Ain't No Wifey 2 (5 page)

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Authors: Jahquel J.

Tags: #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Romance

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey 2
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              “I don’t know why you checking that watch, you ain’t going out to no concert. Case closed,” He told me. I knew not to argue. I wasn’t going to get my Sasha Fierce on tonight. I called Les. She answered right away.

              “Hey girly, that hair sweated out already?” she laughed.

              “No, not yet, I want to ask if you want my ticket to the concert. Don has other plans for me and I can’t go,” I explained, while Donovan caressed my breast.

              “Daddy put that ass in check, huh? Hell yea, the concert is less than two hours away. Let me get dressed and I’ll pick it up.” she squealed.

              “Yeah, he calls his self doing something.”

“Bitch, you on my line, giving me your ticket… he ain’t doing something. He did it already. Thank you, mama. I’ll be by shortly.” She laughed.

              “This is my thank you for my new do.” I smiled ending the call.

              I turned my attention to Donovan, and took off my other shoe. He took my feet in his hand and stroked my aching feet.

              “Tell me.”

              “What you want to know?”

              “Did you touch little kids?” he cringed as the words left my mouth, I knew right there he wasn’t capable of what was said.

              “I think you know the answer. I met Kareema when she was sixteen, didn’t know she was that young. The girl had a body of a grown woman. She cheated on me and I played her ass to the left. She got mad and had her mom press charges. Her mom later found out what her daughter is and was capable of. I send money for my daughter every month.” He lifted my foot and kissed them. 

              “So, why haven’t you stepped up and been involved in her life?”

              “I can’t take care of her when her mother got me labeled for life. I can’t bring myself to do it.”

              “Nigga, you’re taking care of that little girl. If home girl is foul like that she shouldn’t be raising your daughter. Call her right now and tell her you want to see her.”  He pulled his phone out and called her. As he spoke to her my patience got thinner every minute that he wasted on the phone with that hoodrat. When he was done, he tapped my thigh for me to get up.

              “She said I could come get her.”

              “Cool, let’s go.” I slipped one shoe on and went for the other. I sent Les, a text telling her the tickets were in the mailbox and got into the car.





I pulled up to the apartment complex Kareema gave me the address to. Milan was the first to hop out. I just got my wife back; I didn’t need her going to jail. I followed behind her but pushed her behind me while I rang the doorbell. Kareema, answered with Tavia standing behind her hysterically crying. I reached for my daughter and reluctantly she reached for me. Kareema looked Milan up and down and rolled her eyes.

              “Did you have to bring her? This involves our daughter, not some random popcorn hoe.”

              “A bitch got one more time to call me a popcorn hoe, Donovan. Bitch, it wasn’t cute when Tracie on Love and Hip Hop said it and it damn sure ain’t coming out your mouth.” Milan tried to step around me to properly address her but I pushed her back.

              “Kareema, she is my wife. Can we come in?” I asked being polite. I hadn’t seen her since she sat on the stand and lied under oath.

              “Sure, take your shoes off.” She stepped aside. Milan, being the drama queen comedian, took her Louboutins off and carried them with her.

              “I’m only taking my shoes off to protect my red bottoms from this cheap ass wood. Plus, you a broke bitch, these are like Christmas to you,” she scoffed. I shook my head. Milan was something else.

              Kareema closed the door and locked it. I played with, a now quiet, Tavia. Kareema sat on the couch and offered me a seat. Milan stood by the foyer staring at something on the hallway table.

              “So, you know you can’t take her without a supervised visit.” She stated, with satisfied look on her face.

              “He isn’t. I’m here; his wife.”

              “How do I know you don’t touch kids?” Kareema smirked.

              “I don’t, but I do touch their mamas,” Milan, threatened. She started to walk over to where Kareema was sitting but I quickly intercepted.

              “You want me to be a father? I’m being one,” I clarified. Milan took Tavia’s hand and walked to the front of the house.

              “I’m gon’ act like I don’t see that Benadryl bottle sitting next to her Dora cup. But that none of my business.” Milan smirked and walked to the door.

