Ace-High Flush (2 page)

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Authors: Patricia Green

BOOK: Ace-High Flush
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Ace made the required chuckling sound, but he was getting irritated. "May I leave a message for her?"

"I'm not her social secretary. Call her on her cell." She rattled off a number and Ace quickly noted it in his computer.

"Thank you kindly."

"What did you say your name was?"

"Ace Journey, ma'am."

"That's some name, mister." The line went dead.

Folding his cell slowly, he considered what to do next. So, that was Gabriella's mother. He remembered Gabby describing her as "sick." The woman
sounded out of breath.

Ace opened his cell and dialed. This time, he got the voicemail he expected before.

"Hi, this is Gabby. Leave a message and I'll call you back soon as I can." Beep.

"Hi, Gabriella. This is Ace Journey, from Texas. I'm in town on business and thought maybe you could join me for a coffee or a beer or somethin' like that. Give me a call." He left his cell number and put all further thoughts of her aside while he read the prospectus for the investment again.

When his cell rang, he realized he'd nodded off. The clock on the phone read 6:15 p.m. "Journey."

"Hi, Ace. It's Gabriella Appleby."

Any leftover grogginess evaporated at the sound of her voice. "Thanks for callin' me back."

"I called to say that I can't meet you."

Why would she call to turn him down when simply ignoring his call would be every bit as effective? Maybe she wanted to be coaxed a little. "Okay. It was mighty kind of you to call to say that."

"Well...I try to be polite."

"How are you doin'?"

"I'm okay. How are you? How are Liv and Trey?"

"I'm dandy, thanks. Liv and Trey are well. Trey's gettin' ready for another tour in Afghanistan."

"Poor Liv."

"She's takin' it well enough. She knew it could happen."

"Knowing something is going to happen and experiencing it are two different things."

He realized she was talking about the spanking he'd given her as much as Liv and Trey. "Now that's the truth, li'l girl."

"What did you call me?"

"I said li'l girl–no offense intended."

"That's okay. I don't think anyone's ever called me that before. You called me sweetheart when we...when you...
, I mean."

He smiled; it was flattering to have some memorable quality in the eyes of a pretty woman. "Uh huh. You once asked me if we could be friends? Do you remember that, too?"

There was silence at the other end of the line. He was beginning to think that the call had been dropped but she spoke.

"Yes, I remember. Is that why you called? Because of something I said when I was hysterical?"

"You weren’t all that hysterical at that point, but no, that’s not why I called."

"Because you're not my keeper. You're not anything to me."

Ace frowned, realizing that she was protesting rather dramatically. "No, Gabby, I'm not anythin' to you. But you said you wanted friendship once, and I happen to be in your town, so I was followin' up on that."

"So…are you here for ranching business? In Jersey?"

"Financial business. My father wants to invest in a company here, so I'm in town to check it out."

"What kind of company?"

"A bagel factory."

She giggled, and Ace's chest muscles relaxed. He hadn't realized he was so tense.

"Bagels? You're from Texas and you're interested in bagels?" She giggled again. "Have you ever even
a bagel?"

"Of course. We have bagels in Texas."

"I'll bet you don't. You
you do."

"Does it matter?"

"Only if you're about to buy a bagel factory."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right about that."

"Tell you what. I'll meet you at a Jewish deli near the outskirts of the city and introduce you to a real bagel."

Ace pumped his fist, but kept his voice calm. "Okay. When?"

"I have to work tomorrow—"

"So do I."

"—But if you want, I could meet you there tonight. If you don't mind having bagels for dinner."

"I don't mind a bit. I'm powerful hungry, as it happens."

She gave him the address.

"I'll meet you there at 7:30."

"Fine and dandy."

"And, Ace?"

"Yeah, sweetheart?"

"Don't get any ideas. This is about bagels."

He crossed his fingers. "I promise."

She paused. "Okay. See you then."

* * *

Gabby wanted to be late. She wanted to arrive cool, collected, and exactly fifteen minutes late. She wanted him to be waiting for her, anxious for her arrival and eager to be in her company. She also wanted to win a million dollars, and given her nerves, that was about as likely.

