Alexia Eden (FairyTales Don't Exist) (9 page)

BOOK: Alexia Eden (FairyTales Don't Exist)
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Why the fuck is his hands on her? I’m going to rip him to pieces.
Malek, my wolf, growls from within.

I can sense the fear coming from the girl as she struggles to get away from him. I pull her away from Greg as gently as I can and ask if she’s okay. She’s clearly petrified and this enrages me but she’s not hurt and that’s good for Greg’s sake.

As she rushes into the bathroom with Ronny close behind I decide to have a few words with Greg, he is also part of our pack like most people in this bar, so as soon as I speak to him I see his head slightly bow showing obedience. I see he's resistant though and doesn't want to respect me but has no choice since his wolf does. I pull him out the back door at the end of the corridor. He’s older than me but I’m stronger and bigger.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
  I spit at him as I throw him against the wall.

“Nothing is wrong with me , she may be younger than me but she wanted me just as bad, she looks legal and old enough to make her own decisions!” he shouts back, his disrespect making me all the more livid.

“Anyone could see she didn’t want you to touch her! I swear to God Greg, I am so close to ripping your fucking head off! I should kick you from the pack right now you no good piece of shit!” I shout at him, trying to keep my wolf from ripping into him.

“Jaxon you forget, you’re not Alpha YET…. so don’t fucking threaten me boy! What’s so special about the girl? You can have any piece of ass you want, why the fuck are you bitching at me for trying to get with her? I saw it in her eyes, she wanted me ….she doesn’t want a boy …she wants a man and I’m going to get her one way or another!” That’s it, my wolf takes control over my body and I just let him.

As I lunge at him throwing punches, my wolf shouts out, “Don’t you EVER speak about her that way, if I EVER see you anywhere near her or if I find out you touched her again I will rip you apart! I don’t care if you’re part of our pack, do you understand me? I’m not Alpha YET but when I am, you can bet your ass I will make you wish you never spoke to me the way you just did! She will NEVER be yours, she is MINE!” giving him one more punch, he’s out cold.

I should have killed him
! Malek says to me still so angry,
I know…I felt the same way but dad wouldn’t be too happy about that.
I reply.

After washing my hands in the bathroom, the girl from before walks out and collides into my chest. I can’t help but chuckle, she is so small and innocent looking. She has to lift her head up to actually look into my face. She doesn’t seem to notice that she’s staring at me and the way she’s looking at me makes me want to take her right there against the wall. But no…I wouldn’t do that, this girl is too special to be a quick meaningless lay against the wall of a tacky pub.

I find out her name is Lexi as we introduce ourselves before she runs out in the direction of the main bar area with Ronny. I find her on top of the bar trying to pull the woman who is dancing rather seductively from the bar top who I’m guessing is her mother. I hear the catcalls get louder as she stands on the bar with her mother. I’m trying to keep Malek at bay, he wants to yell at everyone and warn them that she is ours, but that might scare Lexi off and we don’t want that.

I help her carry her mother to their car and say our goodbyes. Now that I’ve met her, I’m never letting her go. I don’t know why I feel so possessive over her, maybe it’s the fact that she looks so fragile, that she could break any second and I want to make sure that doesn’t happen. I want to keep her safe and take away all the pain that I see in her eyes.

That same night after midnight I was lying in bed but couldn’t sleep, all I could think about was Lexi and how I wanted to see her again. My wolf and I both were restless so I decided to go out for a run. I was running through the forest with the music in my ears blaring when I came across her scent, I recognized it from when I had her in my arms at the bar. So sweet and fresh.  I came out of the bushes and she spotted me and looked panicked, she was about to run away when I quickly pulled the hoodie from my head and the ear plugs out my ears. She let out a deep breath when she noticed who I was.

I was curious to find out if her mother behaved like that all the time because I just wanted to know if she was safe at home with her mother so I asked her. She became really defensive and she tried to defend her mother so I knew that her mother indeed had a habit of getting drunk. She got irritated by my questioning and she wanted to leave but I stopped her and asked her to stay. I needed more time with her.

