Ace-High Flush (13 page)

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Authors: Patricia Green

BOOK: Ace-High Flush
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He rubbed her clit and she arched, trying to encourage him. "Here?"

"Yes! Please!"

Her clit held his attention for a few moments, and he slapped her there again. And again, and again. Bells rang in her core with each sharp retort of his hand clapping her so intimately. But he didn't stop until she was moaning and starting to sob. She didn't know why she was crying. It hurt, yes, but it also felt wonderful. It was Ace dominating her, pushing her limits, caressing and castigating her. It was

"Oh God, Ace," she said on a sob. "I can't get enough!"

He stopped spanking and pressed himself into her deeply. He stayed there, unmoving for a minute, before swatting her behind. The swats became percussive punctuation that matched his strokes as he pistoned into her.

Gabby pressed back against the force, driving him deeper, stretching herself to fit around him better. The spanks hurt. They hurt with the same sublime gratification that his driving cock had. She was ready to come.

He didn't stop, he kept working in her, on her, until she peaked, crying out his name and falling rapidly, to land on the soft blanket, in the grass, all alone.

Gabby moved her hand from between her legs and rubbed her bruised bottom, wishing he cared enough about her to punish her again. But he didn't care anymore. She'd driven him away.

Tucked into her bed in the middle of New Jersey, she cried herself to sleep.

Chapter 8

Light shone from all the windows on the top two floors and the spire of the skyscraper Jonny Chow called home. Gabby craned her neck looking up at the building, but the doorman was holding the door open for her, so she didn't dawdle.

Carnelian marble, gleaming bright brass fittings and leather seating in the lobby set the tone of the place. Gabby gave her name to the uniformed guard behind the big marble desk, and he directed her toward a private elevator, where an old-fashioned elevator operator waited to take her to the penthouse.

The elevator let out at a large foyer, where glass tile flooring shone brightly, complimenting the gold-patterned wallpaper. A noisy party was going on close by. A doorman showed her into the large room, and Gabby nearly ran for her life.

There were at least a hundred people there! So,
was a small party for Jonny Chow. She took two tentative steps into the room and was soon lost among the brightly-clothed, milling guests. She felt like a sparrow among flamingos.

Cameron Park's voice near her ear made her jump. "I'm glad you were able to be here, Gabby."

"Um, thanks, Cameron. This is a little more than I expected."

"You are a little wide-eyed, sweetie." He patted her bare shoulder and took her by the hand. "Let me take you over to Jonny. He'll want to know you're here."

They navigated past smiling, laughing people, each dressed like a fashion plate and carrying cocktails or wine glasses. White-jacketed waiters and waitresses walked around with canapés and hors d'oeuvres.

"Ah, look! She's here. My lovely guest of honor." Jonny sat in a cushy club chair surrounded by matching seating and occasional tables. People were everywhere, and those that sat near the host looked up at Gabby's arrival. She put on her best model smile and took Jonny's outstretched hand. He held it for a long moment, smiling at her.

"Hello, Jonny. Thank you for inviting me."

"Oh, my dear, it wouldn't be a party without you. You look stunning."

He tried to get up, but it was obviously an effort for him. Gabby waved him back down.

"Thank you, but don't get up. I'm sure I'll meet all your guests over the course of the evening."

He smiled, relaxing back in his chair. Relief washed over his features as he settled down. "Cameron will show you around, I'm sure." He puckered his lips and made a kiss-smacking sound toward his young assistant, who grinned back.

"Aaron," he said, gesturing toward an occupied sofa with his good arm. "Move over a trifle, won't you? I think Gabby would like to sit down."

She was a bundle of nerves and knew she'd do nothing but fidget if seated on the leather couch with the others. She didn't want to demur again, however. "I don't want to inconvenience anyone."

Aaron, a smallish man with curly dark hair, moved closer to the woman on his left and smiled at Gabby. "Nonsense, dear. Come sit next to me."

There was something a little predatory about the man, but Gabby couldn't think of a way out, so she sat. The soft sofa cushions weren't too stiff on her still-sore butt, for which she was grateful.

* * *

Ace entered the room confidently. He didn't particularly like celebrity events, but he'd been to a few. It had surprised him how many celebrities were fans of rodeo, particularly bull riding, and when he'd been a rider, there had been more than a few opportunities to mingle with the "beautiful people."

