Alien Adoration (2 page)

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Authors: Jessica E. Subject

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Alien Adoration
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Time to ride.
Grasping a key from his pocket, he shoved it into the ignition of his Harley and started the engine. The rumbling underneath him that usually brought him peace only stirred his anger at himself and Dirk. He’d let the slimeball walk into Rachel’s life by not acting sooner.

on, he shuffled the bike backward to turn it around. With one last look next door, he tore out of his driveway and down the street. He had no destination, only the need to vanquish the image of his neighbor with another man from his mind.

He rode on, unable to stop wondering what she was up to with her date. Would he ever have a chance with her? When the first raindrops hit his visor, he checked at his watch.

Two hours had passed, and he’d failed to rid himself of his frustration. He turned into the nearest parking lot to double back when his head burst with pain. He braked then closed his eyes, willing an end to the agony. With such pressure pounding on his skull, he couldn’t drive any farther. But he had to return.
Something’s wrong with Rachel.




Rachel stepped out of the pub, one hand on Dirk’s waist and the other holding his arm around her shoulders. Weaving right then left, he dragged her with him across the rain-slicked parking lot.
Why did I think this night would end any differently than any other date?

He’d phoned her at the bank earlier in the day to ask her to dinner, helping to rein in her jealousy and get Christine off her back. Seeing
him dressed in slacks and a button-down shirt, she hoped she might finally experience the romantic night she longed for. But by the time they’d finished eating, he slurred his words and couldn’t focus on anything. And she’d been left with the bill. Just like every other night. Now, she had to drive him home.

As they neared his car, he wobbled away from her, toward the back door. He grasped her hand and yanked her in behind him.

I don’t think so.
Twisting and jerking away, she slipped on the pavement, falling in the vehicle with him.

“C’mon, baby. It’s about time we got down to business.”

About time she ditched him was more like it. Hands on his chest, she propped herself up. “Dirk, it’s not going to happen tonight. You’re drunk. I’ll drive you home and walk from your place.”

“I don’t think so.” He grabbed her wrists, spinning over top of her, holding her arms behind her back.

He ran his mouth along her neck, drooling more than kissing.

A shudder ran down her spine. Her dinner threatened to come up, but she swallowed it back down.

“You owe me, Rach. What’s it been? Like two weeks?”

Over a month, but who’s counting?

“It’s about time you put out. I’ve been patient long enough.”

She struggled in his grasp, aiming to free at least an arm to punch him in the face. “I don’t owe you anything.” And when he sobered up, she would dump his sorry ass. “Now, let me go.”

He tightened his grip. How did he have so much strength after knocking back three pitchers of beer?

“I’m going to fuck you tonight whether you agree to it or not.”

Um, no.
She wiggled even harder, managing to move her knee up enough to slam it into his balls.

“You bitch.” He shoved her back, tearing her blouse and yanking it off. “I’m so glad I’ve been fucking Jenny on the side. I was going to give her up once you put out, but now I don’t have to. We’re through.”

His admission stung like a slap to the face, but not enough to bring tears.
Thank goodness all he got off was my shirt.
She shimmied out of the back seat, anxious to get away. Far away. So what if she walked home topless in the rain.
At least I’m free of the leech.

Then she heard the giggles and turned to find an audience at the entrance to the pub, staring and pointing fingers.
Now she would be the talk of the town for a day. Everyone could see her bra, and it happened to be white. She rushed across the parking lot. Her house only a few blocks away, she would rather walk home
than deal with Dirk again.

A block from the pub, the rain changed from a gentle mist to big fat drops streaming from the sky, soaking her to the bone.
Great, just great.

She shivered, wiping the water from her eyes. The walk would only take longer if she couldn’t see. Though she’d still make it home, knew the town like the back of her hand.

An engine rumbled behind her. She kept moving, pretending she didn’t hear. It could only be Dirk, or some other guy expecting to pick her up. Better to be drenched and alone than have to deal with drunken assholes.

“Need a lift?”

The voice was deep and masculine, one she didn’t hear very often, but would recognize anywhere.
Wonderful! He wouldn’t talk to me before, but now that I’m topless and sopping wet, he notices me.

She circled slowly to stare at the leather-clad figure sitting atop his motorcycle. The visor of his helmet covered most of his face, leaving only his luscious lips and deep, jutting chin, covered in light stubble, exposed. What would they feel like against her lips?
Between her legs? Her body tingled.

“Earth to Rachel.
Do you need a lift, or should I leave you here in the pouring rain?”

Oh God, he knows my name.
Since they’d never actually talked—she’d only heard him greeting his dates—her name on his lips came as a surprise. “Um, yes, I’d appreciate a ride.” On his Harley, and if she was lucky, in his bed. Anywhere. Her romance-first rule didn’t apply to him. He’d already seduced her plenty in her dreams.

Remaining on his bike, he yanked a helmet from his saddlebag and held it out to her. “What happened to your pretty blouse?”

Pretty blouse?
He’d seen her earlier? “I….” Fluttering rolled through her stomach. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

She grabbed the helmet from him, fit it over her soaked hair, and buckled the chinstrap. Straddling the seat behind him, she fumbled with her hands, wondering where to place them, no bar behind her to hold on to. Oh, what it would be like to wrap her arms around him, lean against his wide back covered in leather. But what if he didn’t want her to touch him?

Luke pushed off from the curb. “I suggest you hold onto me or you’re going to fall off.”

