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Authors: Jeremy Robinson

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Jeremy Robinson
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"Here's a near-future space adventure that's as frightening as it is smart. Jeremy Robinson's BENEATH is packed with believable tech, a page-turning story and an alien intelligence so creepy, you'll pray NASA never makes it past the moon."

--J.C. Hutchins, author of


"Jeremy Robinson hits his stride in BENEATH. His story-telling is as tight as ever, delivering thrills that raise the heart rate and science detail that gets the mind cranking just has hard.
An evocative blend of Crichton and Clarke, BENEATH is destined to become an instant new media classic."

--Phil Rossi, Best Selling author of CRESCENT, HARVEY, and EDEN


"Isolation, cold, and the unknown: Like
The Thing
taps into those fears, and a couple more we never know we had. Robinson strips away all that we hold dear, sends us into the deep dark, and dares us to make our way out of it."

--Mur Lafferty, author of PLAYING FOR KEEPS and award-winning podcaster of I SHOULD BE WRITING and the HEAVEN series


“Robinson grabbed my attention in the first chapter, and kept hold of it. BENEATH isn’t your run of the mill way distant future fantasy sci-fi. It reads like its real, like it could happen today…but we hope and pray it doesn’t.”

--Basil Sands, author of 65 BELOW and FAITHFUL WARRIOR


"Masterful Craftsmanship...a chilling tale that finally answers the question: Are we alone?"






"If you like thrillers original, unpredictable and chock-full of action, you are going to love Jeremy Robinson's Chess Team.
INSTINCT riveted me to my chair."

-- Stephen Coonts, NY Times bestselling author of SAUCER and DEEP BLACK: ARCTIC GOLD


"Instinct is a jungle fever of raw adrenaline that goes straight for the jugular."

-- Thomas Greanias, NY
Times bestselling author of THE ATLANTIS PROPHECY and THE PROMISED WAR


"Jeremy Robinson is a fresh new face in adventure writing and will make a mark in suspense for years to come."

-- David Lynn Golemon, NY Times Bestselling author of LEGEND and LEVIATAN





"Rocket-boosted action, brilliant speculation, and the recreation of a horror out of the mythologic past, all seamlessly blend into a rollercoaster ride of suspense and adventure."

-- James Rollins, New York Times bestselling author of THE LAST ORACLE


"PULSE contains all of the danger, treachery, and action a reader could wish for."

Steve Berry
New York
Times bestselling author of THE CHARLEMAGNE PURSUIT


"There's nothing timid about Robinson as he drops his readers off the cliff without a parachute and somehow manages to catch us an inch or two from doom."

-- Jeff Long, New York Times bestselling author of THE DESCENT and YEAR ZERO


"Robinson's latest reads like a video game with tons of action and lots of carnage. The combination of mythology, technology, and high-octane action proves irresistible. Gruesome and nasty in a good way, this will appeal to readers of Matthew Reilly."

-- Booklist


"Raiders of the Lost
meets Tom Clancy meets Saturday matinee monster flick with myths, monsters, special ops supermen and more high tech weapons than a Bond flick. Pulse is an over-the-top, bullet-ridden good time."

-- Scott Sigler, New York Times bestselling author of CONTAGIOUS and INFECTED


"Greek myth and biotechnology collide in Robinson's first in a new thriller series to feature the Chess Team... Robinson will have readers turning the pages..."

-- Publisher's Weekly




By Jeremy Robinson


© 2010 Jeremy Robinson. All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and should not be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For more information e-mail all inquiries to: [email protected]

Visit Jeremy Robinson on the World Wide Web at:


Liscense: This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please purchase a copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.




The Didymus Contingency

Raising the Past

Antarktos Rising






Don't miss the exclusive sample chapters of Robinson's Chess Team series found at the end of this book.


PULSE will be available 3/26/2010 in mass market paperback.


INSTINCT, the sequel to PULSE, will be available end of April, 2010, in hard cover.





BENEATH is also available as a FREE audiobook, available at
or the author's website:



For Walter and Stan, my techie geniuses





Because this is a special edition ebook I don't have the normal group of people to thank. No publisher, agent or designers took part in the creation of this book. I wrote it, laid it out and designed the cover myself.

But that doesn't mean it was created in a vacuum. I must thank the diligent work of my advance readers and spell checkers whose dedication and support made this possible. Karen Cooper, Tara Elly and Dan Boucher – your advance reading comments helped improve the story. You were my editors for this book and I thank you for it. Merrill Allen, your final read and typo fixes were invaluable and kept me from looking like a dolt.


Thanks must also go out to audiobook narrator extraordinaire, Jeffrey Kafer, the voice behind the free podcast novel edition of BENEATH as well as the (not free) audiobooks for PULSE and INSTINCT. You make my text come to life.


Last, and always, I need to thank my infinitely supportive wife, Hilaree and my three adorable and creative children,
, Solomon and Norah.





"If we have learned one thing from the history of invention and discovery, it is that, in the long run - and often in the short one - the most daring prophecies seem laughably conservative."

-- Arthur C. Clarke,
The Exploration of Space


"It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task."

-- Virgil,


"Spaceships and time machines are no escape from the human condition. Let Othello subject Desdemona to a lie-detector test; his jealousy will still blind him to the evidence. Let Oedipus triumph over gravity; he won't triumph over his fate."

-- Arthur Koestler, Writer 


"The search for new life, exploration of the world around us, accumulation of global knowledge for the betterment of mankind; no one questions these ideas. They are the fundamentals of world-wide human society and the very basic principles of science. New life forms are discovered every year in the most remote regions of our world, providing unique glimpses of the evolutionary process and delivering incredible advances in medical science, saving countless lives. Seeking out new life should be a tantamount concern to every living soul on Earth..."

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