Alien Adoration (8 page)

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Authors: Jessica E. Subject

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Alien Adoration
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“But how can you be satisfied?” She didn’t understand. Guys like him didn’t exist in Hanton. The ones she’d dated always looked out for only themselves.

He reached up and cupped her cheek. “Oh, we’re not finished yet, and I plan on making you scream my name many more times tonight.”

She moaned as his cock pulsed inside of her. Still hard, he took her past oblivion over and over again.




Rachel stared at the little boy with the big black eyes. “What’s your name?”

He blinked, and his eyes suddenly looked human, like hers. Green, too. She gasped.
How’d he do that?

“Four three seven.”

“What’s that?”

“My name.”
He smiled.

She wrinkled her nose. “That’s a number, not a name.”

Some of the boys in her class who played hockey over in Allentown signed their jersey number on their homework sheets, but always after their names.

His bottom lip quivered. “But that’s what my parents call me.”

Oh no, she didn’t want to see him cry. She had to make things better. “It’s a very nice name, but maybe you could have one from Earth, too.”

He grinned at the suggestion. “Will you give me a name?”

“Sure.” But only one name came to mind, that of her dog hit by a car last summer. She ran through a list of others, but they were all boys she went to school with.

“What about…Luke?”

He cocked his head to the side. “You’d name me after someone you love?”

“Of course.”
She refused to call him after someone she hated, someone who teased her all the time. The little boy was very nice and kind of cute. Her cheeks warmed. She might actually have a crush on an alien.

He pulled the blanket farther up. “I’m really cold.”

“Let me help.” Under the covers, she wrapped her arms around him, and leaned on his bare shoulder. He made her feel safe, and if she could stay there forever, she would.


Rachel flicked her eyes open, struggling to breathe. Luke—the alien boy. Luke—the man whose arms surrounded her in his bed. Could they be the same person?
Oh God, how did I not remember him?
She’d dreamed of him her entire life. Her muscled tightened.
No, it can’t be. Aliens don’t exist. I just had an active imagination as a child. And that belief destroyed my family.

But why did he haunt her sleep, repeatedly?

She slipped from his embrace and off the bed, staring at him. Was the man who’d made love to her last night really an extraterrestrial?

She didn’t want to find out, to ruin the magical evening she would hold onto forever. She’d stayed too long anyway. As soon as he woke up, he would ask her to leave. A sigh escaped past her lips. No wonder all of his previous women had left upset if sex with him always moved mountains. After dressing back into her clothes, she took one last glance at him on the bed.

Who is he really?
Had her mind simply inserted him into her recurring dream? No, the idea of him being an alien, the little boy she’d met so long ago, felt right. But what kind of relationship could they have? What if the government found out where he came from and took him away? It would never work.

Fighting the urge to touch him again, she left the room.



Luke woke to her panic like an anvil slamming down on his chest. He leaped from his bed then raced out of his room. “Rachel?”

She’d reached the bottom of the stairs before he spotted her.
What on Earth did I do to make her leave?
His plans to make her breakfast, and to take her out on his Harley would be ruined if she left.

She gazed up at him, her face a mass of confusion. But her radiating fear worried him the most.
Why is she afraid of me?

Only wanting to stop her, he hadn’t put on any clothes. He refused to let her go now that he had her in his life. “What’s wrong? Where are you going?”

“Home. I…I’m sorry I stayed so late.”

“Rachel, no.”
He raced down the stairs and tried to wrap his arms around her, to prove he never wanted her to leave, but she pulled away. “I was hoping you would stay.”

“I can’t. I have stuff to do at home.” She blinked rapidly, continuing to step back, closer and closer to the front door.

“Later, then?” How could she walk away after last night? They had a connection, something special.
What did I do wrong?

Grabbing the door handle, she stared down at it. “I don’t know. I need time to think.”

He’d rushed her, had sex before she was ready. “I’d really like to see you again.” What else could he say?

Resting a hand on her shoulder, he hoped to understand her sudden change in attitude. Why did she hurry to get away from him? But when she winced, he backed off.

She focused on him with wide eyes. “Are you…? Oh God, this is going to sound stupid. But, are you an alien? Are you the little boy I named Luke so many years ago, the little boy I fell asleep curled up with in the wicker rocking chair on my front porch?

If he ever wanted a future with her, he had to tell her the truth. But would he lose her? Would she leave forever? “Rachel, I—”

“Yes or no?” She screamed at him, her words laced with fear and disbelief.

Will I see her again if I tell her?
His chest tightened. “Yes.”

Turning around, she raced away from him, stealing his hope for a lifetime with her.

With a roar, he punched the door. His throat constricted, making it hard to breathe.

Why did I want so long to ask her out?
He groaned. Her rejection stung worse than being attacked by a swarm of bees.
Shit, why did I even return to Hanton?

No way could he continue to live beside her. Staring over there and being reminded of her dismissal would hurt more than anything. Starting tomorrow, he would make arrangements to sell his house and move across the country. Somehow, some way, he would forget about her, make the heartache end.


Chapter Six


The rain pouring from the sky, as she stared out her office window, matched her mood. Waking up in her own bed in the morning, she hadn’t remembered how she got there. From the moment she’d left Luke’s house, tears had streamed down her face, and they’d refused to stop.