Jonny's assistant, Lisa, a sweet-faced young woman, fought her way through the crowd to get to him. He watched her approach, thinking her pretty but business-like.

"Mr. Journey," she said, offering her hand. Ace took it and gave it a light squeeze. "I'm glad to see you. Jonny asked about you a few minutes ago."

"There was a li'l traffic trouble. I hope I'm not too late."

"No! Oh, it's no problem at all. Come with me and say hello to Jonny."

Ace nodded and followed her, trying not to elbow too many folks along the way.

He paused as they drew near Jonny's cadre. Gabby sat nearby, talking to a man who was smiling at her and nodding with interest. Her cheeks got a little pink during their chat, and Ace's hands balled into fists. He didn't know what the man said to make her blush, but he didn't like it one bit. He took a deep breath, though, and continued on toward Jonny.

"Ace!" Jonny turned to the people around him with a grin. "Isn't that a wonderful name? So strong and masculine."

The surrounding guests murmured their agreement, and a few of the women gave him interested looks. Ace smiled but his face got a little hot. Jonny was flirting with him.

"Thanks. Sorry I'm late."

"Hardly at all."

"Did you like the Bentley? It's one of my favorite cars."

"Yeah. Very plush."

Jonny nodded, his gaze going from Gabby to Ace. "Let's see. You know Gabby, of course."

"Yeah. Hi, li'l girl."

She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them, giving him a look he couldn't quite interpret. Was it desperation? Longing? No, that wouldn't be it. It wasn't rejection, though, of that he was certain. Maybe the scotch she'd sent had some deeper meaning. Damned if he could figure it out.

"And there's Aaron Ashman, he's my stockbroker, and beside him is Dahlia Drake, you've probably seen her in the movies."

Ace nodded at Aaron and the woman. She had been the eye-candy in something recently. "Aaron. Ma'am."

She giggled. "Just call me, Dahlia, Ace. It's nice to meet you."

Jonny went around the circle giving names and professions. Ace noted them all, but had little interest. He could feel Gabby's eyes on him, though Aaron talked to her animatedly.

Lisa stepped up with a rocks glass with ice and two fingers of something caramel colored. Ace looked at it, then at Lisa, his brows rising in question.

"I hope you like scotch."

He took a sip. It went down smooth and smoky. "Nice."

"Not much of a talker, are you, big guy?" Chow asked, a smile in his voice. "Dahlia, be a doll, will you, and show Ace around a little?"

"Of course," she replied, standing. She was tall, her legs long and shapely and her figure was slender and perfect. Ace glanced at Gabby, who was staring at Aaron as though he was the most interesting man in the world.

"I'd be honored, Dahlia."

She offered her hand to pull him along. "I like your hat. Are you a real cowboy?"

"I run a ranch in Texas. You can call me a cowboy if you want to."

She grinned at him over her shoulder. She seemed to have a destination in mind. "I'm going to call you handsome."

He smiled. Attention from a pretty woman was something of a balm after Gabby. "Thank you, Dahlia."

"You can call me whatever you like. I promise I'll answer."

Ace laughed as they came to a stop in front of a bar. "I see we've found the most important part of the room." He lifted his glass. "I'm full up, though."

"I'm not!" She ordered a gin and tonic and eyed him while they waited. "Jonny told us that you were the one who saved him from the thugs in the park."

"I helped a man. That's all."

"You must be brave." She trailed her hand up his arm to his shoulder and back down again.

Ace liked the attention, but he was wondering what Gabby was up to with that Aaron guy. He tried to clear his head. A gorgeous woman was flirting with him, and here he was thinking about someone else. The problem was, Dahlia seemed like an easy catch. Too easy, and that didn't much appeal to him. He liked to chase a little.

Her hand was soft in the palm where he left a dry kiss. "Maybe later, honey."

She got the message and sighed. "Came on too strong, didn't I?"

He knew it would be ungentlemanly to point it out. "I'm not in a receptive place, that's all. It's my fault."

"Hmm. Why do I have the impression there's another woman involved?"

"I don't know." It galled him that he was so transparent.

"The woman that you were with in the park, Gabby."

Dahlia was no slouch as a sleuth. "That's over."

She quirked a dark eyebrow. "Oh, yeah?"

He nodded.

