seen of you has been a ruse, I’m sure you’ll fit in our court quite well.
It still should be decided by all the lords and ladies.
Do you understand?”

BOOK: Alien's Bride 1-3
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