              “Kareema, I better not find out you’re drugging my daughter.”

              “Please, she has allergies. Don’t be trying to act like you care because your child bride is here,” she giggled. This was her last time to make light of my situation. I walked close to her and let her sniff my cologne. I could tell she was nervous and I still had the impact over her like when she was sixteen years old. I made her nervous; the bad bitch attitude was just a façade.

              “You got one more time to crack a joke about the evil shit you did. The only reason you’re still breathing is because I’m not that Donovan anymore. Please, and I do say please, don’t think I won’t have you fucked up for the foul shit you did… I still got cousins waiting to whip your ass, so tread lightly.” I reached up and gripped her neck tight as she gripped my forearms. I released her and she fell to the floor like a handicap kid trying to walk.

              “Where’s her booster seat?” I barked.

              “In…. um… I think in the hall closet,” she stammered. I looked in the hall closet and the car seat was there with the plastic still on it. I grabbed it and ushered Milan out the door leaving the bum bitch to sit in her own misery.




              “Tavia, I am your daddy. I know I don’t come around a lot but that is because daddy lives in California,” I explained to Tavia. She kept looking at me like she thought she knew me. She was now five and I missed a whole lot of years.

              “I know nana shows me pictures. Why Reema didn’t come with us?” she asked, referring to her mother. Milan shook her head.

              “Babe, that’s a damn shame when the little girl don’t even call her mommy.” Milan sat down beside me.

              “That bitch is a fucking thot. She couldn’t sit still long enough for her daughter to call her mommy.” I held my daughter’s ears as I cursed.

              “My name is Tavia, what’s your name?” Tavia, hopped up next to Milan.

              “My name is Milan. You’re adorable, you know you have a baby cousin?”  Milan, pinched her cheeks. I watched them interacting

“I do? Can I see her?” My daughter jumped up and down excited.

“Maybe we can take a visit to Miami and see her soon… okay?” Milan rustled her curly hair.

              “Cookie, come here, please.” I called to her from the kitchen. She sat my daughter on the couch with her phone and came into the kitchen.

              “I just want to let you know I love you, baby. I want this marriage to work,” I sincerely stated. I loved that woman with all of me.

              “Papa, this marriage is going to work. You mad? Take your ass in the guestroom. But divorce is never an option.” She kissed me on the lips.

              “When you going to give me a child?” She looked at me and frowned. I laughed and she walked into the living room.

              “I’m not having any children, fuck you thought.” She laughed. Her ass was so prissy.

              “You keep playing, I know I done bust a couple of seeds up in you… it’s only a matter of time.” I laughed. Tavia came into the kitchen and hopped onto the stool.

              “Can I have something to eat? Reema only gave me candy and cake.” she looked up at me with her piecing hazel eyes. I kept a smile on my face but my anger was rising. Here it was nine at night and this little girl didn’t have any real food.

              “Sure, come on, babygirl, we can go get some McDonalds. Go get Milan and we can go.” She ran off screaming Milan’s name and I went to my office to dial Kareema’s mother.

              “Good evening Ms. Kathy,”

              “Oh  ... hi, Donovan. How are you?” she seemed a little shocked.

              “I’m very well…. How are you, ma’am?”

              “I’ve been sick the last couple days. Worried about my little Tavia. I tried to call you but your number wasn’t working. Kareema came and got her about a week ago talkin’ bout’ she going to make a better life for she and Tavia. I tried to fight her but I just don’t have the energy anymore,” She sighed. I could tell she was stressed with her daughter.

              “I have Tavia. She came to California and call her self-revealing my past to my wife.”

              “You’re got married? Now why wasn’t me and Tavia invited?”

              “We eloped. A big wedding will happen soon,” I revealed. Milan had no idea.

              “That’s nice. Kareema has been running me ragged with this lifestyle she call herself having. That girl hasn’t seen her daughter in a year and we’re in the same state. She feeds Tavia all these false hopes and runs off with the next nigga. I went down to the court and filed for custody last week and called and gave her ass a week to bring my granddaughter to me.”

