Again (Time for Love Book 3) (21 page)

Read Again (Time for Love Book 3) Online

Authors: Miranda P. Charles

Tags: #beach read, #sexy romance, #steamy romance, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Again (Time for Love Book 3)
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“Hi, Bren!” Amanda called, waving to her friend.

Brenna waved back, then took off her sandals to walk barefoot on the sand.

It was a cool but beautiful day—perfect early-spring weather—and it was nice to soak in the gentle warmth of the late-morning sun. Amanda eyed the surfers braving the cold water while she waited for Brenna to reach her.

“Isn’t it such a nice day today?” Brenna said as they kissed each other on the cheek.

“It is. I was going to sleep in until at least mid-day since we had such a late night last night. But I’m glad you rang to get me out of bed.”

Brenna chuckled. “Well, even though I’m tired from yesterday’s partying, I’m still a-buzz. I thought a lazy walk along the beach would be great for today.”

“Yes, yesterday was fantastic, wasn’t it?” Amanda said, fondly remembering Rebecca and Zach’s nuptials.

The wedding ceremony itself had been very touching, particularly the part where the couple had exchanged their vows. Rebecca’s voice had cracked as she held Zach’s hand and declared her undying love for him. Zach had been emotional, too. He’d had to take deep breaths to compose himself.

Amanda recalled having to dab the corner of her own eyes once or twice. She’d been so happy for one of her best friends. Rebecca and Zach were perfect for each other.

“You know,” Brenna said, “if I ever get married, I’ll be hiring Bec’s wedding planner. She did a terrific job.”

you ever get married?” Amanda asked. “Considering that it’s our New Year’s resolution to find a potential happily-ever-after guy, I’d expect that you’d get married one of these days. Unless you just want to do without the formal contract that legally ties you to the man.”

Brenna sighed. “I do want to get married. Of course, finding the right guy is the tricky part.”

Amanda glanced at her friend as they walked toward the southern end of the beach. “How is it going with Lance?” she asked. Brenna had been dating the guy she’d met in her office building for a couple of months now.

Brenna made a face. “Not bad, I guess.”

“That doesn’t sound promising,” she said with a chuckle. “I thought things were getting serious between the two of you, since you asked him to go with you to Bec’s wedding.”

“I just don’t really know yet. Maybe I just need more time to figure out if I want to keep dating him or not.”

“Maybe it’s because he’s only a cutie and not a hunk, so you’re not that keen on him being your forever guy,” she teased.

Brenna laughed. “Maybe. But I don’t want to give up too easily. He’s a nice guy. My feelings could develop into something stronger if I continue to go out with him.”

Amanda repressed a sigh.

“How are your tenants?” Brenna asked.

“Good, I guess. They’ve been there for three months now. I’ve bumped into them a couple of times as I was passing by in front of my old building. They seem like a nice couple. I think my real estate agent has selected well from the number of people interested in renting my place.”

“And you’re really liking living with Connor?”

“Oh, Bren. I love living with him,” she said, gushing. “In fact, I can see myself living with him for the rest of my life.”

“Oooh. You’re hanging out for a proposal, are you?”

“Yes. If he doesn’t propose soon, I think I’ll start giving him hints,” she said jokingly.

Brenna laughed. “A few months ago, you wouldn’t even have attempted asking a man out, much less asking him to propose.”

“I know. Connor has that effect on me,” she said with a shy smile. “I really love him, Bren.”

Brenna stopped walking to hug her. “Oh, honey. I’m so happy you’ve found your happily-ever-after guy. I wish I’d find mine soon.”

“He’s around, Bren. But you
need to open your eyes.”

Brenna shrugged. “Okay. I’ll really open my eyes the next time I see Lance.”

Amanda decided to drop the topic. Ash had started to see a new girl anyway. Maybe that woman could be the one for Ash. Plus, her brother had never asked for help when it came to Brenna. In fact, Ash had never mentioned having feelings for Brenna, although for Amanda, it was easy to see.

“Shall we walk by the cliff side?” she asked Brenna as they reached the end of the beach.

“No, how about we head back and just sit in your balcony? Maybe Connor would want to join us for a chat and some light lunch?”

