Abuse of Chikara (book 1) (12 page)

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Authors: Stanley Cowens

BOOK: Abuse of Chikara (book 1)
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They find Quinton’s wife Alegría, her older well-figured friend, Abigail, Quinton’s daughter and two other children. Nick isn’t particularly fond of killing women and children, but he isn’t squeamish about it either. This part of his film was very important. He had to show the brutality of these five main characters, and it would keep with the dark tone of his film. They gather everyone into the living room. Big Hombre lines all three kids up against a wall. When Quinton’s wife tries to intervene, Big Hombre hits her with a right hook that sends her flying into a sofa in the opposite side of the room.

Big Hombre was a tall man about 6 feet 10 inches, who looked like he spent all day eating beef and lifting weights. Big Hombre takes his large hunting knife and stabs Quinton’s daughter in the stomach and throat repeatedly. He barks orders to the crying young boys not to move or he would kill them. He actually chuckles at that because he was going to kill them anyway. Weeping and crying uncontrollably Nick was almost tempted to comfort the two remaining children. He resisted this temptation as he didn’t want to break the scene. Big hombre makes quick work of the boys in the same fashion he did Quinton’s daughter. Big Hombre had been something of a serial killer for years. Stabs to the stomach and neck were his calling card. The guys standing guard outside came inside to keep an eye on the females as the main villain characters split up. He wanted to get a separate scene of the main five guys to develop their characters.

Cuevro brings in cases of beer from the van and passes them out to the other 10 guys in the living room. He plops down on a couch and starts channel surfing. He finds one of his favorite films “Death Wish,” starring Charles Bronson. Munchie, a fat, overweight sloppily dressed Mexican, goes into the kitchen. Munchie goes through the fridge and makes himself and Big Hombre ham sandwiches with all the fixings. They sit at the table reading the local newspaper and talking about sports. You wouldn’t think that they had just murdered three young kids. Next, he films Saw going around sawing up random objects in the basement for no reason at all. Chopper was with him, chopping things up as well. These two often hung out together. It seemed they had a shared love of random destruction. It was time to film the last part of this scene and leave. All 15 guys take turns raping the two woman. The women cry, curse and try to resist to no avail. This goes on for almost an hour. He would have to cut this down in editing of course. He had let it go on this long so he could get multiple shots. Unlike a normal studio film, he couldn’t do multiple takes of this scene and edit it. Time was of the essence and they couldn’t stay here all night long. He almost wish he had an actual movie staff to help him here. What he wouldn’t give for a huge budget or access to his own funds that were in his bank accounts before he was put in prison. Then again, this raw reality is what made his films so popular and unique. He was doing something that had never really been done before. Sure, some one may have made snuff films, but not like his. His movies had actual storylines and were put online for all to see. No hiding his stuff in a dark basement or secret place that the freaks frequented. In the past, he had shot long scenes with no cut aways to make it harder for the studio or editors to cut his stuff in ways he didn’t like. No need to do that anymore with the films he made these days. Next to him on a table is a black answering machine. He plays the messages hoping to hear something that might go well with the scene here. Apparently, Abigail has a daughter named Sharon, who would be coming to see her soon. Nick considered putting her in the film also, but thought better of it. No telling who or how many people Sharon would be coming with. He gives a signal off camera to the guys to end their sexual abuse of the women. Naked and sobbing the woman were not putting up much fight or resistance anymore. It’s a shame as to what had to happen next, but he needed Quinton to have enough motivation to do what needed to be done. They gather around the women in a circle to make sure that they won’t run. Chopper grabs his axe and begins putting them out of their misery. Abigail takes a chop to the head, first screaming as the axe connects with her head. Nick almost turns away at the constant sound of metal thumping against meat. The blood spatters all over the place, even on the camera lens. Wiping the blood off he sees that Chopper has already started on Alegría. What a shame to see such a pretty woman hacked into so much chop suey. With that done they quickly get back into the van and head back to the factory.

