Accelerated Passion (13 page)

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Authors: Lily Harlem

BOOK: Accelerated Passion
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“Ah, I wouldn’t want to do that.” He stood, slipping his fingers from her pussy.

She missed them there. Dean inside her, one way or another, had become something she craved, wanted…needed.

He set his lips over hers, feeding her the slightly soapy, musky flavor of her pussy.

His shoulders were warm and solid, and she gripped them. Grateful when he wrapped his arms around her and held her close and secure.

Yes, she could get used to this.

He broke the kiss and ran his hands over her hair, gazed at her.

She smiled up at him. “Want me to sort out a rather hard problem you’ve got down there?” She squirmed against his erection that was trapped between them.

“Nah, not at the moment. I’ve just evened us up after your antics this morning.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Are you refusing a blow job?”

He laughed. “No, not at all. I just don’t want you to get cold. This water is cooling. But…” He paused to kiss her. “Hold that thought because this is just a postponement.” He reached out and shut off the faucet. “And I won’t forget it.”

The way he grinned at her made Frankie feel pretty damn sure he’d remember her offer, and likely pretty soon.

He stepped out, efficiently rubbed a white towel over himself then wrapped it around his waist. “Here.” He held out another.

Frankie walked from the cubicle and into the waiting towel.

He cocooned her in the softness and pulled her back against his chest. “I missed you today.”

He’d missed her? She’d missed him, too. More than she’d admitted to herself.

“Did you have a nice time with Henri?”

“Yeah, we found a place that did pancakes with Nutella and bananas. How could he never had tried that?” He chuckled. “So I sent him home with some from the supermarket. He’ll probably drive Bridget crazy, demanding that for every meal, but, hey ho, she doesn’t need to buy anymore once it’s gone.”


“I spoiled him rotten really. Took him to a kids karting place so he could have a go at driving.”

“And was he any good?” She turned within his arms.

“Well, he’s definitely my son.” He smiled, the corners of his eyes creasing. “His first go, and he lapped the other two kids.”

“Wow, that’s brilliant.”

“I thought so.” Pride shone from his eyes.

Her heart swelled with seeing him so happy, and she pressed closer to him. “Maybe you’ll have to give him some lessons.”

“That’s something to think about for the future. No reason why not.” He stepped back, pulling her with him.

They went into the bedroom, and he sat her on a chair overlooking the hills. The sheep were still grazing even though dusk was upon them. He picked up a brush from her dressing table, set it on the ends of her hair hanging down her back, and began to ease out the knots.

It was as if her whole body had reached a point of extreme relaxation, one she hadn’t known before.

Tenderly, gently, he worked his way through her hair, carefully removing all knots and kinks. A whole host of sensations fluttered over her scalp as he teased and brushed.

“Thank you,” she said quietly when he’d finished.

“What are you doing for dinner?” He touched his lips to the top of her head.

“The guys are getting pizza.”

“Shall we go out?”

“Well, I…”

He rested his hands on her shoulders. “I have no problem with them knowing we’re…”


“I was going to say together.”


“That’s what this is, Frankie.”

She pulled in a deep breath. Was this what she wanted? An affair with her driver?

Hell, yeah.

But telling the other mechanics? That she wasn’t so sure of.

“Are you embarrassed of me?” he asked.

“No, no, of course not.” She turned to face him. “I’ve just spent so long in my career proving that I’m one of the lads, that I’m up to scratch, can do the job…”

“And you think screwing me will undo that?”

“I don’t know. That’s the honest truth. This is a new team for me. Perhaps if I knew them all better it would be different.”

He pressed his lips together, frowned slightly. “Okay, we’ll keep it under wraps…for now.”

“I think that’s for the best.”

“But just for the record, I’d be proud if they knew I’ve got the hottest Formula One mechanic on the planet on my team
in my bed.”

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For saying that. For not…rushing it.”

He straightened. “I’m in no rush. I might drive fast, and you may have pre-conceived ideas about my love life, but I’m older these days, a little less… wild. I’m happy to have a relationship that drives along smoothly in the middle lane.”

