Alien's Bride 1-3 (45 page)

Read Alien's Bride 1-3 Online

Authors: Yamila Abraham

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Alien's Bride 1-3
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“I’ve better things to teach you than that.”


The king’s hand grew tight on my arm and he pulled me over his lap.
I flailed at being off balance, but then became steady over his knees.
He had me in the position for a spanking.
Was he really going to…


His hand struck my bare ass.




It stung, but it wasn’t brutal.
I was both shocked and confused.
The place he’d struck stopped stinging and began to tingle.
I blinked a few times.


“She’s not struggling,” Randell said.


“Not weeping, either,” the king said.


He struck me again, this time on the opposite cheek.
The confused look remained on my face.
I looked outward and saw Devroth and Haralzin watching with no trace of emotion.
No leers, no surprise, no sign of amusement.
This must not have been strange to them.
They could have humiliated me so easily by giving some reaction.
For now they were as statues.
Their stoic responses actually made me feel less embarrassed.
It was as if I were merely learning the strange culture of the underworld.


The king struck me six times with out pausing.
He alternated from one cheek to the other.
After each slap I felt a sting, but then tingling.
I stared before me breathless.
I was so bizarrely aroused.
The buzz of pleasure between my thighs was undeniable.
This—at being abused!
But he was not hitting so hard as to injure me, though he certainly could have.
Did he know he gave pleasure?
Was that his aim?


When the final strike was done he coursed his hand over both my hot tingling buttocks.




The ecstatic sound came out before I could stop it.
My eyes opened wide.
These were the times I most cursed my godly half.


The king shifted me over on his lap so that I sat across it with my feet dangling over the armrest nearest to Randell.
He braced my back with one hard-muscled arm.
His other hand went to my chin.
He turned my face toward his.
I kept my eyes downcast.


“Look at me.”


I obeyed, though it made me tremble.


“Did you enjoy being spanked, little goddess?”


Now my face became as hot as my behind.
I stared at him with parted lips.


“When I ask you a question you answer me at once.”
His voice was quieter, but terrifyingly severe.
“And never be ashamed at taking pleasure at my hand.
This is not your inhibited mortal world where such things are obscene.
To be touched in a pleasing way by me is an honor.”


I felt trapped in his gaze.
The wisdom he spoke was something I drank in with desperate need.


“I can learn.”
My voice came out as a whisper.


“Good girl.
Now open your legs.”


I forced myself to obey without hesitation.
I knew he meant to molest me.
Even if I cringed inside I bade myself to endure.
Surely my life depended on it.


His large hand went between my legs and his fingers breached the hood of my sex.
He swept his fingers up and down my slick labia.
I was tense, but still aroused from the spanking.
The touch tickled me in an insidiously tender way.
I closed my eyes.


“She’s wet,” he said to Randell.


His two thick fingers curled in an attempt to penetrate me.
I jolted so vehemently my bare ass bounced on his leg.


His voice went up an octave.
“A virgin.”


I opened my eyes timidly.
Randell looked impressed.


“Is that so, my king?
Her charm has just doubled.”


And you would have wasted her.”
His fingers resumed to massage my sex.
The butt of his palm compressed against my clitoris.


“I was sorely in error.
May I deflower her, my king?”


I could scarcely focus on their conversation.
My thighs began to tremble.
The king rubbed his fingertips against my maidenhead while his palm made circles over my clitoris.
My nipples hardened and I grasped his leg adornment.
He was so skilled—so firm.
I became wet enough for his fingers to squishing noises.
The prickly ecstasy before orgasm was there, but he went slow, building my yearning.
My breaths were coming out too loud.
They were also staggered with arduous anticipation.


“Look how she responds.
This is no timid shrew.”


“She has great potential, my king.
Though she lacks discipline.”


I clenched my teeth.
I was on an exquisite precipice.
My stomach now quivered.
He continued rubbing in his slow rhythm.
I gazed out at Haralzin and Devroth to distract myself.
They were fixated on the king’s hand with glazed eyes and parted lips.
Haralzin met my gaze.
I knew not what possessed me, but I licked my upper lip at him.
He gave an astounded smile.


