Accelerated Passion (25 page)

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Authors: Lily Harlem

BOOK: Accelerated Passion
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“Don’t say but.” He frowned.

“But isn’t it a bit fast? A bit rushed? What will people think?”

“Babe…” He grinned. “Speed is my middle name.”

She returned his smile and cupped his cheeks.

“Life is for living while you’re alive, Frankie. And I want to spend my life with you.”

Her heart had been thudding anyway, now it was going at a super-sonic pace. “And I want to spend my life with you.”

“So is that a yes?”

She nodded. “Yes, that’s a yes.”

He huffed out a breath, like a sigh. “Thank goodness for that. You had me worried for a moment there.”

“Never doubt how much I love you.”

“Ditto. And right now, I’m going to show you just how much I love you all over again.” He turned, still buried inside her and holding her tight. “Though perhaps with a little less speed this time.” He lay her on the bed and settled over her.

Frankie allowed herself to get lost in his kisses, in the feel of his weight and the stroke of his hands. Who would have thought she’d be the one to tame this infamous driver, this man who had the world at his feet and women lining up to throw themselves at him? Certainly not Frankie, and certainly not the gossip magazines, but here she was…about to become Mrs. Dean Cudditch. Not that she’d ever stop being Frankie, the top-class Formula One mechanic, or the girl who liked to fit in with the boys on the team, but now, now she had another, amazing role to fulfill and that was wife to the man she adored and cherished. And from the feel of it, he adored and cherished her in equal amounts.

About the Author

Lily Harlem
lives in the UK and is an award-winning, best-selling author of contemporary erotic romance. After giving up a busy career in nursing she now spends her time enjoying her army of rescued pets and penning steamy stories. She writes for publishers on both sides of the Atlantic including, HarperCollins, Totally Bound, Pride Publishing, Evernight and Sweetmeat Press. She also self-publishes novels that range from emotionally charged erotic romance, to steamy ménage a trois and, with Natalie Dae, (Harlem Dae) dark BDSM that pushes all the boundaries.


One thing you can be sure of, whatever book you pick up by Ms Harlem and in whichever pairing or genre takes your fancy, is it will be wildly romantic and down-and-dirty sexy so make sure you hang on tight for the ride!


For more information on other books by Lily, visit her website:

Also By This Author

Totally Bound Publishing

Breathe You In

Burning Rubber

Candy Canes and Coal Dust

Escape to the Country

Orchestrating Manoeuvres

Over the Knee

Rule Breaker

Spicing It Up

That Filthy Book


To Submit and Obey

Toy Bot


The Unwholesome Adventures of Harita

Wild Angels


Pride Publishing

Caught on Camera (serial)

Dark Warrior

Stand to Attention

Who Dares Wins


Evernight Publishing

Muscling In


Sweetmeats Press

Going Up

Green-Eyed Monster

Seven Deadly Sins


Writer Marketing

Brit Boys: On Boys

Sexy Just Got Rich: Brit Babes Do Billionaires

Sexy Just Walked Into Town


Ellora's Cave

Bite Mark

Claw Mark

Cold Nights, Hot Bodies


Dangerous to Know


Grand Slam



Joy Ride

Mattress Music

Menage a Music

Mirror Music



Shared Too

Slap Shot

Stockholm Surrender



Coming Together

The Actress

As One


With Curves



Stories for When the Sun Goes Down


Andrews UK, Ltd.

Smut by the Sea


Accent Press, Ltd.

Sex in the City - London, Volume Three

Sex in the City - New York, Volume Three

Sex on the Beach

Would You Like Fries With That

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