She’d walked away from the man who showed her sex could be more than a chore. Not only that, but he showered her with compassion, with praise. The entire time she’d been with him, she thought she could fall in love with him.
But now…. How can I love an alien?

Every time she tried to sleep, she saw the vulnerable little boy who had landed in front of her house. And guilt clenched her gut. She’d wanted to protect him then, stay with him forever. Had she grown too shallow over the years, doubted him because of his differences?

A sour taste filled her mouth.
No, I’m not like that.
Alien or not, she wanted him, and refused to let him out of her life.

Resting her head on her arms, she struggled to keep her eyes open. They itched from crying and lack of sleep. She should have stopped at the coffee shop before coming in to work, but she’d wanted to avoid everyone, especially Luke.
Does he hate me now for walking out on him? Or will he just move on to the next woman?
She cringed at the thought.

Tonight, as soon as she left work, she would go straight to his house, apologize for the way she’d acted, and hope he forgave her.

If she managed to make it through the rest of the day. Though she swore she hadn’t fallen asleep, she fought to sit up again when someone cleared their throat inside her office.

She leaned back in her chair and focused on her boss.
“Sorry, sir. I just had a bad night.”

“Don’t let it happen again, Rachel. I’d rather you phone in sick than sleep at your desk.”

Nodding, she observed the dark circles under his eyes. He looked as tired as she felt. Was he living back at home or still at Ray’s? She’d avoided Christine’s phone calls yesterday and didn’t know the latest gossip.

“You’ve been here five years now, Rachel, and performed better than any of our financial services representatives. I appreciate your dedication, and would like you to train as a management associate.” He sat on one of the chairs in front of her desk. “I’m sending you to
Waterton next Monday.”

All weariness fled, replaced by urgency. She had to go shopping—again—had to arrange for someone to keep an eye on her house. Christine would do it, but Luke lived next door. The request would be the perfect excuse to talk to him.

Bill slid a file across her desk. “Just fill out this paperwork and have it to me by the end of the day.”

“Thank you.” When her parents’ died just after her nineteenth birthday, she either found a job and took over the mortgage payments or forfeited everything to the bank—too much owing to make any profit from selling the home where she grew up. She would have been left with nothing. Taking pity on her, the bank had hired her on as a teller, and she’d worked her way up to her current position. Finding a rut there, she’d remained too comfortable and scared to do anything better. But now, her time had come to move up in the world. Finally, her career had a future blossoming. Would she be able to say the same about her love life after today?




Luke eyed at the
For Sale
sign on his front lawn, an ache filling him. The decision had wracked him with pain and guilt, but moving away was the only option to get over her rejection. Living next to a woman who didn’t share his feelings hurt much worse. He didn’t know where to go, but once his house sold, he would find another one. Far away. Things would have been much easier if he hadn’t been such a curious child, if he’d remained on the ship…. But he’d gotten over that mistake years ago.

For now, he would avoid Rachel and try his best to block her emotions.

Why was she walking up his driveway? He didn’t expect to see her on his doorstep, thought she would be happy with him leaving. But there she stood on the porch, her hand raised and ready to knock.

He didn’t know whether to let her in or ignore her. Sensing her anxiousness, he grabbed the handle. Would she only tell him off, make it easier for him to leave her?

Waves of disappointment slammed into him when he opened the door. Did she regret coming over, sleeping with him, or knowing him altogether? He gripped the doorjamb, expecting her to crush him even more than she already had.

“You’re selling your house?” She watched him with big doe-like eyes, her bottom lip trembling.

“Yes.” He groaned from the slap of emotions flying off of her. Not one stood out, but happiness was not among them. A deep shadow cast over his heart.
What did I do?

“When are you moving?” Her voice cracked as she asked the question.

“Depends on how long it takes to sell.” Though part of him suddenly hoped it wouldn’t sell, believed he still had a chance with her.

She raised her eyebrows and gulped. “Are you moving far away?”

“I was planning on it.” The pain from standing in front of her proved it would be impossible to live near her if she didn’t want to be with him.


The assault of emotion from her left him weak. She had to leave. “Why do you care? You’re the one who ran out on me when you found out what I was.”

“Yes, but that was yesterday.”

“What’s changed since then?”

She glanced away. Her dam broke, and tears streamed down her cheeks. “Everything,” she whispered.

He’d read her all wrong, acted too soon. Now he had a mess of a situation to clean up, starting with the woman in tears on his doorstep. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he yearned for her to look at him again. “I thought you wanted nothing to do with me because I’m…an alien.”

“No. I was just so confused. I needed time to think.” Her eyelids fluttered. “I didn’t expect you to do something so drastic.”

Digging his fingers into the frame, he winced through the pain. “I’m sorry.” He couldn’t tell her that the thought of living beside her when she hated him made him want to flee. Not when he still wasn’t sure how she felt. “Nothing is final yet.”

“But, you’re still going to move away?”

“Yes.” Either way, he refused to stay in Hanton forever. His plan had been to come back, claim Rachel, and leave again with her. But fear of rejection from the beautiful woman who’d blossomed from the little girl who’d accepted him unconditionally had sidelined those plans. “I never wanted to stay this long.”

“So, there’s no chance for us.” She spun away and rushed toward her house.

He raced after her and managed to grab her arm just before she stepped up to her porch. She faced him, fire lighting her eyes. If she loved him with as much intensity as the anger she threw at him, their relationship might last forever.
Please give me another chance.

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