Sharon had been calling her mother Abigail for the last three hours. She had called to tell her that she would not be able to make it for their regular get together. They usually tried to have dinner at least once every two weeks. She had left a message and it was not like her mother not to call back. After leaving a few messages with no reply, she had been worried and decided to drive over and check on Abigail. The place was not too far from where she lived, about a 45-minute drive with no traffic. Getting out of the car the place does not seem out of order. She knocks on the door and does not get a reply. It’s possible that Abigail is sleeping. That woman slept like a corpse sometimes. She beats on the door loudly for at least five minutes with no answer. She goes through her purse again and cannot find the extra set of house keys that her mother had given her. She decided to try going around and knocking on the back door. She is shocked to find the back door open with the lock sawed off.

Upon entering the home, she knows something is not right. First of all, the place looked like a pigsty. There was paper, clothing and food wrappers all over the place. Her mother had always been a neat freak. She had been one of those people who could not deal with any filth at all. She cleaned all day long. Once you were done eating, any wrappers or food remains had to be thrown out, dishes washed and put up properly. No way would she let someone drink beer and throw the empty glass bottles on the floors throughout the house. Who could she have been entertaining that even drank beer? Most of her friends were old women who drank tea and were health freaks. These were older people who did not fill up on cookies, beer and candy. The living room was really messed up with trash all over the place. There were large lumps in the middle of the floor with something under the carpet. It could be possible that those lumps were trash or garbage, but that would be unlike her mother to put trash under the carpet.

She began to become alarmed and hoped she had just fallen on her own and could not get up. Maybe she had hurt her hip or something. Sharon noticed stains on the wall that looked like dried blood. She knew in her heart what had happened. She still held out hope that those large lumps under the carpet were not what she thought it was. Creeping closer to the lumps in the middle of the floor, she starts pulling the carpet. She drops the carpet when she finds her mother Abigail’s head separate in one spot and the rest of her body in pieces. There were other parts under there, too, but they were too chopped up to indentify who they belonged to. She sat there for over an hour, sobbing madly before getting the strength to make a call on her cell phone. She had to strain to get the thing out of her pocket. The smart phone that was a gift from her mother felt like a ton of bricks. She had to literally strain to put it to her face. Crying as she talked, the 911 worker tried to calm her down repeatedly to assist her. She finally gets through with the call and waited for what seemed like an eternity for police and medical assistance. She explained everything to police and became so excited that she had to be sedated herself.

Lucian sat at a table in the 24-hour Indian restaurant named Baba's Palace on Chicago and Orleans. He was chatting with Quinton about his ex-wife. If only Quinton knew, what Lucian knew. His ex-wife and daughter now resembled the fajita meat that they dined on. It was interesting knowing what was going on in people’s lives even though they didn’t. He would soon have Quinton right where he wanted him emotionally. Quinton’s cell phone starts to ring with the tune of the Empire Strikes Back. Quinton speaks to someone on the phone and his happy demeanor instantly drops. Quinton jumps out of his chair and runs to his car. He hollers out that he will talk to Lucian later. This is good, Lucian thinks he has gained Quinton’s trust. Lucian pays the bill giving a sizeable tip and leaves in his all-white limo. Finally, he could eat his normal food behind the privacy of tinted windows. He could still digest normal food, but preferred the diet of The Order of course. He slowly opens the door to the small cage in his hand and grabs one of the fat, juicy mice. Squeaking and crying, the plump juicy mouse goes down his throat. He much preferred eating living things over the dead flesh that normal humans ingested. The Order preferred living food such as small animals, vegetables and fruit. They did not care as much for the dead acidic, processed food that was the norm in many human cultures. Quinton could be left to his own devices for now, as he had more pressing business to take care of.