Instead she was five minutes early, and sat in the waiting area of Rumpernooks, fidgeting with a lock of her hair, and checking the time on her cellphone at thirty second intervals. She thought she was past this painful crush on Ace Journey. It bordered on obsession, though it had been a year since the spanking. Seeing him, standing there so straight and handsome at Liv's wedding had made the painful memory flood back, that and all the sexy fantasies she'd had after that misadventure. It made no sense to conflate such a rotten experience with something more stirring and romantic. It was like one of the old novels she got from the used bookstore near her house. In those romances, heroines were spanked by loving heroes, who did it for the woman's own good. Turns out, getting a punishment spanking did not lead to kisses and lovemaking. It led to having a sore butt for three days. And scary-sexy daydreams.

It had been a mistake to meet him tonight. She didn't want another complication in her life and a relationship, especially a long-distance relationship, would be a huge issue to deal with. She already had a penchant for making things more difficult than they needed to be. But it was

Anyway, it was too late to change her mind: Ace got out of a cab a few feet from the deli door. He wore a well-tailored brown suit, a bolo tie with something glittering at the throat fastening, and a buff-colored cowboy hat. His sun-touched, dark hair was a little longer than she remembered, and he'd grown a moustache, but otherwise, he was tall and broad-shouldered, with a purposeful stride in his pointed-toe boots, like she remembered him. Exactly like she pictured him when she went to bed sometimes. She fell asleep imagining him without his shirt, his biceps rippling and chest solid and broad. Those mental images made for restless dreams, though, and she shook her head to clear it.

"Hey there, li'l girl."

She looked up and he was there. Her lungs froze up and she had to gasp before she spoke. "Ace." She stood and offered her hand.

He looked at her hand for a moment then took it and pulled her in for a hug.

She tried not to get lost in his warm embrace. She tried hard. But it was so good to be held, so safe there, like the world of sick mothers and bill collectors and snide photographers didn't exist. Eventually, though, the hug loosened and he took a step back.

Ace's milk-chocolate eyes assessed her from toes to hairline and he grinned broadly beneath his dark moustache. "You look like a peach pie on a summer day, sweetheart." His accent was sexy, a drawl like in old western movies.

She beamed, and forced her face to take on a less transparent expression. "Thank you, Ace. You look pretty tasty yourself." Tasty. She could have smacked herself. Oh yes, she'd like to taste him, but that wasn't going to happen. He was a man she couldn't push around, one who would make demands on her, who'd father her as much as any lover could. She didn't need a father, or a lover. She had her work, such as it was, and the care of her mother and her cat, and that was all she could handle.

Still, here she was with Ace. A few minutes of fantasy wasn't like a commitment, after all.

They were led to a table by a blue-haired lady in a pink uniform and white apron.

Ace looked over the menu, then turned to her. "What am I havin'?"

"Bagels, lox and cream cheese. Real bagels, one plain, one onion, none of that blueberry bagel nonsense. Maybe some smoked whitefish, too. Do you like fish?"

"I like bass and catfish. I have a little grouper when I'm down in Corpus Christi."

She smiled, happy to be on ground she could control. "Whitefish, too, in that case."

The blue-haired waitress returned and Gabby ordered for them both, topping the order off with Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray Tonic.

"I hope this isn't too exotic for you, Ace. But I thought you'd want to get the feel for real New York bagels and all the stuff that goes with them."

He patted her hand. His was so warm and big, his calluses a little scratchy. "I like exotic. Don't get much deli food in Texas."

They made chit-chat about the weather and the people they knew in common—Liv and Trey. Their food arrived, and other than a few appreciative noises, silence descended, but it was a comfortable silence.

Pushing his plate away, Ace smiled at her and she couldn't help but smile back. She smiled a lot around him, she realized, when he wasn't spanking her, that is.

“That was some fine food. I see what you mean about bagels, the ones we have in Texas aren’t like this, they’re bigger and fluffier, less tasty and chewy. I like this whitefish quite a bit too. Not so sure ‘bout that Cel-Ray Tonic though, I can’t say as I’ve ever had carbonated celery juice before. Didn’t know celery had juice, for all that.”

