Ain't No Wifey 2

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Authors: Jahquel J.

Tags: #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Romance

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Ain’t No Wifey






Jahquel J.





This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


© 2014 Royalty Publishing House. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.





Jahquel J’sReleases:


A Woman’s Worth #1

A Woman’s Worth #2

Ain’t No Wifey


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              I was unhooked off my mic and stepped off stage with the help of one of the studio interns. She showed me into the dressing room where all my belongings were. I grabbed my bag and make-up case and motioned for her to bring the company limo around. She spoke into the mic and obeyed my order. I noticed she kept looking at me with disgust in her face so, instead of holding it in, I let it out.

              “You got a problem with me?” I snapped.

              “Matter of fact, I do. I don’t approve of you lying on national TV and ruining a man’s life,” she spat back, with her hands now placed on her wide hips. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

              “Baby girl, you’re not even worthy of a response. What goes on TV is what goes on but don’t bring that shit to me or else you will get got.” I got into the awaiting car. I could tell she was stunned the way I dismissed her. Who told her to stick her nose where it didn’t belong?

              I walked into my house and immediately I was slapped down to the ground. I didn’t even see it coming and I damn sure wouldn’t have come home if I did. I got up the best I could and looked into the red, glossy eyes of Byron. He looked like he had been drinking; I spotted the liquor bottle over on the kitchen table so I knew my theory was true.

              “Why did you hit me baby?” I asked shakily. My cheek was stinging and my knees were shaking from being brought down to the floor from the slap.

              “Why the fuck would you go on TV and announce this like this is something to be proud of?” He walked back to the table and took a swig out the bottle.

              “I told you my plan before I did it and you were cool. I’m so tired of tip-toeing around you and not saying how I really feel. You are fucking crazy, I’m leaving.” I tried to stand my ground. I wanted to see if he would beg me to stay. He rushed over to me and smashed me in the face with Jack Daniel bottle and I felt my skin split. Thick red blood poured from my forehead. I looked at him for the first time and saw the venom his eyes held.

              “Get the fuck upstairs and don’t you ever threaten me about leaving,” he roared. I rushed by him quickly and went up the stairs as fast as my legs               would take me. 

              “I hate you nigga,” I said under my breath and went into the bathroom to tend to my wounds. I looked in the mirror and laughed. I knew I would need stitches because of how deep the gash was. I went into the hall closet and came back with my sewing can. I threaded a needle and proceeded to sew my gash shut with thick weaving thread. It hurt like hell but it needed to be done. There was no way I would be able to go to the emergency room.

              After I finished sewing it up, I popped a few Tylenols and took a shower. My headache was one out of this world. I heard his footsteps shuffling up the stairs so I quietly turned over and acted like I was sleep. He rubbed my back then went into the bathroom and closed the door. I blew out a sigh of relief and tried to find sleep. I prayed that I would wake up in the morning. Soon sleep found me because I was out cold.









I sat in the lawyer’s office listening to nothing that came out his mouth. To be honest, all the shit he was talking was bullshit. I didn’t want hear none of it. This back and forth with Sasha had been going on for a while and I was tired of it. She hated me because I had what she couldn’t have: Micah’s child. She could sue me all she wanted but, she would never be me.

              “Minka are you listening to me?” he asked, I could tell he was irritated with having to repeat his self.

              “I’m actually not, I am tired of going to court over this shit. I was served with these papers when my daughter was a couple weeks old. She is now three months and I am still going to court,” I snapped. He turned bright red.

              “I am trying to get this case closed but she keeps on bringing valid reasons why you should be punished,” he mumbled.

              “Valid reasons? What are those? Please tell me because I’ve submitted everything I had to prove I was pregnant at the time.”

              “You do know who the person who attacked her is and you are not budging on revealing who that is.”

              “I damn sure do know who that is and I am not giving her up, plus she isn’t in the country, anyway. Get this dismissed or I will have to go with another law firm!” I demanded, I grabbed my diaper bag and walked out of his office.

              Lights, screaming and flashes bombarded my daughter and me as we made our way out the office. If it wasn’t for the bodyguard I hired, I would be fighting my way to the car.

              “Minka, is it true Sasha is having Micah’s child?” one paparazzi yelled. I turned around and decided to respond.

              “I have Micah’s only child. He has no other children,” I said and got into the awaiting Lincoln Navigator.



              I sat on the balcony of my new house smoking some potent weed. It was a habit that I picked up to cope with the on going drama in my life. I took pull after pull as I thought about Micah. I missed his ass so much but refused to let him think what he did to me was right. How do you leave your girl for damn near nine months and come back, wanting to be a happy family? I couldn’t get over that, which is why I was alone in this house. I hadn’t seen Micah since the day I delivered our daughter. Whenever he wanted to see his daughter, his mother would come and get her and return her back.