“Okay. Great idea. When I left the apartment, he said he was going to search online again for an old car he could fix and soup up. He still hasn’t found the right one at the right price.”


s they neared the middle section of the beach, Amanda saw Connor standing there, waving to them. She grinned and waved back, her heart skipping at the sight of her man.

“Hi, Ash!” Brenna called out, waving as well.

Ash? Oh, right. Amanda saw her brother now. He wasn’t far from Connor.

“I wonder what those two are doing here,” Amanda said.

“Hi!” Connor said as they got close.

“Hi,” Amanda said. “Bren and I were just about to return to our place to sit in the balcony. Would you guys want to join us? Maybe we can have a light lunch up there.”

“Perfect,” Ash answered. “Connor and I are going to search the net together for a Jag.”

“Is that why you’re here, Ash? And I thought you’d come to visit me—your sister,” Amanda teased.

“Well, that too. But mainly, I came to witness a spectacle.”

“What spectacle?”

Connor cleared his throat, then knelt in front of her. He took her left hand in his and pulled something from his pocket. Amanda’s heart raced and her eyes moistened as she realised what was about to happen right there in the middle of Bondi Beach. Her breath hitched as she stared at Connor, whose gaze was both hopeful and nervous.

“Amanda, I love you so much. There’s nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”

“Oh, Connor,” she said, emotions choking her. “Yes.”

Connor grinned in relief, then he kissed the palm of her hand before sliding a large and stunning diamond ring on her finger. It caught the sun and sparkled, just as Amanda’s heart blazed with so much love for the man before her—her future husband.

“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, she said yes!” a lifeguard carrying a megaphone announced.

Enthusiastic clapping and whistling came from all around them. Amanda’s cheeks pinked as she noticed people from all sides watching them, applauding and grinning. She smiled shyly, acknowledging the crowd.

“I’m glad you said yes,” Connor said, rising to his feet and taking her in his arms. “Or I would have been humiliated in public.”

She giggled. “How did all these people know you were going to propose?”

“Easy. We just went around and told them to watch out for it,” he said with a grin. “I want to tell the world how much you mean to me, baby. This was one way I thought I could do it.”

“Connor Reid, you are the sweetest guy in the world,” she said, deeply touched.

“Congratulations, guys,” Ash said, interrupting them.

Amanda turned to her brother and hugged him tight. “I’m glad you’re here to witness this spectacle, Ash.”

“Me, too, sis. Me, too. Mum would be so thrilled.”

“I know. I can’t wait to tell her.”

Amanda swivelled to Brenna, who was grinning from ear to ear. “You knew about this, didn’t you?” she asked her friend.

“Yup. It was my job to take you for a walk so Connor could prepare the audience.”

“Thanks, hon,” Amanda said, squeezing her friend tight. Then she squealed. Walking toward them were Sarah, Jeff, Gemma and Greg, all sporting big smiles.

“Congratulations, Amanda,” Sarah and Gemma cried together as the four friends banded for a big group hug.

“It’s a pity Bec couldn’t be here, but she’s flying to her honeymoon right as we speak,” Gemma said.

“Does she know?” Amanda asked.

“Not yet. Connor only asked us this morning if we’re available for this. And of course we are!”

“We’ll let Bec and Zach enjoy their honeymoon and surprise them when they come back,” Amanda said.

She looked around for Connor, finding him flanked by his friends. Their eyes met, and unspoken love passed between them. Amanda sighed at the blissfulness of it all.

When the congratulations were done, they all started walking back to her and Connor’s place. Connor slinked his arm around her waist, kissing her temple. She sighed, smiling up at him.

It was nice to have her brother and their friends around, but she couldn’t wait until she was alone with Connor. She wanted to show him in private how much she loved his proposal.

“So, Brenna,” Greg asked. “Are you next to get engaged?”

“Me?” Brenna asked in surprise. “What makes you think that?”

“Well, you took your boyfriend to the wedding yesterday. I thought you guys must be serious.”

“No, no,” Brenna said with a laugh. “We’re not serious and I’m far from getting engaged.”

“Well, thank God for that,” Ash muttered.

“Ashton, are you getting all big-brotherly on me again?” Brenna asked, feigning disapproval.

