Acceptable Behavior (18 page)

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Authors: Jenna Byrnes

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Acceptable Behavior
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“Yesterday? Wow. I lost a day somewhere. Must have been some good shit.”

He found himself clenching and unclenching his fists, much the same as Travis had done earlier. “Nothing about this is good, Mel. You’ve caused a lot of pain to the people who love you the most, do you get that?”

She shrugged. “Sorry, Sammy. What else can I say?”

It pained him to admit it, but the path was becoming clearer. “You can tell them that yes, you did try to kill yourself.”

“Okay.” Mel shrugged again.

Sam gathered all the strength he could muster and headed to the door. “They asked me to let them know when you woke up. I’ll send the nurse in now.”

“Tell her I need something for my headache. Oxy, maybe? And something to drink. My throat is parched.”

He kept walking but waved a hand. At the nurses’ station he stopped to speak to the woman who’d been taking care of Mel. “My sister is awake. She doesn’t seem to be suffering from a loss of memory. She says she wasn’t raped, but instead had drugged-up, consensual sex two nights ago.”

“Okay.” The woman gazed at him uncomfortably.

Sam kept talking. “Melanie admitted that she wanted to kill herself. She’s also drug seeking, asking for more oxycodone. I’d like her placed on a three-day psych hold.” He walked past the nurse and out of the door.


* * * *


Travis drove home and walked straight through the house to the bedroom. He’d already let his office know he wouldn’t be coming in, and was seriously considering taking a long bike ride to burn off some steam. He’d have time after that to catch a nap and then he could pick Levi up from day camp. Just to be safe, he’d wait to call his mom until he was sure he could make the pick-up.

“Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.” He stretched out on the bed. “A nice long ride is just what I need. I could do the thirty mile route, or maybe fifty if I don’t want as long of a nap.” He closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, he heard noises coming from the kitchen. Yawning, he strolled out there and was surprised to see his mom, Sam and Levi baking cookies. “Whoa.” Travis glanced at the clock.
Four p.m.
“What the hey? I just closed my eyes for a minute.”

“Yeah!” Levi laughed and Kim chuckled.

“We’ve been here almost two hours, son. You were snoring when we arrived.”

Travis made a face. “I

They all looked at Sam, who only made eye contact with Levi. “Maybe just a little.”

Levi hooted again and handed a cookie to Travis. “Chocolate chip. We’re going to take some to Mommy in the hospital.”

He accepted the cookie and looked at Sam. “I’m surprised to see you here. Is she awake?”

Sam wiped off the counter. “Yeah, she woke up this morning. Doesn’t seem to have any memory loss or other issues. But she will need to stay there for at least three days.”

Levi added, “Uncle Sammy said I can’t go see her, but he can take the cookies. And we’re taking some home to Grandpa Dave.”

Travis exchanged glances with his mom. “Grandpa Dave?” he mouthed.

She smiled and shrugged. “Try your cookie. We think they’re pretty darn good.”

He ate it and nodded. “Really good. Do we have any milk?”

“It would probably be in the fridge,” Sam commented, and washed his hands in the sink. “Okay, you two,” he said to Levi and Kim. “I’m going to grab a quick shower and a nap. Don’t wait dinner on me, I’m beat. I might sleep through ‘til morning.”

“Have a good rest.” Kim patted his cheek.

Levi stood on tiptoes to pat the other side. “Sweet dreams, Uncle Sammy.”

He rubbed noses with the boy. “Right back atcha, kiddo. If I don’t see you later I’ll see you tomorrow for sure.” He strolled down the hall.

Travis looked at his mom again. “Excuse me just a minute.”

She reached for his biceps and squeezed. “He’s tired, Trav. Why don’t you give him some space?”

“I will. Be right back.” He followed Sam down the hall and closed the bedroom door behind him.

Sam had already started the shower running and was peeling off his clothes.

“Want some company?” Travis teased.

Sam still wouldn’t look him in the eye. “I’m beat, man. I just want to smell decent and sleep.”

“You smell decent to me.”

“Yeah, well, we both know you’re weird, so…” He entered the shower and closed the door.

“I could wash your back,” Travis called over the spray.

“Rain check,” Sam replied.

He walked out of the bathroom and back down the hall. His mom and Levi had just finished cleaning the kitchen.