"It’s an acquired taste, I guess. Are you going to be in Jersey long?" It sounded like an invitation to another date, and Gabby wanted to take it back as soon as she said it.

"A few days," he told her. "There are a number of details about the factory that need lookin' into."

So much could happen in a few days, but when it was over, he'd go back to Texas and she'd still be in New Jersey. In many ways, that was optimal, if one was going to have a lover. He wouldn't hang around to demand time she could ill-afford to give, and they couldn't make any foolish commitments because they'd only have a brief time together.

And besides, he was, by far, the sexiest man she'd ever met. Male models didn't hold a candle to him either in looks or personality. If she could keep a cool head about it, she could have her cake and eat it too. And how she'd like to eat him all up.

"Have you ever been to New York?"

"Yeah, a few years ago. A girl—a
of mine wanted to see some plays and so we came to Manhattan for the theatre and the sights."

So, she couldn't entice him with sightseeing. "Did you go to Coney Island?"

"With rides and such? I can't say I'm much for that kinda thin'."

"Oh come on, Ace. There's a boardwalk and hot dogs and lots of people-watching."

He appeared to think about it, but shook his head. "I have a better idea."


"Come out to supper with me tomorrow night."

"That's your idea?"

He nodded. "I heard about a rooftop restaurant and bar in someplace called Hoboken."


"Yeah, that’s it. Hoboken. A restaurant called Fanciful. Have you been there?"

Fanciful was perhaps the most expensive restaurant in New Jersey, and reservations were made months in advance. "Uh, Ace. I don't think that's—"

He patted her hand. "No worries, li'l girl."

Well, they could always find an Outback Steakhouse if the evening fell apart. She smiled. "Okay."

"Now, best we get y'all back home. It's gettin' late and you said you have to work tomorrow. I know models start mighty early."

"We only start early if we're on location, but as it happens we are doing an outdoor shoot in Central Park tomorrow. I have to catch the train at about 7:00 a.m." She loved the way he smiled, and his new—well, new to her—moustache was so appealing. She wanted to feel it brush her lips. Gabby knew she was staring, but she couldn't help it.

He took her hand and gently pulled her out of the booth, until they stood together. "Did you drive yourself?"

She shook her head.

"In that case, I have the pleasure of takin' you home. I got the cab driver's card. I'll call him."

Ace looked like a rancher, with his bolo tie and cowboy hat, but he was surprisingly city-savvy. Gabby was impressed. She went to the ladies room, and when she got back, Ace was waiting at the front door for her. "Your carriage awaits, m'lady," he said with a big grin.

A giggle burbled up. She sketched a shallow curtsey. "Thank you, kind sir."

He laughed, and waved her toward the waiting cab.

It took about ten minutes to get to her apartment house, a modest brick building with white trim and a spindly tree in front. He opened the car door for her, told the driver to wait for him, and escorted her up the stairs to the entry.

She wanted to invite him up, but knew her mother would embarrass her by asking a thousand questions. They'd get no privacy, even for an innocent conversation. "My mother is home."

"I know." He cupped her face in his hands. His eyes were so brown, with little gold flecks, like yellow stars.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

She felt his moustache before his lips touched hers, but soon the world faded out and there was no one and nothing but Ace and her. His teeth worried her lower lip until she gasped, and his tongue found hers as they deepened their embrace. He kissed her like that, demanding and coaxing all at once, for several minutes, then eased away.

Her breasts felt cold as her body parted from his. She couldn't think of anything to say; her brain was mush.

"G'night, li'l girl."

He took the keys from her hand and unlocked the door, nudging her in and handing her keys back to her.

"I'll pick you up at 6:30. Wear somethin' pretty."

"Mmm-hmm. G'night Ace."

She turned and oozed up the interior stairs like so much trembling jelly.

Chapter 2

"I don't like it."

"Mama, it's a date. I've been on dates before."

"I'm feeling awful today, Gabby. Why do you have to go?"  Anita Appleby fussed with the throw over her lap as she sat in her cushy recliner. The chair dominated the room, but no more so than Anita's grumpy personality.

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