Her hand moved up his arm to his face and a finger traced his lips. "If it’s over, then why not spend a little time with me, handsome?"

It simply wasn't right. If he took what was being offered, he'd spend the entire night wishing Dahlia was Gabby. It wasn't fair to do that. His Daddy had raised him better. "Aren't we spendin' time now?"

She laughed and pressed her hand to his chest, gliding it down over his abdomen toward things she had no business finding. He stilled her hand and moved it away. "No, Dahlia."

Her dark blue gaze roamed his face. "I guess you really mean it."

He nodded.

"Wow. My ego is bruised."

"I'm sorry."

"You want that Gabby back?"

Ace frowned. Yeah, he would have liked Gabby back, but there was no way it was going to happen. Gabby didn't need him, and that door had closed. "It doesn't matter what I want."

"I think it does. I saw her eyes on you while you were talking to Jonny."

Maybe Dahlia had seen that look on Gabby's face. "You did, huh?"

Nodding, she said. "I have an idea." Her finger crooked, and Ace lowered his head to hear her whisper.

* * *

Gabby had had about enough of Aaron Ashman. He flirted outrageously, and was beginning to try to feel her up, with his hand on her thigh. She moved it back to its proper place, and excused herself.

He seemed put out, but Gabby rose with a smile. "Powder room."

"Oh." He grinned devilishly. "Want me to help?"

Geez, what a persistent bugger. "No, thanks. I can manage." Jonny was talking to a few people, so Gabby made her way away from the inner circle to a tiny clear spot a little way away. Cameron Park was on her in a flash.

"Aaron's a decent man," he pointed out. "Comes on a little strong, though."

She nodded.

He peered at her with narrowed eyes for a moment. "I have someone I'd like you to meet."

"I don't know..."

"Oh, come on," he said with a smile. "I promise he won't bite...unless you want him to."

Gabby giggled, and took Cameron's offered hand. He led her along toward a pair of glass doors. A swimming pool glistened blue on the other side. Cameron drew her outside and to a small group of people. He tapped a tall man on the shoulder and when the man turned around, Gabby realized she was staring at Carlos Araya, a well-known international actor. She'd seen several of his movies, all in Spanish but subtitled in English. He smiled at her and she couldn't help but smile back. He was as gorgeous in person as he was at the movies, with thick hair--a little gray at the temples--and broad shoulders that tapered down to a narrow waist. His bearing was regal. He was not as tall as Ace, but... She skidded to a stop mentally. Ace was over. Over, over, over. She had to keep repeating it to herself until it stuck.

Cameron presented Carlos with a sweep of his well-manicured hand. "Carlos Araya, meet Gabby Appleby."

To Gabby's ears, it was like introducing Jessica Rabbit to Elmer Fudd, and she was the Elmer Fudd. "Mr. Araya."

He took her hand and pressed a kiss to her inner wrist. "Gabby. Is that a nickname?" He had a soft Spanish accent that was appealing.

She nodded. "It's short for Gabriella."

"Gabriella suits you much better," he said, releasing her hand and casting a warm gaze her way. "I am Carlos." Cameron got a friendly slap on the shoulder and a friendly grin. "Do you not have something you need to be doing?"

The younger man's smile was bright. "I'm sure I can find something. Excuse me." He glanced at Gabby but didn't linger.

"Now we are alone," Carlos pointed out.

"Alone with about a hundred other people."

"Alone in a crowd, yes. But we could do anything here and no one would notice." He picked up a lock of her hair and rubbed it between his fingers. "Beautiful."

Gabby was flattered, until she remembered that he was married. He was looking at her like she was a cupcake. He'd eat her up and discard the wrapper. Ace wouldn't do that. He hadn't treated her like a thing. He got to know her. And he was honorable. He'd never cheat.

"You're very kind, Carlos."

"I recognize that look in a woman's eyes. It is a no-trespassing sign."

Gabby shifted her gaze down to her sandals then back up at him. "I didn't mean to be insulting."

He touched her chin and smiled. "You did not insult me. There is someone else?"

She didn't want to admit it, but the whole night she'd done nothing but compare other men to Ace. They didn't look as handsome. They weren't as tall. They didn't have as full a laugh. They were pretentious. She wanted Ace and no one else was good enough. Suddenly, she was weary and her shoulders sagged. To her mortification, tears formed in her eyes.

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