She studied his chest. His skin was goosebumped, and his nipples hard though his body hair was dry. “Well, you may be a little older and less wild, but you’re cold.”

“Wanna warm me up?” He swept his tongue over his bottom lip and reached for the towel that sat low on his hips.

At that moment, her stomach decided to let out a low, loud rumble.

“Fuck.” She pressed her hand over it. “Sorry. I hate it when it does that.”

He laughed. “I guess not then. Seems food has to be a priority.” He stepped away. “Get dressed. I’m taking you out.”


“No buts. We’ll leave the house separately if that’s what you want. Then I’ll wait ten minutes once you come back before I wander in. Should fool them.”

“Mmm…” She frowned. She wasn’t so sure. But she was hungry, and the thought of a nice meal with Dean’s company was very appealing.

“So,” he said. “I’ll go get dressed and drive the car to the end of the drive. I’ll meet you there in twenty. Is that long enough?”

“Yes. Fine.”


“Yes. I’m not one of these women who takes hours to get ready to go out.”

“Just my type.” He breezed a kiss over her mouth then headed into the ensuite.

He came out with his clothes bunched in his arms.

“Be careful not to get seen,” she said, moving to the door.

He rolled his eyes.

“I’ll just check it’s clear.”

“Is this really necessary? I—”

“Yes.” She scowled at him. “Now wait.”

“Okay, okay.” He smiled, almost indulgently.

Frankie opened the door a crack and peered out. There was movement downstairs and the floorboards above creaked, but their level appeared empty.

“It’s clear.” She pulled it open so Dean could slip out.

“Twenty,” he said. “Or I’ll come looking for you.”

She watched him stroll casually, in just a towel, to his room.

Honestly, would a little haste have hurt? He didn’t usually object to speed.

She shut her door and released her towel, letting it pool on the floor. After a quick rummage through her cupboard, she opted for black skinny jeans and a silky dusky blue T-shirt. It was the dressiest outfit she had. Combined with low black heels and silver earrings that held tiny blue stones in the center, she thought it would just about do. Okay, it wasn’t some body-molding bandage dress that showed every curve or a top that displayed her breasts to a point of indecent exposure—which was likely what Dean’s usual dinner dates wore—but it was comfortable, smart, and, well…it was her.

And Dean seemed to like her the way she was. At least, that’s what he’d said. He didn’t mind if people knew they were together. He’d be proud.

A swelling in her chest caught her breath. She frowned. No. She couldn’t start thinking of him that way. The L word simply couldn’t be mentioned, not even in her thoughts.

They were having fun, that was all. Hot, sexy, fun. But sooner or later, probably sooner, a groupie like the one at Silverstone, what was her name? Hannah. Would slide onto his lap and into his bed, and she’d be left in the pits with just memories.

No. She had to keep Dean too-fucking-gorgeous-for-his-own-good-Cudditch safely in the fun box.

Chapter Eleven

“Hey, Frankie, where are you going?” Enrique called.

Frankie froze half in, half out of the kitchen side door. Damn, she’d thought she was alone, that the men were all in the other room, munching pizza.

“Er, just out for a bit?”

“Where?” His gaze took in her outfit as he popped open a can of beer.

“Out, for a walk.”

“It’s dark.”

“Well, there’s still a bit of light.” There wasn’t. It was full on nighttime now.

He frowned at the black window. “I should come with you?”

“No, no. I’ll be fine.” She shifted from one foot to the other.

“But…” He stepped toward her, set his can on the table. “I don’t mind, and I think—”

“Really, Enrique. I’ll be fine. I’m a big girl. I can look after myself.” She spotted the car keys on a shelf to her right. “In fact, I might walk
drive.” She grabbed them and swirled the ring round her finger so that the metal clattered.

drive? But where?”

“See the sights. We’re in Germany. It’s beautiful. Long way from where I grew up on the other side of the world. I want to take in the culture.”

“I will come with you. I should also see the culture.” He grinned.

“No. Really. I want to be alone.” She stepped out into the cool darkness.

“When will you be back?” He frowned.

“Late, much later. Don’t worry, don’t wait up.”

“I will worry.”