Then my face contorted.




The king rubbed unabated while I orgasmed onto his hand.
I lost my senses through the riotous pleasure.
My body came against his and I clung to him with one arm.
I couldn’t stifle my cries.
He deftly urged out each staggering contraction.
My clitoris throbbed and anus clenched.
The rapturous seizure wracked me for minutes.


When he finally ceased pleasuring me I remained against him with my bosom heaving.
My face was near to his.
He lifted my chin once again and kissed me.


The sweetness of this gesture caused me so much warmth inside I wanted to weep.
I no longer feared for my life.
I even had a sliver of hope that they wouldn’t torture me.
I met his mouth and tongue with sensual reciprocation.
He kissed masterfully, without any sentimentality, but I still cherished the token.
When his mouth broke from mine I looked into his eyes, no longer afraid.


“Randell will initiate you,” he said.
“And also impart a lesson of obedience.
I have great hopes that you’ll earn your clemency, my sweet goddess.
Don’t disappoint me.”


I nodded.
“I…I won’t.”
I truly yearned not to.
His approval suddenly had merit for me.


“May I take her now, my king?”


The king brightened.
“We’re done?
Court is over?”


Randell glowered at him.
(I knew I should respect one who could be so unreserved with the king.)
“We didn’t finish, by any means.
But I can add to our schedule tomorrow.
Your gift persuades me to end early.”


The king gave a soft triumphant laugh.
“Mercy has its rewards.”


He urged me off his lap.
My legs were still shaky.
I braced myself on the edge of his throne.


“Devroth, Haralzin,” Randell said, “I’m afraid we’re keeping your treasure.”


“Yes, my lord,” they said in unison.


“You may avail yourself of some of the prisoners.
The king was most cruel to tease you with his show.”


Devroth snatched Haralzin around the neck with a thick arm.
“I’m availing myself of him.”


My eyes widened.


Haralzin was dragged back and nearly made to stumble.


This is rape!
My king!”


He seemed in earnest.
Randell and the king laughed at him.
He squirmed himself free from the gargantuan arm and faced them.


“If…if you should tire of her…”


A stitch formed in my brow.
I thought he was going to plead further about Devroth’s intention to rape him.


“Have no fear,” Randell said.
“She’ll be disposed of one way or the other before Jonah returns.”


My stomach tightened.


Haralzin nodded with a smile.
He skipped to catch up to Devroth, who was already at the door.
I noted no resistance when the larger demon again wrapped his arm around him.


There was no time to ponder this.
Randell touched my elbow and led me down the steps.


“Shall I send a page for your dinner, my king?” he said as we were leaving.


“I’ll feast later.
For now I should like to see how well she endures.”


Randell gave a slight bow and urged me onward.
Despite what the king had said he didn’t follow us.
I wasn’t sure how he intended to watch (though, perhaps it would be through one of those magical pools).


The demon walked beside me in the corridor.
His narrow eyes estimated me a long while before he spoke.
I felt more naked before this audience of one than I had on the king’s lap.
I timidly met his gaze.


“There is much you must regret.
Do your ill decisions plague you?
You’ve lost your home and are now trapped in our dark world.”


I wasn’t sure if he wanted me to answer.
He kept his gaze focused on me.
I cleared a bit of left over emotion out of my throat.


“I was…well, I was trying to be rid of my home.
My mother had just left this morning with a new husband and I was going to make my own way.
I intended on leaving Trummel before the prince inopportuned me.”


“To go where?”


I fretted.
Did I admit I had no idea?
Should he know my foolish notions of glory?
I felt like I’d aged a decade in a single day.
The lessons I’d learned were as bitter as coal ash in my mouth.


“I don’t know where.
Just away.
From Helder…his rules.”


Randell gave an assenting grunt.
(I presumed he didn’t like that god either.)


“I thought I wanted to be free.
But I ruined everything.”


He turned away from me.
“Cease your sentimentality.
I am not your friend.
Answer my questions with facts and not emotion.”


I swallowed.


“How is it you’re still a virgin?
You’re conspicuously wanton.”


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