“Dad’s grilling halibut for dinner, with steamed vegetables. Would you like to join us?” she asked him.

“Aw, sounds good, but I don’t think so, Mom.” He glanced at Levi. “Are you joining them?”

“Yeah! Grandpa Dave said maybe we can go fishing sometime, and then we can cook what we catch.”

“Well, okay then. And how’s camp? Are you having fun?”

He nodded enthusiastically. “I passed another level in swimming lessons. I floated. Jimmy didn’t pass yet. He sank.”

Travis chuckled. “Poor Jimmy. I hope someone rescued him.”

“The teacher did. Jimmy’s my best camp friend. Grandma said maybe he can spend the night sometime. She’ll have to talk to Jimmy’s mom first, though.”

“I see. And are you enjoying sleeping in my old room?”

“Yes! Grandma showed me the marks on the wall to show how tall you were. We’re the same size at age six.”

“We are? Cool. Sounds like things are going okay, then. Mom, would you mind if he spent another night? I think Sam really needs some peace and quiet to rest.”

“I figured we’d keep him. You just let me know when you’re ready for him to come home.” She packed up cookies to take and left some for them, and a plate for Mel.

Travis walked them out and gave both of them hugs before they drove off. When he returned to the house he locked everything up and sauntered back to the bedroom.

Sam was lying in bed. He closed his eyes quickly when Travis walked in.

“I know you’re not asleep. I also know you’re mad at me, and I don’t blame you. I said some shitty things this morning, Sam. I was tired and grouchy and I shouldn’t have said them.”

Sam opened his eyes. “So you’re not saying you didn’t mean them, or that you’re sorry. You’re just saying that you shouldn’t have said them.”

Travis smiled sheepishly. “Pretty much.”

“Asshole.” He rolled over, away from Travis.

Rather than force the issue, Travis decided to take a quick shower and see how Sam felt after he’d gotten some much needed sleep. He cleaned up and brushed his teeth, then slipped between the covers.

Sam’s breathing was steady and even.

Travis couldn’t resist reaching out and running a hand down his back.

Sam didn’t flinch.

Leaning in, he pressed light kisses to the back of Sam’s shoulder blade.

Still no movement, except for Travis’ cock, which had hardened once he’d climbed in bed with his lover. He knew he should leave Sam alone and let him sleep. He just couldn’t seem to help himself.

Travis pressed his naked body against Sam’s, nude except for boxers. He reached a hand inside Sam’s underwear and fondled his cock until it slowly came to life. He kissed the warm back and shoulder again, and nuzzled everywhere he could reach.

His own cock throbbed painfully, in need of sweet relief. He wedged it between Sam’s ass cheeks and rubbed.

“Wha—?” Sam mumbled, suddenly awake.

“Shhh,” Travis whispered. “Stay calm and let me love you.”

“No!” Sam pushed him away. “This is
okay, after what you said to me today.”

“The truth hurts, babe, I get that. I know we’ve got some talking to do about Mel, and what’s going to happen, but there’s time for that later. We need
now to remind us of what’s really important.” He grabbed Sam’s arm.

Sam shoved away again. “Mel is important to me. That’s
truth. Don’t patronize me and act like my thoughts and feelings are cute, but they aren’t the
thoughts and feelings. You’ve been doing it for months now, and I’ve had enough of it. If we’re ever going to be anything to each other it’s equal partners, and both of our feelings count.”

“Of course they do.” Travis knew his voice
patronizing, and it was obvious he was just trying to placate Sam so they could have sex. He couldn’t reel himself in. He reached for Sam’s arm again.

Sam slapped his hand away.

Travis slapped Sam’s hand back.

They stared at each other, both breathing hard.

Sam slapped Travis across the face.

Travis smacked him right back.

They wrestled on the bed for a moment, first Sam was on top then they flipped and Travis was. Gripping each other’s biceps, they rolled and fell out of bed, scratching and clawing at each other.

“Fuck you!” Sam shouted.

“That’s what I was trying to do!” Travis yelled back.

“You’re a cocky, self-centered bastard and I wouldn’t fuck you if you had the last cock on Earth.”

“Well you’re an immature, insecure masochist who thinks letting your sister trample all over you is the only way you can help her. And if I did have the last cock on Earth, I’d stick it inside you right now because I’m so turned on I’m going to explode if I can’t have you.”