Amanda rolled her eyes. Seriously, Brenna was so damned clueless when it came to Ash.

“That man’s not good for you, Bren,” Ash said. “He seems like a cold fish.”

“Hey, that’s harsh, Ash,” Brenna said. “He’s just shy.”

Ash shook his head. “I should dunk you in the ocean to wake you up.”

Brenna snorted. “You wouldn’t dare.”

Ash raised an eyebrow at Brenna. “I wouldn’t?” he said ominously.

“No-o,” Brenna said, losing some bravado.

In a swift move, Ash lifted Brenna in his arms and jogged to the water.

“Ash!” Brenna shrieked. “Put me down!”

Amanda watched in amazement as her brother carried her best friend to the water’s edge. When the two got there, Brenna’s arms were wound tightly around Ash’s neck as she half-giggled, half-screamed for him not to drop her in the water.

“Brenna has no idea, does she?” Connor murmured.

“None whatsoever.”

“I hope it works out for them.”

“Me, too,” she said longingly.

Connor lifted her face to his. “I’m glad it worked out for us.”

She smiled at him. “Me, too, honey. I’m glad you didn’t give up on me when I found it hard to believe in us in the beginning.”

“Giving up on you was never an option, Amanda,” he said tenderly, running a knuckle on her cheek.

She beamed, basking in his love.

“You know, there is one thing I’m sorry about,” she said.

“What’s that?”

“You lost your gloves collection. I’m sorry you didn’t win it at the auction. But I’m glad Lucas didn’t either.”

“Babe, even if I did win it back, I’d be willing to give it up again and again just to show you how much I love you.”

Amanda melted. Again.


hank you for reading!

Brenna and Ash’s love story is next.
Always (Time for Love Book 4)
is due for release in October 2014.

To be among the first to be notified by email when it is released, as well as see the cover and read the first chapters before publication, make sure you’re subscribed to my newsletter.
Click here to do so.

In the meantime, if you haven’t read
Will To Love (Lifestyle by Design Book 1)
yet, turn the page to check out the first chapters. This book is free!


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The Love Story of Clarise Carson and Will Matthews


ictor will be there with me, looking like his usual gorgeous self. He assured me he'd be very attentive. Everyone will see how mad we are for each other. Well, hopefully, that's what they'll see. Surely this will work. It should stop my dear sister from going ahead with her matchmaking plans. If it doesn't, well, plan B is to die from embarrassment. It will work
, Clarise Carson thought confidently before taking a deep sigh and returning her focus to her last piece of work before she ended the working day.

After a final review, she was done with her latest article for
Lifestyle by Design
, the popular monthly magazine read by those with loads of disposable income keen to know which restaurants and bars were worth going to, which exotic destinations they could holiday in next and which new gadgets they must own to make their busy lives easier.

She was still salivating at the memory of the glorious food she had at Stillwaters, the newest restaurant in Sydney, owned by an upcoming Australian chef, and the latest establishment she had researched and reviewed.

, she nodded.
They definitely deserve this glowing article.
She knew the new restaurant would soon have a very long waiting list of patrons wanting to dine there once next month's issue became available.

Satisfied with her day's accomplishments, she shut off her laptop, grabbed her handbag and walked into the office of Victor Michaels, the magazine's very good-looking head graphic designer.

"I'm done for today, darling. Are you ready to go? I'm starving," she said to Victor. "I'd also like to talk to you again about Megan's engagement party this Saturday night. Seriously, if you can't go with me, I don't know who else to ask," she said, voicing her worry.

"Just give me five minutes and I'll be ready to go. And of course, I'm going with you to your sister's party," Victor replied with a grin. "I'm really excited about it. I'm already looking forward to meeting your family and showing them just how much I want you," he said in a low, sexy voice.

If it hadn't been Victor who made the comment, she would have blushed. Instead she laughed and settled herself on a chair and waited for him to finish.

Renewed hope flowed through her. Having Victor for her date should stop Megan's plan to introduce her to single men at her and Rick's engagement party. Who knew how many of them they had invited? And it was supposed to be a small affair only! She shuddered at the thought of being introduced to a line-up of bachelors, with everyone there knowing what was going on. That would be way too embarrassing!

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