The bike lurched forward with a roar. She clasped her hands around his waist, her fingers coming together temptingly close to his manhood, cheek pressed to his
cowskin jacket. His deep chuckle reverberated across her skin.

“I told you to hang on.”

And she could lean on him forever. Being so close to him with pure raw power between her legs moved her better than any fantasy she had ever created.
But what is going to happen when he takes me home? Or will he invite me to his house instead?

She pressed her lips together. Sure, she wanted to know what lay under his tight pants, but she refused to be another conquest.
I can’t handle it.

He drove into her driveway too soon, leaning the bike over enough for her to slip off. She removed the helmet and handed it back to him. “Thank you. I appreciate the ride.”

Tucking the helmet away, he nodded. “You want to come over for coffee?”

That and more.
Though she refused to go anywhere in her state of disarray. “Um, no, I’m kind of wet.”

“Another time, then?”

She nodded.
Shit, why did I say no?
They could strip down together and have all kinds of fun. But he drove away before she had a chance to retract her words.

A ruined opportunity.
Would she ever get another?

A sudden flash of lightning sent her running up her steps. Reaching behind the outside light, she grabbed her house key and unlocked the door. In the foyer, she plucked her loose changed from her pocket and placed it on the table beside her purse. She stripped down to nothing then rushed up to her bedroom. Without thinking, she opened the curtains and
glanced next door, hoping for another glimpse of her rescuer.

He stood on his porch. Grinning at her, he waved.

She fell to the floor, flat on her ass. Not only had she been topless behind him on the bike, but she’d just exposed herself to him. Everything. With her tall window, he must have seen her from her head all the way down to her knees where the sill cut her off.

Did he expect me to be there? Was he waiting to see what else I’d show off?
Molten heat coursed through her veins. Her heart pounded. There was no way she could sleep tonight, not without self-fulfillment while imagining being ravaged by her sexy and mysterious neighbor.

Crawling onto the bed, she ducked underneath her covers, trailing her fingers down to her heat. With so much more inspiration, this promised to be her best fantasy yet.


Chapter Two


She ran her hand up and down his cock and Luke groaned. He knew she was a dream, a fantasy he had repeatedly. Yet, tonight, somehow, Rachel seemed to exist with him. Maybe having her so close to him on the bike the night before helped to make his dreams so much more real. The show from her window had fueled his desire. He didn’t dare move for fear of losing her.

His fantasy woman trailed kisses down his chest, inching closer and closer to his straining cock.
Is she really going to go down on me?

“I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to have your dick in my mouth.”

Luke flicked his eyes open. The nasally voice wasn’t his neighbor’s. Red light flashed all around. He scrambled back on his bed, the grip on his shaft not loosening. Someone was in the room with him. He grabbed the person’s wrist and squeezed.

“Ouch, Luke, you’re hurting me.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Slidding off the bed, he rushed to put on some pants before he switched on the light. “And what are you doing here?”

“It’s me, Cindy, from Lucy’s Tavern.”

He stared at the huge-breasted, bleached-blonde woman. A faint memory. But he had never invited her back to his place.
And the tavern is four hours away. It’s been at least a month since I’ve been there.
Having worked several weekends in a row, he hadn’t had the time to go for long rides on his Harley.

She gave him a sheepish smile. “We haven’t seen you around in a while and became worried. I thought I’d drop by and pay you a visit, make sure you were okay.”

“But how’d you know where I lived? How’d you get in?”
Shit, I have stalkers now.
What is Rachel going to think? How am I supposed to convince her to go out with me when women keep coming over?
He tensed, hoping she wouldn’t find out about tonight.

“I have my ways, and you left the front door open.”

Great, I’ve fallen into the habits of a small town. Not an ideal thing to do when you’re an alien.
He would ensure the doors and windows were locked every night from now on.

“And since there was no woman with you, I thought you could use some fun. Your cock didn’t seem to mind.”

They both glanced down.

Nope, it wasn’t craving
services. He never had wanted

He pointed to the door. “Get out, and never come back. And don’t expect to be seeing me at Lucy’s anymore.” If things didn’t work out with his neighbor, he planned to move across the country. It would take a huge distance to break the hold she had on him.

Cindy drew closer. The lights pulsed faster, but she didn’t notice.

He placed his hands on the woman’s shoulders and guided her out of his room and down the stairs. “I’m not interested. Consider me off the market.” Thank goodness she didn’t see the orb going apeshit. No woman ever had.
How would I explain the extraterrestrial object anyway?

At the bottom of the stairs, she stopped moving. She twisted around and grabbed his balls. “I’m sure I could convince you otherwise.”

He shriveled at her touch. Prying her fingers off, he stepped to the side and opened his front door. “No. Out.”

She stuck out her bottom lips and her breasts heaved.

Tempting, but no. He glared, wanting her gone. “Nice try.”

She stomped down the driveway. Once in her car, she revved the engine and sped away.

It would be a miracle if Rachel hadn’t woken up with all the commotion. He ducked inside, satisfied the orb had calmed down. Would it do the same thing if he invited his neighbor over?
You have to convince her to go out with you, first.




Rachel studied the night sky as she often did when her parents fought. They always waited until she’d gone to bed, but she couldn’t help but hear them. And tonight was the worst yet. She pulled the blankets over her head, to try and block out the sound, but her parents’ voices grew louder and louder. Leaving the bed, she sat on her toy box by the window, wishing someone would come and take her away. At least until the yelling stopped.

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