I know her mother was a wolf because she asked my father if she could live on our territory in peace without joining our pack, my father was reluctant at first but after she told him the story of her husband and how she didn’t have anyone except Amber, he agreed to it. Although her mother was wolf this girl smelt human to me. I wasn’t too sure how she masked the scent of wolf or if her mother had explained to her what we are. She seemed unaware of the fact that this town was full of wolves and I wasn’t going to be the one to break it to her. Not yet anyway.

I sat with her as she spoke about her father, her voice full of love and sadness as she retold me stories. I sat close to her, my wolf needing to be close to her scent as I watched her speak, taking in all her beauty. I didn’t care if she noticed me staring or if it was obvious, she was too beautiful to keep my eyes away from her.

I walked her to her house and helped her in, I had this overwhelming need to make sure she was safe, I climbed in the window behind her and ignored her confused face not knowing what I was doing. I smelt the air, and there was only two scents in the house, her mothers and hers. I noticed her phone sitting on charge beside her bed and I took it and placed my number in it and called my phone to save her number and saved my number to hers.

She was too cute when she was angered and I saw her near foot stamp and I just wanted to wrap my arms around her and claim her as mine. I wrapped my arm around her and I felt her tense and I held on tighter. She eventually relaxed into my arms and I let out a breath. I could keep her here, safe, with me forever.

After reluctantly letting her go, I made my way out the window and made sure she locked the window before I left.

A few days have gone by and I’ve spent as much time as I can with Lexi getting to know her. Ronny and her have gotten quite close and I envy that she gets to spend most of the time with Lex.

Ronny informed me that she thinks that Lexi is the girl that Drake's been meeting. I kind of guessed that when I saw Lexi at the waterfall that one night but I hoped it wasn’t true. So I asked Ronny to find out how she felt about me only to have Ronny tell me that Lexi only has friendly feelings for me. Ron says she knows she was lying though. Us wolves can sense when people are lying, I still felt a jab to my heart to hear that she didn’t feel the same about me as I did her, even if she was lying about it because she was too scared to admit her feelings for me.

I wasn’t going to ruin what I had with Lexi by making her admit that she did indeed feel the same way about me, I needed to be close to her and if being her best friend got me to stay
 close to her than I would accept that.

When I realized that Lexi was the girl that Drake has been talking about, I was miserable and Ronny knew it, Ronny suggested we try and keep Lexi from Drake just until school starts so we could at least spend time with her because we knew that as soon as Drake met her officially he would steal her away from us.

I knew I was in love with Lexi, it didn’t matter if I’d only known her for a little while. I felt like I knew her my entire life and I gues when you know you just do. Time doesn’t mean shit when love comes into play. She wasn’t ready to admit her feelings about me and I loved her enough to let her choose who she was going to be with and who she thought would make her happy. Drake was my brother, maybe not by blood, but in every other aspect he was my family and I couldn’t take Lexi from him. Drake was going to be the Beta when I became Alpha and I wouldn’t go against him. I’m not sure if he will treat her well because I’ve seen the way he treats other girls when he is angry but if he doesn’t treat her well, I would step in and give her everything she wants and deserves.  

It’s a bittersweet situation, I’m so happy Drake found someone to love and care for but that means that I’m losing the girl I love to my best friend and… I’m not sure I will ever find someone else that I could love as much as I love her.

My wolf whimpers inside at the thought of ever losing her.



As Jax walks past me, I see the sad look in his eyes as he starts silently pacing my room as if he’s thinking about something deeply.
Please don’t tell me he’s here to end our friendship...
as that thought crosses my mind I rush over to where Jax is standing and dive into his arms and wrap my arms tight around his waist.