              I heard he was still messing with his girlfriend, Lisa. I cared but I acted as if I didn’t. I told him to never have her around my child. I didn’t want her ass to even know my child’s name. A trip to Miami was due soon; I hadn’t seen my grandparents and they were tired of seeing Miya but not me. Sharlean, Micah’s mom and my grandmother had become close, despite the status of me and Micah’s relationship. I heard my front door open and close and I knew it was my mother. Yeah, we had become close over the couple of months. Crazy how situations bring people together. I think it was the fact she and Robert were getting divorced.

              “Hey, doll, what’s going on?” she asked, while sitting down.

              “Thinking maybe it’s time to go visit Miami. I haven’t seen my grandparents in a while,” I said in between taking a pull. She turned her nose up and coughed slightly.

              “I wish you would stop smoking that shit. How can you be lady-like while wrapping your lips around a blunt.” She waved her hand in front her face.

              “Same way I wrap my lips around a dick. You should come and see Grams and Gramps,” I suggested, she looked at me out the side of her eye.

              “I haven’t seen them since I left their house years ago. They wouldn’t want to see me.”

              “Morocco, it’s never too late. Look at this as a new beginning. You are soon to be divorced, why not try to strengthen your relationship with your family?” She sat and pondered the thought as I smoked the remaining of the clip I had. I popped a piece of gum in my mouth.

              “I will come just to help you with Princess. We’ll see when I get there if I go to their house.” She got up and left the balcony. She couldn’t fully leave until she came back with air freshener.

              “Thank you, Morocco,” I giggled. She was trip and a half.









              “Man this is bullshit. She isn’t carrying my son. I would have had to sleep with her in order to get her crazy ass pregnant!” I yelled and slammed my fist on my lawyer’s desk. How the hell can she actually say I’m the father of her child? I knew the bitch was off her rocker when she talked to my dick the night of the charity event.

              “I understand that, Micah. You need to tell me if you and her had any sexual involvement,” Doug, my lawyer probed. The public wanted a statement to Sasha’s allegations and it was time I finally put one out. I knew he was only asking so he could forward the message to my publicist. However, the subject made me angry.

              “She sucked my dick like almost two years ago at a charity event. I didn’t fuck her. After she popped my shit out her mouth I left her,” I replied not bothering to watch my language. My phone started ringing, I looked at the caller id. It was mom dukes and I knew she was going to have an ear full so I pressed ignore. I would get back to her later.

              “Look, Micah, all we can do is wait until she has the baby. There is a new test that can determine the paternity of the baby as little as nine weeks in the womb. I’m not a hundred percent sure if it’s admissible in court but I will find out and order her to take one. If not we’ll have to wait until she has the baby.” Doug handed me some papers and I signed them before handing them back.

              I left Doug’s office upset all over again. I felt like the weight of the world was on my back and I was facing it alone. I got behind the wheel of my Rolls Royce Phantom, happy I made it before the paparazzi bombarded me. I pulled off with no destination; I knew I couldn’t go home they would be waiting for me. I missed Minka and Miya and wished they were closer.

              I walked into my mother’s house to her cooking as usual. I smelled ribs, baked macaroni and cheese and collard greens. What had me boggled was the gurgling noise of a baby coming from the kitchen. It was as if God knew I needed my daughter. She was sitting in the bassinet sucking her pacifier. My mother smiled as she stirred the pot of greens and ham hocks. I picked my princess up and snuggled her close to me. She stopped sucking her pacifier and looked at me. I swore she was the spitting image of her mother.

              “What is lil’ mama doing here?” I asked, as I cradled her in my arms.

              “She and her mother happen to be in town for the week, maybe longer.” My mother smirked; she knew I still had it bad for Minka.

              “Where’s Minka?”

              “She went out shopping, she and her sister are going out tonight. When she sat down and told me what was going on, I suggested for her to go out. You know her no good damn lawyer still got her fighting that damn case?” my mother shook her head. She had always been Team Minka. Which is why Lisa wasn’t welcomed around her house or presence.

              “I got to catch up with her. How she looking, mama?” She looked over at me and put the milk back in the fridge.

              “That girl is thick as hell. Miya done gave her more hips, thighs, and ass for days. When she walked into this house with that maxi dress on, I had to look. You know not a lot of women can wear those dresses without looking a mess,” she laughed. I licked my lips; mama didn’t lie so I knew I had to catch up with her.

              “Where’s she staying?” I lay a now sleeping Miya back in the bassinet. 

              “Micah, what the hell is this twenty questions? She’s staying at her condo in Miami Beach. Go on now and leave my grandbaby alone. She staying with me for the weekend so don’t go get no ideas,” she exclaimed as she swatted me away from my daughter.

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