Aflame (Apotheosis) (27 page)

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Authors: Krissy Daniels

BOOK: Aflame (Apotheosis)
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“Zander, think about it. I’m damaged beyond repair. Because of him. It wouldn’t be murder. It would be justice.” Grayce’s tone took a frightening turn. Her conviction burned through Zander like a blowtorch. In that moment, he realized, it was the only way she’d ever truly feel free.

“No. It’s not an option. Absolutely not. We’ll find a different way to stop him. Nikolas is the most brilliant man I know. He’ll help us come up with something. We’re done talking.” The thought of her being anywhere near that monster made his soul swell with a dark, deadly rage, one he wouldn’t be able to control.

Brushing hair from his face, he released an exasperated sigh. Excruciating seconds ticked by before he lifted his head and captured her heated glare.

“You’ve been naked in front of me for too long. If I don’t make love to you right now, I might self combust.” He pulled her up into his lap and brushed his lips against hers. “You need me. Sweetest words I’ve ever heard.”

“Don’t let it go to your head.” Grayce lifted her hips and centered herself over his swollen cock. “This conversation isn’t over.”

Cupping her round, firm ass, he leisurely lowered her down his shaft allowing her body time to stretch and form a perfect grip. Oh shit, it was mind blowing, sweet torture.

“I love you, firecracker.”

He knew all too well she wasn’t able to offer a verbal reciprocation. He said it anyway. He loved her. She needed to know.

“I love you,” he repeated. With a kiss, he silenced her response. The last thing he wanted was to make her feel pressured to speak those three life-altering words back to him. She wasn’t ready. He was okay with that. Did it hurt him? No. What she couldn’t communicate with words, over time she would reveal through actions.

They kissed with feral hunger as she swayed her hips back and forth, up and down. He supported her weight while she rode his entire erection.

Fuck she was warm. Slick. Tight. Heaven. Grayce wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled at his hair. Soft moans set his emotions into overdrive as she unraveled him bit by glorious bit. His head spun and blood pounded in his ears so fierce, it drowned out the thunder of the water. Her skin glowed brighter and hotter with each thrust. Her petite body threw off so much heat, the water turned to steam before it hit the floor.

Holding her tighter, he thrust his hips and drove deeper inside her. He’d never be deep enough, couldn’t possibly get enough of the glorious creature.

As his release built, he cupped her face and forced her to look at him. She cried. She tried to look away, to hide her tears.

“Look at me Grayce.” He needed the connection. Needed to see into her soul when she came.

“Grayce, come for me. I’m about to explode.” This time, it was him lost in her hazel gaze, mesmerized by the shimmer. Something shifted, danced across her retinas, then Grayce cried out his name and her body tightened and spasmed around his sex. He let go. They climaxed together, becoming one. In that suspended moment, he saw her wholly and completely. Every detail from birth to the present was downloaded into his brain. Her memories became his, the good, the godforsaken.

Her red glow burst into a brilliant white light and shattered the glass shower wall. They both collapsed, panting and depleted of any will to move or speak.

It was then that Zander let his tears fall.

* * * *

“Stevie,” the redheaded girl yelled from behind the door, “come outside and play.”

Knock. Knock.

“Come on. Let’s play.”

Stephen concentrated hard on tying his shoes. “I can’t right now. I have to train.” He stood, placed his feet together and compared laces on each foot.

“Please, come outside and play with me. I have to show you something.” She knocked again, a bit softer than before.

“No. Not now. Shayde is coming. I have to practice.” Jeez. Didn’t she get it? Duh. No time to play. Busy trying to save everyone. Girls were such a pain.

“Maybe later?” Her voice saddened.

Oh great. She’s gonna cry now. “Yeah, maybe later.” After he tucked his blue shirt with the red superman symbol into his jeans, he puffed his chest.

That’s how Marcus did it.

Muscles flexed, he turned from side to side and admired the view in the hallway mirror. Yeah, just wait. He’d be bigger than him in no time.

“Ok. I’ll come back later,” the girl shouted. He watched through the window as she skipped across the lawn. Red pigtails bounced behind her. Before crossing the street, she stopped, turned to him and flashed a joyful grin.

Stephen’s heart stopped beating when a black cloud rose from the street behind her. With all his might, he pounded his fists on the window. “Wait! Come back.”

The mist crept over her feet, twisted its way up her legs, over her shoulders and around her neck.

“Come back! Run!” Stephen screamed.

She couldn’t hear him.

Before it engulfed her, it smiled at him with grotesque rows of teeth. And just like that, she was gone.


Stephen jumped, pillow clutched to his chest. His heart pounded like a drum and his pajamas were sticky from sweat. These dreams were not fun. Not. At. All.

He tiptoed to the kitchen for a drink. To his surprise, Marcus and Nikolas were sitting at the table playing a game of cards. “Hi.” He rubbed his eyes. The bright light forced him to squint. “I need a drink.”

Marcus beamed at him. “What’s up dude? Can’t sleep?” He jumped up to grab a glass. Stephen shook his head no.

“We can’t either.”

“Marcus has his mind on a lady. That’s why he can’t sleep.” Nikolas chimed in. “I can’t sleep because Marcus won’t shut up about it.” Pulling a chair out, he gestured for Stephen to sit. “What’s going on with you, little man?”

“I’m dreaming about Shayde again.” Stephen hated admitting to the men he was having bad dreams. But at least they’d understand why he needed to keep training.