The last few days had been harrowing to say the least. Someone had chopped his ex-wife into pieces and killed his daughter. He grew tired of constant calls from reporters trying to get the scoop. He had actually changed his phone number twice because of it. Sitting inside the funeral home, he greeted relatives and friends alike. The wake had a bigger turnout than he thought it would. Lucian was there and gave a rousing speech about his ex-wife’s and daughter’s virtues. Soon they would be going to the burial, and a chapter of Quinton’s life would be closing. After the burial he decided against any invitations to go hangout. He knew people were just concerned about his well-being, but he just wanted to be alone right now. The funeral is the last time Quinton is seen outside of his house for a good three weeks. The leave of absence had been for a month, but he really didn’t want to go back at all. For the first time in his life, he really just didn’t give a damn. He was tired of having to play the heavy at work all the time. He was sick of fighting crooked cops. He had replaced many of the white shirts, but results had been mixed. It seemed that corrupt elements in the force had already gotten to his new hires. The only thing he cared about now was finding his wife and daughter’s killer and getting some payback. Normally a neat freak, the house was a mess with empty food containers and wrappers all over the place. Somebody came up, ringing his bell, but he really didn’t feel like being bothered right now. Drunk, pissed and worn-out mentally, he steps to the door and tells the delivery man to get the fuck off his property. Quinton sits back down to watch one of his favorite shows, Buck Rodgers, after the idiot leaves.

Dirty Red was on patrol this day, but he was concerned with only one issue. He had to conduct a special job for Bill. With the superintendent crying in his beer, it was time for them to assert themselves around the city. The white shirts Quinton had hired would be no problem. They had quickly come around to Bill’s way of thinking with the right payments. His current job was dealing with Baby Bear. Baby Bear was a massive 6-foot, 11-inch gangster disciple built like a tree. This guy was so arrogant and full of himself. He even had his name Baby Bear written on his shoes. Not some crap written with a marker, but some type of custom job. He’d done 15 years in prison for a variety of crimes. Baby Bear had been a high-level gangster before he went in and was out trying to run shit again. Bill didn’t care who ran things as long as they paid their rent. Baby Bear didn’t want to make his monthly payments.

Red had taken a bit of time figuring out how he wanted to handle this one. Bill didn’t want the Bear killed just yet. He merely wanted a lesson to be taught. Baby Bear might prove useful if he played ball. There had been something called “flash mobs” going on. Groups of teenagers attacking a single person and escaping quickly. These attacks had been going on all over the place, but mostly downtown. Red had many plants that would infiltrate themselves into gangs. He also had certain ones who worked only with teenage gangbangers. They planted a young Hispanic male with a slim build and black hair who was called CC. This was short for credit card. CC had done some time for attacking people at ATMs, stealing their money and credit cards. Red had caught CC in the act of trying to steal some old lady’s money at an ATM. Red had taken him into an abandoned building and beaten the shit out of him. He had given CC a choice to work for him or go to jail. Red had made it clear if CC crossed him he would end up in a body bag.

Baby Bear was downtown around Clark and Lake. He had been coming around here often for the last few weeks. It seemed that he was sweet on some white broad working at the Thompson Center. CC and about 15 teenagers would attack Baby Bear. It would seem like another flash mob attack. CC had been instructed to have the punks take money or some other items from Baby Bear. Red didn’t care if Baby Bear killed some of the punks, it’s not like they served a fucking purpose in life anyway. The cops in the area knew to take their sweet time responding to this particular call, and to let the punks get away. If this attack failed to get Baby Bear’s attention, they would move to plan b. CC had these punks under as much control as punks like this could be controlled. It was clear that he had some real leadership abilities. The crowd of punks passed by Baby Bear without any comments or strange looks that would give their intent away. They gave no indication that he even existed. Suddenly, with no warning, they pounced. Baby Bear was a big guy, but even he couldn’t stay upright with 15 guys hanging on him. Once on the ground, he was getting kicked, punched and hit in every part of his body. He tried in vain to reach for his gun, but the gun was taken away from him before he could get a shot off. The beating continued for five minutes and was over as quickly as it started. The thugs escaped in every direction.

This was Red’s cue to step in. Red helps Big Bear up and plays the role of friendly officer. “All right, I have an ambulance on the way, sir. Can you give me a description of any of the attackers?”

Baby Bear stares at him a moment, considering whether to trust him or not. Red can practically see the wheels turning in Bear’s brain.

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