Panting, Sam stared at him for a moment before grabbing his face and kissing him hard. The pressure caused friction, adding to the sting of the slap.

Travis groaned.

His lover spread his legs and spit in his hand, then reached down and wet his own hole. He spit again and slicked it over Travis’ throbbing shaft. Sam put his face an inch away from Travis’ and murmured, “Fuck me, then. And if you ever hit me again, I’ll be out of here so fast, the only thing you’ll feel is my breeze.”

Travis nudged his cockhead to Sam’s hole. “Same goes, you irritating prick. You need to learn how to act when someone’s trying to help you.”

Sam bucked his hips as the crown slipped in. “Why do you always think I need your help? Maybe I just want to
with you, without feeling like you’re constantly trying to take care of me.”

He pushed his shaft forward and the tight sphincter sucked him in. Travis took a moment to savor the heat, then looked at Sam again. “And why are you and I so fucking much alike? You’re constantly trying to help Mel. You don’t think she gets just as sick of that?”

Sam bit his lip as the pummeling began. “Well, fuck, yeah! She probably does. And that’s another thing. Why the fuck are you always right?”

Travis drove deep and wrapped his arms around Sam’s warm body. He nuzzled his man’s neck and whispered, “Because I know you, you crazy bastard. I know what you and I need. And I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone in this life. When I heard you talking to Mel last night about her completing you, and being the other half of your heart, I wanted to die because that’s how I feel about you, you stupid fuck.”

“Aw, God.” Sam shuddered and his eyes rolled back in his head. “Jack me and make me come.”

Travis squeezed the leaking cock that waved between them and tugged the shaft. A few good pulls and Sam erupted, spraying cum in the air, covering both of them. He jerked his lover off until he was spent, then drew him close. “Now kiss me, and make me come.”

Sam obliged, his tongue taking control of Travis’ mouth.

Travis pumped a few more times into the hot and waiting ass, then he blew. His seed erupted into Sam’s channel and it felt so good, he wished he could crawl in there after it. He thrust as deep as he could, over and over, until he couldn’t any longer.

Sam cupped his face and they kissed, and kissed some more.

Travis thought if he stayed in there long enough his cock would firm up again, and they could just keep going, but his shaft slipped out. He curled up in Sam’s arms and they lay on the floor, each breathing heavily.

“Aw God, Sam. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for everything. Please tell me we’re okay. I was panicking after I left the hospital this morning. I almost came back and apologized then.”

“I panicked, too, but then Mel woke up. She told me what happened the night she OD’d, how Derek sent her to deliver drugs to two guys who wanted more than just crack from her. And when she went to Derek for help, he told her to give them whatever they wanted.”

Travis groaned. “Aw, fuck. She was raped.”

“No, she swears it was consensual. They drugged her up and fucked her sideways, then tossed her in Derek’s car and threw money at her. She was sick by the time she got home, and that’s when she swallowed the pills.”

“The hospital has the rape kit. She can press charges.”

“She was delivering drugs to them. She enjoyed the sex, until she didn’t anymore. Mel doesn’t want to get in trouble and risk jail time. The shitty part is, she doesn’t know if they used condoms. She could have an STD, or worse.”

“Damn, Sam.”

“Yeah. Then she asked me to get her more oxy. That’s when I told the nurse to put her on the three-day psych hold.”

Travis squeezed one of Sam’s hands. “I think that was the right move.”

“I do too. I’m not sure what the
right move will be, but I guess I have two more days to figure that out.”

“I’m here if you need help with that.”

Sam smiled. “Of course I do. And yeah, we’re okay. I love you, Trav. I need you.”

“I need you too, babe. More than anything.” Travis pulled him close and they shared a sweet and salty kiss.


Chapter Ten




Sam went to visit Mel on the last day of her required hold. He hadn’t stayed long each of the previous days, and figured the final day wouldn’t be much better. She was off all meds and feeling it, and cranky as hell without cigarettes.

He’d taken her something from Levi each day, but hadn’t told anyone that she’d thrown the chocolate chip cookies across the room and they’d ended up in the trash. The second day she’d been a little smarter with the banana nut bread. He figured the brownies would be a hit as well.

“Hey,” he said as the nurse allowed him into her room.

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