“No. Don’t.” Damn it, she hated seeing his handsome young face all twisted with confusion. “I’m the sort of person who needs to get away from it all sometimes.” She shrugged. “Just the way I am. Go enjoy pizza with the guys. See you tomorrow. At breakfast.”

“Okay.” He managed a smile. “And we have a day off tomorrow. A whole day to do something nice.”

“Yes. That will be lovely.”

Quickly, she shut the door then walked into the black shadows and away from the house. Lying was her least favorite thing to do, but what choice did she have? She wasn’t ready—and would she ever be?—to tell the team about her and Dean.

Her shoes crunched quietly on the gravel as she made her way past several trees toward a row of laurel bushes.

What if it all went wrong? What if this time next week he rolled back here with a bevy of beauties on his arm, and she had to sit and watch the show? It would be bad enough without her team wondering if she were handling it.

Which she would. She’d have to. Besides, she knew what he was like. She was under no illusion. A leopard didn’t change their spots—well, certainly not for a tomboy mechanic who had a habit of saying it exactly how it was.

“Hey you.”

“Fuck!” Her heart rate tripled, and a shot of adrenaline rushed into her system.

Dean stood before her. He’d stepped out from behind a huge bush.

“Are you trying to scare the shit out of me?” she demanded, swatting him hard on the shoulder.

He chuckled. “I didn’t want you walking in the dark on your own.”

“Bloody hell, since when did I become the hapless damsel in distress?”

“Nothing hapless about you, babe.” He wound his arm around her waist, pulled her close, and guided her down the driveway. “I’m just a gentleman, that’s all. And gentlemen don’t allow ladies to walk down creepy dark paths.”

“Yeah, right,” she mumbled. Though she couldn’t deny the feel of his hot, hard body pressed against her side was rather nice.

“The car’s a bit further along.” He pointed ahead.

“Where are we going for dinner?”

“There’s a place I went to a few years ago with Ruben. It’s a bit out of the way. We’ll have to go up a few junctions on the
but it’s really nice traditional German food.”

“Sounds good to me. Anything other than pizza. I swear if eat one more slice, I’ll turn into a pepperoni.”

He laughed and pointed his key fob in the direction they were heading. “We wouldn’t want that. I like you just the way you are.”

In the distance, a beep and a flash of amber showed her where Dean’s car was. He’d slotted it beneath a tree, half hidden to anyone passing on the driveway.

“Here we go,” he said, opening the passenger side. “Prepare to be taken on the ride of your life.” He winked then slammed the door.

Ride of her life?

“What the fuck…” she muttered, “…does that mean?”


No speed limits.

Bloody hell, what had she just agreed to?

Dean slipped into the driver’s seat. He buckled up and started the engine. It came to life with an expensive and exquisite purr.

He gave the accelerator some action, and several thunderous revs drummed from the engine. The noise must have shaken the trees and roared up to the house.

“So much for sneaking away,” she said, clasping her hands in her lap.

He turned to her, the red lights from the dash slicing shadows over his face. He grinned broadly. “Hold on, babe.”

“No, Dean, I—” She squealed as she was thrust backward in her seat, her head nestling against the rest.

“Relax. It will be fun.”

“But…” She braced as he swung a right onto the deserted main road. “Fuck.”

“You’re hungry,” he said, slamming up the gears.

“I know…” She clutched the seat belt that was tight over her chest.

“So we don’t want to leave it too much longer ‘til you eat.” He put the car up another gear, his movement so fast, his hand was a blur.

They came to a bend in the road.

He didn’t slow, didn’t change speed at all. If anything, he went faster.

Frankie held her breath. Shit.

He handled the bend as if it weren’t even there. The car’s direction smooth and sleek even though it had tipped to the left.

A thrill went through her and mixed with the other tumble of emotions flooding her veins.

“You okay?” he asked over the sound of the engine.

“Er…yeah.” Was she?


He spun the wheel to the right, and they headed onto another road, the headlights highlighting their way.

Frankie’s bum slid on the seat. She again held her breath and clutched her seatbelt.

is just up here,” he said, nodding at the road ahead.

“Oh, good. We can go faster.”

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