“I’m so sorry Jax, please forgive me. I swear I will apologize to your girlfriend as soon as I see her at school. I'm sorry! Please don’t end our friendship ….I need y…. I mean I… I can’t lose you please Jax I promise I will be a better friend!" Trying to keep my tears from spilling out I stutter into his chest holding him tight, I feel him tense as I put my arms around him tighter then he puts his arms around me and gives me a gentle squeeze as he listens to what I say.

He nuzzles his face in my neck and I hear him take a deep breath as if he's smelling me.

“Baby please don’t apologize, I came here to apologize to you. Chelsea isn’t my girlfriend and I didn’t know she was treating you that way. I was angry because no one told me that she was treating you like shit.” he lifts my chin up so I can look into those beautiful emerald eyes of his.

"So you aren't mad at me? I thought you came here because you didn’t want to be friends with me anymore…” I say as I look at his chest trying to hide my insecurities, remembering I’m still in his arms and he is still holding me tightly against him, comforting me.

“No Lexi, I need you too baby, I wouldn’t want to lose you over such a silly thing, in fact I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. I just didn’t know that you were that feisty and...
 from what I heard it was quite sexy.” he smirks at me, “but Lexi you should just keep your distance from those girls, they can be quite dangerous and well...even though you can defend yourself - if those girls gang up on you when none of us are around, they could really hurt you. Don’t worry though baby if those girls know what’s good for them they will stay far away from you, I've had a chat with Chelsea about it.”

“Jax! I can sort my own problems out, I don’t need you to fight my battles for me, clearly I know what I'm doing, seriously!” I whisper shout at him and go and sit on my bed with my knees up, hands folded and head down trying to calm myself.

I feel the bed dip and Jax’s warm body near mine. He puts his arm over my shoulders. I look into his face and he has a grin.

“Lexi, not going to argue about this with you, it’s already done. I just want you safe, please don’t be mad at me.” he says as he pulls me into his arms lying next to me on my bed.

I sigh, “Okay, thank you….for everything.”

“Pleasure babe, how was movie night?” Jax asks.

I tell him all about the movie we watched and how scared I was, he laughs at me. “You’re such a girl!” he says as he rubs my back up and down.

“Whatever!” I laugh at him.


I lift my head up so that my chin is leaning on his chest and he’s looking down at me this seems rather intimate but I enjoy being close to him.

“Drake asked me to be his girlfriend and... I said yes. I know the whole girlfriend boyfriend thing sounds cheesy but what I mean is, he asked me to go on a proper date with him and I said yes.” I tell him and I feel him slightly tense and as if it never happened he relaxes and carries on rubbing my back gently.

“That’s cool Lex, Drake is a good guy, he better treat you right …” he says as he looks away from my eyes.

“What’s wrong Jax?” I ask, sensing something is off.

“I don’t know, it’s just that…. I don’t know…” he hesitates.

“Please tell me?”

“ that you and Drake are together I just hope that we will
 still stay close.” he says as he turns his head blushing.

“Jax! Nothing’s going to change between us, you’re still my best friend and if you think this is going to stop us from being “us” then tell me, I won’t date Drake. You are too important to me to lose…” I stammer.

“Baby you’re just as important to me and I don’t wanna lose you, I know we are best friends and nothing more and even though we’re close I just don’t want to ruin what we have you know…”

“Yeah Jax, I know what you mean, you and Ronny are my family, you know I love you right?” I tell Jax as I look into his eyes.

He looks down at me and a smile lights his entire face, its as if he’s never heard someone tell him they love him, he bends down and kisses my cheek.

“I love you to Lex.” he says,
 but when he says this it feels like he means more, it was intimate.

Nah I’m going crazy , someone like Jax couldn’t possibly want someone like me, it was definitely a sisterly “I love you” yeah that’s what it was…

I smile at him and we lie quietly next to each other both of us deep in thought, “Lexi? Do you believe in fate?” He asks me randomly.

BOOK: Alexia Eden (FairyTales Don't Exist)
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