“I think I’m supposed to stop him. I think that’s why I keep having the dreams.” He cocked his head to meet Nikolas in the eye. The doctor had an answer for everything. He’d know what to do.

“Well...” Nikolas rubbed his chin. “Can you tell me more about your dreams?”

“One time I was in a coffee store with Chelsea. We were drinking hot chocolate and he came through the floor. One time, I was in the park. This time, I was in a house. Shayde comes. But he’s not a man. He’s like a big black, drippy cloud. And he sucks everybody in. And they disappear. Then he gets bigger.” He stopped to inhale. “The red girl is always there—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Marcus threw his hands in the air. “What red girl? What do you mean?”

“She has super long red hair. And I think she’s my friend. She always wants to play. And she’s always smiling at me.” He scrunched his nose in disgust. “Her red hair is so cool. Like fire. But gross, she’s a girl. I don’t have time to play with girls.”

The men laughed. He wasn’t trying to be funny, but, whatever.

“Stephen, let me think about these dreams of yours. We can talk more about it tomorrow.” Nikolas gave him a firm pat on the shoulder.

“Please, do tell us more about the girl, though.” Marcus winked.

“I don’t want to talk about girls.” Stephen took one last gulp of water and hopped from his chair. He made sure to puff his chest as he passed Marcus. “Good night.”

“Hey, Stephen. We’re going to town tomorrow. You want to come along?”

“Yes.” He yawned.

“Good. We’ll go after breakfast.” Marcus gave him a knuckle tap.

Nikolas cocked his head and glared at Marcus. “That’s low, brother,” he said, shaking his head, “using a child to woo your woman.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Marcus laughed. “The little guy needs to get out of here for a while. Don’t worry, he’ll be safe. And just for the record, I don’t need any help when it comes to the wooing.”

“I won’t argue with you on that one. Unless you use the word woo in front of her. You sound like a pussy.” Nikolas cleared glasses from the table.

Marcus lipped the words “fuck you” to Nikolas. Stephen laughed and shook his head. “I saw that.” Grayce’s potty mouth seemed to be rubbing off on everyone.

“Sorry, little man.” Marcus messed Stephen’s hair. He batted his hand away. “Come on, I’ll walk you back to your room.”

“Goodnight boys, I gotta go woo Chelsea.” Nikolas headed in the opposite direction.

“Hey, Marcus.” Stephen had to run to keep up.

“Yeah, buddy.”

“What’s a pussy?”

* * * *

Zander settled next to Grayce in bed.

Damn. Even snoring like an angry warthog she was sexier than sin. As he kissed the top of her head and pulled her snug, he fought to block the tormenting images from her past. Not only did he see her memories, he felt every emotion.

How could anyone live through that? What Tyr did was beyond abuse, beyond control, beyond sadism.

Evil personified.

No, evil was too gentle a word. The psychopath pawned her to the highest bidder. Leveraged her to build his empire. Drew pleasure from her pain. Flourished in her fear. A shiver wracked Zander to the very depths of his soul.

He would avenge her. If it meant she’d never forgive him, he’d find a way to live with that. The hell she’d suffered through—fuck. No wonder she was a ball of raw nerves.

He considered and appreciated the fortitude it took her to get through a day, let alone years. The resolve and courage it took to stay here with him, with his extended family. He couldn’t fathom how she’d held it together. How she’d stayed sane.

She had strength in spades. No lesser human could’ve survived. Hell, he couldn’t have survived. Grayce possessed something special. There was a higher purpose for his lady, that was for damned sure.

He pulled her tighter against his chest, closed his eyes but didn’t sleep. It would be a long while before he’d be able to erase the images from his mind. It’d be even longer before he’d feel peace enough to slumber.

He’d thought the spontaneous bout of bawling that struck him in the shower would’ve cleared some of the shit from his head. Turned out, it only made him feel worse.

He hated feeling vulnerable. Hated that he cried like a pussy in front of Grayce, that he couldn’t bear the weight of her pain even for the brief exchange.

She held him, didn’t say a word, didn’t tell him everything would be all right. She hugged him tight and let him cry. When it was over, when the tremors stopped, she left him shriveled and depleted on the shower floor and went to bed.

Knowing her, she was pissed to no end that he now knew every gory detail of her past. To talk about it would hurt worse than rubbing a shitload of salt into unhealed wounds.

He was okay with never talking about it.

* * * *

Mountains of pancakes, gallons of maple syrup, stacks of bacon and heaps of scrambled eggs lasted all of ten minutes at the breakfast table. Stephen worked with vigor on his third helping in his quest to keep up with the men. He’d already outgrown the clothes Chelsea bought him a few days ago.

Grayce watched him mimic Zander as he swigged his second glass of orange juice, glanced at Chelsea to make sure she wasn’t looking, then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. It was unbelievable how much he’d changed in a matter of days. His skin was brighter, face fuller, and he’d grown at least an inch taller.

Clearing her throat to get the attention of the adults in the room, Grayce fiddled with her fork. “Stephen, you finished?”

“Yeah.” The boy rubbed his stomach and pushed his half empty plate away from him. “I’m too full.”

Nikolas shot her a nervous glance. She offered a nod of encouragement.

“We need to have a talk.” He gestured around the room. “Grayce and I have something very important to tell you.”

Stephen fidgeted in his chair, eyes wide, mouth crinkled at the corners.

“Okay.” Stephen straightened his shoulders.

“The other night you told Grayce about your mom? Do you remember?” Nikolas asked.

“Um, yes.” Stephen’s face paled.

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