              “I know. Tavia just told me she didn’t eat anything today and it’s nine at night.” I was pissed.

              “Boy, take care of Tavia and don’t let her get my grandbaby please. Make sure you go down to probation and let them know so you cover your ass too. Look into getting that taken off your record. No man wants to walk around with a pedophile label. If they need me to testify I will. I have copies of that little bitch’s diary for proof, ” she instructed me.

              “Thank you Ms. Kathy. I will call and keep you updated on Tavia.”

              “Thanks, love. Keep an eye on Kareema. I’m proud of you, Donnie. Don’t think I didn’t see that spread in Vibe magazine about your studio. My nephews wouldn’t stop bragging about it,” she chuckled.

              “You are too much Ms. Kathy, we will talk soon,” I assured her and ended the call. With a good mother like Ms. Kathy I didn’t know what went wrong with Kareema. Ms. Kathy was a teacher and cheer coach. She kept Kareema in school and out of trouble and after her father died, she spoiled her rotten out of guilt. Maybe that was the problem.

              Milan came back in the room with Tavia on her back. I took Tavia and put her on my back. First thing tomorrow morning I was going to speak to my probation officer and let him know I had my daughter. I thought more about what Ms. Kathy said about getting this charged removed. I was going to look more into it.






“Bitch, you said he would take me back, give me money and let me and my daughter live in that huge house. You lied, you toothpick bitch!” I hysterically screamed, soon as Sasha answered the phone. I held my neck as I walked to the freezer for ice. I put the cold compress on my neck for added relief.

              “Kenya, I am sleeping and if you don’t know I haven’t been getting a lot of that lately. When I awake I will call you. For the record don’t ever call me screaming, I’m not the one,” She calmly declared while yawning.  

              “It’s Kareema,” I pathetically corrected.

              “Well, if it ain’t sleep, I don’t care.” She hung up on me, leaving me shaken up and in pain.

              I was dumb to pack up and leave Chicago off the word of some bitch I didn’t even know. Why was she so dead set on helping me destroy Donovan’s life? I never sat back and thought about it, not like I cared about Donovan and his bitch. It was the fact that I didn’t know what she got out the deal. When she sent me the message on Facebook followed with three thousand to my PayPal, I snatched Tavia and got on the next thing smoking to California. When we arrived in California she already had a rental car and more money deposited into my PayPal account. She gave me clear instructions to go rent a place for us to live in. she also told me it would only be temporary since Donovan would be moving me into his house soon. Why did I fall for that shit?

              I didn’t even know where she lived or who she was. That was the dumb part on my end; I should have found all that out before I got on a plane to another state. I hopped off the couch and ran to my purse. I remember the rental company giving me papers with the renter’s information on it. Bingo! Her information was clear as day on the paper. She lived in Florida, while she got me in California doing all her dirty work. I received a notification on my phone for a thousand dollars. That was my hush money; she knew she fucked up. Lucky for her I had spent all my money last week. This was my plane ticket to visit her ass. Donovan came and burst my bubble so I didn’t need my daughter any further.






I flipped my phone on to the nightstand and sat up. This bitch had pissed me off, I was finally getting some sleep and here she goes waking me up again. I never get more than a wink of sleep because of this stupid pregnancy. Pregnancy is a bitch, I have horrible heartburn, my sleep pattern is all fucked up and I’m still sick every morning like clockwork. I heard the front door open and close, Byron, was home. He had laid off from putting his hands on me. Now, he was more obsessed about the baby. He wanted us to raise it and to leave Micah alone. I refused, I didn’t go through all this trouble to just give birth to this snot nose kid.

              I sat up watching the YouTube video of Minka and Micah at a club a couple weeks ago. I couldn’t start my day without watching this video. I studied the way she carried herself, the clothes she wore and the way she spoke. I tried to incorporate those things into my everyday life. I got extensions put in to make my hair longer and butt implants were next. Why did she get to come into my city and get my man? I watched her turn around and show her post partum body and I was sick with jealousy. I’ve been dieting for years and watching my weight, why didn’t I have that body? All I was called was too thin or asked if I was sick.

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